⑴ 澳大利亞 經濟增長的原因是什麼求文章。中文英文都可以,
①Trade and economic performance
In the second half of the twentieth century, Australian trade shifted away from Europe and North America to Japan and other East Asian markets. Regional franchising businesses, now a $128 billion sector, have been operating co-branded sites overseas for years with new investors coming from Western Australia and Queensland.
The Australian economy has been performing nominally better than other economies of the OECD and has supported economic growth for 16 consecutive years. According to the Reserve Bank of Australia, Australian per capita GDP growth is higher than that of New Zealand, US, Canada and The Netherlands.[20] The past performance of the Australian economy has been heavily influenced by US, Japanese and Chinese economic growth.
Despite high global demand for Australian mineral commodities, export growth has remained flat in comparison to strong import growth. Even though Australia enjoys high commodity prices, economists have warned that structural change is needed in order to increase the size of manufacturing sector.
Chinese investment
There is substantial export to China of iron ore, wool, and other raw materials and over 120,000 Chinese students study in Australian schools and universities. China is a major purchaser of Australian debt[citation needed]. In 2009, offers were made by state-owned Chinese companies to invest 22 billion dollars in Australia's resource extraction instry.
②Australia Growth Quickens to Fastest Pace in Three Years
Signs Australia』s economic expansion is spreading from the mining instry to households boosted the case for the nation』s central bank to resume the Group of 20』s most aggressive round of interest-rate increases.
The biggest quarterly surge in consumer spending in three years fueled a 1.2 percent gain in gross domestic proct last quarter, the Bureau of Statistics said in Sydney yesterday. The GDP rise was the most since 2007, and confounded the median of 23 estimates in a Bloomberg survey for a 0.9 percent increase.
Economic growth is broadening from the nation』s mining instry, which is undergoing a record investment boom to feed Chinese demand for iron and coal, to households that account for more than half of GDP. Chances have increased that central bank Governor Glenn Stevens will boost rates again before the end of the year, say analysts at UBS AG and Nomura Australia Ltd.
「This is not the cautious consumer the RBA has been looking for to manage demand pressures and limited spare capacity evident in the construction and mining sectors,」 said Scott Haslem, a senior economist UBS in Sydney. The central bank will boost the benchmark rate to 5.25 percent by mid-2011 from 4.5 percent, 「with the likelihood that the RBA will be back in action before the end of this year,」 he said.
Surplus Narrows
Australia』s dollar rose the most since June yesterday after the release, before surrendering some of the gains following a government report today showing a smaller trade surplus than forecast for July. The currency fell 0.5 percent to 90.73 U.S. cents at 11:42 a.m. in Sydney after yesterday』s 2.4 percent jump.
The currency has gained 8.8 percent against the U.S. dollar in the past 12 months, the second-best performer among the world』s 16 most actively traded currencies.
Household spending increased 1.6 percent in the quarter, the biggest gain since April to June of 2007, contributing 0.9 percentage point to GDP, yesterday』s report showed. Exports, which rose 5.6 percent, added 1.1 percentage points to growth.
The jump in household spending last quarter also outpaced the 1.3 percent advance in the June quarter of 2009, when consumers benefited from the government』s decision to distribute more than A$20 billion ($18 billion) in cash, and the Reserve Bank slashed borrowing costs to a half-century low of 3 percent.
Income Gains
The GDP figures 「dispel the notion that Australian growth is predominantly based on mining and little else,」 said Stephen Roberts, a senior economist at Nomura in Sydney. 「There are also several signs that spending will remain strong through the rest of 2010,」 including a 5.1 percent quarterly jump in disposal incomes, he added.
「The RBA will hike in November,」 Roberts predicted.
The nation recorded a A$1.89 billion trade surplus for July, less than the median estimate of 22 economists surveyed by Bloomberg of A$3.1 billion, as exports of coal and iron ore fell, further easing concern about a so-called two-speed economy.
While mining and services output rose 1.3 percent last quarter, that gain that was matched or beaten by five other instry groups led by construction, which surged by twice that amount, Roberts said.
Reports published this week also suggest the expansion will continue. Retail sales rose 0.7 percent in July and home- building approvals unexpectedly advanced for the first time in four months.
Annual Growth
Australia』s economy grew 3.3 percent from a year earlier, yesterday』s report showed. Economists forecast a 2.8 percent expansion. By contrast, GDP in the U.S. rose 3 percent in the second quarter and Japan』s increased 2 percent.
Policy makers expect Australia』s annual growth to accelerate to 4 percent by the end of 2012, boosted by projects such as Chevron Corp.』s A$43 billion Gorgon natural gas venture in Western Australia, potentially stoking inflation pressures.
「History tells us that inflation can be a problem ring resources booms, and while there are grounds for thinking it will be less of a problem this time than in the past, we need to remain alert to the risks,」 central bank Deputy Governor Ric Battellino said last month.
Manufacturing in China, Australia』s largest trade partner, grew at a faster pace in August after the weakest gain since February 2009 in the previous month, signaling that the economy』s slowdown will be limited, a report showed yesterday.
Inflation Concern
「The downside to strong growth is that inflation pressures are building and this should eventually see tight monetary policy,」 said Kieran Davies, chief economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc in Sydney. 「The global outlook is more uncertain, but unless Asia falls in a hole or global financial markets freeze up again, we see the Reserve Bank lifting interest rates later this year.」
Still, there are signs that parts of Australia』s economy may slow. A report yesterday by the Australian Instry Group and PricewaterhouseCoopers showed manufacturing growth eased in August to the weakest pace in five months, partly as uncertainty erupted about the outcome of last month』s national election.
Neither Prime Minister Julia Gillard nor opposition leader Tony Abbott gained a majority in the Aug. 21 election, meaning one side must win negotiations with independent lawmakers to form a government. Those talks continue this week.
Concerns about slowing global growth may prompt policy makers to keep the overnight cash rate target at 4.5 percent on Sept. 7 for a fourth straight month, according to all 23 economists surveyed by Bloomberg late last week. The central bank raised borrowing costs six times from October to May.
Stevens will probably boost Australia』s benchmark rate in November and December, according to Warren Hogan, chief economist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.
Increased investment by mining companies 「will put tremendous pressure on resources and ultimately prices in the economy,」 Melbourne-based Hogan said. 「The RBA must lean into the domestic economy to free resources for this investment or risk a burst of inflation.」
⑵ 澳大利亞GDP靠什麼產業支撐的
⑶ 在人們口中被嘲土到爆的澳洲,為何它能成為發達國家
⑷ 為什麼澳洲工資這么高,他們人均收入比我們高
⑸ 澳大利亞和紐西蘭,是靠什麼成為發達國家的
⑹ 沒有強大工業體系的澳大利亞,它究竟是如何躋身為發達國家的
⑺ 澳大利亞憑什麼成為發達國家他優勢產業在哪裡
①2009年澳大利亞GDP9972.01億美元,世界排名第13位;人均GDP45586美元,世界排名第11位;人均收入超過2萬美元。②澳大利亞已經完成了工業化,科學技術(勞動生產率)、文化教育(文化軟實力)、基礎設施(硬體設施)、經濟產值(、人均收入等各方面都已達到發達國家水平。③澳大利亞的經濟產值中,服務業(第三產業)佔了大部分。工礦業和農牧業比重降低,但在出口創匯中發揮了重要作用,而且澳大利亞的工農業和發展中國家的工農業有著很大不同,澳大利亞礦業技術發達,農牧業經營也是環保生態式的。④澳大利亞是個移民國家,在歷史上和歐洲(主要是英國)有淵源,文化特徵和歐洲差別不大。 綜上,澳大利亞當之無愧成為發達國家。
⑻ 澳大利亞的經濟特徵
(1)自由黨(Liberal Party):1944年成立,前身是1931年成立的澳大利亞聯合黨。主要代表工商業主利益,曾多次執政。2016年7月,自由黨—國家黨聯盟在澳聯邦大選勝出蟬聯執政。現任領袖斯科特·莫里森。
(2)國家黨(National Party):成立於1918年,原稱鄉村黨,後稱國家鄉村黨,1982年改用現名。其勢力范圍主要在農村地區,代表農場主利益,1996年至2007年與自由黨聯合執政,2013年、2016年與自由黨再度聯合執政。現任領袖邁克爾·麥科馬克。
(3)澳大利亞工黨(Australian Labor Party):成立於1891年,為澳最大政黨,同工會關系密切,工會會員多為其集體黨員。自1940年以來曾11次執政。最近一次執政時期為2007年11月至2013年9月。現任領袖比爾·肖頓(Bill Shorten)。
⑼ 工業不發達僅只有農業發達的澳大利亞,為何還能成為發達國家