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發布時間:2022-11-02 05:28:30

A. 菲律賓的 Dipolog City 靠近哪個港口

另外距離它12公里有一個Pulauan Port,是客運碼頭,每天有從宿霧、杜馬格特,每星期有去馬尼拉的客船來往。
Dipolog City is also accessible through Pulauan Port in Dapitan City, just 12 kilometers away from Dipolog City. Ferry trips are available with daily trips to and from Dumaguete and Cebu cities and once a week boat trip to Manila. The construction of a Roll-on Roll-off facility at Barangay Galas will allow for the eventual transfer of the service to Dipolog while retaining inter-island operations at Pulauan, which is now a base port



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