導航:首頁 > 澳大利亞 > 澳大利亞有哪些特色用英語怎麼說


發布時間:2022-08-04 07:16:11

1. 用英語介紹澳大利亞

1.Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. It is the largest country in Oceania. It is on the east of the Pacific Ocean. It is near the India ocean in the West. There are many islands in the vicinity. It is about 7 million 692 thousand square kilometers, the population is about 19 million 200 thousand. About 74.2% of the British and Irish descendants. In 1788, the first British immigrants arrived in Australia.


2.The climate is warm all the year round, and most of the population is concentrated in the southeast coast.The capital is Canberra, Sydney is the largest city.


3.Australia is rich in natural resources and well-developed tourism, and a large number of tourists come here every year.



澳大利亞聯邦(英語:Commonwealth of Australia),簡稱「澳大利亞」(Australia)。其領土面積7692024平方公里,四面環海,是世界上唯一國土覆蓋一整個大陸的國家,因此也稱「澳洲」。擁有很多獨特的動植物和自然景觀的澳大利亞,是一個奉行多元文化的移民國家。

澳大利亞(Australia)一詞,原意為「南方的大陸」,由拉丁文 terraaustralis (南方的土地)變化而來。歐洲人在17世紀發現這塊大陸時,誤以為是一塊直通南極的陸地,故取名「澳大利亞」。



2. 關於澳大利亞的英文介紹地理位置著名景點和動物等

紅色巨岩 艾爾斯岩石 Ayers Rock
世界海洋遺產 大堡礁 Great Barrier Reef
維多利亞大洋路 Great Ocean Road
坎貝爾港 Port Campbell
波浪岩 Wave Rock
昆士蘭熱帶雨林 Rainforest
藍山國家公園 Blue Mountain
悉尼歌劇院 Opera House
菲利普島 Phillip Island
悉尼水族館 Sydney Aquarium\x0d節日想去旅遊的朋友不妨試試去西安zhongguo國際旅行社

3. 簡單點兒的用英語介紹澳大利亞帶中文翻譯

Commonwealth of Australia referred to as Australia is a developed capitalist countries. Australian word, which means "South China", the Europeans in the early 17th century when the discovery of the continent, mistakenly thought it was a straight land in Antarctica, so called "Australia." Australia surrounded by the sea, is the world's only national territory covering the entire continent, with many of its own unique flora and fauna and the natural landscape. Australia is a nation of immigrants, pursuing multiculturalism.
Australia's highly urbanized population, nearly half of the citizens living in the two major cities of Sydney and Melbourne, a number of cities across the country has been rated as one of the world's most liveable. Its second largest city, Melbourne has repeatedly been rated the world's most liveable city.
Australian territorial area of 7,617,930 square kilometers, is the most economically developed country in the southern hemisphere, the world's 12th largest economy, the world's fourth largest exporter of agricultural procts, but also a variety of mineral exports in the world's first country to be known as "sitting tub State "on. Australia is also the largest number of sheep and wool exporting country stocking in the world, is known as "riding on the sheep's back country."
Australia is a sports power, the global number of sports events held all year round. Australia has twice hosted the Summer Olympic Games, and is the annual host of the annual Formula One racing and the Australian Open. Australia actively participate in international affairs, the United Nations, the G20, the Commonwealth, the Pacific Security Treaty, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and a member of the Pacific Islands Forum.

4. 給點比較詳盡的澳大利亞的英文介紹

澳大利亞有多樣的自然景觀,包括迷人的熱帶雨林、別稱「紅色中央」的乾燥貧瘠的沙漠,白雪皚皚的山峰、綿羊遍布的牧場、及引人入勝的海濱,和馳名遐邇Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the southern hemisphere comprising the mainland of the world's smallest continent, the major island of Tasmania, and numerous other islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.N4 Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia to the north-east, and New Zealand to the south-east. For around 40,000 years before European settlement commenced in the late 18th century, the Australian mainland and Tasmania were inhabited by around 250 indivial nations[7] of indigenous Australians.[8] After sporadic visits by fishermen from the immediate north, and European discovery by Dutch explorers in 1606,[9] the eastern half of Australia was claimed by the British in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation to the colony of New South Wales, founded on 26 January 1788. The population grew steadily in the following years; the continent was explored, and ring the 19th century another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were established. On 1 January 1901, the six colonies became a federation, and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed. Since Federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth realm. The population is just over 21.7 million, with approximately 60% concentrated in and around the mainland state capitals of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide. The nation's capital city is Canberra, located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Technologically advanced and instrialised, Australia is a prosperous multicultural country and has excellent results in many international comparisons of national performance such as health care, life expectancy, quality-of-life, human development, public ecation, economic freedom, and the protection of civil liberties and political rights.[10] Australian cities also routinely rank among the world�0�7s highest in terms of livability, cultural offerings, and quality of life. It is a member of the United Nations, G-20 major economies, Commonwealth of Nations, ANZUS, OECD, and the WTO. 澳大利亞,全名澳大利亞聯邦(英文:Commonwealth of Australia),是全球地理面積第六大國家、大洋洲最大國家。其國境東南鄰近紐西蘭,西北鄰近印度尼西亞,北邊靠近巴布亞紐幾內亞、西巴布亞和東帝汶。 「澳大利亞」一詞源於拉丁語「未知的南方大陸」(terra australis incognita)。其所在的地理學位置通常稱作澳大利亞大陸,是地球上最小的大陸板塊。其人民平均擁有國土面積乃世界最廣國家之一,經濟成就亦屬世界高度發達國家。國民生活水平很高,經濟的主要重點是高效率的能源和畜牧業。的自然遺產大堡礁、烏魯汝。在每年世界最佳居住城市評選中,澳大利亞名列前茅的城市數目在全球國家之先。

5. 澳大利亞特色有哪些






6. 誰能幫忙用英文介紹一下澳大利亞特色


7. 澳大利亞著名景點的英文介紹


8. 澳大利亞英文介紹還要有翻譯

Australia is located on the southern hemisphere. It is the lagest country among oceanian countries. It has the Pacific Ocean to the east and the India Ocean to the west. It has a large number of islands around. The territory is about 7617930 spuare kilometres. It has a population of about 19 million and 74.2% of them are the descendant of English and Irish. The first group of immigrants who came from England arrived there in 1788.
Most time of the year, the climate is warm and nice. Most of its population live on the southeast coast. Canberra is the capital of Australia, and Sydney is the biggest city.
Australia has profuse natural resouse and developed travle instry. Millions of tourists come here every year.

9. 澳大利亞特有的英文詞彙


英 [ɒˈstreɪliə] 美 [ɔːˈstreɪljə]

n. 澳大利亞,澳洲


South Australia 南澳大利亞州 ; 南澳大利亞 ; 南澳洲 ; 南澳

Western Australia 西澳大利亞州 ; 西澳 ; 西澳大利亞




n. 澳大利亞;澳大利亞人

adj. 澳大利亞的(等於Australian)


Ossie Clark 克拉克 ; 奧西·克拉克

Ossie Ardiles 阿迪尼斯

10. 用英文說澳大利亞的風俗

Australia is made up of six states and two
territores:Western Australia,South Australia,Queensland,New
South Wales,Victoria,Tasmania,Australian Capital Territory
and Northern Territory.
Australia is surrounded (這個是」包圍」的意思)by two oceans:the Indian Ocean in the west and the south,and the Pacific Ocean in the northeast.
Sydney in perhaps Australia's most famous city,but the capital
of Australia is Canberra,a city located between Sydney and




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