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㈠ 關於德國、希臘的英文名

Hellas雖然在英語字典里說是希臘的古稱,但是希臘語里就是對希臘這個國家的稱呼。看過雅典奧運會開幕式的人大概會有印象,當希臘代表團最後入場時,觀眾席上大喊Hellas,Hellas,Hellas;希臘共和國的英文全稱:The Hellenic Republic中就沒有用Greek,和Greece。Hellas這個詞來自神話中希臘的祖先皮拉和丟卡利翁的兒子赫楞(Hellen)。


㈡ 康德英文經典語錄

伊曼努爾·康德(Immanuel Kant, 1724年4月22日—1804年2月12日)德國哲學家、天 文學家、星雲說的創立者之一、德國古典哲學的創始人,唯心主義,不可知論者,德國古典 美學的'奠定者。他被認為是對現代歐洲最具影響力的思想家之一,也是啟蒙運動最後一位主 要哲學家。以下是康德英文經典語錄 ,歡迎閱讀。

1、You don't want to do the things you want to do.

2、Freedom is not letting you do what you want, freedom is teaching you not to do what you don't want to do.

3、There are two things in the world that can shake people's minds: one is the high moral standard in our hearts. The other is the starry sky above us.

4、To be angry is to punish yourself with someone else's mistake.

5、Three things help to alleviate life's hard work: hope, sleep and smile.

6、The sea is great except for its beauty, grandeur, and transparency, and a function of self-purification.

7、There are only two things in the world that can make us feel deeply shocked. One is the vast and brilliant sky above us, and one is the high moral law in our hearts.

8、A man's faults come from his days, his virtues and greatness are his own.

9、The more you think about the comfort and happiness of life, the more you won't be truly satisfied.

10、A glass of water is clear, but the sea is black. Like little truth, the real truth is silence

11、Only two things in this world so that our souls are deeply in the First place.

12、The only two things in the world that make our hearts feel deeply shocked,

13、Our brilliant stars overhead, First, our hearts' moral laws.

14、One is the brilliant sky above us, one is our inner noble moral law.

15、Genius is the man of the law.

16、Pain means being forced to leave

17、To judge beauty, we must have a cultured mind.

18、Conscience is an instinct to judge itself according to a moral code; it is not just an ability; It's an instinct.

19、The morality of a behavior does not depend on its outcome, but on the intent behind it.

20、If tried their best to still get nothing, all that's left is good will, it as sleeping gems, itself is launching a dazzling ray of light, within its own value.

21、The busier we are, the more strongly we feel that we are alive, and the more we realize the existence of our lives.

22、Honesty is better than everything, and it is the basic condition of resourcefulness.

23、All our knowledge begins with sensibility, then into the understanding, and ends with reason. Nothing is better than reason.

24、A man's words must be true, but he doesn't have to tell them what he knows.

25、To my superior, the starry sky; Moral law in my heart.

26、Freedom is not what you want to do, but what you don't want to do

27、Have a direct interest in natural beauty... Always a sign of kindness.

28、A person has no confidence and doesn't want to get up the next day.

29、Since I am on this path, nothing should stop me from following this path.

30、Since I have already embarked on this path, then nothing should prevent me to go down this road.

31、There are two things, the more I think about them deep and lasting, they evoked admiration and fear in my heart will be more and more enring, a vast brilliant starry heavens above is our, one is our lofty moral law in my heart. They confirm to me that god is on my head and in my heart.

32、There is often two ways of thinking. To be feared, to be renewed with the sun; The upper is the stars, the next is virtue.

33、Zwei Dinge erfullen das Gemut MIT immer neuer und zunehmender Bewunderung und Ehrfurcht, je fter und anhaltender sich das Nachdenken damit beschftigt: Der bestirnte Himmel uber mir, und d

34、The request of a child should be satisfied without sufficient cause to reject it. If there is a reason for not agreeing to such a request, he is not allowed to play it. Once you refuse, don't change.

35、There are only two things in the world that deserve our deep admiration. One is the brilliant sky above us, and the other is the noble moral law of our hearts.

36、Morality is first required to govern oneself

37、One of the most complex tasks of ecation is to combine the mandatory law of obeying the law into ecation with its own free power. As long as the child does not do anything harmful to himself and others, he should let them have the freedom to act, not to change the child's will. Let children understand that they can only achieve their purpose by providing others with the possibility of achieving their goals.

38、Man, in fact, is all rational, so it exists because it is a purpose and is not a tool for this or that purpose

39、He who is not immediately disgusted with the wicked, who is not immediately pleased with the beauty, and who has no sense of morality, has no conscience. Who made the wicked things and fear was sentenced to only, not e to misconct and blame themselves, but by the thought that painful consequences dare, this kind of person also have no conscience, and only the surface of the conscience. But who can be aware of the lack of virtue in the act itself, without considering the consequences, but with a conscience.

40、Beauty is a symbol of moral goodness.

41、The more I think about two things, the more awestruck and awe I feel, and that is the starry sky above me and the moral code of my heart.

42、Be as happy as a young man in old age! Youth, like a lark, has his morning song. Old age, like nightingale, should have his nocturnes.

43、For his own happiness is a purpose for all, for the impulses of his nature, but the purpose is never to be seen as an obligation, but not a contradiction. Inevitably, everyone automatically wants something that is not an obligation; The ty is to impose a purpose that is not readily accepted. It is, therefore, paradoxical to say that one has an obligation to contribute to his own happiness. -

44、There are two things, and the deeper they look at them, the more awe and awe they evoke in my mind, which is the moral law of the stars and hearts above.

45、Enlightenment is man who comes out of his own custody. The state of being guardianship is that you cannot use your own rational state without the guidance of others. If this state of guardianship is not e to lack of reason, but to the lack of determination and courage to use one's own mind without the guidance of others, it is to blame. So Sapere aude [dare to know]! Have the courage to use your own sanity!

46、Morality is indeed not a doctrine that guides people how to make themselves happy, but rather instructs people on how to deserve happiness.

47、The so-called religion is to regard all our obligations as orders of god

48、The ty of philosophy is to remove the illusions that are born of misunderstanding.

49、The venerable "personality" concept, side make us from beginning to notice their behavior with it owes, and for some down the suppression of our ego, at the same time has enabled us to clearly see the sublime our nature; This idea is natural and obvious in the most ordinary human reason. The man who is not ashamed of himself sometimes finds that he can lie to get rid of some kind of unsavory lie. Or even for some benefit to his dear and dear friend, but he was afraid to sneer, and never lie? An upright person so long as abandoned ties, the original can get rid of some kind of mess, and its so painstakingly, stick to it, not because he consciously to such ability can lead by example, maintain the dignity of the people, to respect, can

50、The rational hand holds its own principles, and in the other hand, we study and experiment with that principle, and go to nature.

51、Wine can give a quick speech, and wine can make a man's heart. Wine, therefore, becomes a material of moral character to carry out the heart of the direct

52、The most taboo thing in beauty is to disgust people, but to the sublime is to make people laugh. So the most painful thing for a man is that you say he's incompetent, and women hate you to say she's ugly.

53、The thing that fills my heart is the sky of the stars, and the moral law of my heart.

54、When love needs me I am not qualified, when I need love, he is away from me

55、The two things that most astonish and shock us most are the stars in the sky and the moral law of our hearts.

56、He deserves to be unhappy that he can only be happy according to the choice of others. For how could he vouch for his strong neighbour to be in agreement with his own judgment in the judgment of choice?

57、What I fear is the sky and the moral law of the heart

58、People is the ultimate goal of life to create, as one is the only two there is a concept that can form the purpose of, can be formed from a pile of purposeful thing, with the aid of his reason, and constitute the purpose of a system

59、Philosophy cannot be taught; philosophy is always the cause of thinkers.

60、There are two things in this world that I remember in awe, the starry sky above us and the moral law of our hearts.

61、In the natural process of human understanding, it is not the things that affect people, but people that affect things. It is our people who are constructing the real world. In the process of recognizing things, people are more important than things themselves. It is impossible for us to realize the truth of things, we can only know the appearance of things.

62、Beauty is a symbol of morality.

63、Beauty is joy without purpose.

64、Greed is an endless desire for the outside world.

65、There are only two things in the world that I am in awe of, one is the brilliant sky above me, and one is the eternal moral law in my heart.

66、There are two things, the more I think about them deep and lasting, they arouse in my mind wonder and awe will be changing, growing, this is the sky on my head and the heart of the moral law.

67、There are two things, the more I think back to the number, the longer, they are filled with the more I see the time often new, time always increases the feeling of amazement and serious, the stars and the moral law that is my head.

68、There are two kinds of things, and the longer we think about it, the more we are awed and awed by it: the starry sky and the inner moral law.

69、As long as you do your ty, people will sincerely respect you.

70、There are two kinds of awe, one is the infinite sky above the head, the other is the innermost thoughts.

71、Shyness is a secret of nature to suppress a desire to inlge; It is a natural calling, but always in harmony with virtue and virtue.

72、The most wonderful thing in the world is the brilliant sky and the moral code of my heart.

73、The so-called religion refers to all our obligations as god's orders.

74、Two things fill the mind with ever-increasing wonder and awe, the more often and the more the mind of thought is drawn to them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.

75、Living without a goal is like sailing without a compass.

76、"When moral punishment is no longer effective, people are put to physical punishment, but good character cannot be created through it."

77、When parents are at ecation, they usually just let them adapt to the current world - even if it's a decadent world. This is a true portrayal of many Chinese parents. The offspring continue and survive, which has the meaning of animal evolution, but it is very unhuman to be the only one to pursue it. To give birth to a child only to add to the slave owner, such parents do not deserve to say that they love their children.

78、Give me the matter, and I'll make a universe out of it.

79、There are two kinds of things, and the more abnormal we think, the more we fill our hearts with the admiration and awe that is always fresh and growing: the stars in my head and the morals of my heart.

80、There are two things, and the more they continue to meditate and meditate, the more they will be filled with renewed and growing praise and awe: the sky and the moral law of the heart.

81、Men are easy to see, but women don't reveal their secrets.

82、The most wonderful thing in the world is the brilliant sky and the moral code of my heart

83、Comical is the serious imbalance between expectation and consequence.

84、There are two things that can happen to people's hearts. One is the brilliant sky above the head, and the other is the high moral principle in our hearts

85、Three things help alleviate the strain of life: hope, smile, and sleep.

86、Beauty is a joyless joy

87、Experience tells us something like this, but it doesn't tell us it can't be something else

88、All knowledge begins with experience, but it is not the empirical knowledge that originates from experience. It is a complex of the impression we accept and the capacity we have. Innate knowledge: not dependent on experience, completely independent of experience, that is, "pure". Before, the metaphysics was more and more original, and the purpose of Kant was to clarify the scope, rules and bounds of reason, and put metaphysics on the path of spectrum. Is husserl's phenomenology more advanced?

89、To be true, or to judge the subjective validity of the judgment, is to make sure that there are three levels in the relationship between (it is also objective and valid) : opinions, beliefs and knowledge. Opinion is a kind of perception that is both subjective and objectively inadequate. It is called a belief if it is to be seen as merely subjective and objectively inadequate. Finally, subjectivity and objectivity are sufficient to be regarded as knowledge. One of the joys of reading is discovering that you and the greatest thinker of all time come to think of it. I thought of knowledge and opinion long before I read it...

90、"The only thing we know for sure is that we are going to die." As death, it seems to be the experience of seeing the death of something else. However, this proposition is an inevitable proposition. It might be said, however, that there is no such thing as Enoch, so it is still a "undiscovered exception" rule of thumb.

91、Metaphysics is a completely isolated, speculative and rational knowledge

㈢ 在網上搜了一款亞都原裝進口德國摩爾MORAL車載空氣凈化器,效果怎麼樣

超級好的,我用的是凈超AOSRt 210 你那個不錯啊,凈化能力好!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

㈣ 關於財富的名言英語


It is sad to have no money, but it is more sad to have excess money.


e great e the wealth of tens of millions of people.


When you fail, regard it as wealth in life; when you succeed, it is wealth in life.


Good moral character is the real wealth of the heart, and the good ecation that underlines it.



當一個人受到公眾信任時,他就應該把自己看作為公眾的財產。 —— 傑弗遜

一個人不應該與被財富毀了的人交接來往…… —— 居里夫人



The first wealth is health .——Ralph Waldo Emerson , American thinker
健康是人生第一財富。——美國思想家 一愛一默生. R. W.





我的意思並不是說在婚姻問題上可以不考慮社會關系, 我的意思是說自然關系的影響比社會關系的影響要大得多, 它甚至可以決定我們一生的命運, 而且在一愛一好, 脾氣, 感情和一性一格方面是如此嚴格地要求雙方相配……這樣一對彼此相配的夫婦是經得起一切可能發生的災難的襲擊的, 當他們一塊兒過著窮苦的日子的時候, 他們比一對佔有全世界的財產的離心離德的夫妻還幸福得多。--法· 盧梭














































































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㈤ 德國的全稱是什麼啊







㈥ 很討厭老公抽煙,他也知道我討厭他抽煙,但就是不自覺去戒,為這事我經常生氣,怎麼辦




㈦ MORAL i8 換個屏幕要多少錢

只要不是原裝屏幕 5 —60元就可以換到



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