『壹』 法國的 國旗是什麼
『貳』 法國國旗簡介 英文
法國國旗是一面從左至右藍、白、紅色垂直排列的三色旗。法國人稱之為:le drapeau tricolore(「三色旗」)le drapeau bleu-blanc-rouge(藍白紅旗)le drapeau de la France(法國國旗)有時也叫le tricolore,口頭稱作les couleurs。
From left to right side of the French flag is blue, white and red vertical tricolor arranged. The French call it: le drapeau tricolore ("tricolor") le drapeau bleu-blanc-rouge (blue and red) le drapeau de la France (French national flag) is sometimes called le tricolore, orally known as les couleurs
凡爾賽宮(法文:Chateau de Versailles)位於法國巴黎西南郊外伊夫林省省會凡爾賽鎮,作為法蘭西宮廷長達107年(1682-1789)。1979年被列為《世界文化遺產名錄》。
正宮前面是一座風格獨特的 「 法蘭西式 」 的大花園,園內樹木花草別具匠心,使人看後頓覺美不勝收。而建築群周邊園林亦是世界著名。它與中國古典和皇家園林有著截然不同的風格。它完全是人工雕琢的,極其講究對稱和幾何圖形化。
如果凡爾賽宮的外觀給人以宏偉壯觀的感覺,那麼它的內部陳設及裝潢就更富於藝術魅力,室內裝飾極其豪華富麗是凡爾賽宮的一大特色。 500 余間大殿小廳處處金碧輝煌,豪華非凡:內壁裝飾以雕刻、巨幅油畫及掛毯為主,配有17、18世紀造型超絕、工藝精湛的傢具。大理石院和鏡廳是其中最為突出的兩處,除了上面講到的室內裝飾外,太陽也是常用的題目,因為太陽是路易十四的象徵。有時候還和兵器、盔甲一起出現在牆面上。除了用人像裝飾室內外,還用獅子、鷹、麒麟等動物形象來裝飾室內。有的還用金屬鑄造成樓梯欄桿,有些金屬配件還鍍了金,配上各種色彩有大理石,顯得十分燦爛。天花板除了象鏡廳那樣的半圓拱外,還有平的,也有半球形穹頂,頂上除了繪畫也有浮雕。宮內隨處陳放著來自世界各地的珍貴藝術品,其中有我國古代的精品瓷器。
Versailles Palace (French: Chateau de Versailles) in France Balixinan Yvelines outside the capital town of Versailles, the French court as long as 107 years (1682-1789). 1979 as "World Heritage List."
Versailles palace for the classical style building, the Legislative Palace of Versailles facades face the standard classical three-step treatment, the elevation will be divided into vertical, horizontal three sections, symmetrical architecture, modeling profile neat, solemn majesty, is called is the reason for the U.S. representative. The Baroque interior Zeyi mainly small auditorium for the Rococo style.
Palace is a unique style in front of the "French style" garden, park trees and plants ingenious, people look beautiful after the Dunjue. The buildings around the garden is world famous. It has a Royal Garden Chinese Classical and different style. It is entirely artificial crafted, very high symmetry and geometry of.
If you give people the appearance of Versailles magnificent feeling, then it is even more richly decorated interior furnishings and artistic charm, luxurious interior decoration is extremely rich and beautiful is a major feature of the Palace of Versailles. Were more than 500 magnificent Basilica of small theaters everywhere, luxury extraordinary: wall decorated with sculptures, paintings and tapestries based giant, with a superb 17,18 century style, exquisite workmanship of the furniture. Marble House and the Hall of Mirrors is one of the most prominent of the two, in addition to the above mentioned interior, the sun is also a common subject, because the sun is the symbol of Louis XIV. Sometimes and weapons, armor appear together on the wall. In addition to employment as interior decoration, but also with the lions, eagles, unicorn and other animal images to decorate the interior. Some of them cast into a staircase with metal railings, and some metal parts also gilded, coupled with a variety of colors with marble, it is extremely bright. In addition to the Office of the ceiling as the mirror as the semi-circular arch, there are flat, there are hemispherical dome, the top is also relief in addition to painting. Chen stood everywhere intrauterine precious works of art from around the world, including fine porcelain in ancient China.
Versailles Palace fountain has more than 1,400 fountains, they use up the water even more than the whole of Paris, while Parisians often because of lack of water and then get sick, many people would have just one or two more to be able to save water dripping. King of the 30,000 soldiers built a huge water of 14, composed of more than 200 pumps a big machine, from the Seine River water to the fountain, but the machine will often fail.
Used throughout the construction process of the 3000 construction workers, 6,000 horses - from construction workers to complete the rock work, horses to carry things. Even so, the construction or continued for a full 47 years.
『叄』 法國國旗的三種顏色分別代表什麼
1789年後,巴黎的顏色不再被使用;原因可能是拉法葉當時採用了美國獨立戰爭旗子的顏色 (藍,紅和白色)。大多數的歷史學家和旗幟學家,包括法國的那些學家,同意現在這種最終的說法,雖然這來源於傳說。
『肆』 誰知道法國國旗的來歷
『伍』 法國國旗簡介
法國的三色旗產生代表著一個新的革命運動的開始。在它的影響下,包括比利時,查德,愛爾蘭,義大利,墨西哥和羅馬尼亞等許多國家都採用了於法國三色旗類似的國旗。在加拿大一些地區,如新伯倫瑞克省(New Brunswick)來自法國的移民阿凱迪亞人(Acadians)所採用的旗子也是基於法國三色旗設計的。
『陸』 法國國旗的三種顏色是哪三種