1. 為什麼快餐店薯條英文叫「French fries」,和法國有什麼關系嗎
2. 薯條是怎麼出現的,誰發明的
3. 薯條是不是來自法國為什麼它會被稱為「french fries"
4. 炸薯條的英文為什麼是法國薯條
有些地方(如北美)chips常指薯片,french fries常指薯條。其中french指法式深油炸,指的是它的烹飪方式。據認為薯條最早出現在文獻中是1879年,來自法國巴黎的新橋區。
5. 請回答我薯條(French Fries)是哪個國家的發明和它的起源.
Many possible claims as to the origin of "French fries" exist.
[edit] Culinary origin of the term
The straightforward explanation of the term "French fried potatoes" is that it me "potatoes fried in the French manner": the verb fry can mean either sautéing or deep-fat frying, while French 'frire' unambiguously me deep frying. Thomas Jefferson, famous for serving French dishes, referred to fried potatoes in this way.[1]
It is sometimes suggested that the verb "to french" originally meant to julienne-cut.[2] But this term refers specifically to trimming the meat off the shanks of chops[3] and is not attested until after "French fried potatoes" had appeared.
,參考: *** ,隨著炸薯條的風靡灶銷全球,土豆這種大地對人類的恩賜,最終透過工業式的農業轉變為人類健康和環境的惡夢。
配合工業式農業滿足市場需求、追求豐產、統一品質保證、以利益為原則的要求,基因技術近二十多年來泛濫於世界農產品市場,可消費者的知情權卻從未得到保障。像由美國Monsanto公司開發的轉基因土豆品種Burbank,據說在每隱閉游個土豆的細胞中都具有防蟲害基因,面對這種未經標簽的轉基因農產品,每一個熱愛土豆食品的人,都要被迫處於不受防的位置了。,Many possible claims as to the origin of "French fries" exist.
[edit] Culinary origin of the term
The straightforward explanation of the term "French fried potatoes" is that it me "potatoes fried in the French manner": the verb fry can mean either sautéing or deep-fat frying, while French 'frire' unambiguously me deep frying. Thomas Jefferson, famous for serving French dishes, referred to fried potatoes in this way.[1]
It is sometimes suggested that the verb "to french" originally meant to julienne-cut.[2] But this term refers specifically to trimming the meat off the shanks of chops[3] and is not attested until after "French fried potatoes" had appeared.
[edit] Belgium
The Belgi are noted for claiming that French fries are Belgian in origin, but have presented no definitive evidence. Whether they were invented in Belgium or elsewhere, they quickly became Belgium's national dish, making Belgi at least their "symbolic" creators in Europe as well as their heaviest consumers,[citation needed] spending an average of €6.01 annually (2002, consumption in fast food restaurants not counted separately).[4]
Jo Gerard, a Belgian historian, recounts that potatoes were already fried in 1680, in the area of "the Meuse valley beeen Dinant and Liège, Belgium. The poor inhabitants of this region allegedly had the custom of acpanying their meals with *** all fried fish, but when the river was frozen and they were unable to fish, they cut potatoes lengthwise and fried them in oil to acpany their meals."[5]
The name 'frite' lends itself to puns with the name 'Fritz'. In 1857, the newspaper "Courrier de Verviers" devotes an article to Fritz, a Belgian entrepreneur selling French fries at fairs, calling him "le roi des pommes de terre frites". In 1862 a fries shack (Frietkot, see below) called "Max en Fritz" was established near Het Steen in Anerp.[6]
Another Belgian legend claims that the term "French" was introced when English soldiers arrived in Belgium ring World War I, and consequently tasted Belgian fries. The supposedly called them "French" because the official language of the Belgian army at that time was French.[7][8] This story is of course impossible since the term "French fried potatoes" was in mon use long before the War.
[edit] France
Many attribute the dish to France—though in France they are often thought of as Belgian—and offer as evidence a notation by U.S. President Thomas Jefferson. "Potatoes deep-fried while raw, in *** all slices" are noted in a manuscript in Thomas Jefferson's hand (circa 1801) and the recipe almost certainly es from his French chef, Honoré Julien. In addition, from 1813[9] on recipes for what can be described as "French fries" occur in popular American cookbooks. Recipes for fried potatoes in French cookbooks date back at least to Menon's Les soupers de la cour (1755). Eliza Warren's cookbook The economical cookery book for housewives, cooks, and maids-of-all-work, with hints to the mistress and servant used the term "French fried potatoes" in around 1856.[10]
It is true that eating potatoes was promoted in France by Parmentier, but he did not mention fried potatoes in particular. And the name of the dish in languages other than English does not refer to France; indeed, in French, they are simply called "pommes de terres frites" or, more monly, simply "pomme frites" or "frites".
During the controversy over Freedom Fries, French people from around the world repeated the story that the food was actually Belgian, or at least, a Belgian speciality.
..............,參考: en. *** /wiki/French_Fries,
6. 薯條名字的由來
大家很多人都知道薯條的英文是「Chips」,美國人稱之為「French Fries」,其實它真正的來源地是比利時。早在1680年的時候,比利時人就開始製作這種薯條了。切成條狀後油炸而成的食品,是現在最常見的快餐食品之一,流行於世界各地。
20世紀30年代,White Castle正在尋找搭配漢堡吃的小吃,薯條就進入了商業化視野。40年代創立的麥當勞、In-N-Out和50年代的漢堡王,也延用了這種搭配。
麥當勞的薯條是93%動物油和7%植物油的油炸用油配方。麥當勞的薯條大獲成功,並成為快餐行業標准。1960年之前,大多數餐廳都在使用植物油,通過氫化的方式延長使用期限。麥當勞的合作方Interstate Foods無力支付氫化設備,所以公司創始人決定大量加牛油,它帶來的差異化顯而易見:薯條更酥脆。
進入60年代,麥當勞的薯條有了更多的新技術傍身。公司內部的食品科學家Ken Strong和研究學者Edwin Traisman將麥當勞的速凍薯條處理技術申請了美國國家專利(US3397993A),這是一種將生土豆條初步油炸出脆皮,然後迅速冷凍,再運往門店等待最後油炸製作。它可以在土豆豐收季節得到盡可能多和標準的高品質食材,同時極大的提升了門店效率,也奠定了薯條加工的重要環節標准。
1990年之前,麥當勞長期使用以牛油為主的油炸用油。在1966年,Phil Sokolof創辦了美國國家心臟拯救者聯合會,開始正視膽固醇、飽和脂肪的問題,而麥當勞的薯條是該會主要的關切對象之一。麥當勞在1990年終於宣布放棄牛油,而使用100%混合植物油。