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發布時間:2022-06-30 15:36:05

Ⅰ 德國館的下面和諧都市旁邊的那行英文字是什麼


Ⅱ 上海世博會德國館英文介紹

德國館 Germany Pavilion
Pavilion Preview
Theme: Balancity
Highlights: A City of Harmony and Balance
National Pavilion Day: May 19
Pavilion Area: Around 6,000 Square Meters
Location: Within Zone C of the Expo Site
Pavilion Features
It is the epitome of a city, boasting the creation of a "harbor image" and a "dynamic tunnel" with urban scenes from Germany. This is the "Balancity," a magnificent crystallization of Germanic originality and technology. The structure is wrapped in silver membrane. A terraced landscape stretches from the ground level up to the third floor of the pavilion. Four exhibition structures appear to hover, creating a perfect roof for visitors.
Pavilion Display
The theme of the pavilion is "Balancity." It demonstrates the importance of balance between modernization and preservation, innovation and tradition, community and the indivial, work and leisure, and between globalization and national identity. Visitors will graally explore various places typical of a city -- a harbor, a factory, a garden, a park and a depot where exhibits and urban projects from Germany will be on show.

Highlight 1: Metal Sphere
Metal Sphere The highlight of the pavilion is a cone-shaped structure housing a revolving metal sphere, three meters in diameter and covered with LEDs, which will be activated by the noise and movement of spectators.

Highlight 2: Virtual Narrators
Virtual Narrators Germany Pavilion's virtual narrators Jens and Yan Yan will guide visitors to tour the pavilion. According to the plot, Jens, a male mechanics student in a German university, met female Chinese architect student Yan Yan in China. During the following parts of the exhibition, Yan Yan went to German and Jens introced his lifestyle and the country to her. Visitor will follow the tour of the "narrators" to complete the visit of the pavilion.

Highlight 3: Performance
Performance Berlin Hip-hop Base may come to Expo 2010. Visitors will be able to experience the youth culture of Germany. The hip-hop culture is so vigorous that it has gone beyond the national and language barriers, spreading around the world and coming into the Germany Pavilion. Visitors will see the street dance, a type of "graffiti art" based on the urban culture and the "Open Air Jame" show empowered by the electrical source of street lights. Another great show is the vocal percussion, relying on nothing but artists' mouths and microphones in

Ⅲ 急求上海世博會宣傳片英文字幕

Expo 2010 Shanghai China Duration: May First to Octomber 31st,2010 5.28 -square-kilometer land space has been alloted to the Expo 3.28square kilometers will be enclosed China Pavillion中國館 Theme Pavillions主題館 EXPO boulevard世博軸 elevated pedesttrians' walk高架步道 EXPO center 世博中心 hong kong pavillion香港館 Macao pavilion 澳門館 Urban best practises area城市最佳實踐區 indoor exhibition 室內展區 corporate pavillon 企業館區 Australia pavillon 澳大利亞館 Germany pavillon 德國館 Italy pavillon 義大利館 France pavillon 法國館 Poland pavillon 波蘭館 Joint-pavillon of african 非洲聯合館 Luxerbourg pavillon 盧森堡館 Netherland pavillion荷蘭館 Spain pavillon 西班牙館 Switzerland pavillon 瑞士館 Newzea land pavillon 紐西蘭館 Crezh pavillon 捷克館 Irishland pavillon 愛爾蘭館 Finland pavillon 芬蘭館 Lithuania pavillon 立陶宛館 Norway pavillon 挪威官 Japan pavillon 日本館 singapore pavillon 新加坡館 Isreal pavillon 以色列館 Nepal pavillon 尼泊爾館 united kindoms pavillion英國館 canada pavillon加拿大館 SAIC-GM pavillion上汽通用館 Aurora pavillon 震旦館


Ⅳ 上海世博會中的場館翻譯是什麼比如德國館譯成英文是什麼

世博會的場館是 pavilion

eg. Germany Pavilion

Ⅳ 德國館 日本館 美國館 英語怎麼說

Germany Pavilion德國館
Japan Pavilion日本館
The U.S. Pavilion,或The United States Pavilion美國館

Ⅵ 小學五年級的英語文章閱讀有哪些 簡單點的,短文的。thanks!

Did you visit the Shanghai World Expo this summer? What impressed (給……留下印象) you? We invites (邀請) four kids to talk about their experiences (經歷). They are back from the Expo. What did they bring us? Let』s see what they have to say.
I went to the SAIC-GM Pavilion (上汽集團通用汽車館). I found my dream car there. It is a green car (環保汽車). Its name is 「Leaf」. Chinese engineers made the car. Its roof (車頂) is in the shape of a leaf. The roof takes in CO2 and changes it into electricity (電力) for the car.
The Japan Pavilion (日本館) is full of high technology (高科技). The 「Wonder Camera」 is cool. It can find a smiling face in a crowd (人群). When you』re smiling, it takes a photo of you. I want to invent (發明) something like that in the future.
My favorite pavilion is the Germany Pavilion (德國館). I watched the Energy Source show. Visitors made a ball swing back and forth (來回搖擺) by using only their voices (聲音). It』s amazing!
I like painting, so my parents took me to the France Pavilion (法國館) to see the famous paintings. But the French chefs (廚師) caught my eye (引起我的注意). I saw them cook. My mom told me that they are some of the best chefs in the world. The dish they cooked looked like a painting. So, being a chef is my second dream job.

1.( )The Japan Pavilion (日本館) is full of high technology (高科技)
2.( )There is a Energy Source show in the Germany Pavilion (德國館).
3.( )Visitors made a ball swing back and forth (來回搖擺) by using their hands in the Germany Pavilion (德國館)
4.( )I like painting, so my parents took me to the Japan Pavilion (日本館) to see the famous paintings.

Ⅶ 巴塞羅那椅的英文名字怎麼講

巴塞羅那椅英文名Barcelona chair,由設計師密斯在1929年巴塞羅那世界博覽會上,為了歡迎西班牙國王和王後而設計,同著名的德國館相協調。這件體量超大的椅子也明確顯示出高貴而莊重的身份。當年的世博會德國館是密斯的代表作,但由於建築的設計意念獨特,竟沒有合適的傢具與其搭襯,所以他不得不專門設計了巴塞羅那椅來迎接國王和王後。

著名的「巴塞羅那椅」(Barcelona Chair)是現代傢具設計的經典之作,為多家博物館收藏。它由成弧形交叉狀的不銹鋼構架支撐真皮皮墊,非常優美而且功能化。兩塊長方形皮墊組成坐面(坐墊)及靠背。椅子當時是全手工磨製,外形美觀,功能實用。巴塞羅那椅的設計在當時引起轟動,地位類似於現在的概念產品。



材料: 真皮,彈性海棉;不銹鋼架

Ⅷ 求一篇描寫巴塞羅那德國館的英語文章

German Pavilion in Barcelona International Fair

Ⅸ balancity怎麼有水上的陸地




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