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① 翻譯葡萄牙語


② Nota fiscal 什麼意思


③ 誰有國際貿易 國際金融方面的專業英語資料

其次,你可以把郵箱給我,我發一些internantional trade&internantional finance的全英文課件給你。裡面有名詞解釋。
最後,我可以給你一些internantional finance的雙語名詞解釋給你。

Professonal terms
1、balance of payments; 貿易支付差額a system of recording all of a country's economic transactions with the rest of the world over a period of one year
2、the current account; the current account is one of the two primary components of the balance of payments:貨物、服務、收入和經常轉移。

3、the capital account; It is the sum of the balance of trade (exports minus imports of goods and services)
資本與金融賬戶(Capital and Financial Account)與經常賬戶相對,國際收支上本國與外國之間資本流動的記錄,反映本國資產和負債狀況的變動,包含貸款和投資相關的資本流動。
4、the double-entry bookkeeping; The basic principle of double entry bookkeeping is that every transaction has a twofold effect.復式記賬法的基本原理是每筆交易都有借貸雙方。This system is called double-entry because each transaction is recorded in at least two accounts. Each transaction results in at least one account being debited and at least one account being credited, with the total debits of the transaction equal to the total credits
5、merchandise trade balance; 商品貿易的平衡The Merchandise Trade Balance is a measure of "visible" trade
6、 current account balance; 經常賬目平衡The current account balance is the difference between a country's savings and its investment指對實際資源的流動行為進行記錄的帳戶,包括:貨物、服務、收入和經常轉移。
7、The overall balance; 綜合平衡 An overall measurement of a country's private financial and economic transactions with the rest of the world
8、the official reserve asset balance; 官方儲備。官方儲備是指一個國家由官方所持有的國際儲備資產,包括黃金、外匯和特別提款權。一個國家在一定時期的國際收支不可能完全平衡,總會發生差額。如果不平衡,就要通過動用官方儲備,來彌補或軋平這個時期國際收支的差額,實現該時期國際收支的平衡。
9、the Errors and Omissions; 錯誤與遺漏(0) Error & Omission insurance protects a business professional whose clients could claim damages as a result of business professional's faulty performance.
11.the international investment position; 國際投資頭寸 外匯頭寸——是指外匯銀行所持有的各種外幣帳戶余額狀況,即外匯銀行

的外匯買賣的餘缺狀況。A country's international investment position (IIP) is a financial statement setting out the value and composition of that country's external financial assets and liabilities.
12.the IMF; The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization that oversees the global financial system by following the macroeconomic policies of its member countries, in particular those with an impact on exchange rates and the balance of payments. It also offers financial and technical assistance to its members, making it an international lender of last resort. Its headquarters are located in Washington, D.C., USA. 國際貨幣基金組織(或國際貨幣基金,英文簡稱:IMF)是國際金融組織,職責是通過監察貨幣匯率和各國貿易情況、以及提供技術和資金協助,確保全球金融制度運作正常。1945年12月27日正式成立。總部設在華盛頓
13.the reserve position in the IMF; 國際貨幣基金有儲備金,供國家借用,以在短時間內穩定貨幣;做法類似在往來戶口中透支。所借款項必須於5年內清還。
14.SDRs 特別提款權(special drawing right,SDR)是國際貨幣基金組織創設的一種儲備資產和記帳單位,亦稱「紙黃金(Paper Gold)」。它是基金組織分配給會員國的一種使用資金的權利。會員國在發生國際收支逆差時,可用它向基金組織指定的其他會員國換取外匯,以償付國際收支逆差或償還基金組織的貸款,還可與黃金、自由兌換貨幣一樣充當國際儲備。但由於其只是一種記帳單位,不是真正貨幣,使用時必須先換成其他貨幣,不能直接用於貿易或非貿易的支付。因為它是國際貨幣基金組織原有的普通提款權以外的一種補充,所以稱為特別提款權(SDR)。

15.foreign exchange; 外匯 foreign exchange (FX市場)通常指以外國貨幣表示的可用於國際結算的各種支付手段。包括:外國貨幣、外幣存款、外幣有價證券(政府公債、國庫券、公司債券、股票等)、外幣支付憑證(票據、銀行存款憑證、郵政儲蓄憑證等)。
16.exchange rate; 匯率 (exchange rate) 【概念】 匯率亦稱「外匯行市或匯價」。一國貨幣兌換另一國貨幣的比率,是以一種貨幣表示另一種貨幣的價格。
17.spot exchange rate; 即期匯率
18.forward exchange; 遠期匯率
19.intangible market; 無形資產,是指企業擁有或者控制的沒有實物形態的可. 辨認非貨幣性資產。
20.a vehicle currency;
21.SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications); SWIFT全世界銀行間金融電信學會是一個協作組織,它運營著世界級的金融電文網路,銀行和其他金融機構通過它與同業交換電文(message),從而完成金融交易。除此之外,SWIFT還向金融機構銷售軟體和服務,其中大部分的用戶都在使用SWIFT網路。到2006年4月為止,SWIFT的服務已經遍及205個國家,接入的金融機構超過7800家。
22.CHIPS (Clearing House International Payments System);
23. floating exchange rate; 1. 概念:一國貨幣當局不再規定本國貨幣與外國貨幣比價和匯率波動的幅度,貨幣當局也不承擔維持匯率波動界限的義務,而聽任匯率隨外匯市場供求變化自由波動的一種匯率制度。
24.the equilibrium exchange rate;
25.fixed exchange rate; 這種制度規定本國貨幣與其他國家貨幣之間維持一個固定比率,匯率波動只能限制在一定范圍內,由官方干預來保證匯率的穩定。
26.the band of exchange rate;
27.par value; Par value, in finance and accounting, means stated value or face value.
28.the appreciation; 升值
29.the depreciation; 貶值
30.the revaluation;貨幣升值
31.the devaluation; 貨幣貶值 貨幣貶值(又稱通貨貶值),是貨幣升值的對稱,是指單位貨幣所含有的價值或所代表的價值的下降,即單位貨幣價格下降貨幣貶值可以從不同角度來理解。
32.arbitrage; 套利( spreads):
指同時買進和賣出兩張不同種類的期貨合約。交易者買進自認為是"便宜的"合約,同時賣出那些"高價的"合約,從兩合約價格間的變動關系中獲利。在進行套利時,交易者注意的是合約之間的相互價格關系,而不是絕對價格水平。套利Arbitrage:試圖利用不同市場或不同形式的同類或相似金融產品的價格差異牟利。最理想的狀態是無風險套利。In economics and finance, arbitrage is the practice of taking advantage of a price differential between two or more markets:

33.biangular arbitrage;兩角套利 假設在不考慮交易費用的情況下,紐約市場上美元對歐元的匯率是0,61, 而在倫敦市場上美元對歐元是0.65, 這樣就出現了兩角套利的機會, 在紐約市場買入歐元然後在倫敦市場上賣出, 在這里能產生4%的利潤在每賣出去的歐元。 但是這種個行動會導致紐約市場上歐元的需求量增加導致美元對歐元的匯率升高, 例如到0.63;另一方面, 在倫敦市場上歐元的供給增加導致匯率下降,例如0.63. 這些套利的行動最終使得美元對歐元的匯率相符合。
34.triangular arbitrage; 三角套利
35.basic rates; 基本匯率(也叫直盤或基礎匯率):一般指一國貨幣與美元的比價。
36.cross rates交叉匯率(也叫交叉盤):是指兩種非美元貨幣之間的比價,交叉匯率可從基本匯率套算而來。
套匯率 - 任何兩種貨幣間的匯率,這兩種貨幣在給出這對貨幣對報價的國家被認為是非標準的。比如,在美國,英鎊/日元的報價可能被看作一種套匯率,然而在英國或日本它可能是交易中主要的貨幣對之一。

37.exchange rate risk; 匯率風險:又稱外匯風險,指經濟主體持有或運用外匯的經濟活動中,因匯率變動而蒙受損失的可能性。
38.international financial investment; 國際投資(International Investment),又稱對外投資(Foreign Investment)或海外投資(Overseas Investment),是指跨國公司等國際投資主體,將其擁有的貨幣資本或產業資本,通過跨國界流動和營運,以實現價值增值的經濟行為。
39.international investment with cover;
40.international investment without cover;
41.hedging; 對沖交易即同時進行兩筆行情相關、方向相反、數量相當、盈虧相抵的交易。
42. hedgers;
44. speculators;投機者
45. the forward premium; 升水率
46.the forward discount; 貼稅率
47.covered interest arbitrage; 抵補套利(Covered Arbitrage)是指把資金調往高利率貨幣國家或地區的同時,在外匯市場上賣出遠期高利率貨幣,即在進行套利的同時做掉期交易,以避免匯率風險。實際上這就是套期保值,一般的套利保值交易多為抵補套利。
48.uncovered interest arbitrage; 不抵補套利(uncovered interest arbitrage)指把資金從利率低的貨幣轉向利率高的貨幣,從而謀取利率的差額收入。這種交易不必同時進行反方向交易軋平頭寸,但這種交易要承擔高利率貨幣貶值的風險。。
49.covered interest parity; 套補的利率平價。假定iA是A 國貨幣的利率,iB是B國貨幣的利率,p是即期遠期匯率的升跌水平。假定投資者採取持有遠期合約的套補方式交易時,市場最終會使利率與匯率間形成下列關系:p = iA − iB。其經濟含義是:匯率的遠期升貼水平等於兩國貨幣利率之差。在套補利率平價成立時,如果A 國利率高於B國利率,則A 國遠期匯率必將升水,A國貨幣在遠期市場上將貶值。反之亦然。匯率的變動會抵消兩國間的利率差異,從而使金融市場處於平衡狀態。
50. uncovered interest parity非套補的利率平價。假定投資者根據自己對未來匯率變動的預期而計算預期的收益,在承擔一定的匯率風險情況下進行投資活動。假定,Ep表示預期的匯率遠期變動率,則Ep = iA − iB。其經濟含義是:遠期的匯率預期變動率等於兩國貨幣利率之差。在非套補利率平價成立時,如果A國利率高於B國利率,則意味著市場預期A國貨幣在遠期將貶值。
51.PPP; 購買力平價理論 兩國貨幣的匯率主要是由兩國貨幣的購買力決定的。
52.the law of one price; 一價定律可表述為:當貿易開放且交易費用為盡時,同樣酌貨物無論在何地銷售,其價格都相同* 國際金融中的「一價定律」是指:一種商品在各國間的價值是一致的,即是說,通過匯率折算之後的標價是一致的,若在各國間存在價格差異,則會發生商品國際貿易,直到價差被消除,貿易停止,這時達到商品市場的均衡狀態。該定律適用於商品市場,與之相似的適用於資本市場的定律是利息平價理論。
53.absolute PPP;
54.relative PPP; 相對購買力平價彌補了絕對購買力平價一些不足的方面。它的主要觀點可以簡單地表述為:兩國貨幣的匯率水平將根據兩國通脹率的差異而進行相應地調整。 它表明兩國間的相對通貨膨脹決定兩種貨幣間的均衡匯率。
55.overshooting; 匯率超調(Sticky-Price Monetary Approach/Overshooting)是由美國經濟學家魯迪格•多恩布希(Rudiger•Dornbusch)於20世紀70年代提出的。又稱為匯率決定的粘性價格貨幣分析法

所謂超調通常是指一個變數對給定擾動做出的短期反應超過了其長期穩定均衡值,並因而被一個相反的調節所跟隨。導致這種現象出現的起因在於商品市場上的價格存在「粘性」或者「滯後」的特點。56.bandwagon effects; 流行影響或羊群效應The bandwagon effect, also known as social proof or "cromo effect" and closely related to opportunism, is the observation that people often do and believe things because many other people do and believe the same things. 「羊群效應」也稱「從眾心理」。是指管理學上一些企業的市場行為的一種常見現象。
經濟學里經常用「羊群效應」來描述經濟個體的從眾跟風心理。羊群是一種很散亂的組織,平時在一起也是盲目地左沖右撞,但一旦有一隻頭羊動起來,其他的羊也會不假思索地一哄而上,全然不顧前面可能有狼或者不遠處有更好的草。因此,「羊群效應」就是比喻人都有一種從眾心理,從眾心理很容易導致盲從,而盲從往往會陷入騙局或遭到失敗。 57.bubbles; 泡沫經濟:虛擬資本過度增長與相關交易持續膨脹日益脫離實物資本的增長和實業部門的成長,金融證券、地產價格飛漲,投機交易極為活躍的經濟現象。泡沫經濟寓於金融投機,造成社會經濟的虛假繁榮,最後必定泡沫破滅,導致社會震盪,甚至經濟崩潰。
58. nominal bilateral exchange rate;名義雙邊匯率
59. nominal effective exchange rate;名義有效匯率


60. real bilateral exchange rate; 實際雙邊匯率
61.real effective exchange rate實際有效匯率
Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER)



62.convertible currency; 貨幣自由兌換(Currency Convertibility) 貨幣自由兌換是指在一個統一的或健全的國際貨幣體系下,一國貨幣與他國貨幣可以通過某種兌換機制自由地交換。63.exchange control; 外匯管制 Foreign exchange control
64.a clean float; 浮動匯率制度的一種,亦稱清潔浮動。是指一國的貨幣匯率完全由外匯市場的供求關系決定,貨幣當局不採取斜體干預本幣匯率波動的措施。
65.a dirty float; 骯臟互動匯率制/有管理浮動匯率制(dirty float/managed float)
66. a managed float; 由政府操縱的匯率浮動
67.adjustable peg; 可調整的釘住匯率制(adjustable pegged exchange rates,Adjustable Peg)可調整的釘住匯率制概述
可調整的釘住匯率制(adjustable pegged exchange rates)源於1944的布雷頓森林協定(Bretton Woods system)。在這種體制中,各國的匯率既可以保持穩定又可以具有靈活性。在短期,各國可以使用外匯穩定基金把匯率維持在固定的水平;而在長期,則通過貶值和升值保持收支平衡。

68.crawling peg; 爬行釘住匯率制(crawling peg) 爬行釘住匯率制概述
爬行釘住匯率制是固定匯率制和浮動匯率制的折中,其含義是一國對貨幣平價進行細微的、經常性的調整,扭轉一國的國際收支失衡,是將匯率釘住某種平價,但根據一組選定的指標頻繁地、小幅度地調整所釘住平價的一種匯率安排。赤字國和盈餘國都會一直調整匯率水平,直到滿意為止。並且平價的變動分許多小步進行,匯率的調整盡可能地接近連續。其調整是按照這些指示變數來進行的:相對於主要貿易夥伴國的本國價格的變化;外匯儲備水平;出口業績;國際收支經常賬戶的狀況。巴西、阿根廷、智利等國家使用該制度。 爬行制的基本思想是:一國可以小幅度地、經常地調整平價,一年可以調整幾次,使平價按市場條件的變化緩慢爬行。
69.reserve currencies; 儲備貨幣儲備貨幣是指中央銀行長期持有的具備國際清償力的貨幣。
70.foreign exchange market intervention; 外匯市場干預
71.sterilized intervention; 外匯沖銷干預
「中和干預」又叫沖銷式干預,它是政府管理匯率的重要政策之一,也稱沖銷政策。它是指中央銀行進行數量相等但方向相反的國外和國內資產交易,以抵消外匯干預對國內貨幣供給的影響。72.non-sterilized intervention; 非沖銷干預
73. gold standard; 金本位制就是以黃金為本位幣的貨幣制度。在金本位制下,或每單位的貨幣價值等同於若乾重量的黃金(即貨幣含金量);當不同國家使用金本位時,國家之間的匯率由它們各自貨幣的含金量之比--金平價(Gold Parity)來決定。
74. the Bretton Woods system; 布雷頓森林貨幣體系是指戰後以美元為中心的國際貨幣體系。75.「two-tier」 gold price system. 雙重金價制
雙重金價制. two-tier gold system. 為保護國際貨幣儲備不受金價高漲壓力的影響而作出的安排。

④ "忠心祝貴公司生意興隆,財源廣進!" 英語怎麼說

I sincerely wish you a prosperous business and prosperous financial resources!

1、financial resources的讀音:英 [faɪˈnænʃl rɪˈsɔːsɪz],美 [faɪˈnænʃl ˈriːsɔːrsɪz]。





















⑤ 在年份後面加了一個F,是什麼意思

年份後加F(forecasted),代表數據是預測出來的數據。如果FY在前面,fiscal year 表示財政年度

⑥ 翻譯葡萄牙語

好奇怪0 0

⑦ 「金融」英文縮寫是什麼

消費者物價指數(Consumer Price Index),是反映與居民生活有關的產品及勞務價格統計出來的物價變動指標,通常作為觀察通貨膨脹水平的重要指標。當CPI>3%的增幅時我們稱為通貨膨脹;而當CPI>5%的增幅時,稱為嚴重通貨膨脹。
生產者物價指數(Procer Price Index),指通過計算生產過程中所有階段上所獲得的產品的價格水平變動而得到的指數。
國內生產總值(gross domestic proct),是指一定時期內(一個季度或一年),一個國家或地區的經濟中所生產出的全部最終產品和提供勞務的市場價值的總值。
國民生產總值(Gross National Proct),它是指一個國家地區的國民經濟在一定時期(一般1年)內以貨幣表現的全部最終產品(含貨物和服務)價值的總和。
世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization),成立於1995年1月1日,其前身是關稅和貿易總協定(GATT),是一個獨立於聯合國的永久性國際組織,負責管理世界經濟和貿易秩序,總部設在瑞士日內瓦萊蒙湖畔。世貿組織是具有法人地位的國際組織,在調解成員爭端方面具有更高的權威性。世貿組織與世界銀行、國際貨幣基金組織一起,並稱為當今世界經濟體制的「三大支柱」。
國際貨幣基金組織(the International Monetary Fund),是政府間的國際金融組織。它是根據1944年7月在美國新罕布希爾州布雷頓森林召開聯合國和聯盟國家的國際貨幣金融會議上通過的《國際貨幣基金協定》而建立起來的。於1945年12月27日 正式成立,1947年3月1日 開始辦理業務。同年11月15日成為聯合國的一個專門機構,但在經營上有其獨立性。至今,IMF已有182個成員國。IMF主要業務活動有:向成員國提供貨款,在貨幣問題上促進國際合作,研究國際貨幣制度改革的有關問題,研究擴大基金組織的作用,提供技術援助和加強同其它國際機構的聯系。
亞太經濟合作組織(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation),是亞太地區最具影響的經濟合作官方論壇,成立於1989年。1989年1月,澳大利亞總理霍克訪問韓國時建議召開部長級會議,討論加強亞太經濟合作問題。1989年11月5日至7日,澳大利亞、美國、加拿大、日本、韓國、紐西蘭和東南亞國家聯盟6國在澳大利亞首都堪培拉舉行亞太經濟合作會議首屆部長級會議,這標志著亞太經濟合作會議的成立。1993年6月改名為亞太經濟合作組織。
金磚四國,是指巴西(Brazil)、俄羅斯(Russia)、印度(India)和中國(China)四國,因這四個國家的英文名稱首字母組合而成的「BRICs」一詞,其發音與英文中的「磚塊」(bricks)一詞非常相似,故被稱為「金磚四國」。 這四個國家中,巴西被稱為「世界原料基地」;俄羅斯被稱為「世界加油站」;印度被稱為「世界辦公室」;中國被稱為「世界工廠」。

⑧ 巴西概況 英文簡介

Brazil general situation
???? country:Brazil federal republic
??????????( The? Federative? Republic? of? Brazil,
???????????? Rep ú blica? Federativa? do? Brasil)?

????? national flag:? Distance that report the rectangular, and grow with the breadth it than for 10 ∶ 7. The ensign ground is green, in the center is a yellow rhombus, its four topses and ensign sides all equal. The rhombus in the center is a 藍色 day ball 儀 , its up have the white of an arch form to take. Green, the yellow is a Brazilian national beauty. Abundant 礦藏 of that bush of vast country of green symbol, yellow representative is with the resources. Day 26 states for ball arch on the 儀 form white taking surface of sphere is divided intoing the top and bottom twoth parts, second half department symbol Southern Hemisphere 星空 , different white of its last size fifth Cape 星 representative Brazilianlies are with a federal area. The white take to up writes the 「 order with progresses with Portuguese text".??

????National insignia:? The pattern is in the center outstanding a big five Cape 星 , independence of nation symbol and solidify. Big five 藍色 circle in Cape 星 s up have five small five ten horoscopes of Cape 星 s, representative south; Have in the circle wreath 22 small five each state of Cape 星 s, representative Brazils are with the federal area. Big five Cape 星 surroundings surround the garland, back of useful coffee leaf that weave to stand up with tobacco leaf on carry under fifth Cape 星 s the sword, hilt of a swording. The 綬 take to up write the 「 Brazil the federal republic with Portuguese text", 「 1889 November 15".( the republic establish the day)?

????Important festival:??????

???????? independent day:September 7?(1822)

????????? National Day:September 7
????????? Indian's day:April 19?

Brazil Rio de Janeiro 著 ' s melon 納 the 巴 pull the gulf
???? national high-ranking officials:? Does the president's 盧 pulls the · to reach a 爾 tile?( Lula? da? Silva)?, The 2002 win an election October, and the 2003 is on January 1 a 職 .?

????Nature geography:854.7 ten thousand square kilometer, is Latin- American biggest nation of the area. Locate the southeast department in South America. The north 鄰 method belong to Guyana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela with Columbia, west 鄰 Peru, Bolivia, the south connect the Paraguay, Argentina be close to Atlantic Ocean with Uruguay, east. The coast line grow more than 7400 seseses, territorial waters width 12 outside 專 of nautical miles, territorial waterses belong to the economic area 188 nautical mile. National territory 80% locate the tropical region, most the south carry to belong to subtropics weather. Northern part the plain of second horse Sun belong to the average air temperature of equator weather, year 27 - 29 ℃ . The central part plateau belong to the drought, raining season of tropical steppe weather, cent. South department average air temperature in region 16 - 19 ℃ .?

Brazil card that body does the in beautiful attire pull the 雅族 ?

The Brazil south compares the card tile to pull the 族
The person proceeds bow and arrow game

Body the in beautiful attire's Brazil 帕 tower
The 肖族 spring ups the race to dance
???? Population:1.696 hundred million(2000)s, occupy the world population of 2.8%, reside to pull beautiful and first. among them the white man occupy54.?03%, black and white mixed blood the person occupy39.?94%, the black race person occupy5.?39%, the yellow race person occupy 0.46%, the Indian is roughly to occupy0.?16%.The Portuguese language is an authorities language.71% of the resident believe in the Catholic.?Brazil 「 Indian's day"?

???? capital:? Brazil is benefit second( Brasilia)?, The population is roughly 204.32 myriad people(2000) s, melted the 匯 the world thou to construct the art's essence now, and have the 「 world the building exposition" it call. The city construct by the side of artificial lake, then three power squares resemble a head for cores, shape with an eastern exposure airplane of square 巨 type.1987 the year, United Nations teach section text how to organize to declare to list as the human culture wealth of 「 the second city of Brazil benefit".??

????The administrative area rows:The whole nation totally is divided intoes 26 stateses to establish the municipal, whole nation to totally have with 1 federal area( Brazil second federal area of benefit), state down 5507 City, among them 15 above have 79,100 above have 12.(1999)Name of each state is as follows: 阿 gram, Allah 戈斯 , second horse Sun, 阿 horse 帕 , 巴 the 伊 is second, 塞 Allah, saint 埃斯 skin the second 斯 , horse of diagram, 戈 pull the 尼 the 昂 , horse 托格羅 the 索 , south horse 托格羅 the 索 , rice 納斯 the 吉 to pull the 斯 , 帕 to pull, the 帕 pull the 伊 the 巴 , 巴 to pull the that, 伯 south cloth the elder brother, skin 奧 the 伊 , north 奧格 the 蘭 is virtuous, south 奧格 the 蘭 is virtuous, many 尼 s in Rio de Janeiro, 朗 are second, the rare 培 , 托 of 爾 of 羅 , 塞 of 琳 , saint 保 of horse, saint card tower of 羅賴 axe the 廷斯 .??

????Chien's history:The ancient times Brazil for printing peaceful person of ground live the groundses.1500 year April 22 the cloth of Portuguese navigator card pull the 爾 to arrive the Brazil.16 century the 淪 is a Portuguese colony.1807Year Nepoleon invades Portugal, 葡 royal house to escape the Brazil the empress, Brazil in reality the 葡 ' s empire the 葡 royal house of center.1821 year move to return Lisbon, prince to wear the virtuous 羅 to stay the Brazil term the 攝政 the king.1822Year September 7 the winning is independent, and establish the Brazil the empire.1888 the year abrogates May slave's system.1889Year November 15 豐塞 card the general stage the coup to abrogate the 帝 system, and establish the republic.1891年2月24日通過第一部共和國憲法,定國名為巴西合眾國。1960The year be moved by Rio de Janeiro capital is toward the Brazil benefit second.1964 March 31 of years, soldier's coup go on stage, practice the 獨 to cut the governance, and change the country the by name Brazil the federal republic in 1967.

1931Year October 12, high 30 riceseses, heavy 1145 tonseses, last the engineering's Christ 石 of 10 year the statue
At around the original camel hump top of hill of municipal stand on end.
It is one of the symbol thing of Rio de Janeiro Cities
???? Politics: In 1988 the new constitution promulgating on October 5 rules, and the president be proced by direct election, and cancel direct power of ordinance promulgation of president. The president is a national head of state with the government mastermind 兼 armed forces' commander in chief.1994 year with 1997 the parliament pass the constitution revision bill, and distinguish the provision to shorten president's tenure as four years, president with each state, mayor can all connect to choose to serve another term. The citizen parliament be constitute, exercised by federal 參議院 is with the House of Representatives legislative power, for the country tallest power organization in house.The main working talent establishes the whole laws in the federal scopes; Certain period and armed power number of peace; The establishment whole nation is with the region development plan; Declare the general amnesty the ream; The authorization president declares the war or peace; The approval president visit with vice- President; Grant or cancel the federal to interfere or impose curfew; Investigate the president 賬 the 目 ; The approval president signs the international treaty; The decision is temporary to move capital the etc.. the cabinet is a government administration organization, cabinet the member be appointment to officed by president.

The biggest 保 benefit in the city saint 保羅 City of Brazil 斯
The avenue ascends the lofty financing institution mansion. Saint 保羅
Is a Brazilian finance, business with the manufacturing instry center.
Economy:? River of second horse Sun that Brazil nature term with abundant resources. It is river valley that horizontal 貫 is northern part is wide in the world, biggest river of the discharge. Vegetable contain the lung of the 「 the Earth" of the area of second horse Sun forest calling amount to 750 ten thousand square kilometer, occupy the world forest one of the area's three centseses, among them big the part locate Brazil inshore. Extremely have on the fifth river 巴 of southern world of west pull that river big 瀑 cloth of Su of sublime 伊 melon, Brazil match the quilt 譽 that set up with Paraguay for the biggest water electricity of world that 「 century engineering" to stand the 伊泰 the 普 water the electricity to stand and then set up on the 巴 pull that river. Brazil 礦產 the resources is abundant, and primarily there is iron, uranium, aluminum 礬 soil, manganese, petroleum, natural gas and coal etc.. Among them and already clear iron mine sand of 探 the 儲 measure to 650 hundred million tons, yield with export to measure to all reside the world the first. Uranium 礦 , aluminum 礬 soil is with the manganese 礦 the 儲 measure to all reside the world the third. Technique level that Brazil pull the beautiful the first economic giant, and have forer complete instry system, instry proction value to reside to pull the beautiful head. steel, car, build the ship, petroleum, chemical engineering, electric power, make the shoe etc. The profession to possess the great reputation, 核 the electricity, communication, electronics, airplane the manufacturing, information, soldier the work to wait the realm in the world to have already across intoed the world advanced countries the row or column. Brazil is the biggest coffee of world to proce the country with export the country, and have the 「 coffee the Kingdom" it call, and the sugar cane is with the orange's yield to also reside the world's head. The soybean yield reside the world the second, corn yield to reside the world the third. Brazil is only next to the United States proce the country with the third candy of Germany's world. Various candy yield annually amount to 800 hundred million. Candy instry year proction value is 5 hundred million US$. Every year export the candy 5 ten thousand tons are or so. Livestock husbandry that the national arable land area is roughly 4 hundred million hectares, quilt 譽 are the world 糧 of 「 twenty- One centuries 倉 ". Brazil prosper very much, then keep the cow is lord. The 巴 is a big country of South America steel, for the world the country of the sixth 產 steel, steel material export to amount to 1200 ten thousand ton, occupy the total deal of national steel material of 54%. Also pull the ninth car of beautiful the first, world to proce the big country. Point that Brazilianly travel the long and negative 盛 of instry, for the world ten big travel to create the one of the 匯 countries. Primarily travel to church contain 羅 , El Salvador in Rio de Janeiro, saint 保 with the old building, Brazil of thou benefit cloth of second city, 伊 melon Su 瀑 is with the 伊泰普 the water electricity stand, agate 斯 free port, money the city, 巴 pull that 石 the wood with the etc. of big marsh ground.??Currency: Second 爾 of thunder>>>????? Brazil does the sea beach romantic feeling draw the >>>? Brazil 覽勝 :(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)

Second — of Brazil benefit the most young and human culture of the — inheritance
???? 「 coffee Kingdom" is —— Brazil? Pull the beautiful and big country the Brazil with the coffee quality the 優 , flavor is thick but famous world, is biggest coffee in the world to proce the country with export to country, vegetable contain 「 coffee the Kingdom" it call.?

????Labor force that Original 產 of coffee is in Africa's 埃塞俄 the ratio is second, and stream into the Brazil in 1727. Coffee that Brazil locate South America the southeast, ground tropical zone and subtropics, the special geography suit to plant the coffee, add with weather term very cheap, the coffee plant the quick rise of instry.19 century, Brazilian plant to almost spread over the whole nation, and again become to keep on the long 「 coffee of a century the prosperous period later on". The big area of coffee plant, gave to Brazil brought the wealth with prosper.20Century beginning, Brazil of 7 10 5% that coffee yield occupy the world the total yield is above, from but won the 「 coffeed the Kingdom" of beautiful call.?

????The coffee is Brazil an one of the pillars. The whole nation have consumedly small and small coffee plantation 50 ten thousandses, plant the area roughly 220 ten thousand hectare, amount to from the instry population 600 many ten thousand, year 產 coffee 200 ten thousand tons are or so, and the year export to create the 匯 near 20 hundred million US$. in recent years, because of export the constructioning of the variety be in a rut with international coffee market, Brazil coffee proce with export measure to have the descent.

????Emergence, Brazilian that Cool love coffee of Brazilian.60 the age, Brazilian is all the year coffee consume to measure to amount to 5 · 8 kilogram. In the last two decades, along with the other beverage all the coffee consume to measure to still exceed 3 kilogram.In the Brazil, wether in the city or country, the assorted coffee shop is everywhere therefore. People can almost and at any time and anywhere and drink the hot coffee of the thick 郁 fragrance.

????Big country of 「 football" is —— Brazil? Brazil is a big country of world football. The football exercise to is not only is Brazil civil of common a fondness for, but also the pride of whole race. Football club that Brazil occupation ball team it is many, it may be said the world's 冠 . Formally register the registration to already have more than 2 10000, be engaged in the number of the football sport to over million. Besides king of baseball shell benefit, Brazil still own the 濟 the section, Su's 格 to pull the bottom, card thunder the card, 羅納 the 爾 many, the tile 爾 is much, Rome the 奧 wait a large quantity the football star of the world class.

The carnival of second horse Sun originates 17 centuries an only bull legend that rescue, afterwards the native son be used as the cow to revel the symbol of the stanza. Now this festival have become the traditional festival of largest race, pole 富 of Brazil the Indian of the region of second horse Sun the special features. every year draw on the large quantity visitor to come to observe and learn.

????The news publishes: In 2000, the national newspaper have 500 1485 kindseses, issuance � kinds, magazine measure at 15 more than ten thousand main newspapers and magazineses have: Round- the- World report of 》 , 《 of 》 , 《 saint 保羅 state report of 《 saint 保羅 page report 》 , 《 people 郵 report 》 , 《 the zero order the 》 etc.. The main magazine have: The 《 pleases see the 》 , 《 thises is a 》 , 《 ages 》 etc., all for the weekly magazine.

????According to the covariance, whole nation of the 2001 contain 2965 houses � broadcasting station, among them 1418 houses � frequency molation set. Big many for private and all, the Brazil broadcast the company for authorities broadcasting station. Large television station contain seven round- the- World sets" amount to for national and biggest privately owned television station, of national 覆 cover 99.77%. Other and bigger privately owned television station contain 「 Brazil television net the" and 「 class 特蘭 virtuous 斯 " wait. What government manage have two house, then national television station is with the ecational TV set. the above broadcasting station use the Portuguese language with television station all.?

????Point that Diplomacy: Carry out the independent independence, hands- off do not the foreign policy of the country domestic affairs. Bring up the foreign policy to is for economy to serve. The attention enhance the 同 the relation of nation the third world.?

????With the China relation: Chinese 亭 that many year agos of as early as a hundred in China and Brazil started company with, set upping in the Rio de Janeiro 蒂茹 card national park is for 1812 in the last years this spread the 藝 ' s permanence of Chinese tea agriculture August 15 of memorial.1974 year two countries have diplomatic relation since then, politics, economy, trade, culture, technology cooperation smooth development. Two high layer of countrieses with each other visit multifarious.Jiang Zeming's chairman in 1993 November and visited April in 2001 many 佐s of president's cards of December of Brazil.1995 years, Brazils proceeds to China national affairs interview.2004年5月,盧拉總統對中國進行國事訪問,雙方簽署聯合公報。2004Year November, the Hu Jintao's chairman proceeds to Brazil national affairs interview.兩國政府為建立長期、穩定、互利的戰略夥伴關系作出了不懈努力。1999In year the 巴 unite the first the Earth resources that research to manufacture the satellite blast-off the success.2004年7月,中巴合作生產的支線飛機首次進入我國國內航空市場。Now, Brazil is China at pull beautiful and biggest trading partner, China and is Brazilian and the fourth 貿易夥伴和第三大出口 ? The 2003, double the side trade volume amount to 79.86 hundred million US$.1986年11月24日,北京同里約熱內盧結為姊妹城。

⑨ 有懂葡萄牙語的人沒一個小翻譯

NF是nota fiscal的縮寫,是發票的意思。
Emissão NF,應該是發表上登記的日期。

⑩ 葡萄牙語翻譯

是的,確實需要CPF(巴西的一種個人稅單)。這樣的話你們就會有RG(registro geral 類似中國的身份證)。我會通知你們是否有一種方法能讓你用那些小票。吻(女士告別常說)
ps這個應該是巴西的吧?不過我不太明白你們要cupom fiscal幹嘛?要報銷嗎?我現在在巴西,超市的小票是cupom所以就翻譯成這個了,有不懂可以再追問。



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