⑴ Australia 怎麼讀
n. 澳洲
Opera Australia澳大利亞歌劇團 ; 澳洲歌劇團 ; 澳洲歌劇院 ; 澳大利亞歌劇院
Westren Australia西澳
Sydney Australia澳大利亞 ; 悉尼 ; 澳大利亞悉尼 ; 雪梨
Tasting Australia美食節 ; 澳大利亞美食節 ; 品味澳洲
in Australia在澳大利亞 ; 赴澳 ; 他在澳大利亞 ; 國家或國家
After that, we will do what we can to help those here in Australia.
英 ['ɔ:si:; 'ɔzi]
n. 澳洲人;澳大利亞人
adj. 澳洲的
Aussie Millions 澳洲百萬賽 ; 百萬澳幣撲克錦標賽 ; 澳洲百萬元大賽 ; 澳洲百萬
Australian Aussie 澳大利亞人
Aussie Stadium 澳洲人體育館 ; 澳洲體育館
美 [ɑ'strelɪən]
adj. 澳大利亞的,澳大利亞人的;(動物地理區劃)澳新區的;澳大利亞植物區系界的
n. 澳大利亞人
Australian Shepherd 澳洲牧羊犬 ; 澳大利亞牧羊犬 ; 澳大利亞牧 ; 大利亞牧羊犬
Australian Army 澳大利亞陸軍
Australian Democrats 澳大利亞民主黨 ; 民主黨
⑵ 澳大利亞的英語怎麼說,順便用中文字表達一下它的讀音
⑶ 有關於澳大利亞的中文介紹嗎
澳大利亞Australia中文全稱:澳大利亞聯邦英文全稱:CommonwealthofAustralia首都:堪培拉麵積:7,682,300.00平方公里人口:2071萬人(2006年11月) 語言:英語,土著語言,澳大利亞的官方語言是英語。貨幣:澳元民族:英國及其它歐洲國家移民後裔佔95.2%,亞洲人佔1.3%,土著民族佔1.5%,其它民族佔2%。宗教:沒有國教,25%的國民沒有宗教信仰,聖公會教徒佔21%,羅馬天主教教徒佔27%,其它基督教教派佔21%,其他宗教信仰者佔6%。【國家象徵】國旗:呈橫長方形,長與寬之比為2∶1。旗地為深藍色,左上方是紅、白的美譽。布里斯班是昆士蘭州的首府,人口約180萬,整個城市由布里斯班河環繞,寧靜優美,是澳大利亞觀光游覽的勝地,昆士蘭州還擁有黃金海岸、陽光海岸和大堡礁等著名旅遊地點。昆士蘭擁有很高的衛生、教育和居住水平,昆州幅員廣闊,氣候從熱帶至亞熱帶都有,夏天溫度在20攝氏度至30攝氏度之間,冬天氣候溫和,最高溫度10攝氏度左右。節日之州----南澳大利亞(首府:阿德雷德,約1,129,000人)南澳佔澳大利亞大陸的八分之一,是澳大利亞第三大州,面積98萬平方公里,人口160萬。海岸線長達3700公里。阿德雷德是南澳的首府,地處平原,位於遊客眾多的沙灘和阿德雷德山脈之間。南澳洲南部地區,包括阿德雷德在內,冬季氣候溫和,平均最高溫度為15攝氏度。夏天乾燥而炎熱,平均氣溫最高約29攝氏度。阿德雷德是一個規劃很好的城市,有寬廣的街道和公園,古老和現代的建築物混然一體,相映成趣。花園之州----維多利亞(首府:墨爾本,約3,400,000人)維多利亞州位於新南威爾士的南部,位於澳洲大陸的東南部,面積不大,約為澳大利亞的百分之三,從該州在任何地區至墨爾本都不超過一日的車程。全州人口約450萬,其中三百多萬人口居住在首府墨爾本。墨爾本始建於1835年,是第二大城市,也是澳大利亞的金融中心,同時也是澳大利亞的體育盛事之都,墨爾本是世界上唯一主辦過夏季奧運會、英聯邦運動會、和世界游泳錦標賽的城市,也是每年的網球大滿貫(澳大利亞網球公開賽)和一級方程式賽車(澳大利亞分站)的主辦城市。
⑷ 我想找到用英文描述奧大利亞的資料並有中文翻譯
澳大利亞(Australia),全稱為澳大利亞聯邦(The Commonwealth of Australia)。其領土面積7686850平方公里,四面環海,是世界上唯一國土覆蓋整個大陸的國家。擁有很多獨特的動植物和自然景觀的澳大利亞,是一個奉行多元文化的移民國家。
澳大利亞(australia)一詞,意為「南方的大陸」,由拉丁文 terraaustralis (南方的土地)變化而來。歐洲人在17世紀發現這塊大陸時,誤以為是一塊直通南極的陸地,故取名「澳大利亞」。
Australia (Australia), Commonwealth of Australia The (Commonwealth of Australia). The land area of 7686850 square kilometers, surrounded by the sea, is the world's only land cover the entire continent. Australia, which has many unique flora and fauna and natural landscape, is a multicultural country.
Australia (Australia), the word meaning "south of the mainland", from the Latin terraaustralis (south of the land) to change. When the Europeans discovered the continent in seventeenth Century, they thought it was a straight piece of land on the south pole ".
Australia (Australia) is located in the South Pacific Ocean and India ocean, from the Australian mainland and Tasmania island and other islands and the composition of the overseas territories. The Pacific Ocean the Coral Sea and the Tasman Sea to its East, West, North and South three facing India ocean and marginal sea. Is the only country in the world that is exclusive to a continent.
Eastern Australia across the Tasman Sea and New Zealand across, the northeast across the Coral Sea, and Papua New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands across, north across the Laffer pull sea and Timor Sea and Indonesia and Timor Leste across.
⑸ 簡單點兒的用英語介紹澳大利亞帶中文翻譯
Commonwealth of Australia referred to as Australia is a developed capitalist countries. Australian word, which means "South China", the Europeans in the early 17th century when the discovery of the continent, mistakenly thought it was a straight land in Antarctica, so called "Australia." Australia surrounded by the sea, is the world's only national territory covering the entire continent, with many of its own unique flora and fauna and the natural landscape. Australia is a nation of immigrants, pursuing multiculturalism.
Australia's highly urbanized population, nearly half of the citizens living in the two major cities of Sydney and Melbourne, a number of cities across the country has been rated as one of the world's most liveable. Its second largest city, Melbourne has repeatedly been rated the world's most liveable city.
Australian territorial area of 7,617,930 square kilometers, is the most economically developed country in the southern hemisphere, the world's 12th largest economy, the world's fourth largest exporter of agricultural procts, but also a variety of mineral exports in the world's first country to be known as "sitting tub State "on. Australia is also the largest number of sheep and wool exporting country stocking in the world, is known as "riding on the sheep's back country."
Australia is a sports power, the global number of sports events held all year round. Australia has twice hosted the Summer Olympic Games, and is the annual host of the annual Formula One racing and the Australian Open. Australia actively participate in international affairs, the United Nations, the G20, the Commonwealth, the Pacific Security Treaty, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and a member of the Pacific Islands Forum.
⑹ 為什麼Australia翻譯成中文是 澳大利亞
不過一般來說這些和第一次翻譯他們的人 或者地區方言有關
比如taxi就譯成「的士」就是因為當時廣東地區的人說taxi的適合發音像「的士」,後來其他地方的人從廣東人那裡聽來就譯成「的士」了。要是按現在普通話應該叫「泰克西」更接近呢 但是人家廣東人就發成「的士」了,而且多年以來沿用下來了。
還有的地方並不安譯音 比如:Oxford「牛津」 是按意譯的,這個和當時國人出去第一批搞翻譯的人有關了
⑺ 介紹澳大利亞 中英文
澳大利亞(英語:Australia),全名澳大利亞聯邦(英語:Commonwealth of Australia),是全球地理面積第六大國家、大洋洲最大國家。其國境東南鄰近紐西蘭,西北鄰近印度尼西亞,北邊靠近巴布亞紐幾內亞、西巴布亞和東帝汶
「澳大利亞」一詞源於拉丁語「未知的南方大陸」(terra australis incognita)。其所在的地理學位置通常稱作澳大利亞大陸,是地球上最小的大陸板塊。其人民平均擁有國土面積乃世界最廣國家之一,經濟成就亦屬世界高度發達國家。國民生活水平很高,經濟的主要重點是高效率的能源和畜牧業。
Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the southern hemisphere comprising the mainland of the world's smallest continent, the major island of Tasmania, and numerous other islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.N4 Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia to the north-east, and New Zealand to the south-east.
For around 40,000 years before European settlement commenced in the late 18th century, the Australian mainland and Tasmania were inhabited by around 250 indivial nations[7] of indigenous Australians.[8] After sporadic visits by fishermen from the immediate north, and European discovery by Dutch explorers in 1606,[9] the eastern half of Australia was claimed by the British in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation to the colony of New South Wales, founded on 26 January 1788. The population grew steadily in the following years; the continent was explored, and ring the 19th century another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were established.
On 1 January 1901, the six colonies became a federation, and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed. Since Federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth realm. The population is just over 21.3 million, with approximately 60% concentrated in and around the mainland state capitals of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide. The nation's capital city is Canberra, located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
⑻ 我有個朋友給了我個澳大利亞的地址到是我不知道怎麼翻譯成中文
surfers paradise就在黃金海岸哦(黃金海岸市Gold Coast,不過澳洲的地址都是州後就寫街區,不寫市,你寫了也可以)。。
⑼ 求英文的澳大利亞介紹,要有中文翻譯,初中詞彙量,謝謝
Australia is the sixth largest country in the world.The ground of Australia is two of west Europe.There is large area and lots of resource.Australia is the strongest developed country of economy in south earth.It's also the fourth export country of agriculture in the world.It is the biggest export country of iorn as well.Australia is a typical immgriation country and has varity of cultures.20 percent of Australia are birth in the other countries.Australia is a good country in pc.There are so many times opening international pc activities.