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『壹』 法國著名美食有哪些


『貳』 法國特色美食有哪些



『叄』 用英語描述5種巴黎的美食

baguette 法式長棍麵包 CROISSANT 羊角 麵包 Macaroon杏仁小圓餅 French fried f oie gras roll法式香酥鵝肝卷 Crepes可麗 餅

『肆』 用英語介紹法國的食物,要有中英文對照謝謝了各位!!

Food Culture in France 法國食品文化
Food Culture in France (Food Culture around the World)
By Julia Abramson

Publisher: Greenwood Press
Number Of Pages: 224
Publication Date: 2006-11-30
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0313327971
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780313327971
Binding: Hardcover

Proct Description:

French cooking has been seen as the pinnacle of gastronomy. Food Culture in France provides an accessible tour of haute cuisine but also mainly the everyday food culture that sustains the populace. It illuminates the French way of life as well as showing what the popular cooking shows, such as Julia Child's, were based on. Readers will find the basics discussed in narrative chapters on food history, major foods and ingredients, cooking, typical meals, eating out, and diet and health. The information-packed volume is also indispensable for learning about regional cultivation and specialties that France is so famous for. The French appreciation for seasonal food is illuminated in descriptions of shopping, cooking, and eating habits. All students of French culture and language and Francophiles will benefit from the overview presented here


baguette(長棍麵包),croissant(羊角麵包),bordeau 葡萄酒,鵝肝醬
法國香檳(產自法國香檳地區)及各式紅白葡萄酒(Bordeaux 和 Burgundy 是著名產地)、各式乳酪、白酒煨雞、紅酒煮牛肉、法式龍蝦、大蒜蝸牛及大蒜田雞腿等。

『伍』 法國美食英文簡介!

​ France has a long culinary tradition. French cuisine nowadays is a result of centuries of research, elaboration and perfection. The French are proud of their cuisine. It is an integral part of their culture. Thanks to the interest in the French for good food, the chefs have always been encouraged to elaborate new dishes to satisfy the most discriminating palate.
The origins of the success of French cuisine can be attributed to Catherine de Medicis. When she became Queen of France in 1533, she brought her own Florentine chefs from Italy. At this time, Italian chefs were more experienced than French chefs. They introced new dishes and sophisticated techniques that they adapted to French procts. This gave French cooking a real boost, and the country's culinary influence has never stopped.
French cuisine is sophisticated, varied, well balanced and based on local and high-quality procts. France has established some regulations to protect proct names from fraud, and guarantee the origin and proct quality to the customer. To carry the prestigious label "Appélation d'Origine Contrôlée" (A.O.C), procts must comply with strict rules related to geography, varieties, method of fabrication and other criteria.
Unlike other countries, France does not have one national dish. Because each region has its own local procts and specialties, it is more appropriate to name regional dishes than a single one. Here is a tour de France of the regional specialties:
Alsace cuisine is strong and unique. It plays a major part on holidays and at family gatherings. Alsatian cuisine is rich and copious. Most Alsatian dishes are not found in other parts of France. The most famous specialty is Chouchroute, sauerkraut garnished with potatoes and a variety of meats such as sausage, pork or ham. The Baeckaoffe is a one-of-a-kind Alsatian fare baked with white wine usually in a traditional pottery dish only made in the village of Soufflenheim. It's a stew comprised of pork, beef and lamb garnished with potatoes. There are many Alsatian cakes and desserts, but the best is the Kougelhopf, brioche pastry with butter, eggs, raisins, whole almonds marinated in kirsch. At Christmas, bredles and gingerbreads decorate the tables of all Alsatian families. Bredles are cookies of different shapes flavoured with anise, cinnamon or almond.
Brittany has excellent fresh seafood: Coquilles-St-Jacques (sea scallops), lobsters, langoustes, crabs, clams, shrimps, mussels, and oysters will all be found on the market stalls of Brittany. This region is also famous for traditional crêperies serving wheat crêpes and buckwheat galettes accompanied with cider. La Chandeleur, celebrated February 2nd, is the crêpes day in France. Eating crêpes the day of la Chandeleur will bring a year of happiness!
A trip to France would not be complete without sampling escargots and frog's legs. Burgundy snails are with the petis-gris snails, the two varieties eaten in France. Escargots à la Bourgignonne are stuffed with garlic butter. Frog's legs are sautéed in butter with fine herbs. The Boeuf Bouguignon is another typical Burgundy specialty. It's a beef stew marinated with Burgundy red wine. The best-known regional proct is Mustard de Dijon, secretly proced in the town of Dijon. This strong mustard is used in vinaigrette, sauces and nicely compliments red meat.
Normandy is renowned for the quality of its dairy procts and apples. The region is home to the world-known Camembert cheese. Originally made more than 200 years ago in the lovely village of Camembert, genuine Camembert cheese is exclusively proced in Normandy. Apples also play an important part in the Norman cuisine. They are not only used in desserts, but in alcohol and liquors. The region is famous for cider and a strong apple brandy called Calvados. A mixture of Cider and Calvados, the Pommeau de Normandie is another regional beverage. In Normandy, it is tradition to drink a glass of Calvados in the middle of a meal to help digestion. This 200 century-old ritual is called Trou Normand. Nowadays, a Trou Normand is still served in the middle of a meal, but as an apple sorbet soaked with Calvados.
The warm and sunny weather of Provence proces high-quality fruits and vegetables whose delicious scents can be spotted in the open markets of Southern France. The basic ingredients of Provençal cuisine are olive oil, garlic and herbes de Provence. Among the typical provençal dishes, Ratatouille is a vegetable stew made out of tomatoes, peppers, zucchinis, onions and olive oil and Salade Niçoise, comprised of lettuce, tomatoes, green beans, tuna, eggs, black olives and anchovies. As Provence is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea, Provençal cuisine also revolves around fresh seafood. Marseille's specialty, la Bouillasse (seafood bouillon) and Anchoïade (sauce made of anchovies, olive oil, garlic) are two of the main Provençal specialties.
Southwest France
Cuisine of Southwest France is made of proits terroir. Truffles thrive in the Périgord region. Most popular are the Black Perigord Truffles, rare underground mushrooms known for a unique taste and aroma. Truffles are used in sauces, omelettes and numerous other recipes. The other local specialty of the Southwest is goose. Goose's liver is used to make foie gras, which is a traditional Christmas and New Year dish in France. The cities of Toulouse, Castelnaudary, Carcassonne are renown for their Cassoulet, stew made of sausage and white beans. The region is also home to one of the oldest cheeses, Roquefort. It has been proced in the village of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon for centuries.
Lyon touts itself as the gastronomic capital of France. The city is home to several world renowned Grands Chefs including Paul Bocuse, Pierre Orsi, Léon de Lyon. Famous professional cooking schools like the Institut Vatel and Paul Bocuse School of Culinary Arts are based in Lyon. Streets are lined with a multitude of small family-run bistros called Bouchons Lyonnais, and these serve traditional Lyonaise food. Local specialities include Andouillette de Lyon (sausage made out of pork chitterlings and marinated with white wine), Quenelles (light mpling made of fish), and Rosette de Lyon (dry sausage made from leg of pork). Lyon is also known for regional cheeses, such as Saint Marcellin, and locally made chocolates and candies, called Coussins de Lyon (marzipan sweets shaped and decorated like cushions).
Savoy features a traditional mountain cooking based on cheese and potatoes. Savoy's cheese-board includes, among others, Tomme de Savoie, Beaufort, Reblochon and Emmental de Savoie. One of the authentic Savoyard dishes is Tartiflette, a gratin of potatoes with reblonchon cheese, onions and bacon bits. Two Savoyard dishes have popularity extended far beyond the Alps: Fone, half emmental, half beaufort cheese melt with Savoy white wine in a special saucepan and Raclette, raclette cheese melt in a special grill and served with potatoes, delicatessen procts and pickles.
Corsica proces excellent cheese, meats and deli procts known for their singular flavour. It is an unspoiled island where pigs, goats and ewes are raised freely. Dishes are prepared with spices exclusively found in the Corsican scrub. Cheese is still made by shepherds using ancestral ways. These factors, combined with a mild climate, proce unique and high-quality procts. Many Corsican recipes are prepared with Bruccio, a fresh goat cheese that is only created here. It is used in omelettes, and with pastas, meats, fish or vegetables. Chestnuts are omnipresent in Corsican food. They are used in cakes, pies, donuts and custard tarts.
As with all cooking, French cooking is considered an art. And as with any art form, it has roots in the past, but remains in a constant state of evolution. French chefs are always striving to maintain high-quality standards, while also demonstrating creativity.

『陸』 法國名菜有中英文介紹

菜名】 法式魚卷
【所屬菜系】 法國名菜
【特點】 咸鮮適口,清香不膩。
(1)將凈魚切成20片,用肉拍子拍成長方形薄片。 (2)蔥頭、芹菜切絲,用黃油炒至呈黃色,放鹽、胡擻粉調好味,用白蘭地酒烹之,拌上攤好的蛋餅切成的絲。涼後用魚片捲成簡形,疊在器皿內蒸熟即可。

【菜名】 巴黎捲心菜
【所屬菜系】 法國名菜
【特點】 味濃郁香,冷熱均宜,咸香可口。
1.捲心菜切成4塊,剝去外層老葉,焯6分鍾,撈出,控去水分,再切成大塊。 2.黃油入平底鍋,加入蔥頭片,旱芹塊,翻炒5分鍾,倒入捲心菜,改小火,加大蒜瓣、雞清湯、香葉、香芹、百里香粉、用小火煮15分鍾。 3.制出白色調味汁(參看牡蠣湯),捲心菜絞成菜泥後,再加入場里,倒入白色調味汁,加鹽、胡椒粉。 4.火腿切成薄片後,放入湯內,放入香芹片,烤麵包片單跟,即可。 5.另一種食法,不用烤麵包,用夾心巧克力球、加鹽、奶油少許、胡椒粉,拌勻,一起喝,風味獨道。

【菜名】 雞肉丸於湯
【所屬菜系】 法國名菜
【特點】 味濃清香,鮮美可口,雞香誘人。
生雞脯肉100克,土豆75克,胡蘿卜50克,芹菜40克,蔥頭50 克,雞蛋清1個,麵包25克,牛奶150毫升,香葉1片,黃油30克。精鹽、胡椒粉、味精、雞清湯各適量。
1.先在生雞脯肉上,放上洗凈的蔥頭.30克,用絞肉機絞成細泥,放在一瓷碗中,加入蛋清、牛奶、麵包用水泡軟,加入鹽、味精攪拌均勻成餡。 2.把餡擠成小丸子,雞清湯煮開後,下入丸子,煮熟,撈出。 3.再把煮雞丸子湯過濾干凈,餘下蔥頭去皮與胡蘿卜一同切成片,芹菜摘洗干凈,切成段;土豆洗凈,去皮,切成丁。 4.平底鍋燒熱,化黃油,五成熱翻炒蔥頭片、胡蘿卜片、香葉、炒出香味,然後,倒入過濾後的雞清湯,土豆丁先用雞湯煮一下,再放入小丸子、芹菜末,加精鹽、味精、胡椒粉調好口味,即可。 5.食用時,每份可盛8個小丸子加湯,即可。

『柒』 用英文介紹法國🇫🇷美食

摘要 2014-05-14 回答

『捌』 法國,英國,俄羅斯美食的英文簡介配中文,事成有賞

東都大世界美食街地處廣州市商業繁華的環市東路475號地段, 是廣州市現今為止頗具規模、聚集各地美食品種最多、最具特色的一條集美食、商貿、休閑、度假、健身、娛樂、培訓為一體的大型美食商業街。這區各餐廳環境舒適、口味地道、消費經濟、一味一家, 真可謂是"食在廣州"之現代版縮影。

The Dong Gourmet Street
Characteristic: Snacks in Sichuan and Hunan Style
Address: Huanshi Road East
The Dong Gourmet Street is located in the busy commercial area. It is the busiest catering and commercial street, providing all kinds of foods and business services such as training, gym, leisure, and entertainments. The restaurants are characterized by the tasty food, amiable environment, fair price and different styles.

環市東國際商務美食區依託林立的星級酒店和商務寫字樓, 區內餐飲企業300多家。此處中外美食薈萃, 有韓國、日本、越南、新加坡、義大利、法國、泰國以及國內南北美食。這里環境優美, 配套完善, 整體感覺時尚, 以高中檔消費為主, 已形成了傳統與新派粵菜並舉, 國內菜系雲集, 中西美食薈萃的國際化商務美食區。

Huanshi Road East International Business & Catering Area
Characteristic: middle and high-end food
Address: Huanshi Road East
Huanshi Road (E) International Business & Catering Area is surrounded by numbers of luxury hotels and office buildings, creating a foundation of being a high-end catering. There are more than 300 restaurants, providing dishes in local and foreign style. The different styles are from Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Italy, France, Thailand and different provinces of China.

流花美食街區依託東風路的寫字樓、中國出口商品交易會(流花館)以及流花湖公園、越秀公園優美的環境等優勢, 以園林式建築為特點, 酒家的菜式以嶺南傳統佳餚和高檔菜式為主, 既突出了東方飲食文化的色、香、味、形, 又吸取了西方飲食文化注重餐飲氛圍的特點。

The Liuhua Gourmet Street
Characteristic: Cantonese Food mainly
Address: Intersection of Panfu Road, Renmin Road (N)
The Liuhua Gourmet Street is based on the surrounding office buildings, China Export Commodity Fair, and together with the beautiful environments of Liuhua Lake Party and Yuexiu Park. The restaurants are famous for their traditional Cantonese dishes and other high-end dishes. It is outstanding in presenting the dishes in color, aroma, taste and integrate these elements into the catering environment.



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