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发布时间:2022-05-29 22:42:59

1. 澳洲人口增长率是多少

澳洲维持在高人口增长率. 自2009年起, 澳洲人口增长率维持在2.1% 左右 (澳洲统计局数据) , 其中7成是海外移民,这个比率已经超过中国,、美国、 加拿大、 印尼和大多数其他国家。 更多的人口意味着更多的住宅需求或者说住宅短缺,有需求和短缺就自然会有价格增长。

2. 印度和澳大利亚人口增长方式的差异


3. 澳大利亚 经济增长的原因是什么求文章。中文英文都可以,

①Trade and economic performance
In the second half of the twentieth century, Australian trade shifted away from Europe and North America to Japan and other East Asian markets. Regional franchising businesses, now a $128 billion sector, have been operating co-branded sites overseas for years with new investors coming from Western Australia and Queensland.
The Australian economy has been performing nominally better than other economies of the OECD and has supported economic growth for 16 consecutive years. According to the Reserve Bank of Australia, Australian per capita GDP growth is higher than that of New Zealand, US, Canada and The Netherlands.[20] The past performance of the Australian economy has been heavily influenced by US, Japanese and Chinese economic growth.
Despite high global demand for Australian mineral commodities, export growth has remained flat in comparison to strong import growth. Even though Australia enjoys high commodity prices, economists have warned that structural change is needed in order to increase the size of manufacturing sector.

Chinese investment
There is substantial export to China of iron ore, wool, and other raw materials and over 120,000 Chinese students study in Australian schools and universities. China is a major purchaser of Australian debt[citation needed]. In 2009, offers were made by state-owned Chinese companies to invest 22 billion dollars in Australia's resource extraction instry.

②Australia Growth Quickens to Fastest Pace in Three Years
Signs Australia’s economic expansion is spreading from the mining instry to households boosted the case for the nation’s central bank to resume the Group of 20’s most aggressive round of interest-rate increases.

The biggest quarterly surge in consumer spending in three years fueled a 1.2 percent gain in gross domestic proct last quarter, the Bureau of Statistics said in Sydney yesterday. The GDP rise was the most since 2007, and confounded the median of 23 estimates in a Bloomberg survey for a 0.9 percent increase.

Economic growth is broadening from the nation’s mining instry, which is undergoing a record investment boom to feed Chinese demand for iron and coal, to households that account for more than half of GDP. Chances have increased that central bank Governor Glenn Stevens will boost rates again before the end of the year, say analysts at UBS AG and Nomura Australia Ltd.

“This is not the cautious consumer the RBA has been looking for to manage demand pressures and limited spare capacity evident in the construction and mining sectors,” said Scott Haslem, a senior economist UBS in Sydney. The central bank will boost the benchmark rate to 5.25 percent by mid-2011 from 4.5 percent, “with the likelihood that the RBA will be back in action before the end of this year,” he said.

Surplus Narrows

Australia’s dollar rose the most since June yesterday after the release, before surrendering some of the gains following a government report today showing a smaller trade surplus than forecast for July. The currency fell 0.5 percent to 90.73 U.S. cents at 11:42 a.m. in Sydney after yesterday’s 2.4 percent jump.

The currency has gained 8.8 percent against the U.S. dollar in the past 12 months, the second-best performer among the world’s 16 most actively traded currencies.

Household spending increased 1.6 percent in the quarter, the biggest gain since April to June of 2007, contributing 0.9 percentage point to GDP, yesterday’s report showed. Exports, which rose 5.6 percent, added 1.1 percentage points to growth.

The jump in household spending last quarter also outpaced the 1.3 percent advance in the June quarter of 2009, when consumers benefited from the government’s decision to distribute more than A$20 billion ($18 billion) in cash, and the Reserve Bank slashed borrowing costs to a half-century low of 3 percent.

Income Gains

The GDP figures “dispel the notion that Australian growth is predominantly based on mining and little else,” said Stephen Roberts, a senior economist at Nomura in Sydney. “There are also several signs that spending will remain strong through the rest of 2010,” including a 5.1 percent quarterly jump in disposal incomes, he added.

“The RBA will hike in November,” Roberts predicted.

The nation recorded a A$1.89 billion trade surplus for July, less than the median estimate of 22 economists surveyed by Bloomberg of A$3.1 billion, as exports of coal and iron ore fell, further easing concern about a so-called two-speed economy.

While mining and services output rose 1.3 percent last quarter, that gain that was matched or beaten by five other instry groups led by construction, which surged by twice that amount, Roberts said.

Reports published this week also suggest the expansion will continue. Retail sales rose 0.7 percent in July and home- building approvals unexpectedly advanced for the first time in four months.

Annual Growth

Australia’s economy grew 3.3 percent from a year earlier, yesterday’s report showed. Economists forecast a 2.8 percent expansion. By contrast, GDP in the U.S. rose 3 percent in the second quarter and Japan’s increased 2 percent.

Policy makers expect Australia’s annual growth to accelerate to 4 percent by the end of 2012, boosted by projects such as Chevron Corp.’s A$43 billion Gorgon natural gas venture in Western Australia, potentially stoking inflation pressures.

“History tells us that inflation can be a problem ring resources booms, and while there are grounds for thinking it will be less of a problem this time than in the past, we need to remain alert to the risks,” central bank Deputy Governor Ric Battellino said last month.

Manufacturing in China, Australia’s largest trade partner, grew at a faster pace in August after the weakest gain since February 2009 in the previous month, signaling that the economy’s slowdown will be limited, a report showed yesterday.

Inflation Concern

“The downside to strong growth is that inflation pressures are building and this should eventually see tight monetary policy,” said Kieran Davies, chief economist at Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc in Sydney. “The global outlook is more uncertain, but unless Asia falls in a hole or global financial markets freeze up again, we see the Reserve Bank lifting interest rates later this year.”

Still, there are signs that parts of Australia’s economy may slow. A report yesterday by the Australian Instry Group and PricewaterhouseCoopers showed manufacturing growth eased in August to the weakest pace in five months, partly as uncertainty erupted about the outcome of last month’s national election.

Neither Prime Minister Julia Gillard nor opposition leader Tony Abbott gained a majority in the Aug. 21 election, meaning one side must win negotiations with independent lawmakers to form a government. Those talks continue this week.

Concerns about slowing global growth may prompt policy makers to keep the overnight cash rate target at 4.5 percent on Sept. 7 for a fourth straight month, according to all 23 economists surveyed by Bloomberg late last week. The central bank raised borrowing costs six times from October to May.

Stevens will probably boost Australia’s benchmark rate in November and December, according to Warren Hogan, chief economist at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.

Increased investment by mining companies “will put tremendous pressure on resources and ultimately prices in the economy,” Melbourne-based Hogan said. “The RBA must lean into the domestic economy to free resources for this investment or risk a burst of inflation.”

4. 澳大利亚的经济结构是怎样的



5. 澳大利亚如何发展成为一个发达国家的

澳大利亚一词,原意是“南方大陆”,来自拉丁文terra australis (南方的土地)。早在4万多年前,土着居民便生息繁衍于澳大利亚这块土地上,现在澳大利亚土着居民总数是41万3千人(2001年人口普查的数据)。1606年,西班牙航海家托勒斯(Luis Vaez de Torres)的船只驶过位于澳大利亚和新几内亚岛(伊里安岛)之间的海峡;同年,荷兰人威廉姆·简士的杜伊夫根号(Duyfken)涉足过澳大利亚并且是首次有记载的外来人在澳大利亚的真正登陆,并命名此地为“新荷兰”。1770年,英国航海家库克船长(Captain James Cook)发现澳大利亚东海岸,将其命名为“新南威尔士”,并宣布这片土地属于英国。 英国人首先把澳大利亚作为一个流放囚犯的地方。1788年1月18日,由菲利普船长率领的一支有6艘船的船队共1530人抵达澳大利亚的植物学湾(Botany Bay),当中有736名囚犯。八天后的1788年1月26日,他们正式在澳大利亚杰克逊港(Port Jackson)建立起第一个英国殖民区,这个地方后来人口不断增长而成为澳大利亚现在的第一大城市悉尼,这个名字是为了纪念当时的英国内政大臣悉尼(Sydney)。现在,每年的1月26日是澳大利亚的国庆日。 1790年,第一批来自英国的自由民移居澳大利亚,以悉尼为中心,逐步向内陆发展,至1803年,殖民区已拓展到今日的塔斯曼尼亚。初期的殖民地仅赖以农业生存,其后便利用天然条件发展畜牧业。至1819年,澳大利亚的畜牧业已有了较大发展。当时的麦卡瑟船长与妻子共同培育了澳大利亚最早的螺角羊。他们牧场的羊群总数达6000头。殖民地生产的羊毛不仅自给,而且向英国出口,为澳大利亚换回日用生活必需品。至1850年,澳大利亚的牧羊业已很发达,羊只存栏总数达1800万头,当时英国进口羊毛总量的一半以上来自澳大利亚。悉尼和墨尔本已取代德国汉堡,成为世界上最着名的羊毛集散中心。 十九世纪五十年代,在新南威尔士和维多利亚两州发现金矿。大批来自欧洲、美洲和中国的淘金者蜂拥而至。澳大利亚人口从1850年的40万人激增至1860年的110万人。其后许多重要的金矿被一一发现,同期还发现大量矿藏,这些发现,让澳大利亚迅速致富和发展。澳大利亚是一个后起的发达资本主义国家。2010年国内生产总值(GDP)全球排名第13,人均生产总值达到54869美元,排名世界第6,在2000万人口以上的国家中排名第1,远高于美国,英国等其他主要英语国家。澳农牧业发达,自然资源丰富,有“骑在羊背上的国家”和“坐在矿车上的国家”之称,澳大利亚长期靠出口农产品和矿产资源赚取大量收入,盛产羊、牛、小麦和蔗糖,同时也是世界重要的矿产资源生产国和出口国。农牧业、采矿业为澳传统产业。澳大利亚的高科技产业近几年有较快发展,在国际市场上竞争力有所提高。自1970年代以来,澳经济经历了重大结构性调整,旅游业和服务业迅速发展,占国内生产总值的比重逐渐增加,目前已达到70%左右。 近年来澳经济持续增长,2005年经济增长率为3.2%,从1997年至今的十年内,国内生产总值平均增长率为3.6%。经济存在的突出问题是国民储蓄率偏低,澳大利亚在1980年代初期受国际外部环境影响,曾经历经济衰退,1992年的失业率曾高达12%,经过政府和国民的不懈努力,过去十多年澳大利亚的经济持续好转,政府财政扭亏为盈,随着政府出现财政盈余,澳大利亚自2001年开始每年逐步降低个人所得税,到2008年年中,失业率下降到二十年来的最低水平。目前,澳大利亚被公认为世界上经济最健康的发达国家,经济增长率连年高踞发达国家前茅,被其他英语国家羡慕不已。2010年5月,澳大利亚失业率为5.2%,远远低于美国,英国,加拿大等其他发达国家。澳大利亚最低工资为最低周薪570澳元,最低时薪15澳元,亦是世界上最高标准之一,远高于美国,加拿大等国的时薪7.5美元。因此,也吸引了越来越多的英国,美国公民来澳大利亚生活工作。 澳大利亚主要的经济数据如下: 国内生产总值: 1,219,7亿美元(2010年度),世界排名13 人均国内生产总值:54,869美元(2010年度),世界排名第6 国内生产总值增长率:4.3% (2007年度) 失业率:5.3% (2010年2月) 货币汇率: 1澳元=1.02美元(2011年1月) 工业 澳大利亚的工业以矿业、制造业和建筑业为主。2004/2005财年矿业产值340.42亿澳元,占国内生产总值的4.1%。制造业产值883.24亿澳元,占国内生产总值的10.6%。建筑业产值537.12亿澳元,占国内生产总值的6.5%。 畜牧业 澳大利亚的气候比较干燥,近70%的土地是旱地,草原平坦辽阔,适于大面积发展畜牧业。在牧区,经常可以看到 成群放养的羊群和牛群。“羊比人多”是澳大利亚草原的真实写照。澳大利亚的羊只数量占全世界总数的1/6,羊毛产量居世家第一位,人们形象地称澳大利亚是一个“骑在羊背上的国家”。 农牧业 澳大利亚农牧业很发达,农牧业产品的生产和出口在国民经济中占有重要位置,是世界上最大的羊毛和牛肉出口国。2004/2005年度,农牧业产值达231 .68亿澳元,占国内生产总值的2.8%;农牧业用地4.4亿公顷,占全国土地面积的57%。2004年农牧业就业人数34.6万人。主要农作物有小麦、大麦、油籽、棉花、蔗糖和水果。 澳大利亚是一个高度发达的农牧业国家 服务业 服务业是澳大利亚经济最重要和发展最快的部门,2004/2005年度,服务业产值5954.46亿澳元,占澳国内生产总值的65.3%,就业人数699万人,占全部就业人数的74%。服务业中产值最高的行业是房地产及商务服务业、金融保险业,分别占服务业总产值的10.3%和8%。1997-1998年度至2002-2003年度的5年间,服务业实际增长22%,其中房地产及商务服务业增速最快,分别比5年前实际增长31%,年均增长率为6%。其次是通讯服务业,实际增长29%,年均增长率为6%。增长最慢的行业是教育,实际增长9%。 对外贸易 澳大利亚对国际贸易依赖较大。2004/2005财年澳外贸总额3501.5亿澳元,约占GDP的42%,同比增长12.7%。贸易逆差为255亿澳元,同比减少14亿澳元。其中出口额1623.08亿澳元,进口额1878.42亿澳元。出口总额中,商品出口约占76%,服务贸易出口占约24%。澳大利亚与130多个国家和地区有贸易关系。2004/2005年度,澳主要贸易伙伴依次为日本、中国、美国、韩国、新西兰、新加坡、英国、德国、中国台湾地区、泰国和丹麦。 自然资源 澳大利亚的矿产资源、石油和天然气都很丰富,矿产资源至少有70余种。其中,铝土矿储量居世界首位。澳是世界上最大的铝土、氧化铝、钻石、铅、钽生产国,黄金、铁矿石、煤、锂、锰矿石、镍、银、铀、锌等的产量也居世界前列。同时,澳大利亚还是世界上最大的烟煤、铝土、铅、钻石、锌及精矿出口国,第二大氧化铝、铁矿石、铀矿出口国,第三大铝和黄金出口国。已探明的有经济开采价值的矿产蕴藏量:铝矾土约31亿吨,铁矿砂153亿吨,烟煤5110亿吨,褐煤4110亿吨,铅1720万吨,镍900万吨,银40600吨,钽18000吨,锌3400万吨,铀61万吨,黄金4404吨。澳原油储量2400亿公升,天然气储量13600亿立方米,液化石油气储量1740亿公升。森林覆盖面积占国土的20%,天然森林面积约1.55亿公顷(三分之二为桉树),用材林面积122万公顷。澳渔业资源丰富,捕鱼区面积比国土面积还多16%,是世界上第三大捕鱼区,有3000多种海水和淡水鱼以及3000多种甲壳及软体类水产品,其中已进行商业性捕捞的约600种。澳最主要的水产品有对虾、龙虾、鲍鱼、金枪鱼、扇贝、蚝、牡蛎等。 旅游业 旅游业是澳大利亚发展最快的行业之一。2002/2003年度,旅游业产值达320亿澳元,占国内生产总值的 4.2%。近10年来,海外游客来澳人数总体呈上升趋势,但仍只占澳旅游业产值的约四分之一,国内游客仍是旅游业的主导。2003年度,澳接待海外游客474.59万人次,收入167亿澳元,约占澳出口收入的11%。澳旅游资源丰富,着名的旅游城市和景点有悉尼、墨尔本、布里斯班、阿德莱德、珀斯、大堡礁、黄金海岸和塔斯马尼亚等。

6. 澳大利亚人口增长率为什么那么高


7. 关于澳大利亚人口的2个问题




8. 澳大利亚战后的人口是如何增加的


第三,人口城市化,墨尔本和悉尼这两城市的人口占全国人口的41. 1%。又如6个州的首府再加上5个10万人以上的城市的人口合计占全澳人口的69. 8%。

第四,澳大利亚人口结构中长期以来一直保持着移民的较高比重,1971年普查,悉尼人口的25%、墨尔本人口的27%、阿得雷德人口的28%、佩思人口的31%出生在海外,换言之是移民。1966 年中国血统的移民为3.5万人。


9. 澳大利亚人口增长模式




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