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『壹』 在澳大利亞如何找工作

澳洲的職位可以分成兩大類, 一類就是普通的公司職位private sector, 一般的申請只要一封cover letter 和一份簡歷就夠了。
另一類是public sector, 就是政府, 公共機構和慈善機構等. 這類工作申請比較麻煩, 耗時較長, 兩個月以上極普遍. 除了cover letter& resume, 至少還需要一份針對所有selection criteria 的陳述. 比如我申請的一份queenland州的職位就是這三個文件, 加一份簡單的申請表格OK了, 但很多NSW的職位就麻煩的多, 要先聯系索要information package, 收到後填寫n多表格, 包括最重要的 selection criteria addressing和personal statement, 再寄回去, 等等. 需要提醒你的是, 不要輕易的申請不太符合你經歷的public sector職位, 因為public sector application極耗時間, 一兩天一般是搞不定的(我指純粹填表格時間). 如果你草草揮就, 那是浪費大家的時間. 我第一次申請public sector 就被中介將申請退了回來, 曰: 太短!!呵呵, 極糗, 又花費兩天時間重新寫.
另一種分類方式是permanent position , contract position or casual/part-time position. casual/part-time一般是給labour工准備的, permanent position就是常見的長期職位, 而contract position就是」合同工」, 嘿嘿. contract position一般3個月到一年, hourly rate比較高, 經常比同級permanent position高出50%以上, 但一般沒有假期等福利. 在IT業, 總量的30%, 新職位的50%以上是contract position, 並且比例還在逐漸升高. 這種職位國內基本見不到, 因為大家都是一拍兩散. 這邊不同, 如果你理由不充分的要開除雇員, 被告上法庭就極麻煩了, 而contractor簡單多了, 按contract來, 一般多陪點錢就是了.
澳洲的被廣告出來的大部分職位 (絕大部分private和一些public) 都是通過中介走的. 中介從僱主那裡收錢, 不收你的, 如果收你的, 那肯定是chinatown的中國人中介, 勸你別去. 工作廣告主要是通過兩個媒體: 報紙和internet. 對於IT, 一般在jobnet.com.au也就夠了; 對於accounting, SydneyMorningHerald是需要的, 再加上seek, careerone等網站就差不多.
重要的是, 被廣告出來的工作只佔總量的約30%, 剩下的就是hidden market. 不用驚訝, 原因很簡單: 成本. 自己發廣告招工是極耗時間和精力的, 遠比很多人想像的更耗, 這個俺深有體會; 找中介代勞很費錢, 至少是職位的幾個月工資, 如果是contract職位, 那15%-30%就會落到中介口袋. 所以僱主們僱工一般是這樣: 首先內部promotion, 不成就從自己的network中尋找(老闆或雇員介紹), 再不成就看自己收集的簡歷中有沒有合適的(job seeker 主要聯系得來), 最後不得已才打廣告或找合作中介. 好好思考一下這個裡面你能研究出點兒什麼??
2 求職材料
簡歷的重要性就不用俺多說了. 遺憾的是, 很多人恰恰就不夠重視這個. 這可是敲門磚啊, 酒香還怕巷子深呢!!
教你寫簡歷的文章一抓一大把, 我就說一些關鍵的.
一, 篇幅, 4頁左右, 如果你的經歷實在很豐富, 就看著延長好了, 6到7頁也就最多了
二, 格式清晰工整, 內容重點突出. 別指望僱主費這個精神在你的簡歷中來回搜尋興趣點, OK?
三, 不僅需要experience, 還要achievement, 盡量量化
四, 按重要順序排列, 比如我的簡歷的sections順序如下: Career Profile, Professional Skills, Professional Certificates & training, Working Experience, Ecation, Hobbies, Referee List 舉個例子, 不一定適合你.
五, Referee很重要, 至少要有一個本地人. 如果條件不允許, 也不一定非要你的manager/supervisor不可. 甚至朋友都行, 但千萬別放上一個連英語都說不好的」本地人」. Referee的數量一般2-3個, 不要超過4個.
3 找工最佳時間
受聖誕節影響, Job Market 從每年的12月初開始進入低潮, 中介在網上的虛假廣告猛增. 澳洲人的聖誕假期至少要三周, 好公司就更多了, 所以一直到來年的1月底, 市場才復甦, 同時2月和3月成為尋找新雇員的高峰期. 所以, 在國內過春節可不是一個好主意, 嘿嘿.
另外, 還有很多公司在7月份報稅期結束後, 在8, 9 月份就開始招工, 也是一個小高潮.
4 招工廣告與中介
前面講了Hidden Market, 結論是說, 你能見到的job ad只佔總量的30%甚至更少, 並且這部分工作被掌握在中介手中, 你必須與大量的競爭者爭奪一個名額. 而我們稍加研究就知道, job ad多為中高級職位, 適合我們的junior職位少的可憐.而事實情況是, 很多中高級職位在被廣告的同時, 基本上已經被中介手中的長期合作夥伴或者中介的contractor拿走了
用實際的數據舉例. (我以前從BrainBox看到的, 憑記憶寫出來, 可能與原文稍有出入) 一個job ad平均會收到80到200份申請, 其中合格者比例已經由30%下降到15%左右(大概是新移民逐漸增多吧), 這是第一個十選一過程, 剩下幾十個; 中介在這個縮小的范圍內篩選, 首先聯系申請人, 這時如果你的英語詞不達意, 那就對不起了; 通過中介的面試, 范圍被縮小到3至5人, 被推薦給僱主面試, 由僱主做最後決定.
不幸的是, 俺們多數被兩座大山擋在了層層篩選之外: 英語和本地經驗.
一言以蔽之, 大量的工作在尋找圈內人, 同時大量的圈外人在爭搶少量的職位. 幸運者寥寥.
話說回來, 我的意思可不是說中介沒有用, 我的意思是說, 中介對圈內人的作用無可替代, 不過對我們的作用就小了很多. 我還是有幾個朋友通過中介找到理想工作的.
5 工作申請步驟
不要浪費你的時間在不太符合你經歷的廣告上. 經常看見有人說已經發了300封500封甚至上千封申請的, 這個數量夠俺發上個幾年的, 因為我每天最多才發出過5封申請. 當然, 多多益善, 但我不贊成撒網式的做法, 就是發出1000封我也不會有任何成就感, 只會有失敗感. 如果你跟我感覺相反, 那你就是在重復申請這個工作, 而不是真的找工作.
1, 找到適合自己的job ad, 對國人來說, 通常要比你國內的職位低一兩個檔次;
2, 發郵件申請;
3, 過幾刻鍾或者幾小時, 打電話確認, 有機會的話就盡量多說, 像你的相關經驗啦, 職業資格啦, 過去項目與這個工作的相關性啦等等, 總而言之就是try to make a deep impression but don』t annoy people.
4, 幾天後, 如果沒有收到回信, 再打電話
5, 再打電話…
6, ……
7, 咱還是放棄算了, 專攻下一個。

『貳』 我是留學生,高中畢業去了澳大利亞讀大學,現在回國了找工作填寫簡歷,請問本科院校批次這一欄該填什麼


『叄』 在澳洲如何找工作


『肆』 在澳大利亞如何寫好一份求職簡歷

一般的簡歷分成四塊。 1,個人信息, 2 summary 3,工作經驗,4 培訓,證書及其他技能。 首先我說一下,如何寫好summary。 很多人對這一部分的內容會比較忽視。 要麼乾脆省略, 要麼就是寫成大段大段的口水英語,描述自己的經歷。要麼就是用一堆形容詞,比如很aggresive啦,good team player啦。類似這樣的詞彙來形容自己。 其實summary是簡歷中非常重要的一部分。 要知道一個recruiter每天看的簡歷日以斗進。 而且一般的recruiter對於專業技術並不是很懂行。 他可能在你的簡歷里,最關注的部分就是summary與你曾經的就職公司和title。所以這一部分如果寫的好, 對於求職成功性會增加很多。 好的summary應該怎麼寫呢? 首先,避免那些主觀評價的詞語。如同我上面列的那樣,因為那些詞語幾乎會出現在每份簡歷里, 完全沒有說服力。一個HR或者hiring manager他想看到的是你在專業技能以及工作經驗上客觀的總結, 想看到的是你究竟會做什麼,能為他的公司帶來多大的價值。 其次, 避免大段大段的口水英文,盡量用排比的形式,和簡單句。這樣才能夠做到讓看的人一眼掃過去,就對你這個人有大致的了解,而不需要非常認真的一句一句的讀,才能看懂你在簡歷里到底說了些什麼。 一份好的簡歷,一定要時時刻刻想著體現你的價值,而最好體現價值的手段就是用數字說話。 比如, 你如果在summary里寫,有豐富的管理經驗, 如果把這句話改成, 有七年的管理經驗,最多帶過二十人團隊。 想一下,是不是比前者說服力強很多? 再比如老大衛貼子里提到的, 銷售一定要寫上,好的溝通技巧,但如果能細化成, 在三年中,獨立開發新客戶XXX個, 每年均百分之一百零五完成指標。 就更能打動僱主了。 -8 years experience in software development, included 2 years experience in management software development and about 6 years experience in communication area development。 6 years experience in coding with C/C++。 Following is my records: -About 2 years for management system development and have good skill about C/C++ and Object-Oriented conception。 -About 6 years embedded system design and development。 Include more than 3 years for firmware and device driver development and have well known about the computer system。 -About 6 years communication system development and well known about Telecommunication system and IP switch system。 -Be a diligent worker and can resolve many problems independently -Solid knowledge about microprocessors such as PowerPC, MIPS and ARM。 -Have experiences on supporting customers, our own RD and proct departments。 上面這個summary 在技術方面相對來說寫的比較完整, 僱主即使不看簡歷,也知道說,他平時使用的是什麼技術, 主要的工作職責,可以很快判斷出,他是不是個適合的candidate , 從而吸引別人比較詳細的閱讀他的簡歷。 另外提醒一下大家,在個人信息這一塊, 一定要把你的電話號碼與信箱寫在名字的下方,用黑體字加重。 我碰到過幾份簡歷, 將電話號碼寫在頁眉位置,顏色還是淡一號的, 導致我找了半天也沒找到, 最後就延誤了求職的最好時機。 盡管這個情況不多,但還是引以為戒一下。 如何寫好工作經驗 工作經驗,最最關鍵的是, 你要條理分明,層次清楚的列出你在什麼時期,在什麼公司,做什麼事情。 我曾經看過,有很高職位的人,寫的簡歷是用一個句子來做介紹。 I have been worked for XXXX company asXXXX,差點暈死。 正規的格式應該是 03/2005 - 04/2006 CompanyDepartmentTitle Title是這一部分至關重要的項目。 這里呢,一般是推薦寫你名片上印的職位。 但有一些公司的某些職位,不是非常常規的叫法,比如某些運營商,因為在國內不能直接開展業務,所以他們的Sales,統稱Customer Service Manager, 那你可以在旁邊打一個括弧,寫上( Key account manager) 但對於一些技術工作,應該是沒有什麼異議的, 比如Software engineer這樣的職位,但有一點要注意,在這一部分,千萬不要縮寫。千萬不要。比如你屬於什麼部門, 請一定寫全稱,很多專業性很強的部門,你一縮寫,歧義很大的。 可以理解成不同的意思。 如果你的Company不是什麼非常知名的公司, 那麼你可以在Title下單獨開一個項目叫Company Introction介紹一下,它是屬於什麼性質的公司, 在行業內的地位。 再接下來也是非常重要的項目就是Responsibility 這一部分,經常有人寫不好,給一個偷懶的辦法, 大家肯定經常上一些招聘的網站,一般這種網站都會有JD貼出來, 那麼你可以先搜索一下,和你一樣的職位,看人家的JD是怎麼樣寫的,有哪些Description,哪些是你的日常工作,然後綜合一下,按照人家的語法,組織起來,這樣寫出來的Respnosibility,又完整,又不會有句法錯誤,另外如果你是管理崗位,那在第一句就寫上,你匯報給誰,你的Team有幾個人。如果你是manager's manager,那麼還可以寫一下,你下面分成幾個Team分別側重於哪些方面。 對於工程師來說,還有一樣非常非常重要,但是被很多人遺漏的部分就是project experiences。 這一部分才是能體現你的精華之所在。 一個完整而又簡明扼要的Project 應該按照以下格式來寫。 Project Name: Time: Role: Project Introction: Software environment: Hardware Environment: Technology: 按照這樣的格式列出來,又清楚,又明了,而且你曾經使用過什麼技術,都會出現在簡歷里。

『伍』 澳大利亞打工 Covering Letter 具體怎麼寫誰教教我,或者給我個示例

你去www.seek.com.au或careerone上看看, 有範例的,www.seek.com.au的比較好。 比較地道。
不一樣的是resume是主要寫你的簡歷,一般來說可以重復用的。比如你要申請個bookkeeper的工作, 你的簡歷可以投commonwealth bank也可以投ANZ的。
但是CV一般來說是針對每個具體你要投的工作。寫你為什麼要選擇這個工作,從哪裡知道這個工作的,你為什麼覺得自己適合這個工作(技能啊 經驗之類的再講一遍,這個和resume差不多了)。最後個人覺得最重要的是寫reference,這個很重要,僱主比較看重,和國內不一樣(沒的話其實可以編的了,如果是打小零工的話)。
Cover letters - the first impression

A good cover letter is essentially a sales document, designed to convince the employer of what an asset you will be to the company. It complements your resume, which should add credibility to your claims.

Role of the cover letter

When designing a cover letter, remember the employer is probably receiving hundreds of applications for any one job. They will be stressed out and very, very busy. You have a window of opportunity of no longer than 30 seconds to convince them to take your application to the next step and read the resume. And while it is unfortunate that employers can make a decision about your career in less than 30 seconds, it reinforces the importance of spending time on your cover letter.

But the cover letter is not just a time saving tool for employers, it can also provide an insight into your personality and how you express yourself. This helps to build an overall picture of you and, as it is the first impression, it is crucial you get it right.

As with all busy people, being concise, meticulous and relevant is paramount. It reflects badly on you if you express yourself poorly or you don't get to the point. There are three basic things you need to communicate clearly and concisely to a potential employer in your cover letter.

The position you are applying for.
The skills you bring to the company that satisfy the requirements of that position.
The action you would like to happen next.
While there is no right way of doing a cover letter, here are some guidelines that the experts recommend you consider:


Addressing the letter
Send letters to people, not companies. If you don't know the contact's gender or proper title, then call the receptionist and ask. Never guess. If you can't find out their gender, use their full name (eg Chris Smith). But ideally, address your letter using an honorific (Mr or Ms), then their name, title, company name and address. If you are not responding to an advertised vacancy, target the hiring manager and the head of the department you wish to work in.

Paragraph 1 — what you are applying for and why you are applying
State the purpose of the letter in first paragraph. If you have been referred by a mutual acquaintance, mention that person's name. If you meet all the stated requirements fill this out. Opening the cover letter with a statement that grabs their attention and compels them to read more about you is a good idea. However, it must be related to the position and the reason you are writing.

Paragraph 2 — stake your claim
Australians tend to under-sell themselves. Don't hide behind a cloud of mystery because you expect the reader of the resume to be all-knowing. Sell yourself. Not only match your skills and experience to the requirements of the job, but make a point of offering them more. Every hiring decision, regardless of the size of the company, is a significant investment in money for the employer. They are hiring you to increase their bottom line or proctivity. Be mindful of this when you make your claims. Explain to the reader how employing you will benefit the company — don't leave them to guess.

Paragraph 3 — call to action and thank you
Always sum up with an action point and what you would like the next step to be. Usually this is that you will be in touch. If you are answering an advertised position, take a passive approach and wait for them to process all the applications. If they are interested, they'll call you. Chasing them up is just likely to annoy them. In other situations, end the cover letter with a call to action and take responsibility for initiating the next step. Say you will call later and do it. Give them a couple of days to look it over and then call. Ask politely if they have had time to look it over, and if they haven't, ask when you should call back to discuss your application.


Responding to a job ad:

John Hireperson
Director of Employee Relations
Sabroso Chorizo Inc
543 High St.
Mount Waverly, VIC 3067

Dear Mr Hireperson

I am responding to your advertisement for an editor for the bilingual employee newsletter at Sabroso Chorizo.

As you can see from my resume, I am fully bilingual as well as fluent in Chinese culture. Although my background is in human resources rather than journalism, I assure you that my communications and writing skills are strong in English and in Chinese. My current position at Tasty Treatmakers involves some writing, including bulletins and rewrites for an employee handbook, and requires strong organisational skills, as stated in your advertisement. I am familiar with desktop publishing software for Windows and for Mac.

I am eager to meet with you to discuss how my talents could be used to proce a compelling and informative newsletter for the diverse work force at Sabroso Chorizo. I will call next Thursday to arrange an appointment.

Thank you for your consideration.



Susan Donovan

Article index
Role of the cover letter
Related articles
The ultimate resume guide
Exploring the hidden job market
Job search services: a shopper's guide
More information
Author Gary Will's Worksearch site has loads of resources and links about writing cover letters.

Unsolicited cover letter:

Juana Doe
Executive Vice President, Human Relations
Salad On A Stick Inc.
12 St.Kilda Road
Melbourne, VIC 3001

Dear Ms. Doe,

I am writing to you to express my interest in working for you in the human resources department at Salad On A Stick Inc.

As you can see from my resume, I have several years of experience at two food processing companies performing a wide range of ties. My communications skills are strong in English and in Chinese and I believe I have a special ability to serve as a liaison between management and a largely immigrant work force.

I am a great fan of your signature proct--Salad On A Stick--and am eager to use my talents to contribute to your fast-growing company.

I will telephone you next week to explore employment opportunities at Salad On A Stick. I look forward to meeting with you.

Thank you for your consideration.



Susan Donovan

Establishing leads to vacancies in the future

Dear Ms. Symons

Your new assignment was recently announced in the journal. I offer my congratulations and wish you success. Since the article mentioned that you would be seeking new directions, I'm sure your first order of business is reassessing staff needs.

I've had over 12 years of good experience in manufacturing and engineering. I'm experienced in most plant engineering requirements and in construction of proction machinery. I can direct others effectively and control work-in-progress. Among my accomplishments are:

Successfully handled an assignment creating special cutting tools that developed substantial new sales for ABC Pty Ltd.
Personally developed a number of unique and effective processes and machines which saved proction costs.
Demonstrated ability to work with and through others and get the job done.
I am willing to travel and relocate for the right opportunity. My resume is enclosed for your review and I will follow up with a phone conversation next week.

Again, congratulations and best wishes with your new position.



Susan Donovan

Adapted from Win That Job, by Paul Stevens

by Dan Sullivan



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巴西是用什麼規格的電源 瀏覽:1457
在中國賣的法國名牌有什麼 瀏覽:1362
在菲律賓投資可用什麼樣的居留條件 瀏覽:1271
德國被分裂為哪些國家 瀏覽:879
澳大利亞跟團簽證要什麼材料 瀏覽:1210
德國大鵝節多少錢 瀏覽:878
去菲律賓過關時會盤問什麼 瀏覽:1202
澳大利亞女王為什麼是元首 瀏覽:1028
有什麼免費的韓國小說軟體 瀏覽:760
申請德國學校如何找中介 瀏覽:667