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㈠ 給點比較詳盡的澳大利亞的英文介紹

澳大利亞有多樣的自然景觀,包括迷人的熱帶雨林、別稱「紅色中央」的乾燥貧瘠的沙漠,白雪皚皚的山峰、綿羊遍布的牧場、及引人入勝的海濱,和馳名遐邇Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the southern hemisphere comprising the mainland of the world's smallest continent, the major island of Tasmania, and numerous other islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.N4 Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia to the north-east, and New Zealand to the south-east. For around 40,000 years before European settlement commenced in the late 18th century, the Australian mainland and Tasmania were inhabited by around 250 indivial nations[7] of indigenous Australians.[8] After sporadic visits by fishermen from the immediate north, and European discovery by Dutch explorers in 1606,[9] the eastern half of Australia was claimed by the British in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation to the colony of New South Wales, founded on 26 January 1788. The population grew steadily in the following years; the continent was explored, and ring the 19th century another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were established. On 1 January 1901, the six colonies became a federation, and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed. Since Federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth realm. The population is just over 21.7 million, with approximately 60% concentrated in and around the mainland state capitals of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide. The nation's capital city is Canberra, located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). Technologically advanced and instrialised, Australia is a prosperous multicultural country and has excellent results in many international comparisons of national performance such as health care, life expectancy, quality-of-life, human development, public ecation, economic freedom, and the protection of civil liberties and political rights.[10] Australian cities also routinely rank among the world�0�7s highest in terms of livability, cultural offerings, and quality of life. It is a member of the United Nations, G-20 major economies, Commonwealth of Nations, ANZUS, OECD, and the WTO. 澳大利亞,全名澳大利亞聯邦(英文:Commonwealth of Australia),是全球地理面積第六大國家、大洋洲最大國家。其國境東南鄰近紐西蘭,西北鄰近印度尼西亞,北邊靠近巴布亞紐幾內亞、西巴布亞和東帝汶。 「澳大利亞」一詞源於拉丁語「未知的南方大陸」(terra australis incognita)。其所在的地理學位置通常稱作澳大利亞大陸,是地球上最小的大陸板塊。其人民平均擁有國土面積乃世界最廣國家之一,經濟成就亦屬世界高度發達國家。國民生活水平很高,經濟的主要重點是高效率的能源和畜牧業。的自然遺產大堡礁、烏魯汝。在每年世界最佳居住城市評選中,澳大利亞名列前茅的城市數目在全球國家之先。

㈡ 澳大利亞英文介紹還要有翻譯

Australia is located on the southern hemisphere. It is the lagest country among oceanian countries. It has the Pacific Ocean to the east and the India Ocean to the west. It has a large number of islands around. The territory is about 7617930 spuare kilometres. It has a population of about 19 million and 74.2% of them are the descendant of English and Irish. The first group of immigrants who came from England arrived there in 1788.
Most time of the year, the climate is warm and nice. Most of its population live on the southeast coast. Canberra is the capital of Australia, and Sydney is the biggest city.
Australia has profuse natural resouse and developed travle instry. Millions of tourists come here every year.

㈢ 給點比較詳盡的澳大利亞的英文介紹

Australia 網路名片 Wikipedia card 中文名稱: Chinese name: 澳大利亞聯邦 Australia 英文名稱: English name: The Commonwealth of Australia The Commonwealth of Australia 簡稱: Abbreviations: 澳大利亞 Australia 所屬洲: Respective continents: 大洋洲 Oceania 首都: Capital: 堪培拉 Canberra 主要城市: Major cities: 堪培拉,悉尼,墨爾本 Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne 國慶日: National Day: 1月26日 January 26 國歌: Anthem: 《澳大利亞,前進》 "Australia, forward" 國家代碼: Country code: AU AU 官方語言: Official language: 英語 English 貨幣: Currency: 澳元 AUD 政治體制: Political structure: 聯邦制 Federalism 國家領袖: Leaders: 總理陸克文 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd 人口數量: Population: 2170萬人(2009年3月) 21.7 million people (March 2009) 主要民族: Main ethnic groups: 70%是英國及愛爾蘭後裔 70% are descendants of the United Kingdom and Ireland 主要宗教: Main Religion: 聖公會教,羅馬天主教 Anglican, Roman Catholic Church 國土面積: Land Area: 7,692,000平方公里 7,692,000 km2 GDP總計: GDP Total: 7730億美元(2007年度) 773 billion U.S. dollars (2007) 人均GDP: Per capita GDP: 37,300美元(2007年度) 37,300 U.S. dollars (2007) Basic Overview 國名: 澳大利亞聯邦(The Commonwealth of Australia)簡稱澳大利亞(Australia)澳大利亞被譽為人間天堂,英文可分解為amazing (嘆為觀止)unexpected(超乎想像)stylish(時尚之巔)tempting(誘人魅力)relaxing(悠然一刻)adventurous(體驗極限)liberating(自由自在)inspiring(靈感無限)attractive(夢縈魂牽). Country name: Commonwealth of Australia (The Commonwealth of Australia) referred to as Australia (Australia) Australia known as a paradise on earth, English can be decomposed into amazing (amazing) unexpected (than expected) stylish (the summit of fashion) tempting (sective charm) relaxing ( leisurely moment) adventurous (experience of the limit) liberating (freedom) inspiring (inspired by infinite) attractive (I Dreamed soul of pull). 代碼:AU Code: AU 首都 : 堪培拉 (英文名:Canberra) Capital: Canberra (English name: Canberra) 面積: 7,692,000平方公里 Area: 7,692,000 sq km 人口: 2170萬多人(2009年3月) Population: 21.7 million people (March 2009) 語言: 英語 ( 官方語言 ),土著語言. Languages: English (official language), indigenous languages. 貨幣 : 澳元 Currency: AUD 民族: 70%是英國及愛爾蘭後裔,18%為歐洲其他國家後裔,亞裔佔6%,土著居民約佔2.3%. National: 70% of British and Irish descent, and 18% for the descendants of other European countries, Asian 6%, indigenous people account for about 2.3%. 宗教 : 25%的國民沒有宗教信仰, 聖公會教徒佔21%,羅馬天主教教徒佔27%,其他基督教徒佔21%,其他宗教信仰者佔6%. Religion: 25% of the population there is no religion, Anglican Christians accounted for 21%, Roman Catholic Christians, 27%, other Christian 21%, other religions accounted for 6%. 國慶日: 1月26日 ( 1788年 ) National Day: January 26 (1788) 國花: 金合歡 (Golden wattle, 拉丁文學名:Acacia pycnantha) Flower: Acacia (Golden wattle, Latin scientific name: Acacia pycnantha) 英國人首先把澳大利亞作為一個流放囚犯的地方. The British first put Australia as an exiled prisoner place. 1788年1月18日,由菲利普船長率領的一支有6艘船的船隊共1530人抵達澳大利亞的園林灣(Botany Bay),當中有736名囚犯. January 18, 1788, led by Captain Philip has a fleet of six ships arrived in Australia a total of 1530 garden Bay (Botany Bay), of which 736 prisoners. 八天後的1788年1月26日,他們正式在澳大利亞傑克遜港(Port Jackson)建立起第一個英國殖民區,這個地方後來人口不斷增長而成為澳大利亞現在的第一大城市悉尼 ,這個名字是為了紀念當時的英國內政大臣悉尼(SYDNEY). Eight days after the January 26, 1788, they formally Port Jackson in Australia (Port Jackson) to build the first British colonial zone, this place was the growing population to become the first city in Australia is now in Sydney, this name is in order to commemoration of the then British Home Secretary in Sydney (SYDNEY). 現在,每年的1月26日是澳大利亞的國慶日. Now, the annual January 26 is Australia's national day. 首都趣史 History of the capital interest 聯邦成立的時候,澳大利亞尚未能確定首都的地點,在1901年至1927年, 墨爾本是澳大利亞的臨時首都, [Edit this paragraph] 地理氣候 Geography and Climate 澳大利亞位於南半球 ,面積居世界第六,僅次於俄羅斯 、 加拿大 、 中國 、 美國和巴西 ,約相當於五分之四個中國. Australia is located in the southern hemisphere, with an area ranks sixth in the world, after Russia, Canada, China, the United States and Brazil, equivalent to about four-fifths of a Chinese. 它東臨太平洋,西臨印度洋, 海岸線長達37000公里. It is the east Pacific Ocean, west Indian Ocean, the coastline up to 37,000 km. 是世界上唯一一個獨佔一個大陸的國家. Is the world's only an exclusive one continent. 澳大利亞的地形很有特色. Australia's terrain is quite distinctive. 西部和中部有崎嶇的多石地帶、浩瀚的沙漠和蔥郁的平頂山巒,東部有連綿的高原 ,在靠海處是狹窄的海灘緩坡,緩斜向西,漸成平原. The western and central parts of the rugged rocky areas, the vast desert and lush mountain ranges of Pingdingshan east of rolling plateau, in the sea is that a narrow beach gentle slope, slow ramp to the west, graally became plain. Coastal area is full of wide beaches and lush vegetation, where the topography of strange things: in the west of the City of Sydney has the Blue Mountains of the cliffs, in the north Gela Si House Brisbane, tall mountains, beautiful and after the erosion of the volcanic neck , while in the south coast west of Adelaide city, is a flat plain. 墨累河和達令河是澳大利亞最長的兩條河流. Murray River and Darling River is Australia's longest two rivers. 這兩個河流系統形成墨累-達令盆地,面積約100多萬平方公里,相當於大陸總面積的14%. These two river systems the formation of the Murray - Darling Basin, an area of about 100 million square kilometers, equivalent to 14% of the total area of mainland China. 艾爾湖是靠近大陸中心一個極大的鹽湖,面積超過9000平方公里,但長期呈乾涸狀態. Lake Eyre is near the center of the continent a great salt lake, covering an area over 9000 square km, but the long-term status was dry. 澳大利亞的大部分國土,約70%,屬於乾旱或半乾旱地帶,中部大部分地區不適合居住. Most of Australia's land, about 70%, classified as arid or semi-arid zones, the central most areas not suitable for habitation. 澳大利亞有11個大沙漠,它們約占整個大陸面積的20%. Australia has 11 large deserts, which account for about 20% of the area throughout the continent. 由於降雨量很小,大陸三分之一以上的面積實際上被沙漠覆蓋. As the rainfall is small, the mainland for more than one-third of the area actually covered by deserts. 澳大利亞是世界上最平坦、最乾燥的大陸,中部窪地及西部高原均為氣候乾燥的沙漠, 能作畜牧及耕種的土地只有26萬平方公里. Australia is the world's most flat, the driest continent, the central lowland and western plateau are dry desert climate, can make animal husbandry and farming the land, only 26 million square kilometers. 沿海地帶,特別是東南沿海地帶,適於居住與耕種. Coastal areas, particularly in the southeastern coastal zone, suitable for residence and cultivation. 這里丘陵起伏,水源豐富,土地肥沃. Here hilly, water-rich, fertile land. 除南海岸外,整個沿海地帶形成一條環繞大陸的「綠帶」,正是這條「綠帶」養育了這個國家. In addition to the south coast, the entire coastal strip around the continent to form a "green", it is this "green" brought up this country. 然而,澳大利亞內陸貧瘠乾旱地帶卻蘊藏極為豐富的礦產資源,澳大利亞鐵礦儲量佔世界第二位,各種礦產為澳大利亞帶來大量的財富 . However, barren arid zones of inland Australia is extremely rich deposits of mineral resources, the Australian iron ore reserves of the world's second largest, all kinds of mineral resources in Australia to bring a lot of wealth.

㈣ 澳大利亞的英文怎麼說


英 [ɔ:ˈstreɪljə] 美 [ɔˈstreljə]

英 [ˈɔ:si] 美 [ˈɔsi, ˈɔzi]
澳大利亞人 Australian

澳大利亞紀念日 Australia Day

澳大利亞投票 Australian Voting

澳大利亞大陸 Continent of Australia
1. Australian rugby league enjoys a huge following in New Zealand.


2. Australia's rugby union side enjoyed a record-breaking win over France.


3. I'vebeen dragged back from Australia for no sufficient reason.


4. The tour will include games against the Australian Barbarians.


5. Australia, put in to bat, made a cautious start.


6. He decided to do something about reforesting man-made wastes of western Australia.


7. He has coached and played in Italy ring the Australian off-season.


8. The Aussie was in agony with a broken finger.


9. And I'll buzz over to talk some sense into old Ocker.


10. Blake emigrated to Australia with his family at 13.


11. The Australian team will be seated in business class.


12. What we are planning is cutting-edge technology never seen in Australia before.


13. The Labor government of Western Australia has an election e next spring.

西澳大利亞工黨 *** 明年春天要舉行選舉。

14. The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to ratify the treaty.


15. Bri *** ane has bee the boom town for Australian film and television.


㈤ 英文怎麼介紹澳大利亞

australia is an Asia country. it is in the middle of the pacific ocean. its capital is Canberra but not the most famous city Sydney. in the northeast of Australia there are some greatest sights of the world, for example, the Barrier Reef. there people could enjoy white sands, high clear sky with pure clouds, beautiful pale blue sea water and even more unbelievable animals and water world under the sea surface. what do you know about this pretty country? which city do you like best? would you like to share it with me? i'm here.




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