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發布時間:2022-10-04 10:56:56

① 英語翻譯








② 英語翻譯








③ 英語翻譯(七年級)

BERLIN – A dog out on a walk happened upon a live US grenade from World War II and eagerly delivered it to his master, police said Monday, but authorities were able to defuse the explosive before it went off.柏林–狗外出散步時碰巧住在我們的手榴彈二戰和熱切地交給他的主人,警方說,星期一,但當局能夠化解爆炸之前離開。A file photo of hand grenades. A dog out on a walk happened upon a live US grenade from World War II and eagerly delivered it to his master, police said Monday, but authorities were able to defuse the explosive before it went off. 一個檔案照片的手榴彈。狗外出散步時碰巧住在我們的手榴彈二戰和熱切地交給他的主人,警方說,星期一,但當局能夠化解爆炸之前離開。A 40-year-old woman had let the dog off its leash near a stream on a walk Sunday on the outskirts of the town of Erkrath in western Germany's Neander Valley.一個40歲的女人讓狗其皮帶附近的流走上星期日在鎮郊的埃克拉斯在德國西部的尼安德山谷。The animal found the grenade on the ground, picked it up in its jaws and trotted back to its owner.動物發現手榴彈在地面上,拾起它的下顎和小跑回到它的主人。"She recognised immediately that it was probably an old, rusted hand grenade," police said. "On the orders of the woman, the dog obediently put his find back next to the stream."「她立即確認,這可能是一個老,生銹的手榴彈,」警察說。」對命令的女人,乖乖地把他的狗找回來,旁流。」She then alerted the authorities who blocked off the area and dispatched a munitions expert who identified the object as a still live American hand grenade from World War II and defused it.她提醒當局封鎖了該區,並派出一個專家誰確定一個對象作為仍住在美國手榴彈二戰和拆除了它。Germany is still littered with unexploded Allied munitions more than six decades after the war, leading frequently to major evacuations when they are discovered in densely populated areas.德國仍然是未爆彈葯是盟軍超過六年後的戰爭,導致經常大撤退時,他們發現在人口稠密的地區。

④ 英語七年級翻譯

BERLIN – A dog out on a walk happened upon a live US grenade from World War II and eagerly delivered it to his master, police said Monday, but authorities were able to defuse the explosive before it went off.
A file photo of hand grenades. A dog out on a walk happened upon a live US grenade from World War II and eagerly delivered it to his master, police said Monday, but authorities were able to defuse the explosive before it went off.
A 40-year-old woman had let the dog off its leash near a stream on a walk Sunday on the outskirts of the town of Erkrath in western Germany's Neander Valley.
星期天,一個四十歲的婦女在在德國西部Neander 谷的Errath小鎮外圍的溪邊散步時將她的狗從項圈中放開。
The animal found the grenade on the ground, picked it up in its jaws and trotted back to its owner.
"She recognised immediately that it was probably an old, rusted hand grenade," police said. "On the orders of the woman, the dog obediently put his find back next to the stream."
She then alerted the authorities who blocked off the area and dispatched a munitions expert who identified the object as a still live American hand grenade from World War II and defused it.
Germany is still littered with unexploded Allied munitions more than six decades after the war, leading frequently to major evacuations when they are discovered in densely populated areas.

⑤ 英語七年級翻譯,急~~~~~~~~




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