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发布时间:2023-02-11 15:15:14

A. 急需一篇关于澳大利亚传统节日的英文介绍,1000字左右

Culture of Australia
The demographics of Australia show it to be one of the most urbanised populations in the world; the majority of Australians live on the coast. Australia's cities are melting pots of different cultures. The influence of the longer-established southern European communities in particular has been pervasive. The great post-World War II influx of both English and non English-speaking migrants from England, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Germany, Former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Malta, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, East Asia and South-East Asia has had a significant impact. Lesser numbers of immigrants have come from the African and American continents.

To understand its culture the physical distances between settlements and the very centralised nature of those settlements within each state must be borne in mind.

Since 1788, the primary basis of Australian culture has been Anglo-Celtic, although distinctive Australian features soon arose from the country's unique environment and the pre-existing indigenous culture. Over the past 50 years, Australian culture has been strongly influenced by American popular culture (particularly television and cinema), large-scale immigration from non-English-speaking countries and Australia's Asian neighbours. The vigour and originality of the arts in Australia—literature, cinema, opera, music, painting, theatre, dance, and crafts—have achieved international recognition.

Australian visual arts have a long history, starting with the cave and bark paintings of its indigenous peoples. From the time of European settlement, a common theme in Australian art has been the Australian landscape, seen for example in the works of Arthur Streeton, Arthur Boyd, and Albert Namatjira.

The traditions of indigenous Australians are largely transmitted orally and are closely tied to ceremony and the telling of the stories of the Dreamtime. Australian Aboriginal music, dance, and art have a palpable influence on contemporary Australian visual and performing arts. The National Gallery of Australia and the various state art galleries have strong collections of Australian and overseas artworks and are highly attended by Australians. Australia has an active tradition of music, ballet, and theatre; many of its performing arts companies receive public funding through the federal government's Australia Council. There is a symphony orchestra in each state's capital city, and a national opera company, Opera Australia, first made prominent by the renowned diva Dame Joan Sutherland. Dame Nellie Melba was her great predecessor. Australian music includes classical, jazz, and many popular genres. Ballet and dance are also represented across the nation by The Australian Ballet and various state dance companies. Sir Robert Helpmann featured as a great Australian dancer and has been followed by numerous others including the current artistic director of the Australian Ballet, David McAllister. Each state has a publicly funded theatre company. Australia has proced many great actors including Nicole Kidman and the current joint director of the Sydney Theatre Company, Cate Blanchett.

Australian literature has also been influenced by the landscape; the works of writers such as Banjo Paterson and Henry Lawson captured the experience of the Australian bush.

The character of colonial Australia, as embodied in early literature, resonates with modern Australia and its perceived emphasis on egalitarianism, mateship, and a perceived anti-authoritarianism. In 1973, Patrick White was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, the only Australian to have achieved this; he is recognised as one of the great English-language writers of the 20th century. Colleen McCullough David Williamson and David Malouf are also writers of great renown.

Australian English is a major variety of the language; its grammar and spelling are largely based on those of British English, overlaid with a rich vernacular of unique lexical items and phrases, some of which have found their way into standard English. Australian English has much less internal dialectal variation than either British or American English although pronunciation of words and word usage can vary from region to region.

Australia has two public broadcasters (the ABC and the multicultural SBS), three commercial television networks, several pay-TV services, and numerous public, non-profit television and radio stations. Australia's film instry has achieved many critical and commercial successes. Each major city has daily newspapers, and there are two national daily newspapers, The Australian and The Australian Financial Review. According to Reporters Without Borders in 2007, Australia was in 28th position on a list of countries ranked by press freedom, behind New Zealand (15th) and the United Kingdom (24th) but ahead of the United States (48th). This low ranking is primarily because of the limited diversity of commercial media ownership in Australia; in particular, most Australian print media are under the control of News Corporation and John Fairfax Holdings.

Sport plays an important part in Australian culture, assisted by a climate that favours outdoor activities; 23.5% Australians over the age of 15 regularly participate in organised sporting activities. At an international level, Australia has strong teams in cricket, hockey, netball, rugby league, and rugby union, and it performs well in cycling, rowing, and swimming. Nationally, other popular sports include Australian rules football, horse racing, soccer, and motor racing. Australia has participated in every summer Olympic Games of the modern era, and every Commonwealth Games.

Australia hosted the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne and the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, and has ranked among the top five medal-takers since 2000. Australia has also hosted the 1938, 1962, 1982, and 2006 Commonwealth Games. Other major international events held in Australia include the Grand Slam Australian Open tennis tournament, international cricket matches, and the Formula One Australian Grand Prix. Viewing televised sport is popular; the highest-rating television programs include the summer Olympic Games and the grand finals of local and international football (various codes) competitions.

B. 澳大利亚的主要节日的英文介绍


Fixed dates

New Year’s Day --1 January ----Marking the start of the new year.

Australia Day ---26 January ---Commemorates the landing at Sydney in 1788.

Anzac Day ---25 April ---Commemorating the landing of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps at Gallipoli in 1915 ring World War I.

Christmas Day ----25 December---- Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.

Boxing Day ----26 December---- Some people suggest it was a day on which boxing matches were held; or when gifts were given in boxes. Boxing day is considered part of the celebration of Christmas.

Variable dates
Labour Day --Celebrating the eight-hour day

Easter --Commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Queen’s Birthday ---Queen Elizabeth II was born on 21 April 1926. Australians mark the day on the second Monday in June. Western Australia marks it in late September or early October

Other public holidays

Other public holidays are held in different states and cities. For example, the Australian Capital Territory has Canberra Day, South Australia has Volunteer Day,Western Australia has Foundation Day.

Melbourne has Melbourne Cup Day which is held on the first Tuesday in November.

C. Australia Day是什么意思

Australia Day
1月27日: 国庆,为纪念白人进入澳大利亚的建国纪念日,(1788年,菲力浦船长宣布澳大利亚为英国领地)但在一些州,也以接近周末的周一、周五作为国庆节假。

D. 各个国家节日的英文名

1.元旦节(New Year's Day)
2.林肯诞辰(Abraham Lincoln's Birthday)
3. 圣瓦伦丁节(St. Valentine's Day )又称"情人节"(the lovers' day)
4. 华盛顿诞辰(George Washington's Birthday)
5.圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick's Day )
6.复活节(Easter Day, Easter Sunday)
7.愚人节(April Fool's Day)
8.母亲节(Mother's Day)
9.阵亡烈士纪念日(Memorial Day)
10.国旗日(National Flag Day)
11.父亲节(Father's Day)
12.国庆节(Independence Day)
13. 劳动节(Labor Day)
14.哥伦布日(Columbus Day)
15.万圣节(Halloween;Eve of All Saint's Day)
16.万灵节(All Soul's Day)
17. 退伍军人节(Veterans Day)
18. 感恩节 (Thanksgiving Day
19.大选日 (Election Day
20.。 清教徒登陆纪念日(Forefather's Day)
21.圣诞节.(Christmas Day)
二、 丹麦
1,新年 new year
2.忏悔节 shrovetides
4.愚人节 fool's day
5.国际劳动节 international labor day
6.一系列宗教节日 a series of religious holidays
7.宪法日 constitutions dates
三、 德国
四、 法国
帝王节 King festival
圣蜡节saints waxes festival
愚人节fool's day
劳动节和铃兰花节Labor Day and bell orchid festival
法国国庆节 French National Day
法国的大假France's paid annual leave
冥节 deep festivals
圣-喀德琳节saints - Germany Lin festival
圣诞节Christmas days
元旦节 1 月 1 日
神灵节 1 月 6 日
耶稣受难日和复活节 4 月
五一节 4 月 30 日 - 5 月1 日
耶稣升天日 5 月
降灵节5 月或 6 月
仲夏节 6 月
万圣节 11 月
独立日 12 月 6 日
圣诞节 12 月 24-25 日
节礼日 12 月 26 日
新年 1月1日。
棕榈主日 复活节前的星期天。
濯足节 复活节前的星期四。。
复活节 4月的第—个星期天。
劳动节 5月1日。
耶稣升天节 复活节40天以后的第一个星期四。
独立日 5月17日。
降灵节 复活节后第七个星期日。
圣诞节 12月25日
节礼日 12月26日
1月6日 主显节,亦称显现节(宗教节日)
2月14日 情人节(民间习俗节)
2月至3月 狂欢节,亦称谢肉节(宗教节日)
4月25日 意大利解放日(非宗教节日)
6月2日 国庆节(非宗教节日)
8月15日 八月节(非宗教节日)
11月2日 万圣节(宗教节日)
12月25日 圣诞节(宗教节日)
新年,元旦 New year
圣瓦伦丁节(情人节)Valentine's Day
愚人节 Fool's day
耶稣受难日 Jesus Good Friday
复活节 Easter
复活节后的星期一 After Easter's Monday
耶稣升天节 Jesus ascends to heaven the festival
五一劳动节 51 Labor Day
春假 Spring vacation
母亲节 Mother's Day
阵亡将士纪念日 Died in battle the officers and men commemoration day
美国独立纪念日 American independent commemoration day
哥伦布日 Columbus date
万圣节前夕 Halloween
万圣节 Hallomas/All saints' day/Allhallomas
第一,二次世界大战的停战纪念日 First, two world wars truce commemoration day
感恩节 Thanksgiving Day
圣诞节前夜 Christmas day eve
圣诞节 Christmas day
新年 New year
主显节 Plough monday
圣灰节 Saint ash festival
复活节 Easter
劳动节 Labor Day
十月二十八日 On October 28
圣诞节 Christmas day
农历春节 calendar Spring Festival
清明节 Qingming Festival
端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
中元节 Festival of the fifteenth day
卫塞节 of the seventh lunar month Health plug
开斋节 Lesser ram
哈芝节 Kazak iris festival
大宝森节 Great treasure woods festival
圣诞节 Christmas day
耶稣受难节与复活节Jesus good Friday and Easter
新年 New Year's Day 1月1日
国庆节 Waitangi Day 2月6日
复活节 Good Friday 4月6日
Easter Mondy 4月9日 (2007年)
澳新军团日 ANZAC Day 4月25日
女王诞辰日 Queen's Birthday 6月的第一个星期一
劳动节 Labour Day 10月的第四个星期一
圣诞节 Christmas Day 12月25日
节礼日 Boxing Day 12月26日
每个地区还有不同的周年庆, 比如Wellington Anniversary Day 1月的第四个星期一
十三 澳大利亚
1月27日: 国庆,为纪念白人进入澳大利亚的建国纪念日,(1788年,菲力浦船长宣布澳大利亚为英国领地)但在一些州,也以接近周末的周一、周五作为国庆节假。
4月17日为幸运星期五(Good Friday);
4月25日: 澳纽兵团日,为纪念一战中被英国借派的澳大利亚新西兰联合军在土耳其卡利波里半岛的决死登陆而设。
6月9日: 女王诞生日,伊丽莎白女王生日,假日设在6月的第二个周一以便连休,只有西澳大利亚是9月29日。
12月25日圣诞节:Mary Christmas
十四 印度
·元旦 1月1日
·国庆节 1月26日
·独立纪念日 8月15日
·甘地逝世纪念日 1月30日
·印度教灯节 10月-11月
·印度教十胜节 9月-10月
·印度教除十节 5月-6月
·伊斯兰教开斋节 2月
·伊斯兰教古尔邦节 4月
·基督教复活节 4月
·基督教圣诞节 12月25日
·锡克教那纳克诞辰节 11月
·耆那教摩诃毗罗节 每逢15年一度的3月举行

1 月
1日 古巴解放日-----Liberation Day (CUBA)
苏丹独立日-----Independence Day (SUDAN)
4日 缅甸独立日-----Independence Day (MYANMAR)
18日 突尼斯革命日-----Revolution Day (TUNIDIA)
26日 澳大利亚日-----Australia Day
印度共和国日-----Repubic Day (INDIA)
28日 卢旺达民主日-----Democracy Day (RWANDA)
2 月
4日 斯里兰卡国庆日-----National Day (SRILANKA)
5日 墨西哥宪法日-----Constitution Day (MEXICO)
6日 新西兰国庆日-----Waitangi Day (NEW ZEALAND)
7日 格林纳达独立日-----Independence Day (GRENADA)
11日 日本建国日-----National Founding Day (JAPAN)
伊朗伊斯兰革命胜利日-----Anniversay of the Victory of the Islamic
Revolution (IRAN)
16日 美国华盛顿诞辰-----Washington's Birthday (USA)
18日 冈比亚独立日-----Independence Day (GAMBIA)
23日 文莱国庆日-----National Day (BRUNEI DARUSSALAM)
圭亚那共和国日-----Republic Day (GUIYANA)
25日 科威特国庆日-----National Day (KUWAIT)
3 月
3日 摩洛哥登基日-----Enthronement Day (MOROCCO)
6日 加纳独立日-----Independence Day (CHANA)
12日 毛里求斯独立日-----Independence Day (MAURITHUS)
17日 爱尔兰国庆日-----National Day (IRELAND)
23日 巴基斯坦日-----Pakistan Day
25日 希腊国庆日-----National Day (GREECE)
26日 孟加拉独立及国庆日-----Independence & National Day (BANGLADESH)
31日 马耳他国庆日-----National Day (MALTA)
4 月
4日 匈牙利国庆日-----Liberation Day (HUNGARY)
塞内加尔独立日-----Independence Day (SENEGAL)
11日 乌干达解放日-----Liberation Day (UGANDA)
16日 丹麦女王日-----Birthday of Her majesty Queen MargretheⅡ (DENMARK)
17日 叙利亚国庆日-----National Day (SYRIA)
18日 津巴布韦独立日-----Independence Day (ZIMBABWE)
19日 委内瑞拉独立节-----Independence Day (Venezuela)
26日 塞拉里昂共和国日-----Republic Day (SIFRRA LEONE)
坦桑尼亚联合日-----Union Day (TANZANIA)
27日 多哥独立日-----Independence Day (TOGO)
29日 日本天皇诞辰-----Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor (JAPAN)
30日 荷兰女王日-----Queen's Day (THE NETHERLANDS)
5 月
9日 捷克与斯洛伐克国庆日-----National Day (CZECH & SLOYAKIA)
17日 挪威宪法日-----Constitution Day (NORWAY)
20日 喀麦隆国庆日-----National Day (CAMEROON)
25日 阿根廷5月革命纪念日-----May 25,1810 Revolution Day (ARGENTINA)
约旦独立日-----Independence Day (JORDAN)
6 月
1日 突尼斯胜利日-----Victory Day (TUNISIA)
西萨摩亚独立日-----Independence Day (WESTERN SAMOA)
2日 意大利共和国日-----Foundation of Republic (ITALY)
5日 丹麦宪法日-----Constitution Day (DEMARK)
塞舌尔解放日-----Liberation Day (SEYCHELLES)
6日 瑞典国庆日-----National Day (SWEDEN)
7日 乍得国庆日-----National Day (CHAD)
10日 葡萄牙国庆日-----National/Portugal Day (PORTUGAL)
12日 菲律宾独立日-----Independence Day (THE PHILIPPINES)
14日 英国女王官方生日-----Official Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
Ⅱ (UK)
17日 冰岛共和国日-----Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic
23日 卢森堡国庆日-----National Day (LUXEMBOURG)
24日 西班牙国王陛下日-----His Majesty the King's Day (SPAIN)
26日 马达加斯加独立日-----Independence Day (MADAGASCAR)
27日 吉布提独立日-----Independence Day (DJIBOUTI)
7 月
1日 布隆迪国庆日-----National Day (BURUNDI)
加拿大日-----Canada Day
卢望达独立日-----Independence Day (RWANDA)
4日 美国独立日-----Independence Day (USA)
5日 佛得角独立日-----Independence Day (CAPE VERDE)
委内瑞纳独立日-----Independence Day (VENEZUELA)
6日 科摩罗独立日-----Independence Day (COMOROS)
11日 蒙古人民革命纪念日-----Anniversary of the People's Revolution
14日 法国国庆日-----National/Bastille Day (FRANCE)
17日 伊拉克国庆日-----National Day (IRAQ)
20日 哥伦比亚国庆日-----National Day (COLOMBIA)
21日 比利时国庆日-----National Day (BELGIUM)
22日 法兰国家复兴节-----Rebirth of Poland
23日 埃及国庆日-----National Day (EGYPT)
26日 利比利亚独立日-----Independence Day (LIBERIA)
马尔代夫独立日-----Independence Day (MALDIVES)
28日 秘鲁独立日-----Independence Day (PERU)
30日 瓦努阿图独立日-----Independence Day (VANUATU)
8 月
1日 瑞士联邦成立日-----Foundation of the Confederation (SWITZERLAND)
4日 布基纳法索国庆日-----National Day (BURKINA-FASO)
5日 牙买加独立日-----Independence Day (JAMAICA)
6日 玻利维亚独立日-----Independence Day (BOLIVIA)
10日 厄瓜多爾尔尔独立日-----Independence Day (EQUADOR)
15日 刚国国庆日-----National Day (THE GONGO)
17日 加蓬独立日-----Independence Day (GABON)
19日 阿富汗独立日-----Independence Day (AFCHANISTAN)
23日 罗马尼亚国庆日-----National Day (ROMANIA)
31日 马来西亚国庆日-----National Day (MALAYSIA)
1日 利比亚九月革命节-----The Great 1st of September Revolution (LIBYA)
2日 越南国庆日-----National Day (VIET NAM)
3日 圣马力诺国庆日-----National Day (SAN MARINO)
7日 巴西独立日-----Independence Day (BRAZIL)
9日 朝鲜共和国日-----Day of the Founding of DPPK
12日 佛得角国庆日-----National Day (CAPE VERDE)
埃塞俄比亚人民革命日-----The people's Revolution Day (ETHIOPIA)
16日 墨西哥独立节-----Independence Day (Mexico)
18日 智利独立日-----Independence Day (CHILE)
22日 马里宣布独立日-----Proclamation of Independence (MALI)
30日 博茨瓦纳独立日-----Independence Day (BOTSWANA)
1日 塞浦路斯国庆日-----National Day (CYPRUS)
尼日尔爾利亚国庆日-----National Day (NIGERIA)
中华人民共和国国庆日-----Nationai Day
2日 几内亚宣布独立日-----Prodclamation of the Republic (GUINEA)
9日 乌干达独立日-----Independence Day (UGANDA)
10日 斐济国庆日-----National Day (FIJI)
12日 西班牙国庆日-----National Day (SPAIN)
赤道几内牙国庆节-----National Day (Equatorial Guinea)
21日 索马里十月革命节-----21st October Revolution (SOMALIA)
24日 联合国日-----UN Day
赞比来独立日-----Independence Day (ZAMBIA)
26日 奥地利国庆日-----National Day (AUSTRIA)
28日 希腊国庆节-----National Day (Greece)
29日 土耳其共和国日-----Prodclamation of the Republic (TURKEY)
11 月
1日 阿尔及里亚11月革命节-----The Revolution Day of 1st November, 1954(ALGERIA)
11日 安哥拉独立节-----Independence Day (Angola)
15日 比利时国王日-----King's Day (BELGIUM)
18日 阿曼国庆日-----National Day (OMAN)
19日 摩纳哥国庆节-----National Day (Monaco)
22日 黎巴嫩独立日-----Independence Day (LEBANON)
24日 扎伊尔第二共和国日-----Anniversary of the Second Republic (ZAIRE)
28日 毛里塔尼亚独立日-----Independence Day (MARITANIA)
29日 南斯拉夫共和国日-----Republic Day (YUGOSLAVIA)
12 月
1日 中非国庆日-----National Day (CENTRAL AFRICA)
2日 老挝国庆日-----National Day (LAOS)
阿拉伯酋长国国庆日-----National Day (UAE)
5日 泰国国王日-----Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King Adolyadej (THAILAND)
6日 芬兰独立日-----Independence Day (FINLAND)
7日 科特迪瓦国庆日-----National Day (IVORY COAST)
12日 肯尼亚独立日-----Independence Day (KENYA)
17日 不丹国庆节-----National Day (Bhutan)
18日 尼日尔爾尔国庆日-----National Day (NIGER)
28日 尼泊尔国王生日-----Birthday of H.M. King Birendara

E. 用英文说澳大利亚的风俗

Australia is made up of six states and two
territores:Western Australia,South Australia,Queensland,New
South Wales,Victoria,Tasmania,Australian Capital Territory
and Northern Territory.
Australia is surrounded (这个是”包围”的意思)by two oceans:the Indian Ocean in the west and the south,and the Pacific Ocean in the northeast.
Sydney in perhaps Australia's most famous city,but the capital
of Australia is Canberra,a city located between Sydney and




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