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1. 有關袋鼠的英語資料

(袋鼠不會行走,只會跳躍,或在前腳和後腿的幫助下奔跳前行。Kangaroo not running, jumping only, or foreleg and hind legs with the help of Ben jump forward. 袋鼠屬夜間生活的動物,通常在太陽下山後幾個小時才出來尋食,而在太陽出來後不久就回巢。Kangaroo is a life of animals at night, usually after sunset only a few hours out ants, in the sun shortly after returning home. )

袋鼠原產於澳大利亞大陸和巴布亞紐幾內亞的部分地區。Kangaroo originating in the mainland of Australia, Papua New Guinea and parts. 其中,有些種類為澳大利亞獨有。Among them, some species unique to Australia. 所有澳大利亞袋鼠,動物園和野生動物園里的除外,都在野地里生活。All Australian Kangaroo, zoos and wildlife except in zoos are living in the wild. 不同種類的袋鼠在澳大利亞各種不同的自然環境中生活,從涼性氣候的雨林和沙漠平原到熱帶地區。Different types of kangaroo in Australia variety of natural life, from the cooler climate of the rainforest and desert plains to the tropical regions.

袋鼠是食草動物,吃多種植物,有的還吃真菌類。Kangaroo is herbivores, eating a variety of plants, some eating fungus. 它們大多在夜間活動,但也有些在清晨或傍晚活動。They are mostly nocturnal, but also some in the early morning or evening activities. 不同種類的袋鼠在各種不同的自然環境中生活。Different types of kangaroo in a variety of natural life. 比如,波多羅伊德袋鼠會給自己做巢而樹袋鼠則生活在樹叢中。For example, movie-of-the-Kangaroo will own nest and the tree kangaroo were living in the bush. 大種袋鼠喜歡以樹、洞穴和岩石裂縫作為遮蔽物。Kangaroo large species like tree holes and cracks in rocks as Atmospheric Attenuation.

所有袋鼠,不管體積多大,有一個共同點:長著長腳的後腿強鍵而有力。Kangaroo all, regardless of how much volume, there is a common denominator : with long legs legs strong and powerful bond. 大多數袋鼠在地面生活,從它們強健的後腿跳越的方式很容易便能將其與其他動物區分開來。Kangaroo on the ground most of life, from their strong hind legs of the jump can be easily with other animals separate. 袋鼠在跳躍過程中用尾巴進行平衡,當它們緩慢走動時,尾巴則可作為第五條腿。Kangaroo jumping process used in the tail for balance when they walk slowly, the tail may act as a fifth leg.

所有雌性袋鼠都長有前開的育兒袋,育兒袋裡有四個乳頭。All female kangaroo is the long before opening the bag childcare, parental pockets of a four nipple. 「幼崽」或小袋鼠就在育兒袋裡被撫養長大,直到它們能在外部世界生存。"David Sons" or small kangaroo in a pocket childcare to be brought up until they can survive in the outside world.

袋鼠圖常作為澳大利亞國家的標識,如綠色袋鼠用來代表澳大利亞製造。Kangaroo plans often as Australia's national identification, such as green kangaroo on behalf of Australia to manufacture. 袋鼠圖還經常出現在澳大利亞公路上,那是表示附近常有袋鼠出現,特別是夜間行車要注意。Kangaroo plans also frequently appeared in the Australian road, it is often said that the nearby Kangaroo, particularly as driving at night to note.

袋鼠通常以群居為主,有時可多達上百隻。Kangaroo mainly usually live in groups, sometimes up to hundreds. 但也有些較小品質的袋鼠如wallabies會單獨生活。But there are also some smaller quality of the kangaroo as wallabies will be living alone.

袋鼠不會行走,只會跳躍,或在前腳和後腿的幫助下奔跳前行。Kangaroo not running, jumping only, or foreleg and hind legs with the help of Ben jump forward. 袋鼠屬夜間生活的動物,通常在太陽下山後幾個小時才出來尋食,而在太陽出來後不久就回巢。Kangaroo is a life of animals at night, usually after sunset only a few hours out ants, in the sun shortly after returning home.

袋鼠每年生殖一至二次,小袋鼠在受精 30-40 天左右既出生,非常微小,無視力,少毛,生下後立即存放在袋鼠媽媽的保育袋內。Kangaroo reproctive a year or two, small kangaroo fertilized in about 30-40 days is born, very small, no vision, less hair, placed immediately after birth in the mother kangaroo conservation bags. 直到 6-7 個月才開始短時間地離開保育袋學習生活。Until 6-7 months before beginning a short period of time left to learn life conservation kits. 一年後才能正式斷奶,離開保育袋,但仍活動在媽媽袋鼠附近,隨時獲取幫助和保護。The year before it is weaned, leaving conservation kits, but still Kangaroo Mother activities in the vicinity, ready access to help and protection. 袋鼠媽媽可同時擁有一在袋外的小袋鼠,一在袋內的小袋鼠和一待產的小袋鼠.Kangaroo mothers at the same time holding a bag outside the small kangaroo, in a small bag and a kangaroo procts to the small kangaroo.

袋鼠以矮小潤綠離地面近的小草為生,將長草與乾草留給其它動物。Kangaroo to short-run from the ground near the Green Grass of living, grass and hay left for the other animals. 個別種類的袋鼠也吃樹葉或小樹牙。Indivial types of kangaroo are eating leaves or trees teeth.

最著名的袋鼠是紅袋鼠,其體型最大,生活在澳大利亞乾燥地帶,其地帶的年平均降雨量在 500毫米以下。Kangaroo is the most famous red kangaroo, the largest of its size, living in dry areas of Australia, their zone, the average rainfall of 500 mm. 由於袋鼠的食物含大量水分,所以他在沒有活水的地區也能生存。As Kangaroo food containing large amounts of water and there is no running water in the region survive. 紅袋鼠實際上只有公袋鼠是紅色的,母袋鼠為灰藍色。Red Kangaroo actually only the red kangaroo, kangaroo mother of a greyish blue.

2. 介紹袋鼠的英文

Kangaroos can be the size of a rat or as tall as a man. Baby kangaroos (joeys) are born as small, hairless babies that climb into the safety of their mother's pouch, where they continue to grow and suckle. Kangaroos live throughout Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea.They eat grass, leaves, roots, and some flowering plants. Some kangaroos chew their cud to break down the acid in their diet. Kangaroos prefer to live alone or in family groups called mobs. When sensing danger, they will beat their tails on the ground and leap suddenly, scattering the mob.

3. 澳大利亞特有的動物有哪些









【基本情況】:豪勛爵島竹節蟲成蟲長達15厘米,重達25克,一般雌蟲比雄蟲大。基於它們的體格及色彩,有「地上的龍蝦」(land lobsters)及「步行的香腸」(walking sausages)等別名。



【保護級別】:列為華盛頓公約組織附錄一的一級保育類物種;列入《世界自然保護聯盟》(IUCN) ver 3.1 2009年鳥類紅色名錄——極危(CR)

【基本情況】:橙腹鸚鵡體長20厘米,體重45 - 50克 ,又名黃腹長尾鸚鵡,是澳大利亞特有的一種鸚鵡。雄鳥的上身呈鮮草綠色,下身黃色,腹部橙色。



【保護級別】:列入《世界自然保護聯盟》(IUCN) 2016年瀕危物種紅色名錄ver 3.1——無危(LC)。


5、鴨嘴獸 (原獸亞綱、單孔目、鴨嘴獸科)


【保護級別】:澳大利亞政府己制定保護法規;列入《世界自然保護聯盟》(IUCN) 2012年瀕危物種紅色名錄ver 3.1——無危。




4. kangaroo一詞的來源


當英國著名的探險家克船長(James Cook)首次踏上澳洲的土地時,偶遇一隻正在遠處吃草的、外形奇特的動物。他指著這只動物問身邊的土著人向導詢問它的名字,向導好像沒搞清楚科克船長的意思,就順口說到「kang-a-roo」。









5. 袋鼠的英文介紹還要翻譯

Kangaroos originated in the Australian continent and parts of Papua New Guinea. Among them, some species unique to Australia. All Australian kangaroo, zoo and wild, except in zoos, are living in the wild. Different types of kangaroos in Australia in a variety of natural life, from the cool climate of the rainforest and the desert plains to tropical areas.

Kangaroo is a herbivore, eating a variety of plants, fungi and some food. Most of their activities at night, but also some activities in the early morning or evening. Different types of kangaroos in a variety of natural life. For example, Lloyd Kangaroo Podolski will make their own nest and the tree kangaroos live in the bush. Large species like the tree kangaroo, the rock cracks and holes as shelter.

All kangaroos, no matter how much volume, there is one thing in common: with long hind legs strong and powerful bond. Kangaroo on the ground most of life, from their strong hind legs jumping way can easily be distinguished from other animals to. Used in the process of jumping kangaroo tail for balance when they move slowly, the tail may act as a fifth leg.

All female kangaroos have long ago opened bag of childcare and child rearing, there are four nipples pocket. "Young" or small kangaroo pockets in the dependent child up until they can survive in the outside world.

Kangaroo is Australia's unique mammals, mainly located in the Australian continent on the forest and grassland. Kangaroo is a plant-eating animals, hiding in the woods ring the day and at night to eat grass and leaves outside. The image of the kangaroo is unique: forelimb short toe fingers Elephant Man, strong hind legs, long thick tail, kangaroo tail is a powerful tool, and they who are able to provide support for the kangaroo, kangaroo running can also change the direction of running. Kangaroo tail tapered at the end, the muscles are very strong, up to 1 meter in length. Kangaroo is the most famous living in the grasslands of the Red Kangaroo is the largest category of Kangaroo, the strongest person. Gray kangaroo is jumping experts can jump great distances. Australian gold, about 47 kinds of kangaroo, the kangaroo in the body length 23-250 cm. Kangaroo is not e to fear, so zoologists kangaroo animals in the study encounter trouble when the relatively much smaller. Although kangaroos are not light weight, and sometimes up to 70 kilograms, but their run at an alarming rate, up to 48 kilometers per hour, and they jump up to the first 13 meters away.
Kangaroos originated in the Australian continent and parts of Papua New Guinea. Among them, some species unique to Australia. All Australian kangaroo, zoo and wild, except in zoos, are living in the wild. Different types of kangaroos in Australia in a variety of natural life, from the cool climate of the rainforest and the desert plains to tropical areas.

Kangaroo is a herbivore, eating a variety of plants, fungi and some food. Most of their activities at night, but also some activities in the early morning or evening. Different types of kangaroos in a variety of natural life. For example, Lloyd Kangaroo Podolski will make their own nest and the tree kangaroos live in the bush. Large species like the tree kangaroo, the rock cracks and holes as shelter.

All kangaroos, no matter how much volume, there is one thing in common: with long hind legs strong and powerful bond. Kangaroo on the ground most of life, from their strong hind legs jumping way can easily be distinguished from other animals to. Used in the process of jumping kangaroo tail for balance when they move slowly, the tail may act as a fifth leg.

All female kangaroos have long ago opened bag of childcare and child rearing, there are four nipples pocket. "Young" or small kangaroo pockets in the dependent child up until they can survive in the outside world.

Kangaroo plans often as Australia's national identity, such as green kangaroo used to represent the Australian-made. Often appears kangaroo map the road in Australia, it is often near the Kangaroo said, especially pay attention to traffic at night.

Kangaroo is usually the main social, and sometimes up to hundreds. But there are also some lesser quality, such as kangaroos wallabies will be living alone.

Kangaroo will not walk, will jump, or in the front and back help before jumping off. Kangaroo is the night life of animals, usually in a few hours after the sun sets only to find out z food out in the sun back to the nest soon after.Kangaroo reproctive one or two each year, small kangaroo in both fertilized about 30-40 days of birth, very small, no vision, less hair, immediately after giving birth kept in the kangaroo mother care bags. 6-7 months until the beginning of a short period of time to leave the bags of life care. One year after the formal weaning can leave bags of conservation, it is still in the vicinity of the mother kangaroo, at any time for help and protection. Kangaroo mother can have a bag outside in a small kangaroo, a kangaroo in a small bag and a small kangaroo labor.

Run a small kangaroo from the ground near the green grass of the living grass and hay will be left to other animals. Indivial types of kangaroo have teeth to eat the leaves or small tree.

The most famous is the red kangaroo kangaroo, the largest living in dry areas of Australia, the area's annual average rainfall of 500 mm. As the kangaroo food containing large amounts of water, so he is not running water in the region survive. Red Kangaroo is actually only the public and the red kangaroo, kangaroo mother to a blue gray.












袋鼠每年生殖一至二次,小袋鼠在受精 30-40 天左右既出生,非常微小,無視力,少毛,生下後立即存放在袋鼠媽媽的保育袋內。直到 6-7 個月才開始短時間地離開保育袋學習生活。一年後才能正式斷奶,離開保育袋,但仍活動在媽媽袋鼠附近,隨時獲取幫助和保護。袋鼠媽媽可同時擁有一在袋外的小袋鼠,一在袋內的小袋鼠和一待產的小袋鼠.


最著名的袋鼠是紅袋鼠,其體型最大,生活在澳大利亞乾燥地帶,其地帶的年平均降雨量在 500毫米以下。由於袋鼠的食物含大量水分,所以他在沒有活水的地區也能生存。紅袋鼠實際上只有公袋鼠是紅色的,母袋鼠為灰藍色。

我不知道你們現在5年級的水平(-,-) 你認為哪些你會 你就自己看吧

6. 袋鼠的種類分幾種分別是












7. 幫忙提供澳大利亞特有動物「矮腳馬、海馬、海蝦、章魚、蛇」的英文介紹資料 特急 謝謝!



樹袋熊(考拉)---是澳大利亞奇特的珍貴原始樹棲動物,它性情溫順,體態憨厚,身體長約70-80厘米左右,成年體重8-15公斤,性情溫順,體態憨厚,長相酷似小熊,有一身又厚又軟的濃密灰褐色短毛,胸部、腹部、四肢內側和內耳皮毛呈灰白色, 生有一對大耳朵,耳有茸毛,鼻子裸露且扁平,樹袋熊(1張)沒有尾巴,這是因為它的尾巴經過漫長的歲月已經退化成一個「座墊」,因而能長時間舒適瀟灑地坐在樹上。它四肢粗壯,利爪長而彎曲,它的爪尖利,每隻五趾分為兩排,一排為二,一排為三,善於攀樹,且多數時間呆在高高的樹上,就連睡覺也不下來。以桉樹葉和嫩枝為食,幾乎從不下地飲水,這是因為樹袋熊從桉樹葉中得到了足夠的水分,考拉很喜歡曬太陽,經常趴在樹上不動。


鴯鶓(學名:Dromaius novaehollandia)---是鳥綱鴯鶓科唯一物種,以擅長奔跑而著名,是澳洲的特產,是世界上第二大的鳥類,僅次於非洲鴕鳥,因此也被稱作澳洲鴕鳥,翅膀比非洲鴕鳥和美洲鴕鳥的更加退化,足三趾,是世界上最古老的鳥種之一。棲息於澳洲森林和開闊地帶,吃樹葉和野果。鴯鶓終生配對。每窩產7-10枚暗綠色卵,卵長13mm。在地面上築巢。雄鳥孵卵約60天。體上有條紋的幼雛出殼後很快就能跟著成鳥跑。特別的氣管結構在繁殖期可發出巨大的隆隆聲。鴯鶓是澳大利亞的國鳥。鴯鶓體高150-185 cm,體重30-45 kg,壽命10年。成年雌性比雄性大。鴯鶓形似非洲鴕鳥而較小,屬於平胸類,沒有龍骨,嘴短而扁,羽毛灰色、褐色或黑色,長而捲曲自頸部向身體的兩側覆蓋。翅膀退化,完全無法飛翔。足三趾,腿長善走。羽毛發育不全,具纖細垂羽,副羽甚發達,頭、頸有羽毛、無肉垂。體健壯,腿長,同其親屬鶴鴕一樣。兩性體羽均為褐色,頭和頸暗灰,頸部裸露的皮膚呈藍色,喙為灰色,翅膀隱藏在殘留的羽毛下,在炎熱的天氣,可以促進機體冷卻。龐大的身體是由兩個強大的灰色的三趾腿支撐。雛鳥有一個蓬鬆羽毛的頭,身體由棕色和黑色條紋的羽毛組成。鴯鶓的跑速每小時可達50公里。

8. 袋鼠是國寶嗎



袋鼠的英文名kangaroo的來源也很有意思,曾有傳說表示,這一名字是源於澳洲原住民辜古依密舍族(Guugu Yimidhirr)語言中的「gangurru」。來自英國的探險家庫克船長(Captain James Cook)在1768年-1771年進行了第一次航海旅行,1770年6月份的時候在澳洲大堡礁觸礁,於是庫克船長便來到了努力河岸邊修理船艦。


希望回答對您有所幫助 :-D

9. 用英語介紹袋鼠


Kangaroos live in Australia. There are more than 60 different types of kangaroos. The Red Kangaroo is the largest. You can see many kangaroos everywhere outside the cities and towns in Australia, not only in zoos.

Kangaroos are very good at jumping, because they have very strong legs. Their tails are very strong, too. When they want to have a rest, they rest on their tails. Kangaroos like to eat at night. They like to be quite in they day.

Kangaroos are very good at looking after their babies. Mother kangaroos keep their babies safe in their pouchs. Baby kangaroos stay in their mother's pouchs for 5-6months.

















10. 澳大利亞的動植物有哪些



袋鼠有45個品種,最小的鼠形袋鼠只有幾英寸,而最大的灰袋鼠站起來有兩米多,體重達80公斤。袋鼠大腿肌肉發達,一跳可達十幾米,最高時速到60公里。粗壯的尾巴起平衡作用,休息時是舒適的支柱,遇到敵手,又是 一件武器,橫掃一下能置時手於死地。











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