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❶ 德國留學 不可不知的德國飲食「四寶」

麵包: 由於德國人吃麵包習慣用乳酪或醺腸,所以沒有咸麵包,只有甜麵包和沒味道的小麵包,小麵包約有拳頭大,每個賣港幣2元左右,用刀切對半就可夾東西吃。除了最基本的小麵包外,也有各式各樣的全麥麵包,長相雖然不同,但都是和乳酪、火腿一起吃的。要注意的是,小麵包最好現買現吃,隔夜或只隔幾小時後,就會硬得和小石頭一樣,變成最佳防身武裝,我們常戲說這是正統“狗不理”麵包。德國的甜麵包種塌談類繁多,可能和德國人不管男人、女人、大人、小孩都很能吃甜的有關。討人厭的是,德國的麵包店不像我們的是開架式經營,可以自拿了後去櫃台算帳,而是所有的麵包都擺在玻璃櫃里,由麵包小姐拿了包好才給顧客;所以最好事先知道麵包的名稱,免得憑一指神功上天下地比了半天,小姐還不知道你想買什麼,到時候麵包小姐的臉就可能氣鼓鼓的看起來和小圓麵包一樣了。

乳酪: 很多留學生都受不了乳酪的味道,而不敢吃,其實乳酪就好像臭豆腐一樣,吃著吃著就會上癮,而且越臭越愛吃。當然啦!這非得要練一陣子不可,所以最好避免一開始就去接觸“太厲害”的乳酪而導致暈頭轉向。

火腿: 德國的火腿種類繁多,主要有腌的、煮的、醺的三大類,顏色也自淺粉紅到深褐色都有。相較於乳酪而言,火腿就好接受得多了,而且其中有幾種口味絲毫不輸中國的香腸,讓人吃了還想再吃。在中國似乎習慣把火腿片煎了再吃,其實這是美式吃法,德國的火腿全都是加工好,直接可以夾在麵包里吃,不需要再經過處理,相當方便。和麵包及乳酪一樣,火腿也有各式各樣的名字,比較大眾化的味像是(Koehschinken, Salami, Leberwurst)等,不妨各買一些來吃吃看。乳酪和火腿在各超級市場都可買到,你可以買包裝好的,也可以零買,重量以百公克為單位。

啤酒: 德國人喜歡喝啤酒的程度到了讓人難以想像的程度,幾乎什麼場合都能來上一瓶,連學校里都可以買得到啤酒,每到夏天出太陽時,就可以看到一大群學生坐在戶外草地上,邊曬太陽邊喝啤酒,真是會享受人生!正因為德國人愛喝又能喝啤酒,向來一人連喝好幾瓶是小Case,所以,德國的啤酒品牌數不勝數,有些城市自已就有好幾個牌子,很誇張吧!要是你從來沒有喝過啤酒,建議你先從一半滲掘啤酒加一半可樂、芬達、雪碧、蘋果汁等喝起,等習慣那清涼中略帶苦味的感覺後,就可轉戰到整瓶啤酒了,祝你好運。啤酒在超級市場、雜貨店(Kiosk)都有賣,在飲料專賣店可整箱整箱買,價錢更便叢衫核宜!

❷ 商店裡賣的麵包片是怎麼切出來的


❸ 二戰時期,黑麵包在蘇德戰場上除了吃,為何可以當武器使用呢



❹ 高分!求麵包的起源、發展或者歷史英文介紹

History of bread
The history of bread goes back at least 30,000 years. The first bread proced was probably cooked versions of a grain-paste, made from roasted and ground cereal grains and water, and may have been developed by accidental cooking or deliberate experimentation with water and grain flour. Descendants of this early bread are still commonly made from various grains in many parts of the world, including lavashs, taboons, sangaks, Mexican tortilla, Indian chapatis, rotis and naans, Scottish oatcake, North American johnnycake, Middle Eastern pita, and Ethiopian injera. Flat bread of these types also formed a staple in the diet of many early civilizations with the Sumerians eating a type of barley flat cake, and the 12th century BC Egyptians being able to purchase a flat bread called ta from stalls in the village streets.The ritual bread in ancient Greek offerings to the chthonic gods, known as psadista was made of fine flour, oil and wine.

The earliest archaeological evidence for flour, which was likely processed into an unleavened bread, dates to the Upper Palaeolithic in Europe, around 30,000 years ago.[3] During this period of human history cereals constituted just one of many food sources exploited by hunting and gathering;[4] palaeolithic European diets were based mainly on animal proteins and fats.[3] Cereals and bread became a staple food ring the Neolithic, around 10,000 years ago, when wheat and barley were among the first plants to be domesticated in the Fertile Crescent. Wheat-based agriculture spread from Southwest Asia to Europe, North Africa and the Indian Subcontinent. In other parts of the world cereals such as rice (East Asia), maize (the Americas) and sorghum (sub-Saharan Africa), which are also sometimes made into bread, were independently domesticated and formed the basis of alternative agricultural systems.[5] Around the world, the shift from varied hunter-gatherer subsistence to agricultural diets based predominantly on a cereal staple such as wheat bread marked an important turning point in human history. Though in many ways nutritionally deficient compared to hunting and gathering, cereal crops allowed agricultural societies to sustain much larger populations than had previously been possible, which in turn led to greater economic specialisation, social complexity and eventually the rise of civilised states.[6]

The development of leavened bread can also probably be traced to prehistoric times. Yeast spores occur everywhere, including the surface of cereal grains, so any dough left to rest will become naturally leavened.[7] Although leavening is likely of prehistoric origin, the earliest archaeological evidence is from ancient Egypt. Scanning electron micros has detected yeast cells in some ancient Egyptian loaves. However, ancient Egyptian bread was made from emmer wheat and has a dense crumb. In cases where yeast cells are not visible, it is difficult, by visual examination, to determine whether the bread was leavened. As a result, the extent to which bread was leavened in ancient Egypt remains uncertain.[8]

The importance of bread in the formation of early human societies cannot be overstated. From the western half of Asia, where wheat was domesticated, cultivation spread north and west, to Europe and North Africa, and enabled humans to become farmers rather than hunters and foragers. This in turn led to the formation of towns, as opposed to the nomadic lifestyle, and gave rise to more and more sophisticated forms of societal organization. Similar developments occurred in easterm Asia, centered on rice, and in the Americas with maize.
[edit] Antiquity

There were multiple sources of leavening available for early bread. Airborne yeasts could be harnessed by leaving uncooked dough exposed to air for some time before cooking. Pliny the Elder reported that the Gauls and Iberians used the foam skimmed from beer to proce "a lighter kind of bread than other peoples." Parts of the ancient world that drank wine instead of beer used a paste composed of grape must and flour that was allowed to begin fermenting, or wheat bran steeped in wine, as a source for yeast. The most common source of leavening however was to retain a piece of dough from the previous day to utilize as a form of sourdough starter.[9]

The idea of a free-standing oven that could be pre-heated, with a door for access, appears to have been a Greek one.[10]

Even in antiquity there were a wide variety of breads. In ancient times the Greek bread was barley bread: Solon declared that wheaten bread might only be baked for feast days. By the 5th century bread could be purchased in Athens from a baker's shop, and in Rome, Greek bakers appeared in the 2nd century BC, as Hellenized Asia Minor was added to Roman dominion as the province of Asia;[11] the foreign bakers of bread were permitted to form a collegium In the Deipnosophistae, the author Athenaeus (c.A.D.170-c. 230) describes some of the bread, cakes, cookies, and pastries available in the Classical world.[12] Among the breads mentioned are griddle cakes, honey-and-oil bread, mushroom-shaped loaves covered in poppy seeds, and the military specialty of rolls baked on a spit. The type and quality of flours used to proce bread could also vary, as noted by Diphilus when he declared "bread made of wheat, as compared with that made of barley, is more nourishing, more digestible, and in every way superior." In order of merit, the bread made from refined [thoroughly sieved] flour comes first, after that bread from ordinary wheat, and then the unbolted, made of flour that has not been sifted."[13] The essentiality of bread in the diet was reflected in the name for the rest of the meal: ópson, "condiment", i.e. bread's accompaniment, whatever it might be.[14]
[edit] Middle Ages
Peasants sharing bread, from the Livre roi Mos et de la reine Ratio, France, 14th century. (Bibliothèque nationale)

In medieval Europe, bread served not only as a staple food but also as part of the table service. In the standard table setting of the day the trencher, a piece of stale bread roughly 6 inches by 4 inches (15 cm by 10 cm), served as an absorbent plate. At the completion of a meal the trencher could then be eaten, given to the poor, or fed to the dogs. It was not until the 15th century that trenchers made of wood started to replace the bread variety.[15]
[edit] Modern era

The instrialization of bread-baking was a formative step in the creation of the modern world.[16] Otto Frederick Rohwedder is considered to be the father of sliced bread. In 1912 Rohwedder started work on inventing a machine that sliced bread, but bakeries were reluctant to use it since they were concerned the sliced bread would go stale. It was not until 1928, when Rohwedder invented a machine that both sliced and wrapped the bread, that sliced bread caught on. A bakery in Chillicothe, Missouri was the first to use this machine to proce sliced bread.

For generations, white bread was the preferred bread of the rich while the poor ate dark (whole grain) bread. However, in most western societies, the connotations reversed in the late 20th century, with whole grain bread becoming preferred as having superior nutritional value while white bread became associated with lower-class ignorance of nutrition.[17]

Another major advance happened in 1961 with the development of the Chorleywood Bread Process which used the intense mechanical working of dough to dramatically rece the fermentation period and the time taken to proce a loaf. The process, whose high-energy mixing allows for the use of inferior grain, is now widely used around the world in large factories. In total contrast, traditional breadmaking as seen for example in French bakery, is extremely time-consuming, as the dough is mixed with yeast and requires several cycles of kneading and resting in order to become ready for baking, and to proce the desired flavor and texture.

More recently, and especially in smaller retail bakeries, chemical additives are used that both speed up mixing time and rece necessary fermentation time, so that a batch of bread may be mixed, made up, risen, and baked in less than 3 hours. Dough that does not require fermentation because of chemical additives is called "no-time bread" by commercial bakers. Common additives include recing agents such as L-cysteine or sodium metabisulfite, and oxidants such as potassium bromate or ascorbic acid.[18] Often these chemicals are added to dough in the form of a prepackaged base, which also contains most or all of the dough's non-flour ingredients. Using such bases and sophisticated chemistry, it has been possible for commercial bakers to make imitations of artisan and sourdough breads, traditionally made by semi-skilled labor working in smaller shops.

Recently, domestic breadmakers that automate the process of making bread have become popular in the home.

歷史的麵包,至少可以追溯到30,000年。 第一個麵包生產的可能熟的糧食粘貼版本,從烤和地面穀物和水製成,並可能已被偶然烹煮或麵粉加水和糧食蓄意試驗發展。 這種早期麵包後裔仍普遍製成各種穀物在世界許多地區,包括lavashs , taboons , sangaks , 墨西哥的 玉米餅 , 印度 chapatis , rotis和naans , 蘇格蘭 燕麥餅 , 北美 喬尼凱克 , 中東 皮塔和衣索比亞 injera 。 類型單位的麵包這些也形成了以主食在許多早期文明的飲食蘇美爾人吃了蛋糕型大麥基本持平,而公元前12世紀埃及人能夠購買麵包名為街一個單位,從攤位達村在。 [ 1]在儀式麵包古希臘供養的閃靈神,psadista被稱為是用細面,油,酒。 [2]
最早的考古證據,麵粉,這很可能是未經發酵加工成麵包,可追溯至舊石器時代晚期在歐洲 ,大約3萬年前。 [3]在此期間,穀物構成人類歷史是許多剛剛利用采購食物和狩獵聚會 ; [4]歐洲舊石器時代的飲食主要是基於對動物蛋白質和脂肪。 [3]穀物和麵包成了主食 ,在新石器時代 ,約1萬年前,當小麥和大麥植株中第一個被馴化的新月沃土 。 小麥為主,西南地區農業蔓延到歐洲,北美,非洲和印度次大陸。 在世界其他地區的穀物,如大米 (東亞), 玉米 (美洲)和高粱 (撒哈拉以南非洲),這有時也被製成麵包,獨立地馴化,形成了系統的基礎替代農業。 [ 5]在世界各地,從不同的生活轉變狩獵採集到農業在人類歷史上一個主要的飼料穀物,如小麥主食麵包標記點的一個重要轉折點。 雖然在許多方面營養的缺乏相比,狩獵和採集社會谷類作物讓農業人口較多,以維持更比原先可能,從而帶來更大的經濟專業化 , 社會的復雜性 ,最終的興起, 文明的國家 。 [6]

酵的麵包的發展也很可能可以追溯到史前時代。 酵母孢子發生無處不在,包括顆粒表面的穀物,所以任何面團左其餘部分將成為自然發酵。 [7]雖然膨鬆可能是史前的起源,最早的考古證據是從古代埃及。 掃描電子顯微鏡檢測到埃及的麵包酵母細胞在一些古老的。 然而,古埃及的麵包是從二粒小麥,具有緻密碎屑。 在情況下, 酵母細胞中不可見,它是困難的,通過視覺檢查,以確定是否酵餅。 因此,在何種程度上是古代酵麵包在埃及仍然不明朗。 [8]

麵包的在早期人類社會形成的重要性怎麼強調也不過分。 從亞洲,其中小麥被馴化,栽培北部和西部蔓延,西半部到歐洲和北非,以及使人類能夠成為獵人和覓食,而不是農民。 這反過來又導致了城鎮的形成,相對於游牧的生活方式,產生了復雜的形式的社會組織越來越多。 類似的發展發生在中下游地區,集中在大米 ,並在美洲的玉米 。

有早期的發酵麵包可供多個來源。 酵母菌可以開發利用機載留生面團暴露在空氣中一段時間才能烹調。 老普林尼報道, 高盧和伊比利亞用於生產啤酒的泡沫撇去了「一人輕於其他種麵包。」 各部件的古代世界,喝葡萄酒而不是啤酒貼組成一個用葡萄汁和麵粉被允許開始發酵,或麥麩沉浸在酒酵母,作為一個來源。 但是,大部分的膨鬆普遍的來源是要保留天前的一塊面團利用作為一種形式酵母 啟動 。 [9]的,理想中的獨立的烤箱可預先加熱,門上一個Access似乎已經是一個希臘之一。 [10]
即使在古代有各種各樣的麵包。 在古代希臘的大麥麵包,麵包是: 梭倫宣布小麥麵包烘烤可能只有幾天的盛宴。 到了公元5世紀麵包可以購買在雅典一家麵包店店,並在羅馬,希臘的麵包師出現在公元前2世紀,作為希臘化小亞細亞加入統治的羅馬亞省 ; [11]麵包師的外國麵包被允許形成collegium在Deipnosophistae ,筆者阿特納奧斯 (cAD170-c. 230)描述了一些麵包,蛋糕,餅乾和糕點在世界上現有的經典。 [12]其中提到麵包的烤盤蛋糕,蜂蜜和油麵包,罌粟種子覆蓋蘑菇形餅,卷上的烤吐軍事專業。 不同的類型和質量也用於生產麵包粉可以,所指出的Diphilus當他宣布「小麥製成的麵包,作為比較,提出,與大麥 ,現在是,在各方面都優於更滋潤,更易消化。「 在勛章的,麵包製成的麵粉精製[徹底過篩]至上,在這之後,從普通小麥麵包,然後拔去門閂的,麵粉製成的尚未過篩。「 [13]飲食中的麵包的必要性反映在餐名稱為其餘的:ópson,「調味品」,即麵包的伴奏,無論它可能是。 [14]

農民分享麵包,從作案的投資回報率等利夫雷杜賴因德拉比 ,法國,14世紀。 ( 國家圖書館 )
在中世紀的歐洲 ,麵包擔任不僅作為主食 ,而且作為服務的一部分表。 在標准表日成立了的挖溝機 ,一塊乾麵包大約6英寸,4英寸(15厘米10厘米)板吸收,擔任過。 在一餐完成挖溝機便可以吃,給窮人,或喂養的狗。 但直到15世紀的木材製成的挖溝機開始取代麵包品種。 [15]

烘烤的麵包工業化,是一個世界。逐步形成的現代創作中[16] 奧托馮Rohwedder被認為是對父親的切片麵包 。 1912年Rohwedder開始發明一種機器,切片麵包的工作,但麵包房不願意使用它,因為他們關注的切片麵包會去陳舊。 直到1928年,Rohwedder發明了這兩個切片和包裝的麵包,這麵包切片機上捕獲。 阿奇利科西麵包店,密蘇里州是第一個使用這種機器生產切片麵包。

世世代代,白麵包是首選的豐富而窮人吃麵包黑(全麥)麵包。 然而,在大多數西方社會的內涵扭轉了20世紀後期麵包,全麥成為首選,因為具有優良的營養價值,同時成為白麵包營養與較低的階層的無知。 [17]

另一項重大進展與發生在1961年的發展過程喬利伍德麵包的面團用激烈的機械加工,大大降低了發酵周期和麵包所需的時間來生產。 這個過程中,其高能量的混合使用使劣質糧食,現已廣泛周圍的世界大工廠使用。 在完全相反,傳統的麵包看在法國麵包店的例子,是非常耗時,因為面團混合酵母和揉和休息需要幾個周期才能成為准備烘烤,並產生預期的味道和紋理。

最近,特別是在較小的零售麵包店, 化學添加劑,使用這兩個時間加快,減少必要的混合發酵時間,從而使麵包,可混批,分項,上升,幾小時烤小於3。 面團,不需要因為被稱為「無時間的麵包」,由商業貝克斯化學添加劑發酵。 常見的添加劑包括:減少代理商等為L -半胱氨酸或焦亞硫酸鈉 ,並作為氧化劑如溴酸鉀或抗壞血酸 。 [18]通常,這些化學物質添加到面團中的基本形式預先包裝,其中還包含大部分或所有的面團的非麵粉成分。 使用這樣的基地和先進的化學,它有可能為商業貝克斯使傳統上由半熟練勞動力在小商店工作的工匠和酵母製成麵包,模仿。


❺ 吐司麵包是怎麼切成一片一片的


❻ 德國麵包工廠一天消耗150噸麵粉來生產的麵包是怎麼製作的



❼ 吐司麵包是怎麼切成一片一片的









❽ 德國人的早餐就吃一個麵包和牛奶,這樣的搭配健康嗎




❾ 德國人的早餐,為什麼都會吃麵包



❿ 吐司和切片麵包的區別是什麼



烤麵包是由一位法國人Grard Depardieu於1491年發明的,發明的原因其實是因為意外,是因為別的原因而發哪蔽現了另一個更好的東西,而這位先生一直想要發明一種機器可以把一片一片的麵包變成黃金,後來被法國國王知道了。





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在菲律賓投資可用什麼樣的居留條件 瀏覽:1297
德國被分裂為哪些國家 瀏覽:912
澳大利亞跟團簽證要什麼材料 瀏覽:1241
德國大鵝節多少錢 瀏覽:902
去菲律賓過關時會盤問什麼 瀏覽:1224
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有什麼免費的韓國小說軟體 瀏覽:781
申請德國學校如何找中介 瀏覽:686