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發布時間:2022-10-09 09:44:37

『壹』 剛接觸英文歌,求推薦。

yesterday once more
magic key
love story
one sweet day
I still believe
without you
when you believe
the day you went away
life is cool
in the end
because of you
one love
u make me wanna
only time
my love
seasons in the sun
as long as you love me
30 minutes
all about us
b what u wanna
only one breath away
a place nearby
love in december
say something any way
la la love
skin deep
bleeding love
just one last dance
cos I believe
nothing in the world
chocolate ice
Es 1st Ein Schnee Gefallen
don't wanna try
I cry
autumn goodbye
baby one more time
far away from home
close to you
Careless Whisper
take me home country road
one sweet day
I still believe
without you
when you believe
the day you went away
because of you
only time
my love
only one breath away
a place nearby
love in december
bleeding love
just one last dance
cos I believe
don't wanna try
I cry
《la vie en rose》《Moon River》《Take Me Home Country Roads》

When You Look At Me-Tobias Schwarz
we belong to the sea-aqua
Only One Breath Away-Bad Boys Blue(這個找翻唱的版本更好聽)
no matter what-boyzone
Back at One-Brian McKnight(這首是我最喜歡的之一)
Careless whisper-Wham! & George Michael(這首是和加州旅館一個級別的)
4th Of July-Joanna
Snow Hey Oh-Red Hot Chili Peppers(這首節奏快點)
greatest love of all-whitney houston
I Will Always Love You-whitney houston
a place nearby
Es Ist Ein Schnee Gefallen-Adaro
Because of You
love in december-club8
Creepin' Up On You(這首節奏快點)
cry on my shoulder
Dont love you no more-StoryGoes
Driving Myself
Don't Wanna Try-Frankie J
gptta have you
i cry
《I STILL BELIEVE》《My All 》《One sweet day》(瑪利亞凱利的歌很好的)
《Living To Love You 》《just one last dance》(這兩首是莎拉蔻娜的很有代表性的,她的歌大多都符合你的要求,我就不舉例了)
Lover』s concerto-Kelly Chen
Long Long Way To Go
Losing the love
Skin Deep-Natasha Thomas(偏快的歌)
no big deal
No Promises-肖恩 沃德
nothing in the world
only love-真情馬克
Pero Me Acuerdo De Ti
shape of my heart
Loves Me Not-T.A.T.U(這首不是抒情的但挺好的)
tam mai mai rub suk tee
the cranberries dying in sun
Stay-Tonya Mitchell
we are one
one in a million
PS:最近特迷【irresistible】【wait till you hear from me】

『貳』 關於巴西足球的歌曲

2014巴西世界盃主題曲《We are one》,是足球比賽主題曲。由美國饒舌天王皮普保羅(Pitbull)、巴西天後克勞迪婭-萊蒂(Claudia Leitte)和拉丁美臀天後詹妮弗-洛佩茲(Jennifer Lopez)的巨星組合,傾情演繹了這首主題曲。《我們是一家人》由皮特-保羅作詞、合作演奏,這首節奏動感、歡快的歌曲,向全世界釋放巴西激情。
2014巴西世界盃主題曲二:《全世界/Todo Mundo》是2014年的首支官方主題曲,由巴西MTV年度最佳藝人Gaby Amarantos聯手桑巴樂團Monobloc共同呈現。這首《Todo Mundo》,官方稱法可口可樂世界盃主題曲,是官方主題曲中的一支。
2014年巴西世界盃是第20屆世界盃足球賽。比賽於2014年6月12日至7月13日在南美洲國家巴西境內12座城市中的12座球場內舉行。 這是繼1950年巴西世界盃之後世界盃第二次在巴西舉行,也是繼1978年阿根廷世界盃之後世界盃第五次在南美洲舉行。

『叄』 巴西呼巴西呼是什麼歌


『肆』 快手裡面很火的一首歌,歌詞是巴西哦巴西耶巴西巴西巴西哦

名字是Waka Waka(高潮部分在中間)

『伍』 巴西國歌叫啥

巴西國歌名為《聽,伊匹蘭加的呼聲》(葡萄牙語:Hino Nacional Brasileiro)。

葡萄牙語 Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas De um povo heróico o brado retumbante, E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos, Brilhou no céu da Pátria nesse instante. Se o penhor dessa igualdade Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte, Em teu seio, ó Liberdade, Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte! Ó Pátria amada, Idolatrada, Salve! Salve! Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido, De amor e de esperança à terra desce, Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido, A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece. Gigante pela própria natureza, És belo, és forte, impávido colosso, E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza. Terra adorada Entre outras mil És tu, Brasil, Ó Pátria amada! Dos filhos deste solo És mãe gentil, Pátria amada, Brasil! 中文翻譯 在伊匹蘭加平靜的河岸上 響起了英雄民族的呼聲 自由的太陽照耀著我們 在祖國的天空大放光芒。 如果憑著我們堅強的雙手 可以謀求平等, 啊,自由,在你的懷抱中, 我們勇敢的胸膛可以戰勝死亡! 啊,可愛的, 理想的祖國, 萬歲,萬歲! 巴西,壯麗的夢,活躍的光芒 給大地帶來愛和希望 在可愛的明凈天空上 南十字座放射著燦爛的光輝。 您是堅強的巨人, 美麗、強壯、充滿勇氣, 你的前程無限壯麗。 可愛的土地 千里挑一 就是您,巴西, 啊,切愛的祖國! 對於這些土地的子民 您是慈祥的母親, 親愛的祖國, 巴西!
葡萄牙語 Deitado eternamente em berço esplêndido, Ao som do mar e à luz do céu profundo, Fulguras, ó Brasil, florão da América, Iluminado ao sol do Novo Mundo! Do que a terra mais garrida Teus risonhos, lindos campos têm mais flores, "Nossos bosques têm mais vida", "Nossa vida" no teu seio "mais amores". (*) Ó Pátria amada, Idolatrada, Salve! Salve! Brasil, de amor eterno seja símbolo O lábaro que ostentas estrelado, E diga o verde-louro dessa flâmula - Paz no futuro e glória no passado. Mas se ergues da justiça a clava forte, Verás que um filho teu não foge à luta, Nem teme, quem te adora, a própria morte. Terra adorada Entre outras mil És tu, Brasil, Ó Pátria amada! Dos filhos deste solo És mãe gentil, Pátria amada, Brasil! 中文翻譯 在著光輝的搖籃里 在藍天的光輝和大海的濤聲中 啊,巴西,您是美洲最燦爛的花冠, 在新世界的太陽下閃射光芒! 您的微笑,讓大地繁花似錦 沒有一處地方可以與你媲美, 我們的森林有更多的生命 我們的生命在您的懷抱中有更多的愛 啊,可愛的 理想的祖國 萬歲,萬歲! 巴西,您的星光燦爛的旗 是永恆的愛的標志, 讓綠色的月桂為您宣示 「光榮屬於過去,和平屬於未來」 但如您舉起公正的法槌, 您會看到您的兒女不會從戰場逃跑 這些熱愛您的人們不害怕死亡 可愛的土地 千里挑一 就是您,巴西 啊,親愛的祖國! 對於這些土地的子民 您是慈祥的母親 親愛的祖國 巴西!

『陸』 一首英文歌,是關於hello的,將世界各地的你好唱出來的


Hello, Bon Jour, Buenos Dias,
G』day, Guten tag, Konichiwa,
Ciao, Ni Xao, Sawadeeka,
Hello to all the children of the world!

We live in different places from all around the world,
We speak in many different ways -
Though some things might be different,
we』re children just the same,
And we all like to sing and play.

Hello, Bon Jour, Buenos Dias,
G』day, Guten tag, Konichiwa,
Ciao, Ni Xao, Sawadeeka,
Hello to all the children of the world!

There are children in the deserts, and children in the towns,
And children who live down by the sea.
If we could meet each other, to run and sing and play,
Then what good friends we all could be.

Hello (English) Guten tag (German)
Bonjour (French) Konichiwa (Japanese)
Buenos dias (Spanish) Ciao (Italian)
G』day (Australian) Ni Xao (Chinese)
Sawadeeka (Thai) Namaste (Hindi)
Shalom (Hebrew) Dobrey Dyen (Russian)

『柒』 pepas這首歌什麼語言


『捌』 巴西不累是什麼歌


『玖』 求一首外國歌開始是用各國語言說的你好

Hello To All The Children Of The World

Hello, Bon Jour, Buenos Dias!
G'day, Guten-Tag, Konichiwa.....
Ciao, Shalom, Do-Brey Dien,
Hello To All The Children Of The World!

We Live In Different Places From All Around The World.
We Speak In Many Different Ways!
Though Some Things May Be Different,
We're Children Just The Same-
And We All Like To Sing And Play!

Hello, Bon Jour, Buenos Dias!
G'day, Guten-Tag, Konichiwa.....
Ciao, Shalom, Do-Brey Dien,
Hello To All The Children Of The World!

There Are Children In The Deserts, and Children In The Towns,
And Children Who Live Down By The Sea!
If We Could Meet Each Other,
To Run And Sing And Play-
Then What Good Friends We All Could Be!


Hello, Bon Jour, Buenos Dias,
G』day, Guten tag, Konichiwa,
Ciao, Ni Hao, Sawadeeka,
Hello to all the children of the world!

We live in different places from all around the world,
We speak in many different ways -
Though some things might be different,
We』re children just the same,
And we all like to sing and play.

Hello, Bon Jour, Buenos Dias,
G』day, Guten tag, Konichiwa,
Ciao, Ni Hao, Sawadeeka,
Hello to all the children of the world!

There are children in the deserts, and children in the towns,
And children who live down by the sea.
If we could meet each other,
To run and sing and play,
Then what good friends we all could be.

『拾』 哇嘎哇嘎哎哎。。是什麼歌來著好像是奧運會的具體叫什麼忘記了。。

Waka Waka (This Time For Africa) 2010年南非世界盃官方指定全球唯一主題曲
由 Shakira 演唱



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