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Ⅰ 好麗友在拼多多旗艦店名稱


Ⅱ 「日本東洋油墨」與「韓國東洋油墨」的關系是什麼


代 表 人:代表取締役社長 佐久間 國雄


Ⅲ 好麗友是哪個國家的牌子




好麗友食品有限公司是韓國東洋制果於1995年在河北省, 中國廊坊經濟技術開發區成立的食品公司。東洋制果所屬的東洋集團是由23家公司組成的韓國,前30大集團之一。1995年5月,好麗友公司第一批好麗友派正式進入中國市場,對中國食品工業產生了深遠而廣泛的影響。






一些研究報告預測,2020年中國休閑食品市場將超過3萬億元,未來3-5年將保持10%以上的增長。好麗友的競爭對手不僅僅是樂視、達利, 上好佳等企業,還有【三隻松鼠(300783)、股吧】,良品鋪子、百草味等互聯網品牌,這個韓國食品巨頭要想未來進一步發展,還需要把握年輕消費者的需求。


Ⅳ 好麗友食品有限公司介紹

簡介: 好麗友食品有限公司(OrionFoodCo,Ltd)是1995年韓國的東洋制果在中國的河北省廊坊經濟技術開發區設立的食品公司。東洋制果所屬的東洋集團是由屬下的23個公司構成的韓國30大集團之一。1995年5月好麗友公司第一批好麗友派開始正式打入中國市場,在中國食品行業產生了深遠而廣泛的影響。巧克力派是東洋制果1974年開發的產品,東洋制果的巧克力派現已暢銷海外60多個國家和地區,在世界巧克力派市場佔有70%的分額。好麗友公司生產和東洋制果一樣高品質的好麗友派。1997年末根據市場需求,公司安裝了蛋黃派生產線,1998年5月蛋黃派生產線正式啟動。在兩片柔軟的餅干之間放入松軟的,含有果凍成分的果汁軟糖,然後再以巧克力包裹的可口、美味的好麗友派自從在中國上市以來,受到各個不同年齡階段的消費者歡迎,銷路很好,在北京地區一直保持最高的市場佔有率。松軟可口的好麗友蛋黃派新鮮雞蛋含量為22%,充分補充蛋白質,而且含有對視力及皮膚美容極好的胡蘿卜素。上市兩個多月來,銷量不斷上漲,成為老少皆宜的食品。好麗友公司一直以高品質、優質服務、滿足顧客的要求為宗旨。好麗友的經營理念是"培育人才,創造價值,奉獻社會"。好麗友的目標是發展為不僅生產巧克力派,而且是生產和銷售多種食品的綜合食品公司,建設成一個派類食品第一的企業和中國食品行業最優秀的公司,從而主導中國的食品市場。

Ⅳ 求教韓國好麗友與其母公司(株)Orion集團及東洋集團的概況

好麗友母公司(株)Orion是東洋集團的創始人瑞南李洋球會長於1956年創建的。Orion集團旗下設有 (株)Orion和Orion Frito Lay兩家食品公司,產品包括派( 以巧克力派為代表 )、口香糖、餅干、糖、膨化食品等各類食品,在韓國清州、翼山、利川等地設有5家工廠,產品包括派(以巧克力派為代表)、口香糖、餅干、糖、膨化食品等各類食品,年生產規模達到6,000億韓元。其中,(株)Orion生產除膨化食品以外的諸如好麗友·派、魷魚花生豆、高笑美等家喻戶曉的各種休閑食品,其年生產規模達到5,000億韓元以上,在韓國的休閑類食品市場中佔有 26%~27% 的份額。1997年Orion集團(株)Orion公司在中國成立法人後僅用 兩年 就實現利潤的正增長,近6年更是創造了年平均增長率 50% 以上的奇跡,從而使好麗友成為在華最為成功的外資企業之一。至2009年,好麗友在國內已擁有4家法人企業,注冊總資本過1億美金,在河北、上海、廣東建有4個生產基地,設北京、青島、上海、廣州4個銷售本部統管全國銷售工作。

Ⅵ 韓國四大財團分別是
















Ⅶ Magic-D什麼牌子


Ⅷ 好麗派是哪國的


Ⅸ 廊坊有什麼企業,無論是私企還是國企




Sandvik Group is a high-technology material engineering company with more than 300 subsidiaries represented in 130 counties. The Group turns over SEK 42 billion a year and employs 34000 people worldwide.

AB Sandvik Coromant, one of the larger being of Sandvik Tooling, is the international leader in development, proction and marketing of tools using cemented-carbide, ceramics and extremely hard materials such as diamond and cubic boron nitride for metal-cutting applications.

AB Sandvik Coromant has set up a nation-wide sales organization in China since 1993 and established a manufacturing unit in Langfang in the same year with the investment of 50 M SEK and 2000 m2, to proce standard and special tool holders. In 1996, AB Sandvik Coromant reinvested 110 M SEK on the basis of the first phase for an insert proction unit, which contains 5000 m2. This plant is the most modern for proction of cemented carbide inserts in China. It utilizes the latest technology available in the proction process and, at the same time, meets the highest environmental requirements. Sandvik Langfang was certified according to ISO 9002 in December 1998. By now, Sandvik Coromant has invested more than 30 M USD in Langfang in total.


Lucas Varity Langzhong Brakes Co., Ltd.: joint venture invested in the Langfang Economic and Technical Development Zone by Langfang State-owned Heavy Instrial Assets Management Co., Ltd., US Varity Instry Co., Ltd. and British Lucas Company, specialized in the proction of auto-brake forceps and plate model brakes. As brake supplier of auto manufacturers like Red Flag, Audi, Santana, Jinbei, Jetta, Vanett, etc, it has become the biggest auto brakes manufacturer in the country.


Quanxing Instrial (Langfang) Co., Ltd: exclusively invested by Taiwan Tsuang Hine Group with main business in the proction of auto chairs and interiors, cushions, steering wheel and rubber parts of motorcycle, OA office furniture, artificial leather, schoolbag, varieties of handbag and clothing. The company is devoted in the effort to improve social living standard by providing customers with safety and comfort.


Langfang Milan Brakes Co., Ltd.: Sino-US joint venture with registration capital of 250 million RMB, specialized and designated manufacturer of air compressor and auto brake unit. Procts of high quality manufactured with the latest German technology have earned Langfang wide recognition and acceptance in the automotive components instry. The air compressors (annual proction capacity of 350,000 set), including 6 series with 120 varieties, are widely used in trunks, buses and construction machines. As the supplier of 30 automobile manufactories, it takes more than 40% market share domestically. There are 24 types of brake series (used respectively for Audi, Jetta, Red Flag, Santana, Jinbei, Charade and Iveco) with annual proction capacity of more than 300,000. By the year 2000, the proction ability may grow up to 3 million pieces in brake parts and 600,000 sets in air compressor.


Tenryu(China) Saw MFG Co., Ltd.: joint venture cooperated between Japanese Tenryu Saw MFG. Corp. and Korean Ying Chang Saw & Knife Co., Ltd. to proce and sell all kinds of saw procts. The company imported complete proction line and raw materials from Japan. With advanced equipment, unique saw-making technology and high quality, the procts enjoy high reputation on international market. The procts are widely applied for cutting various metal and non-metal materials with complete specifications and dimensions, which meet the needs of different instry.


Langfang Ri Machinery Tools Co., Ltd.: exclusively invested by Japanese Unik Corp,specialized in the manufacturing of various hole machining tools applied for the processing of metal, cement, glass, marble, thin wall and pipe materials.


Langfang Dajin Stainless Steel Procts Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive instrial company integrates scientific research, developing, operation and trade. The company has international standard equipment, strict regulations and scientific management. There are five subsidiaries under the company (Stainless Steel Utensil Plant, Knife Plant, Kitchen Equipment Plant, Tableware Plant and Decoration Materials Plant) with branches and sales network in 20 provinces and cities in China. The 「Aoxing」 stainless steel vacuum thermos containers are sold overseas in more than 50 countries in Asia and Europe.


Capital Astronomic Corrugated Pipe Factory: subordinate to Astronomic Machinery Company, which is of the eldest enterprise in the research and manufacturing of corrugated metal soft pipe and its expansion joints. The procts won the State Jinlong Awards, ministry Excellent Procts Awards and the champion in national quality comparison and appraisal. The company also succeeded in the developing of the patented corrugated metal soft pipe with high-pressure (20Mpa), large diameter and flow capacity. The proct is widely applied for aerospace instry, aviation instry, metallurgical instry, petroleum instry, chemical instry, energy resource instry, communication and transportation, power instry, construction, etc.


Langfang Zhonghang Fokker Electronic Company: Sino-Holland joint venture invested by Holland Fokker Irmo Company, the Institute of Precision Machinery and Mechanical Equipment Company of Zhonghang Instrial (General) Company. The main business of this company is the proction of high quality airplane cable.


Jixin Gas Spring Co., Ltd.: Sino-Hongkong joint venture, which is a manufacturing base of high-tech gas spring procts, located at Langfang ETDZ.


China Base Oxygen Health Care Co.Ltd: invested by China Export Commodity Base Construction (General) Company and Wuhan Zhongshan Group (Share) Co., Ltd.


Longchang Welding Technique Company: a comprehensive technical company integrates scientific research, instry and trade, with main business in the proction of automatic welding equipment.


Huasheng Fujitec Elevator Co., Ltd.: joint venture of Chinatex Tianyuan Company and Japanese Fujitec Corporation, engaged in the designing, manufacturing, selling, installation and maintenance of elevator, automatic staircase and vehicle parking equipment, with annual proction capacity of 1000 elevators and 40% of the its procts are exported to foreign countries.


Xinxing Instrial Co.,Ltd: Joint Venture of China Xinxing Group and Japan JUKI Corp, registered in the Langfang Economic Development Zone in September 1995. It engaged in the manufacturing of sewing machines for instrial use。As the supply base for JUkI brand instrial sewing machines, the company introced the latest equipment for mechanical processing and painting systems from Japan. The Company will supply procts, which meet the special needs of every customer.

廊坊瑪連尼百萊瑪機械有限公司:享有「帶領世界潮流50年」 美譽的瑪連尼瀝青攪拌設備,自進入中國12年來,成為中國瀝青設備的佼佼者。廊坊瑪連尼百萊瑪機械有限公司對產品有極高的質量要求,全新的管理模式和嚴格的質量保證體系。其生產的瀝青設備是利用瑪連尼最先進的設計及機件來製造的,鋼結構件工藝及整機的組裝都是在碼連尼經驗工程師的督導下完成。

Langfang Marini-Prima Machinery Co.Ltd: the Marini asphalt mixer enjoys high reputation worldwide. Since it came to China about 12 years ago, it has been a big winner in Chinese market in asphalt equipment field. Marini-Prima Company posts high requirement on its proct with unique management method and strict quality control system. Asphalt equipment made in Langfang unit adapts most advanced Marini design and parts and its steel structure process and final machinery assembling are carried out under the supervision of professional Marini engineers.


Youchang (Hongkong) Lighting Appliance Co., Ltd.: mainly engaged in lighting appliance, switch for electrical appliance and the attached equipment. By using technology of Germany Siemens and Osron, the annual proction capacity has gone up to 20 million.


North Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd.: the largest comprehensive company in North-China, which deals with contracting and selling of mechanical engineering. With advanced equipment and enormous potentiality, the company can contract any kinds of large-scale infrastructure engineering and maintain domestic and foreign mechanical engineering.


Food instry, represented by:


Nissin COFCO Foods Co., Ltd.:Sino-Japan joint venture funded by China National Cereals Oils & Foodstuff Imp. & Exp. Corp., Japanese Nissin Food Procts Co., Ltd. Mitsubishi Corp and Kinsho-Mataichi Corp. to proce fast food. The proction capacity of the company for the first phase is 100 million boxes of instant noodle annually. With advanced equipment and process as well as unique management and technology, the company is in the position to proce nutritious instant food with varies flavor.


Orion Foods Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Korean Tong Yang Group to research, develop and manufacture chocolate foods in Langfang Economic and Technical Development Zone. The company was registered on 25 December 1995, and started construction on 18 April 1996. At present it is one of the best chocolate pie manufacturer in North China. Orion Food Co., Ltd. takes improving Chinese living standard and food nutrition structure as its target. In this case, Orion Food Co., Ltd. will become the investment model of Tong Yang Group.


Shuangma Foods CO., Ltd.: large-scale food enterprise jointly invested by China Oriental Group and Korean Zhengyou Group. It is the authorized user of American G.F.C patented equipment. Main procts are jumping candy various snack foods.


China Base Golden Milan Coffee Proct Co., Ltd.: jointly invested by China National Export Commodity Base Construction (General) Co. and Italian Brasilia Company, engaged in the proction of various coffee procts by using raw materials imported from 7 countries. Different from instant coffee proct, this company's proct avoid the easy lost of nutrition, coffee bean are grinded into power and processed into slices for convenient drink.


Langfang Red Castle Winery Co., Ltd.: invested exclusively by France Castle Winery Co., Ltd., with annual proction of 10 million bottles of red wine, 50% of which are for export.


Yeo Hiap Seng (Hua Bei)Beverage Co., Ltd.: jointly invested by Singapore Yeo Hiap Seng Co., Ltd. Hongkong Shitai Engineering Co., Ltd. Guangzhou New Pearl River Group Co. With imported equipment from France, Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Singapore, the entire proction line is fully automatic.


Light and textile instry, represented by:


1、 中紡寶特服裝有限公司(中日合資)

2、 中紡瑰寶襯衫有限公司(中美合資)

3、 中紡希凱針織制衣有限公司(中日合資)

4、 廊坊歐陸毛衫有限公司(中德合資)

5、 華升富士達電梯有限公司(中日合資)


Chinatex City: the Langfang Instrial Base of Chinatex, is invested and operated by Chinatex Tianyuan Instrial Co., Ltd., covering 160,000 m2. The city was well equipped with restaurant, dormitory apartment, and bathrooms, which supply water, heat, electricity, communication and accommodation. At present there are five companies living in the city:

1. Chinatex Baote Clothing Co., Ltd. (Sinn-Japan joint venture);

2. Chinatex Guibao Shirt Co., Ltd. (Sino-American joint venture );

3. Chinatex Xikai Knitwear Co., Ltd. (sino-Japanese joint venture);

4. Langfang Oulu Woolen Shirt Co., Ltd. (sino-Japanese joint venture);

5. Huasheng Fujitec elevator Co., Ltd. (sino-Japanese joint venture);

About 60,000 m2 in the city is available for instrial investment. Foreign investors are welcome to make investment especially in high-tech project with promising market and pollution free.


Huari Furniture Co., Ltd.: totaled 60 million RMB in investment with construction area of 30,000 m2 and employee of over 2000. The company imported advanced proction line from Germany. Based on the standard of ISO9000, the plate furniture wins the trust of consumer and many honors as well. Huari has 80 sales offices all over the country.


Haiqi Wooden Procts Co., Ltd.:joint venture between China Overseas Trade Corporation and a Hongkong company. The company imported complete advanced wood processing machinery equipment, and applied imported raw materials to proce various plate furniture.


Langfang Nippon Paint Co., Ltd.: exclusively invested by funded by Nippon Paint (Hongkong) Co., Ltd., specialized in the proction of various paint for decoration, instry, cathode electrophoresis paint and automobile and motorcycle coating, various paints for electronic appliance and furniture, and anti-corrosive paint for marine affairs, etc. With its first class equipment, advanced technology, modern scientific management and high, Nippon pain enjoys high reputation on international market.




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