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发布时间:2022-07-11 08:45:22

㈠ 去澳大利亚黄金海岸旅游,住哪个酒店好


㈡ 雅阁酒店管理集团(澳大利亚)的在华新闻


㈢ 雅阁酒店管理集团(澳大利亚)的百科名片

扁平化的管理结构使雅阁集团能够迅速适应不断变化的商业环境,雅阁的使命是与投资者携手合作,充分利用雅阁酒店集团的国际化资源和成熟的酒店管理经验,为投资者奉献回报丰厚、管理规范的酒店。 Argyle Hotel Management Group(Australia)-- 雅阁酒店管理集团(澳大利亚)是一家来自澳大利亚的、专门从事酒店管理及相关服务的专业化公司, 为中国业主提供与酒店管理相关的一系列服务。
截至2014年5月,雅阁集团中国区拥有成员酒店52家,客房数11405 间/套,合同受托全权管理资产137亿元人民币,在全球管理资产超200亿,并蝉联“世界酒店300强”殊荣。 ★ 二零零八年九月,《全球酒店五星金钻奖》。
★ 二零零九年三月,《2008中国最佳国际酒店管理集团》。
★ 二零零八年七月,《世界酒店集团300强》并逐年蝉联殊荣。
★ 二零零九年九月,《中国最具影响力国际酒店管理公司》。
★ 二零零九年十二月,《中国十大国际酒店管理集团》。
★ 二零一零年六月,《中国酒店人最喜爱的十大国际酒店品牌》。
★ 二零一一年十二月,《2011在华最受欢迎国际酒店集团》。
★ 中国连锁经营协会会员;中国旅游饭店业协会会员。 (五星级)
——巅峰品质,超越期望 A Sense of Place
Argyle Grand Hotel instil the essence of prestige and the precious features of the Argyle diamond. We aim to provide an exquisite experience that will always exceed your expectations.
具有澳大利亚 Argyle 粉红钻石般高贵品质的豪华酒店品牌,她华贵而内敛, 热情而含蓄。雅阁大酒店优质独特的服务给您带来非凡的高贵体验、自然的和谐风度,我们诚心追求服务的真谛,从而超越您的期望。 (五星级)
——自然领略,怡情体验 A Sense of Place
Like a breath of fresh air, staying at our Argyle Resort enables you to enjoy every moment. Relaxing in a room liberated from the daily hussle, you are free to embrace life and nature in your own special retreat within the sanctuary of an Argyle Resort.
清新的微风, 自然随意融入自然的空间,使您得以放松心情,尽情享受自然赋予的惬意, 雅阁度假酒店-隔绝世俗喧嚣,热爱生命与自然,享受别样的雅阁度假休闲时光。 (四星级)
——魅力商务,品质典范 Sometimes Home is a Feeling
Argyle hotels have differentiated themselves from other four star business hotels by offering personalized service. Argyle hotels will promise a more comfortable, cozy and memorable experience for your business trip.
个性化更趋鲜明,针对性更强,使得雅阁酒店在四星标准的商务酒店领域更加出类拔萃,尤其是雅阁服务专家为您带来个性化的高雅服务,体贴入微触手可及,令您的商务之旅轻松高效,使您尽享惬意舒适的难忘假期。 英文名(Ausotel)
——舒雅于心,商旅相随 Smart Stay Everday
Ausotel is one of the leading Australian hotel brands whose proct is especially tailored for business travellers. When Ausotel came to China, Argyle paid great attention to China’s booming business travellers segment, gaining a competitive advantage.
这是我们为您量身定制的经典商旅酒店品牌,她代表澳大利亚最高的商旅酒店水平,并一直领导着中国城市商旅酒店发展方向,她把目标受众定位于中高档商旅客人这一中国最具潜力的蓝海客源,从而具备了令业主惊羡的盈利能力。 英文名(Boutique)
Just like a “Boutique” in French defines a smallupscale shop, similarly a “Boutique Hotel” is a term used to describe a small,Intimate, unique and luxurious hotel environment that provides personalizedservice and facilities. The location, cultural design and service are recognizedto be beyond the international 5-star hotel standards.
源于法语的“Boutique”,是私密、精品、艺术酒店的代名词,雅阁璞邸酒店提供静谧且独具品味的居住和服务体验,在位置选择、文化设计、管理服务等方面均超越国际五星酒店标准,自诞生之日起即为追求品位的高端贵客所青睐。 (澳大利亚)
Metro is proudly Australia’s oldest 100%Australian owned hotelwhich has enjoyed a good reputation for so many years. It is an ideal lodgingplace for travelers both domestic and International to stay and enjoy the highquality service.

㈣ 咨询帖:日后打算到澳大利亚菲欣纳国家公园玩,有什么值得推荐的酒店吗

去菲欣纳国家公园(Freycinet National Park)玩的话,超级推荐到萨菲尔菲欣纳(Saffire Freycinet)酒店体验一番,高级、豪华感十足,还可以俯瞰酒杯湾(Wineglass Bay)呢!酒店内设有私人套房,为游客提升隐秘性,整个住下来,就是觉得舒适的hin~!

㈤ 我想找澳洲酒店管理集团,求推荐

雅阁酒店集团拥有六大品牌:“雅阁大酒店”“雅阁度假酒店” “雅阁酒店”“澳斯特经典商旅酒店” “雅阁璞邸酒店”“METRO酒店”。

㈥ 世界十大顶级酒店有哪些分别在什么地方







㈦ 雅阁酒店管理集团(澳大利亚)的介绍

雅阁酒店管理集团(澳大利亚)(Argyle Hotel Management Group Australia)是一家来自澳大利亚的专业酒店管理公司,成立于澳大利亚新南威尔士州。

㈧ 求 澳大利亚(最好是悉尼的)一些酒店,娱乐场所的英文介绍

Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world although the building has been open for only about 30 years.The Sydney Opera House is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt.

6 225 square meters of glass and 645 kilometers of electric cable were used to build the Opera House.It includes 1 000 rooms.It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide.The building’s roof sections weigh about 15 tons.There are 1 million tiles on the roof.It provides guided tours to 200 000 people each year.

But do you know the Opera House with a roof was designed by a famous Danish architect,Utzon?In the late 1950s the Australian Government established an appeal fund to finance the construction of the Sydney Opera House,and concted a competition for its design was chosen.Utzon spent a few years reworking the design and it was 1961 before he had solved the problem of how to build the distinguishing feature—the sails of the roof.The venture experienced cost blowouts.In 1966 the situation reached crisis point and Utzon resigned from the project.The building was finally competed by others in 1973.Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth on 20th October 1973.

The Opera House reaches out into the harbour.Seen from the air or a ferry,the skyline of the Sydney Opera Hose,the blue water of the harbour and the Sydney Harbour Bridge,is beautiful.

The Domain is a large grassy area east of Macquarie St which was set aside by Governor Phillip for public recreation. Today it is used by city workers for lunchtime sports and as a place to escape the bustle of the city. On Sunday afternoons, it's the gathering place for impassioned soapbox speakers, who do their best to entertain or enrage their listeners. It is also the venue for free events held ring the festival of Sydney in January and the popular Carols by Candlelight at Christmas. The Art Gallery of New South Wales is in the northeast corner of the Domain. It has excellent permanent exhibitions of Australian, European, Japanese and tribal art, and has some inspired temporary exhibits.

The Royal Botanic Gardens encompass Farm Cove, the first bay east of Circular Quay, and include the site of the colony's first vegetable patch. They contain a magnificent collection of South Pacific plant life, tropical displays in the Arc and Pyramid glasshouses, and a beautiful, old-fashioned formal rose garden. The spectacularly located gardens are a favoured spot for family picnics and wedding photographs.

Darling Harbour

This huge waterfront tourist and leisure park comprises walkways, gardens, museums, an aquarium, convention centre, casino, eateries and shops. It was once a thriving dockland area, but it declined to the level of an urban eyesore before being reinvented as Darling Harbour in the 1980s by a combination of vision, planning, politicking, forbearance and huge amounts of cash. The emphasis is on casual fun and enjoyment of the kind appreciated by families with small children and coach tourists. The highlights are the Sydney Aquarium, the Australian National Maritime Museum, the water sculpture, the Chinese Garden, the massive IMAX cinema, and the nearby Powerhouse Museum, Sydney's most spectacular museum.

㈨ 雅阁酒店是哪个集团旗下




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