❶ 求一篇英文关于“我想去澳大利亚,为什么想去,关于它的一些介绍”3分钟左右的词量 ,谢了,急!!!
I want to go to Australia because it seems anytime you visit Australia is a good time. Whether it is summer (December to February) or not,it turns out to be a wee bit hot, but do not fret as the sandy white and beaches are available for you to cool off, with perhaps a cocktail or two. Or if you're into cold weather you can travel in winter ( June to August) in which they offer skiing in NSW, Victoria and sometimes in Tasmania. However,in time of spring and autumn the weather is perfectly gentle.
In land area, Australia is the sixth largest nation after Russia, Canada, China, the United States of America and Brazil. It has, however, a relatively small population.
And it is the only nation to govern an entire continent and its outlying islands. The mainland is the largest island and the smallest, flattest continent on Earth. It lies between 10° and 39° South latitude. The Australian federation consists of six States and two Territories. Most inland borders follow lines of longitude and latitude. The largest State, Western Australia, is about the same size as Western Europe.
❷ 求大神!为什么要去澳大利亚留学的英语作文 至少200字 谢谢各位大侠了-O-
Studying abroad has grown to be more and more populary in recent years.
As far as I am concerned,it is worthwhile for students to get an overseas degree,which will help them find a better job.
Job hunting aside,it is a perfect chance for young people to abroad their horizon and enrich their life experiences.
❸ 为什么你想要去澳大利亚旅游用英语回答。至少5句话。跪谢
I heard its a truly unique and gorgeous place , which is basically the main idea why I would be dying to go there. Additionally, I got an Australian friend who invites me to spend my summer time with him and his family. Plus, Australia keeps up great environment and clean air, which are absolutely advantages compared to those in China. So I decide to fly to Australia and share my time with my friend, as a tourist. At the end of the day, I BELIEVE the county could help me open my eyes and broaden my horizons.
❹ 你为什么想去澳大利亚(用英语回答)
1.The people rock.
2.The food is magical.
3.Public transportation rocks.
4.The vibe is comfortably in-between England and America.
5.Two hours to the wild.
6.I love Australian slang
❺ 求大神! 为什么要去澳大利亚留学的英语作文至少200字 谢谢各位了::>_<::
To take a part-time job in our spare time is a norm for college students, however, an indivial may have to consider his/her own capability and the objectives for doing so.
The advantages for taking part-time job is to learn more ring the school days and gain more experience prior to his/her graation. He/she can have more credential and added advantage over those without any working experience such as - to work as IT technician, lab assistant or even sales assistant. Moreover, he/she can make extra money without asking from parents. This can make a student to be more independent. The flipped side of a coin is that one shouldn't over spend his/her time in working and neglect his/her study. By working, regardless, it is part-time or full time, it is stressful and taxing. Hence, time management should be exercised carefully
❻ 澳大利亚新签证1419里面的“你为什么访问澳大利亚”怎么写(英文)
The reason for my visiting is that i am planning to attend the Kings Park Festival at Perth of Western Australia at September, 2013. And also, if time allows i would like to visting some other places in Western Australia.
我写的是, 我来澳洲的理由是,想来参加西澳,珀斯的野花节,在9月份2013年。 如果时间允许的话,我也会参观西澳其他地方。
希望采纳,我对了,如果你想要去看野花节的话,要早去, 因为1号就已开始了。希望对你有帮助。 =)
❼ 为什么要去澳大利亚旅游的原因该写什么
澳大利亚(Australia)是全球土地面积第六大的国家,国土面积比整个西欧大一半。澳大利亚不仅国土辽阔,而且物产丰富,是南半球经济最发达的国家,是全球第四大农业出口国,也是多种矿产出口量全球第一的国家。澳大利亚是一个移民国家,奉行多元文化,20%的居民出生在澳大利亚以外的国家和地区。澳大利亚也是一个体育强国,是全球多项体育盛事的常年举办国。 澳大利亚,她太丰富了,丰富到你无法给她下定义,她热情,她沉静,她野性,她恬静,她前卫,她古朴……她充满矛盾,她拥有一切。她有号称南半球纽约的国际大都会,她有浓郁怀旧到仿若去到19世纪欧洲的古城记忆,她有五彩斑斓的海底世界,她有生机勃勃的原始丛林…… 夏日的澳大利亚,灿烂得如同绚丽的花朵,纯美,热情。而深究这朵鲜花能够持续绽放在贫瘠土壤之上的原因,却原来是人们的那颗希望亲近大自然的心并为此付出无数努力的行动。所以,大堡礁能够璀璨地闪耀在昆士兰的透明海水之中;所以,热带雨林能够自由地呼吸着昆士兰的空气;所以,小企鹅能够无忧无虑地每日出海上班下班回家。 爱自然,爱澳大利亚,放下一切飞向梦中的袋鼠国吧。
❽ 求一篇表示想去澳大利亚的英语作文
" I am a senior high school student, studying in PingBa JiSheng Middle School . I study hard at school, and respect the teachers.My biggest dream is to go to Australia to live. When I was a child,I went to a zoo to see a koala and love the lovely animals deeply, so I began to be looking for ward to Australia. After I grow up, again I am getting to know about a lot Australia's introction, and very love that kind of way which people and nature are very harmonious. I am determined to work and make good progress.I believe that I am sure to realize my dream one day." 谢谢采纳!
❾ 英文作文:为什么人们想去澳大利亚旅游,120字左右
Australia is a great country to all the travelers, anytime they want to visit Australia is a good time, whether it is Summer which can turn out to be a bit hot, or if you're into cold weather you can go in winter in which skiing is offered in New South Wales and Victoria. However in time of spring and autumn the weather is perfectly gentle.
When you go there, there is always so much to see and so much to do. There is such a diversity of wild animals in Australia, and they are great fun to look at. However, we still need to keep in mind that it is wildlife, we need to be careful while exploring in Australia because you don't want anyone to get hurt in the first place.
❿ 去澳大利亚的原因用英语来回答
I want to go Australia because I want to find out about the students learning method and life style.Further more also want to improve my Oral English,in addition I am also very longing for Australia. I hope I get to learn more English from this conversation.