① 精油/香薰的英語是什麼大神們幫幫忙
. aromatherapy essential oil 七、香薰精油(aromatherapy essential oil)... tieba..com - 相關搜索 2. aromatherapy oil 香薰精油(aromatherapy oil)的使用方法:...將3-5滴精油滴入香薰燈的水盤中,並將香薰燈加熱讓其芳香分子自然散發在空氣中即可。由於純度和療效均達不到純單方芳療精油的等級,故不贊同將香薰精油的使... www.jycn.cn - 相關搜索 3. essential oil 100%essential oil香薰精油 www.hkperfume.com - 相關搜索
② 香薰方面的英文翻譯
Aroma therapy
1 Rose: Comfort and ease nerves, please mood, regulate the menstrual cycle and improve sexual desire,which has an aphrodisiac effect.
2 Ocean: Collect marine algae and sea rocks, such as celeste ,Tribulus terrestris ,etc., which brings fresh sea air and stablizes emotions.
3 Lemons: Converse mood when you feel tired, revive and refresh your mind. Anti-rheumatism and anti-neuralgia,which helps improve the body resistance.
4 Apple: It can clean the air, which is an excellent mood exciting agent and has a definite slowing effect on fatigue, headaches, physical pain and others.
③ 「香薰」用英語怎麼說
[詞典] aromatherapy; champignon;
'Aromatherapy oils' are not pure essential oils but dilutions.
④ 誰知道「香薰」用英語怎麼說
是香蕉?//??嗎????? banana 啊 英語差...........
⑤ 香薰英文怎麼說
India Fragrance(印度香)
⑥ 流動之境香薰是哪國的牌子
⑦ 香薰英語怎麼說
問題一:請問「香薰」用英文怎麼翻譯? 好像是belair 如果需要,我可以給你提供幾種香薰的說法: 1。阿米香樹:Amyris 2。歐白芷:Angelica 3。洋茴香:Aniseed 4。八角茴香:Anise-star 5。山金車:Arnica 6。羅勒:Basil 7。月桂:Bay 8。安息香:Benzoin 9。佛手柑:Bergamot 10。樺木:Birch 11。樺木芽:Birch Bud 12。黑胡椒:Black Pepper 13。白千層:Cajuput 14。樟樹:Camphor 15。藏茴香:Caraway 16。豆蔻:Cardamom 17。胡蘿卜種子油:Carrot Seed 18。雪松:Cedarwood 19。芹菜:Celery 20。洋甘菊:Chamomile 21。肉桂:Cinnamon 22。香茅:Citronella 23。快樂鼠尾草:Clary Sage 24。丁香:Clove 25。聚合草:frey 26。芫荽:Coriander 27。小茴香:Cumin 28。絲柏:Cypress 29。南非鉤麻:Devil's Claw 30。蒔蘿:Dill 31。紫錐花:Echinacea 32。欖香脂:Elemi 33。尤加利:Eucalyptus 34。月見草油:Evening Primose Oil 35。茴香:Fennel 36。樅:Fir 37。乳香:Frankincense 38。白松香:Galbanum 39。大蒜:Garlic 40。天竺葵:Geraium 41。姜:Ginger 42。葡萄柚:Grapefruit 43。愈創木:Guaiacwood 44。永久花:Helichrysum 45:芳樟:Ho-leaf/Ho-wood 46。牛膝草:Hyssop 47。義大利永久花:Immortelle 48。土木香:Inula 49。茉莉:Ja *** ine 50。杜松:Juniper 51。醒目薰衣草:Lavandin 52。薰衣草:Lavender 53。穗狀花序薰衣草:Lavender Spike 54。頭狀薰衣草:Lavender Stoechas 55。檸檬:Lemon 56。檸檬香茅:Lemongrass 57。萊姆:Lime 58。菩提花;Linden Blossom 59。山雞椒:Litsea Cubeba 60。桔:Mandarin 61。松紅梅:Manuka 62。金盞菊:Marigold 63。馬郁蘭:Marjoram 64。x線菊:Meadowsweet 65。香蜂草:Melissa 66。金合歡:Mimosa 67。艾草:Mugwort 68。沒葯:Myrrh 69。香桃木:Myrtle 70。橙花:Neroli 71。綠花白千層:Niaouli 72。肉豆蔻:Nutmeg 73。橙:Orange 74。橙花純露:Orange-Flower Water 75。野馬郁蘭:Oregano 76。玫瑰草:Palmarosa 77。歐芹:Parsley 78。廣藿香:Patchouli 79。薄荷:Peppermint 80。苦橙葉:Petitgrain 81。玉桂子:Pimento 82。松樹:Pine 83。羅文莎葉:Ravensara 84。玫瑰:Rose 85。玫瑰籽油:Rosehip 86。迷迭香:Rosemary 87。玫......>>
問題二:香熏的英文怎樣寫 香薰的英文Aromatherapy熏衣草的香熏英文Lavender aromatherapy
問題三:香薰燈 用英語怎麼說,有多少翻譯?美國人最常用哪一種翻譯? fragrance Lamp
問題四:香薰方面的英文翻譯 5分 Aroma therapy
1 Rose: fort and ease nerves, please mood, regulate the menstrual cycle and improve sexual desire,which has a叮 aphrodisiac effect.
2 Ocean: Collect marine algae and sea rocks, such as celeste ,Tribulus terrestris ,etc., which brings fresh sea air and stablizes emotions.
3 Lemons: Converse mood when you feel tired, revive and refresh your mind. Anti-rheumati *** and anti-neuralgia,which helps improve the body resistance.
4 Apple: It can clean the air, which is an excellent mood exciting agent and has a definite slowing effect on fatigue, headaches, physical pain and others.
問題五:精油/香薰的英語是什麼?大神們幫幫忙 . aromatherapy essential oil 七、香薰精油(aromatherapy essential oil)... tieba. - 相關搜索 2. aromatherapy oil 香薰精油(aromatherapy oil)的使用方法:...將3-5滴精油滴入香薰燈的水盤中,並將香薰燈加熱讓其芳香分子自然散發在空氣中即可。由於純度和療效均達不到純單方芳療精油的等級,故不贊同將香薰精油的使... jy - 相關搜索 3. essential oil 100%essential oil香薰精油 hkperfume - 相關搜索
問題六:"香熏"怎麼翻譯成英文啊? 5分 aromatherapy
用香料 ***
問題七:香薰王國 英語怎麼讀 Scented Kingdom
一切經由皮膚系統和呼吸系統傳達精油功效的芳香療法都可以稱之為香薰。通常廣義香薰又包含所有的芳香療法,因此香薰的方式種類繁多,如自然薰蒸、 *** 、沐浴等等。
人們通過 *** 、吸入、熱敷、浸泡、蒸薰,使芳香精油(也稱植物精油)快速融入人體血液及淋巴液中,可以加速體內新陳
代謝,促進活細胞再生,增強身體免疫力,進而調節人體神經系統、循環系統、內分泌系統、肌肉組織、消化系統及排泄系統等。常用香薰油泡浴、 *** ,再配上輕柔的音樂,鼻間嗅入清新甜美的花香, 沁入骨髓,暗香浮動,令您擁有迷人和浪漫的氣質。
問題八:加濕器香薰精油怎麼用用英語怎麼說 加濕器香薰精油
Humidifier essential oil
⑧ albasol香薰是哪個國家的
⑨ 香薰的英文是什麼謝謝了
香薰 Aromatherapy
⑩ 香薰ge英文系咩
如果你想要o既系名詞,可以用 essential oil,fragrance oil aroma 只系香氣 2007-07-19 01:43:19 補充: aromatherapy 譯做香薰療法,merriam webster(m-w)解釋為:massage of the body and especially of the face with a preparation of fragrant essential oils extracted from herbs
and fruits; broadly : the use of aroma to enhance a feeling of well-being 中譯:以有香氣的草葯、花和果實提煉物來 *** 身體,尤其是面部;廣義解作以香氣增進健康 2007-07-19 01:43:31 補充: 其實 aromatherapy 呢個名中冇講過「香薰」呢種物品架。
燒果D叫 incense. 2007-07-20 12:25:49 補充: BTW 冇人用 fumigate的
fumigate vt. 1. (為消毒等)煙熏
熏蒸 2. 用香薰 2007-07-19 01:03:58 補充: Aromatheraphy