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發布時間:2022-04-23 05:13:59

⑴ 春節用英語怎麼說

春節的英語:The Spring Festival。



英 [sprɪŋ] 美 [sprɪŋ]






英 [ˈfestɪvl] 美 [ ˈfɛstəvəl]









festival的意思是「節日」,多指民俗或宗教節日,用作專有名詞時,其前須加定冠詞; 有時還可指音樂、戲劇、電影等會演性的節日。



1、Church festival 教會的節日

2、the Edinburgh festival愛丁堡戲劇節

3、folk festival 民間節日

4、harvest festival 豐收喜慶日

5、the Lantern festival 元宵節

6、the Mid-Autumn〔Moon〕festival 中秋佳節

⑵ 用英語介紹韓國新年習俗加翻譯

eaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It has often been noted that those who

⑶ 春節快樂的英語怎麼說


1、Happy Spring Festival

2、Happy Chinese New Year


1、Happy Spring Festival

英文發音: [ˈhæpi sprɪŋ ˈfestɪvl]




Wish you and your family a happy spring festival.


2、Happy Chinese New Year

英文發音:[ˈhæpi ˌtʃaɪˈniːz njuː jɪə(r)]




Happy Chinese New year! New year, new beginning.







n. 春天;彈簧;泉水;活力;跳躍


They are planning to move house next spring.





n. 節日;慶祝,紀念活動;歡樂


Shavuot is a two-day festival for Orthodox Jews.


⑷ 韓國有哪些特殊的節日(越特殊越好,最好是用英語的)急!!!!!!!做詳細介紹的話,會加分的

1月1日:元旦——新年的頭兩天,舉世同慶的日子。 陰歷正月初一:民俗日——這一天,也稱為陰歷新年,以祭祖的家庭典禮、特別的事物、傳統游戲來慶祝。 3月1日:獨立運動紀念日-1919年3月1日反抗日本統治的獨立運動周年紀念日。 4月5日:植樹節-這一天,政府官員、教師、學生以及成千上萬全國各地的韓國人按照政府的植樹造林計劃栽種樹木。 5月5日:兒童節-「這一天為兒童舉行各種慶祝活動,讓他們與父母一起盡情游樂。
6月6日:顯忠日—全國在這天向陣亡將士獻祭,在漢城的國立墓地舉行紀念儀式。 7月17日:制憲節-這一天紀念1948年通過大韓民國憲法。 8月15日:光復節-1945年的這一天,韓國從日本35年的殖民統治中解放出來。這一天還標志著1948年大韓民國政府的建立。 陰歷八月十五:秋夕(或稱中秋節)——這是一年中重要的全國性節日之一。這一天要擺設宴席,各家要在家庭墓地舉行紀念儀式,晚上要共賞圓月。 10月3日:日開天節-這一天是傳說中檀君於公元前2333年建立韓國的日子。 12月25日:聖誕節-像在西方一樣,基督徒和其他國民都慶賀這個神聖的日子

⑸ 用英文介紹韓國的節日































12月22日: 冬至



韓國的基督徒和天主教徒合計達到國民的1/5到1/4。 像在西方一樣,無論是不是基督徒都慶賀這個神聖的日子On January 1 -2 date: New Year's Day Although the South Korean celebrates the Spring Festival, butthe solar calendar New Year's Day also has two day-long legal holidaysto celebrate the new year. A general first day early morning familymember eats the lunar new year's cake soup in the home, afternoonstarts the elder family to pay new year's call or the regards. Lunar calendar in first lunar month first day to third day: SpringFestival Spring Festival and Midautumn Festival equally is one ofgreatest holidays which in a year the whole family reunites. TheSpring Festival morning, everybody puts on the best clothes hold tooffer a sacrifice to the ancestor ceremony. After the sacrificialoffering in the family younger generation pays new year's call to theelder, and receives the new year's money which the elder gives. Thenthe whole family sits in a circle in the same place eats the lunar newyear's cake soup, the South Korean thought ate it to calculatesteadily a year old. Afternoon, the people mutually walk the relativeto drop around, pays new year's call to the relatives and friends.Spring Festival period has throws the dice game, flies the kite, thespin a top, high board and so on very many folk customs activity. Lunar calendar in first lunar month tenth day five: Festival oflanterns Namely the lunar calendar every year first full month, thistime the farmer and the fishermen implores the abundant harvest andcarries on the special game. In first lunar month 15 earlies morning,the whole family reunites is eating the peanut and the walnuttogether, this is because they believed like this may expel yearextremely hot. Since the ancient times, the South Korean thought themonth round evening is very mystical, specially in a year first monthround day. When the moon raises, the people can look the full moon topray that, believed the desire can realize, but the farmers also canwish for this year crop. On March 1: 31 Commemorated on March 1, 1919 to start the independencemovement which revolted against Japan to rule. On April 5: Arbor Day Advances the national territory afforestation movement date.This day, the government official, the teacher, the student as well asthe tens of thousands of each place South Korean plants the treesaccording to government's afforestation plan. On May 5: Child festival Holds each kind of celebration for the child, lets themheartily amuse together with the parents. Lunar calendar in April eighth day: Bathing the buddha festival Lunar calendar in April eighth day is 釋家 摩尼 the birthday, the buddhists holds the special ceremony in the temple to developsimultaneously the good lantern festival. This day celebration reacheshigh tide in the lantern procession. Lunar calendar five fifth day: Dragon Boat Festival Since has come ancient, after transplants rice seedlings theconclusion, the farmers implore the heaven to grant the abundantharvest the holiday, also concerns with the Chinese Chu country's poetQu Yuan's story. Dragon Boat Festival has the very many folk customsactivity, like trips and falls (man) and swings the swing (female) andso on. On June 6: Reveals the loyal date The nation protects country's in this day memento the herosouls, holds the commemoration ceremony in Seoul's state-run tomb. First ten days of summer The end of summer (first ten days of summer, 末伏, centerbend down) start, in order to passed well the burning hot summer, theSouth Korean has Fu Ri to eat maintenance diet the and so on thesenate chicken soup custom. On July 17: Constitution construction festival Commemorated in 1948 to formulate the Rep. of Koreaconstitution day. On August 15: Light 復節 In 1945 Japan evaluated the surrender agreement, South Koreaemits from the Japan 35 years colonial rule, but announced Rep. ofKorea was founded. Lunar calendar from August 15 to 18th: The fall evening (or callsMidautumn Festival) The abundant harvest and feels grateful the program, and iscalled the South Korean greatest holiday with the Spring Festival, hasthree day-long vacations. First day morning, the people put on the newclothes, is bringing the liquor and the muffin which makes with thevalley food and so on offers a sacrifice to the thing to go to thetomb to sweep the graves, evening must altogether enjoy the full moon,eats the loose cake. On October 3: Opens the day festival In the commemoration fable 檀 Mr. in 2333 founds national tothe holiday. On October 9: Han byte Commemorates North Korean dynasty 4th generation of WangShizong to create the South Korean language the writing system day. On December 22: Winter solstice Also is in lunar calendar important solar terms, the SouthKorean winters to the festival use red bean makes the winter solsticegruel the diet custom. On December 25: Christmas day South Korea's Christians and the Catholic equals achieves thenational 1/5 to 1/4. Likes is same in the west, regardless of is theChristians all congratulates this sacred day

⑹ 用英語怎樣介紹韓國新年習俗並且加上翻譯

In South Korea, the Spring Festival is the second largest festival after the Mid Autumn Festival. South Korea's Spring Festival and Chinese New Year are the same day, that is, the Chinese Lunar New Year thirty, this holiday in Korea has three days of legal holidays. During the Spring Festival, the most important activity is ancestor worship. Korean ancestors strictly speaking, only the altar penlum method is "fish East West meat", "head to the east end of the west", "red east west, jujube chestnut pear persimmon," cooked East West "," left dinner right share "rules, worship of the program is also very strict.


During the Spring Festival, the most important activity is ancestor worship. Korean ancestors strictly speaking, only the altar penlum method is "fish East West meat", "head to the east end of the west", "red east west, jujube chestnut pear persimmon," cooked East West "," left dinner right share "rules, worship of the program is also very strict.


The annual Spring Festival, South Korean women have to wear beautiful costumes. From morning till night in the busy in the kitchen, married to South Korea's foreign girls also with South Korean women from morning till night.

⑺ 「新年快樂」用其他國家的語言怎麼寫啊

韓國語새해 복 많이 받으세요~
英語Happy New Year
德語Glückliches Neues Jahr
法語Nouvelle Année Heureuse
西班牙語Feliz Año Nuevo
義大利語Nuovo Anno Felice
荷蘭Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar
希臘Καλή χρονιά
俄語С Новым годом
葡萄牙語Ano Novo Feliz
韓國語 메리 크리스마스~
英語Merry Christmas
德語Frohe Weihnachten
法語Joyeux Noël
西班牙語Feliz Navidad
義大利語Buon Natale
荷蘭Vrolijke Kerstmis
希臘Καλά Χριστούγεννα
俄語Веселое Рождество
葡萄牙語Christmas Alegre


新年快樂 / Happy New Year
漢語 新年快樂
Chinese 漢語 恭賀新禧
Croatian 克羅埃西亞語 Sretan Božić Nova godina
Czech 捷克語 Veselé Vánoce a šťastný nový rok
Danish 丹麥語 Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår
Dutch 荷蘭語 Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
Estonian 愛沙尼亞語 Rahulikke jáule ja ekat uut aastat
English 英語 Happy New Year
English 英語 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
English 英語 Season』s Greetings
English 英語 All Good Wishes for the New Year
French 法語 Une Bonne Année
French 法語 Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!
French 法語 Meilleurs Voeux de Nouvel An
German 德語 Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes Neues Jahr
German 德語 Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr
German 德語 Alles Gute im Neuen Jahr
German 德語 Fröhliche Weihnachten und beste Wünsche zum neuen Jahr
German 德語 Frohe Festtage
Italian 義大利語 Buon Natale e un felice anno nuovo
Italian 義大利語 Buon Natale e Anno Nuovo
Japanese 日語 新年明けましておめでとうございます
Macedonian 馬其頓語 Среќна Нова Година и Божиќ!
Polish 波蘭語 Radosnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz sukcesów w Nowym Roku
Russian 俄語 С Новым Годом
Russian 俄語 Свои Наилучшие Пожелания Шлёт Вам
Spanish 西班牙語 Feliz ano novo
Spanish 西班牙語 ¡Feliz Navidad y feliz Año Nuevo!
Spanish 西班牙語 Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo
Spanish 西班牙語 Felices Fiestas!
Turkish 土耳其語 Tanti Auguri
Vietnamese 越南語 Chúc mừng năm mới Hạhn phúc - An khang - Thịnh vượng

⑻ 用各種語言怎麼說新年快樂 (韓語,日語……)准確的呦

發音:saihai baog mani badesaiyou = 賽害 保 馬尼 八得塞呦

日語:明けまして おめでとうございます(新年快樂)
a ke ma shi te o me de to u go za i ma su

新年快樂 :
韓國語새해 복 많이 받으세요~
英語Happy New Year
德語Glückliches Neues Jahr
法語Nouvelle Année Heureuse
西班牙語Feliz Año Nuevo
義大利語Nuovo Anno Felice
荷蘭Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar
希臘Καλή χρονιά
俄語С Новым годом
葡萄牙語Ano Novo Feliz

各國語言樣例 :
新年快樂 / Happy New Year
漢語 新年快樂
Chinese 漢語 恭賀新禧
Croatian 克羅埃西亞語 Sretan Božić Nova godina
Czech 捷克語 Veselé Vánoce a šťastný nový rok
Danish 丹麥語 Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår
Dutch 荷蘭語 Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
Estonian 愛沙尼亞語 Rahulikke jáule ja ekat uut aastat
English 英語 Happy New Year
English 英語 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
English 英語 Season』s Greetings
English 英語 All Good Wishes for the New Year
French 法語 Une Bonne Année
French 法語 Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!
French 法語 Meilleurs Voeux de Nouvel An
German 德語 Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes Neues Jahr
German 德語 Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr
German 德語 Alles Gute im Neuen Jahr
German 德語 Fröhliche Weihnachten und beste Wünsche zum neuen Jahr
German 德語 Frohe Festtage
Italian 義大利語 Buon Natale e un felice anno nuovo
Italian 義大利語 Buon Natale e Anno Nuovo
Japanese 日語 新年明けましておめでとうございます
Macedonian 馬其頓語 Среќна Нова Година и Божиќ!
Polish 波蘭語 Radosnych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia oraz sukcesów w Nowym Roku
Russian 俄語 С Новым Годом
Russian 俄語 Свои Наилучшие Пожелания Шлёт Вам
Spanish 西班牙語 Feliz ano novo
Spanish 西班牙語 ¡Feliz Navidad y feliz Año Nuevo!
Spanish 西班牙語 Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo

⑼ 韓國節日的英文翻譯

Name time New year January 1 元日 lunar calendar in first lunar month first day 3. 1 on March 1 Arbor Day April 5 Buddha birth festival lunar calendar in April eighth day Child festival on May 5 Reveals the loyal festival on June 6 Constitution construction festival on July 17 Light 復節 on August 15 Fall evening lunar calendar on August 18 Opens the day festival on October 3 Christmas day December 25 The traditional holiday includes: 元日 lunar calendar in January first day, is equal with China'sSpring Festival, is in a year the greatest holiday 上元節 in first lunar month 15 After cold food festival festival lunar calendar wintersolstice 105th days, generally about April 5 Dragon Boat Festival lunar calendar in May fifth day Fall evening lunar calendar in August 15 Double ninth festival lunar calendar in September ninth day

⑽ 春節用英語怎麼說

the Spring Festival春節
The shops are very busy before the Spring Festival.
The Spring Festival is the lunar New Year.

春節[chūn jié]
(1) [the Spring Festival]∶農歷正月初一,是我國的傳統盛大節日
(2) [spring]∶春季



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