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發布時間:2022-09-24 12:21:36

『壹』 想找一個韓國的MV

4 minutes

『貳』 泰勒斯威夫特有支mv的一個背景是在車上洗車的,那首是什麼歌呀

call me maybe
threw a wish in the well,
Don't ask me, I'll never tell
I looked to you as it fell,
and now you're in my way

I trade my soul for a wish,
pennies and dimes for a kiss
I wasn't looking for this,
but now you're in my way

Your stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot not, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?


Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

It's hard to look right,
at you baaaabeh,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
try to chaaase me,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

[Verse 2]

You took your time with the call,
I took no time with the fall
You gave me nothing at all,
but still, you're in my way

I beg, and borrow and steal
Have foresight and it's real
I didn't know I would feel it,
but it's in my way

Your stare was holdin', Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot not, wind was blowin'
Where you think you're going, baby?

Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

It's hard to look right,
at you baaaabeh,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
try to chaaase me,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad
I missed you so, so bad

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
And you should know that
I missed you so, so bad

It's hard to look right,
at you baaaabeh,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

Hey, I just met you,
and this is crazy,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

And all the other boys,
try to chaaase me,
but here's my number,
so call me, maybe?

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
I missed you so bad
I missed you so so bad

Before you came into my life
I missed you so bad
And you should know that

So call me, maybe?

『叄』 MV是一男一女,但只有女生在唱,長得挺漂亮的,他們好像還在洗車,是什麼歌,英文歌哈,嘿嘿

《Call me maybe》,這是舊MV,有新的,和Justin Bieber合拍的

『肆』 有個mv一開始是在洗車然後那個女的邊走邊唱 一首英文歌

call me maybe

『伍』 有一首英文歌之前很火的 MV是男的一直在洗車,女的在逛超市的 誰記得叫什麼...

Call me Maybe

『陸』 想找一首歌,帶MV的,裡面有個女的很花痴,就是說MV裡面洗車的時候那個男的看了她一眼,她就暈了的

Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe


『柒』 MV有幾個韓國美女在洗車


『捌』 一首韓國歌一個男的唱的中文名好像有洗澡2字mv挺性感的都是穿的比基尼

Gary (개리) of LeeSSang - 等一下洗澡 (Shower Later/조금 이따 샤워해) (Feat by Crush)

『玖』 防彈少年團《for you》mv中幫人家打工洗車那個是誰 求解答。。😖最好他們幾個分別在m

開場出來的熊是田柾國 黃金忙內果果 團寵團霸
洗車的是金碩珍 jin 公主 團內大哥 料理很好 溫柔
加油站是金南俊 rapmonster 隊長 拉蒙
開著小摩托送貨的是閔玧其 suga 糖爺
小賣部賣益達的是金泰亨 v 正太臉低音炮蘇一臉
餐廳里洗盤子的是朴智旻 jimin 雞米 可愛與性感並存的 萌萌噠 我男朋友❀(///▽///)❀
餐廳里服務生的是鄭號錫 j-hope 希望擔當啊 搞笑與顏藝並存

我也是新進army一位啊 有不對的地方還請原諒我 還有你可以去看看 i need u , danger.
的mv 然後很多練習室版本也很圈飯
純手打 望採納啊~

『拾』 求一首外國歌曲,女的唱的,視頻裡面女的在洗車,男的在弄割草機,這首歌好像很紅的,但是我不知道叫什...

call me maybe加拿大歌手Carly Rae Jepsen去年發行的一首神曲。。。mv結尾比較坑爹



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