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發布時間:2023-04-27 18:15:37

❶ I am very interested _____ Australia

中間的橫線應該填含散in,意思是對澳大利亞感興趣。談塌氏搭配是be interested in,是對衫嘩某事感興趣。

❷ 他對澳大利亞很感興趣的英文怎麼說

他對澳大利亞很感興趣,英文是,He is very interested in Australia.

❸ 我喜歡澳大利亞,因為那裡不但有很多袋鼠媽媽,而且風景也好.所以我喜歡那裡英語翻譯

I like Australia, because there are lots of kangaroos and the scenery is beautiful as well.

❹ 用英語口語來介紹自己感興趣的國家(就舉澳大利亞),字數一定要100詞,而且是日常口語。

This is the first in a series of posts for the Australia Blog
Roundtable, a collaboration of a group of travel bloggers and writers to
blog on one of their favourite subjects - Australia. The others in the
group are Brooke from WhyGo Australia, Caz from yTravel Blog, Kate from Nomads Hostels and Michaela from Rocky Travel. This month's subect - 'Why I love Australia'.

I』ve a soft spot for Australia for a very special reason...this was
the country that first introced me to backpacking. If it wasn』t for
Australia I wouldn』t have the job I have now…travelling around the world
making videos, recording podcasts, gathering content for our free
pocket guides and more. I love Australia so much in fact, that I』ve
decided to put together a list of ten reasons I love the country I once
called home.
1. Cities
is my favourite city in the world without question. I lived there for a
year back in 1999 for around nine months and have returned twice (once
quite recently). I just feel at home there. Then there』s Melbourne
– each time I』ve made it to Melbourne I』ve seen more and more of it,
making me appreciate it more than ever. Perth is very special to me –
it』s where I met my wife-to-be! So while Australia is great for more
remote places (which I will refer to later), it』s got some of my
favourite cities in the world.

2. Beaches
I lived in Bondi when I was in Sydney. The way I saw it, I wanted to
experience something I would never be able to experience at home –
living right beside one of the world』s most famous beaches. The great
thing was, once I left Sydney to go travelling up the east coast I
encountered even more beautiful beaches. And don』t get me started on the
west coast! The beaches there will really take your breath away.

3. So much tourism is geared towards budget travellers
Before I went to Australia I never encountered tour companies that
marketed themselves solely at backpackers, or bars that were only for
backpackers. Ladies and gentlemen of the backpacking fraternity, good
news – Australia has both. And then some. If you』re a budget traveller
on your way to the land Down Under you』ll have lots to choose to make
sure you get the trip you want.

4. National Parks
When travelling Australia』s celebrated coastlines, on those days when
you don』t want to laze by the pool (many hostels in Australia have their
own pools) or on the beach there』ll be a national park nearby. If
you』re not on the coast, chances are you』re exploring some of the
country』s best-known national parks – Kaka, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National
Park or the Great Sandy National Park, home to Fraser Island. In a
nutshell, as much as I love Australia』s cities and lazing on its
beaches, its national parks are unbelievably fascinating.

5. Hostels with swimming pools
As per the previous point, many of Australia』s hostels have swimming pools. In the Sydney Central YHA has one, while in Brisbane Bunk Backpackers
boasts one. You』ll also find them in tons of hostels outside the big
cities also. This was something I never encountered before travelling
around Australia.

6. The 'Red Centre'
「It』s just a big rock in the desert」. These are the sentiments of many
people upon seeing Uluru (Ayer』s Rock) for the first time. Do you know
what? They』re right – it is a big rock in the desert. But that』s what
makes it so fascinating. I was blown away when I saw Uluru for the first
time. Totally blown away. Between it, Kata Tjuta (The Olgas) and Kings
Canyon, the five days I spent in Australia』s 『Red Centre』 were some of
the most enjoyable I spent there. Miss it at your peril.

7. Wildlife
Since leaving Australia (after the first time I was there) I haven』t
paid into a zoo once. I have been to one (it was free), but after seeing
so many animals in the wild in Australia I』ve been against them ever
since. What』s great about the wildlife though is the animals you』ll only
find there – kangaroos, koala bears, kookaburras, emus, possums,
wallabies, dingos...the list goes on.

8. The money
When I say money I mean the actual material it』s made out of. Unlike
other currencies, Australian money is waterproof. That』s right –
waterproof! So if you』re swimming down at Bondi and you think to
yourself 「Aw rats! I』ve left me money in my swimmers!」 (Australian for
『I』ve left my money in my swimming shorts』) fear not – the money will be
in the same condition upon departure from the sea as upon entering.

9. Sport
Aussies are sports mad. It』s that simple. Whether it』s Aussie Rules
football, cricket, rugby or horse racing, there』ll be somebody fanatical
about it. What』s even better is that around the big events there』s a
festival. If you』re down under for March then make your way to Melbourne
for the Grand Prix. Make your way to the same city for the Melbourne
Cup (horse racing) in November and for Grand Final Day in September. The
weekend I had in Melbourne for the Grand Prix was one of the best I had
ring my year there.
10. The climate
I first arrived in Sydney on October 14th in the middle of Australia』s
『spring』. It was already hitting temperatures of 25°C/77°F. Next was
summer when temperatures soared before autumn arrived. In April, not far
from the country』s winter, I was still visiting the beach. Then when
winter arrived, what did I do? I travelled north and continued to
experience temperatures of 30°C/85°F. So if you』re one who likes warm
weather and the sunshine, which I do, then you』ll love Australia』s

❺ 澳大利亞用英語怎麼說





[例句]She went toAustraliato start a newlife.






[例句]It's a fair dinkumAussiewedding.



❻ 澳大利亞是一個美麗的地方,它的風景非常令人著迷,我非常喜歡。用英語怎麼寫

Australia is a beutiful place and the senery of which is so fascinating that I love it very much.

❼ 我對澳大利亞感興趣英文一般疑問怎麼說

I am interested in Australian.
Are you interested in Australia?

❽ 我最想去的國家是澳大利亞翻譯成英語怎麼說

The country I want to visit most is Australia

❾ 澳大利亞用英文怎麼說

澳大利亞的英語怎麼說:Australia 英[ɒˈstreɪlɪə]美[ɔ'streljə],意思為澳大利亞;Australian 英[ɒˈstreɪlɪən]美[ɔˈstreɪliən],意思為澳大利亞的,澳大利亞人。,英:,美:,英:,美:,The kangaroo is a native of Australia.,袋鼠是產於澳大利亞的動物。,Australia'sabigcountry.,澳大利亞是一個幅員遼闊的國家。,Shehankered togo back toAustralia.,她渴望回到澳大利亞。,Shewent toAustraliato startanewlife.,她去澳大利亞開始新的生活。,Joehas .,喬最近從他第5次澳大利亞之旅返回。,Papua New Guinea 1975.,巴布亞紐幾內亞1975年脫離澳大利亞而獨立。,The koalaisuniquetoAustralia.,樹袋熊是澳大利亞獨有的。,The kangarooisanativeofAustralia.,袋鼠是產於澳大利亞的動物。,The kangaroois indigenous toAustralia.,袋鼠原產於澳大利亞。,Australiahad15yearsofdouble-digitinflation.,澳大利亞有長達15年的雙位數通貨膨脹。,Wehad a o-daystopoverinFijion the waytoAustralia.,我們去澳大利亞時中途在斐濟停留了兩天。,It wouldbe a crime to travel .,如果千里迢迢去澳大利亞而不在悉尼停留,那就是大錯特錯。,Heleftthetownof his birthfiveyears laterforAustralia.,他5年後離開故鄉去了澳大利亞。,Hewas banishedtoAustralia,wherehe diedfiveyears later.,他被流放到澳大利亞,五年後在那裡去世。, clearas a bell.,她雖然在澳大利亞,但我卻能非常清楚地聽到她的聲音。,Hedecided todo something aboutreforestingman-madewastesofwesternAustralia.,他決定了在澳大利亞西部的人造垃圾地帶重新造林。,TwoAustraliantouristswere slain.,兩位澳大利亞遊客被謀殺了。,ExportsofAustralianwineare growingat a phenomenalrate.,澳大利亞葡萄酒的出口正以驚人的速度增長。,Hehas season.,他趁澳大利亞的休賽期在義大利執教並參賽。,In 1911hemet HarryBusteed.,1911年,他與一個叫哈里·巴斯蒂德的年輕澳大利亞人會了面。,.,她說話帶有濃重的澳大利亞口音。, bemostsuited totheAustralianpalate.,這些乾果已經過了市場試驗,結果發現它們最適合澳大利亞人的口味。,She's Italianby birthbutis nowanAustraliancitizen.,她生於義大利,但現在是澳大利亞公民。,Australianrugby league enjoysahugefollowinginNew Zealand.,澳大利亞橄欖球隊在紐西蘭有一大批支持者。,Bri *** anehasbeethe boom townforAustralianfilm andtelevision.,布里斯班已成為一座新興的澳大利亞影視城。,TheAustralianinlanefouris ingupfastfrombehind.,第四道的澳大利亞運動員正從後面快速追趕上來。,TheAustralianteamwill beseated inbusinessclass.,澳大利亞隊將乘坐商務艙。,Shewent .,她在澳大利亞內陸獨自背包旅行了八個月。,HeisanAustralianwriter.,他們一位澳大利亞作家。,It'sanAustralianstamp.,這是一張澳大利亞的郵票。,Hehaspaid a visit toAustralianPremier.,他拜訪了澳大利亞總理。



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