导航:首页 > 澳大利亚 > 一幅澳大利亚的国旗用英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-08-17 09:49:17

1. 澳大利亚国旗的英文介绍

Following Federation as a new nation (the Commonwealth of Australia) on 1st January, 1901 the Commonwealth Government announced a Federal Flag design competition on 29th April, 1901. The review of Review for Australiasia, a Melbourne journal, had initiated an Australian flag competition in 1900, a unique event at the time. It was agreed that the entries received by this journal would be accepted in the Government’s competition. The contest attracted 32,823 entries from men, women and children. An expert panel of judges assessed the entries using guidelines which included history, heraldry, distinctiveness, utility and cost of manufacture, On 3rd September, 1901, a public ceremony was held at the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, where Lady Hopetoun, wife of the Governor-General, opened a display of the entries in the competition. The Prime Minister of Australia, Sir Edmund Barton, announced that five entrants, who had submitted similar designs, were to share the honour of being declared the designers of Australia’s own flag. They were: Ivor Evans, a fourteen-year-old schoolboy from Melbourne; Leslie John Hawkins, a teenager apprenticed to a Sydney optician; Egbert John Nuttall, a Melbourne architect; Annie Dorrington, an artist from Perth; and William Stevens, a ship’s officer from Auckland, New Zealand. The Commonwealth Government and the Review of Reviews for Australasia provided ₤75 each and the Havelock Tobacco Company added ₤50 to this making a total of ₤200 prize money, a considerable amount at the time. The five winners received ₤40 each.

The Australian National Flag features the five stars of the constellation of the Southern Cross and the Commonwealth Star, and the combined crosses of St George, St Andrew and St Patrick. The union of crosses represents Australia’s early settlers. The Commonwealth Star with its seven points represents the unity of the six Australian states and the seventh point stands for all Australian Territories. Under the Flags Act of 1953, passed unanimously by parliament, it was confirmed that our "Stars and Crosses" design be the chief national symbol by law, custom and tradition and that it be honoured with the title "Australian National Flag". The new status of the national flag was emphasized when the act of parliament received royal assent from Queen Elizabeth II, on Her Majesty’s visit to Australia in 1954. The Australian rules of flag etiquette are designed to ensure that the national flag is displayed with the dignity befitting its status.

The Australian National Flag identifies a free and democratic people in a nation united in purpose. Our national flag belongs equally to all Australians whatever their origins. Each of the symbols on the flag has a special meaning for Australians. The stars of the Southern Cross represent our geographic position in the Southern Hemisphere; the Commonwealth star stands for our federation of States and Territories; the Crosses represent the principles on which our nation is based, namely, parliamentary democracy, rule of law and freedom of speech.

In 1996 the Governor-General, Sir William Deane, proclaimed 3rd September as Australian National Flag Day, to commemorate the day in 1901 on which our national flag of "Stars and Crosses" was first flown. It is the right and privilege of every Australian to fly the Australian National Flag.

2. 奥大利亚国旗的用英语说它的颜色和形状


Australia flag color: dark blue highlighted.
Australia flag pattern: the upper left corner for the British flag, the lower part of the British flag with a large white seven horns star; The rest have four bigger white seven horns star and a small white five-pointed star.
Australia's national flag highlighted color pattern meaning:
Blue is a symbol of the sea surrounded by the Australian territory. The upper left corner of the British flag, indicating that Australia's and Britain's traditional relations. "M" word's big of seven horns star symbolizes the cba's six states and a federal district, and the rest is representative of southern cross over the Pacific.

3. 澳大利亚国旗意义英文翻译


National flag of Australia is rectangle, flag ratio 2:1. The flag is a blue field with the UK Flag in the upper hoist quarter showing the relationship with British. The seven-pointed star in the lower hoist quarter represent the six states and one territory of Australia. Apart from a smaller star closed to the lower hoist, there are another 4 big and one small seven-pointed stars representing the Southern Cross constellation.

The biggest seven-pointed star represents the six states and one territory of Australia. The navy blue means Australia is embraced with the see.

The flag was chosen in 1904 by the queen in a worldwide design competition. It initially used as the flag of the navy,while the British flag was still the Australian national flag.

In 1954 when British queen visited Australia, it was confirmed to be Australian national flag. But it was in 1960 that it finally replace the British flag to be the symbol of Australia.

4. 澳大利亚英文怎么写,国旗什么颜色

Commonwealth of Australia(Australia)

5. 关于各国国旗的英语单词

Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua Argentina Armenia
阿富汗 阿尔巴尼亚 阿尔及利亚 安道尔 安哥拉 安提瓜 阿根廷 亚美尼亚

Australia Austria Azerjan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belgium
澳大利亚 奥地利 阿塞拜疆 巴哈马 巴林 孟加拉 巴巴多斯 比利时

Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria
伯里兹 贝宁 不丹 玻利维亚 博茨瓦纳 巴西 文莱 保加利亚

BurkinaFaso Burundi Cameroon Canada CapeVerde C.A.R Chad Chile
布基纳法索 布隆迪 喀麦隆 加拿大 佛得角 中非 乍得 智利

China Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Cuba Cyprus Czech
中国 哥伦比亚 科摩罗 刚果 哥斯达黎加 古巴 塞浦路斯 捷克

Denmark Dominica Dominican Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Estonia
丹麦 多米尼加国 多米尼加 厄瓜多爾尔尔 埃及 萨尔瓦多 赤道几内亚 爱沙尼亚

Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana
斐济 芬兰 法国 加蓬 冈比亚 乔治亚 德国 加纳

Greece Grenada Guatemala GuineaBissau Guinea Guyana Haiti Holy See
希腊 格林纳达 危地马拉 几内亚比绍 几内亚 圭亚那 海地 梵蒂冈

Honras Hungary Iceland India Idonesia Iran Iraq Ireland
洪都拉斯 匈牙利 冰岛 印度 印度尼西亚 伊朗 伊拉克 爱尔兰

Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kenya Kiribati Korea(N)
以色列 意大利 牙买加 日本 约旦 肯尼亚 基里巴斯 朝鲜

Korea(S) Kuwait Laos Latvia LLebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya
韩国 科威特 老挝 拉托维亚 黎巴嫩 莱索托 利比里亚 利比亚

6. Australia's flag.



7. 美国丶英国丶中国丶澳大利亚等国家国旗的英文

The national flag of the United States, Britain, China, Australia and other countries
The national flag of the United States, Britain, China, Australia and other countries

8. 每个国家的国旗及相应的英语单词

  1. 美国国旗(America)



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