導航:首頁 > 澳大利亞 > 我想去澳大利亞英語怎麼說


發布時間:2022-07-24 07:22:27

㈠ 求一篇英文關於「我想去澳大利亞,為什麼想去,關於它的一些介紹」3分鍾左右的詞量 ,謝了,急!!!

I want to go to Australia because it seems anytime you visit Australia is a good time. Whether it is summer (December to February) or not,it turns out to be a wee bit hot, but do not fret as the sandy white and beaches are available for you to cool off, with perhaps a cocktail or two. Or if you're into cold weather you can travel in winter ( June to August) in which they offer skiing in NSW, Victoria and sometimes in Tasmania. However,in time of spring and autumn the weather is perfectly gentle.
In land area, Australia is the sixth largest nation after Russia, Canada, China, the United States of America and Brazil. It has, however, a relatively small population.
And it is the only nation to govern an entire continent and its outlying islands. The mainland is the largest island and the smallest, flattest continent on Earth. It lies between 10° and 39° South latitude. The Australian federation consists of six States and two Territories. Most inland borders follow lines of longitude and latitude. The largest State, Western Australia, is about the same size as Western Europe.

㈡ 想去澳大利亞嗎英文怎麼說

Do you want to go to Australia ?

㈢ 求一篇表示想去澳大利亞的英語作文

" I am a senior high school student, studying in PingBa JiSheng Middle School . I study hard at school, and respect the teachers.My biggest dream is to go to Australia to live. When I was a child,I went to a zoo to see a koala and love the lovely animals deeply, so I began to be looking for ward to Australia. After I grow up, again I am getting to know about a lot Australia's introction, and very love that kind of way which people and nature are very harmonious. I am determined to work and make good progress.I believe that I am sure to realize my dream one day." 謝謝採納!

㈣ 你為什麼想去澳大利亞(用英語回答)

1.The people rock.
2.The food is magical.
3.Public transportation rocks.
4.The vibe is comfortably in-between England and America.
5.Two hours to the wild.
6.I love Australian slang


㈤ 我想去澳大利亞度過餘生英語

I want to go to Australia to spend the rest of your life

㈥ 我想去澳大利亞旅行英語用go on a trip

I'd like to go on a trip to Australia.

㈦ 去澳大利亞的旅行用英語怎麼說

去澳大利亞的旅行 Trip to Australia
去澳大利亞的旅行 Take a trip to Australia

㈧ 我想像我去過澳大利亞(imagine)英語

I imagine that I have been to Australia.不曉得澳大利亞有沒有拼對……



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