導航:首頁 > 澳大利亞 > 澳大利亞的風俗作文英語怎麼說


發布時間:2023-03-04 21:13:16

1. 澳大利亞英語作文

我盡量用的簡單詞,但是有些詞彙是雅思或者大學詞彙。修改的話,把這個到word文檔里,選中難詞,右鍵,同義詞 就可以換成你喜歡的簡單詞了。祝你好運。5分太少了,給多點。
Completely surrounded by water, Australia is the only largest island nation of the world. Diverse people with a variety of culture are living in Australia. Especially the indigenous Australians, who have lived for more than 50 thousand years on this country, have created a unique custom of this island continent. Today, Australia has an estimate of 22 million people, which is a small population scale compared with China. Most of the residents live in the south-east coast.
Australia is a developed country with a high GDP standard. It is famous for a large number of sheep and kangaroos. There are two unique animals on its official symbol, the emu and the red kangaroo, which can not go backwards physically. Therefore, they are chosen to represent that this country will move forward forever.
There are many places of interests in Australia, such as the Sydney opera House, Uluru Rock and beautiful beaches. As a result, it is one of the top ten famous tourist destination countries of the world.

2. 介紹澳洲的英語作文

澳洲地處南半球,雖然時差輿中國,台灣和香港只有2-3小時,但是季節卻完全相反。12月-2月為夏季,3月-5月為秋季,6月-8月為冬季,9月-11月為春季。 澳洲大陸形成於2億年前,具有獨特的地理和氣候特點,澳洲跨2個氣候帶,北部屬於熱帶氣候,每年4月-11月是雨季,11月到第二年的4月是旱季,由於靠近赤道,1月-2月是台風期。澳洲南部屬於溫帶氣候,四季分明。澳洲內陸是荒蕪人湮的沙漠,乾旱少雨,氣溫高,溫差大;相反在沿海地區,雨量充沛,氣候濕潤,呈明顯的海洋性氣候。 澳洲的旅遊季節一般來講是每年的11月 - 第二年的3月。如果去澳洲北部旅行最好在少雨的旱季;澳洲內陸旅遊的季節在冬天最佳;南部一年四季都適於觀光旅行。
Australia is located in the southern hemisphere, although the time difference Meanwhile China, Taiwan and Hong Kong is only 2-3 hours, but the season are exactly the opposite. Dec -2 for the summer months, on March -5 for the fall, in June for the winter months -8, -11, in September for the spring.

Australian mainland in the formation of 2 million years ago, has a unique geographical and climate characteristics, Australia 2 cross-climatic zones in the north belong to the tropical climate, every year on April -11 is the rainy season, November to April is the second year of the dry season, Due to near the equator, on January -2 is a typhoon period. Australia in the southern temperate climate, four seasons. Australia is a land-locked desert were submerged in the desert, drought, high temperatures, large temperature difference; the contrary in the coastal areas, rainfall, humid climate, the climate was obvious.

Australia's tourism season is the annual general in November - the second year in March. If you travel to the northern part of Australia's best in the rain ring the dry season; inland Australia in the winter tourism season best; in the south all year round for the Travel and Tourism



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