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发布时间:2023-05-22 14:55:38

Ⅰ iron studios为什么叫巴西厂






Ⅱ 巴西城市介绍!求求大家帮个忙,急急急





阿拉戈斯州,是巴西东北部一州。位于圣弗朗西斯科(Sao Francisco)河北岸。东濒大西洋,海岸线长220公里(138哩)。全州面积27,731平方公里(10,707平方哩)。境内多湖泊(拉戈斯〔lagoas〕)因而得名。


亚马孙河(英语:Amazon River;葡萄牙语:Rio Amazonas;西班牙语:Río Amazonas;又译“亚马逊河”),位于南美洲北部,是世界上流量、流域最大、支流最多的河流。由于河流长度测量方法并无定论,亚马逊河河长便有着多种不同的说法,其中之一即为常见的6400公里。






Ⅲ 巴西sif1哪个厂


Ⅳ 各种国家英语怎么说

问题一:各个国家用英语怎么说 America 美国,美洲
Arab *** 人
Austria 奥地利
Canada 加拿大
China 中国
Egypt 埃及
France 法国
Greece 希腊
Holland 荷兰
India 印度
Ireland 爱尔兰
Italy 意大利
Spain 西班牙
Sweden 瑞典
Swiss 瑞士人
Norway 挪威
Russia 俄国
Belgium 比利时

问题二:各国家的名字英文翻译 中国 China
英国 the UK
美国 The USA
法国 France
日本 Japan
希腊 Greece
法国 France
德国 Germany
意大利 Italy
新加坡 Singapore
新西兰 New Zealand
印度 India
埃及 Egypt
爱尔兰 Ireland
奥地利 Austria
澳大利亚 Australia
巴基斯坦 Pakistan
巴西 Brazil
比利时 Belgium加拿大 Canada
韩国 Korea
墨西哥 Mexico

问题三:各个国家的英语怎么说? 第一个答案的阿曼应为Oman,而不是Owman

问题四:世界各个国家用英语怎么说? Each country in the world.
阿富汗 Afghanstan
阿尔巴尼亚 Albana
阿尔及利亚 Algera
安道尔 Andorra
安哥拉 Angola
安提瓜和巴布达 Antgua and Barbuda
阿根廷 Argentna
亚美尼亚 Armena
澳大利亚 Australa
奥地利 Austra
阿塞摆疆 Azerbajan
巴哈马 Bahawmas
巴林 Bahran
孟加拉 Bangladesh
巴巴多斯 Barbados
白俄罗斯 Belarus
比利时 Belgum / Xtra page
伯利兹 Belze
贝宁 Benn
不丹 Bhutan
玻利维亚 Bolva
波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 Bosna and Herzegovna
博茨瓦纳 Botsana
巴西 Brazl
文莱 Brune
保加利亚 Bulgara
布基纳法索 Burna Faso
布隆迪 Burund
柬埔寨 Camboda
喀麦隆 Cameroon
加拿大 Canada
佛得角 Cape Verde
中非 Central Afrcan Republc
乍得 Chad
智利 Chle
中国 Chna
哥伦比亚 Colomba
科摩罗 oros
刚果(金) Congo (Congo-nshasa)
刚果 Congo
哥斯达黎加 Costa Rca
科特迪瓦 Cote d'vore
克罗地亚 Croata
古巴 Cuba
塞浦路斯 Cyprus
捷克 Czech / 前捷克斯洛伐克 Former Czechoslovaa
丹麦 Denwmar
吉布提 Djbout
多米尼加国 Domnca
多米尼加 Domncan Republc
东帝汶 East Tmor
厄瓜多爾尔尔 Ecuador
埃及 Egypt
赤道几内亚 Equatoral Gunea
厄立特里亚 Ertrea
爱沙尼亚 Estona
埃塞俄比亚 Ethopa
欧洲联盟 European Un互n (EU)
斐济 Fj
芬兰 Fnland
法国 France
加蓬 Gabon
冈比亚 Gamba
格鲁吉亚 Georga
德国 Gerwmany / 前东德 Former East Gerwmany
加纳 Ghana
希腊 Greece
格林纳达 Grenada
危地马拉 Guatewmala
几内亚比绍 Gunea-Bssau
几内亚 Gunea
圭亚那 Guyana
海地 Hat
洪都拉斯 Honras
匈牙利 Hungary
冰岛 celand
印度 nda
印度尼西亚 ndonesa
伊朗 ran
伊拉克 raq
爱尔兰 reland
以色列 srael
意大利 taly
牙买加 Jawmaca
日本 Japan
约旦 Jordan
哈萨克斯坦 azahstan
肯尼亚 enya
基里巴斯 rbat
朝鲜 orea (North)
韩国 orea (South)
科威特 uat
吉尔吉斯斯坦 yrgyzstan
老挝 Laos
拉脱维亚 Latva
黎巴嫩 Lebanon
莱索托 Lesotho
利比里亚 Lbera
利比亚 Lbya
列支敦士登 Lechtensten
立陶宛 Lthuana
卢森堡 Luxembourg
马其顿 Macedona
马达加斯加 Madagascar
马拉维 Mala
马来西亚 M......>>

问题五:一些主要国家的英文名称 中国-CHINA、Chinese、Chinese,Beijing
美国-USA, American, English, Washionton
英国-the United Kingdom, Englishman, English, London
日本-Japan,Japanese, Japanese, Tokyo
意大利-Italy, Italian,Italian, Rome
法国-France, Frenchman, French, Paris
西班牙-Spain,Spaniard,Spanish, Madrid
葡萄牙-Portugal,Portuguese,Portuguese,Li *** on
德国-Germany,German, German, Berlin
丹麦-Denmark,Denmark, Danish,Copenhagen
荷兰-the Netherlands,Dutch, Dutch, Amsterdam
澳大利亚-Australia,Australian,English, Canberra
新西兰-New Zealand,New Zealanders,English, Wellington
新加坡-Singapore,Singapores, Singapore language(新加坡官方语言也是英语,很多人说中文),Singapore City
泰国-Thailand,Thailands, Thai,Bangkok
印度-India,Indians, Hindi,New Delhi
韩国-South Korea,Koreans, Korean,Seoul
马来西亚-Malaysia,Malaysian, Malay,Kuala Lumpur
菲律宾-the Philippines,The Philippines, Fili处ino,Manila
印度尼西亚-Indonesia,Indonesia, Indonesian,Jakarta

Ⅳ 英语 介绍巴西

The thunder attack music sound, the thunderclap resembles the stagelight, the wind is as fast as lightning spreads the same leg and footmovement. I sit in Rio de Janeiro's theater, feels for the first timehas " Brazilian group fire " Reputation Samba danceperformance. The Samba dance is called Brazilian " The country dances " .In Latin American this biggest state, popularization of the Sambadance, has such view: The person does not divide the male and femaleold and young, usually jumps, the holiday jumps; Jumps in the stage,also jumps on the avenue; Daytime jumps, jumps all night long.Whenever the intense music sound resounds, the people fervor will bealways difficult to damp, unable to restrain to suspend the leg towriggle the waist, jumps, deluded, will want to stop but cannot, wantsto rest difficultly to stop. The Samba dance origins from Africa. " Samba " A word it issaid from Africa's Angolan second big clan and tribe Quim this DuYuzhong " Woods Pakistan " The evolution comes. " WoodsPakistan " Originally is one kind of spirited belly dance. Aboveas the name suggests, this kind dances under vibrates the abdomen,unlates the buttocks is the main characteristic. This is the Angolanmost popular one kind of dance movement, afterwards along with tradedthe black slave to move emerges starts to outside to disseminate. Fromthe 16th century 30's to 19th century in leaf's more than 300 years,Portugese colonizing trades black slave 12000000 from Angolan and theAfrican other areas to Brazil. In forces in the black slave the cabintransports to recent discovery mainland Latin America's time, theCaucasian slave peddler worries to be far away, black slave when cabina nest several dozens days, to shore the leg and foot is not agile,cannot sell the price. Therefore, they on crowd every day in the cabinthe black slave rushes in the deck, take strikes the cask and the ironsaucepan as the accompaniment, lets them jump a woods Pakistan dance,moves the physique. Thus, colonizing originally wants to strengthenblack slave this kind of special commodity to compete the pricestrength action, is popular this kind to Africa's dance accidentallybrings to Latin America.


Fifty years ago, the spot where Brasilia now stands was nothing but cerrado(塞雷多,巴西Mina 州的一个行政区)--short scrubby forest, stretching thousands of miles in every direction. That the entire city, this modernist architectural feat, was completed in the space of just 4 years is thanks to the will of one man, former president Juscelino Kubitschek. JK was elected president in 1956 on the promise that he'd move the capital inland from Rio de Janeiro(里约热内卢). Other politicians had made similar promises to no avail(完全无用); the capital had even been mandated in Article 3 of the constitution of the first Brazilian republic. But few expected JK to successfully see it through.
The site, on Brazil's high interior plateau(高原), was close to rivers and had a temperate climate. But it was literally in the middle of nowhere--over 360 miles from the nearest paved road, 75 miles from the nearest railroad, and some 115 miles from the nearest airport. JK pressed ahead, and held a competition for city plans. The winning design for the master plan was submitted by a Rio architect named Lucio Costa.

Costa's plan incorporated some curious ideas. In a country with no auto instry, the capital was designed almost exclusively for car use. Activities like shopping, banking, even living were segregated in discrete lumps. But viewed from high above the city grid looked bold and monumental--shaped like an airplane in flight, or an arrow shooting forward into the future.

Groundbreaking(奠基)began in 1957. Thousands of workers poured in from around the country. Living conditions were frightful. But by April 21, 1960, there was something that resembled a city enough for the grand inauguration to be held. Politicians and bureaucrats began to make the long shift inland.

In years since, Brasilia has been a source of some controversy. For the world of urban design it embodies the limitations of rational planning; the carefully designated use zones now feel stifling, ill-equipped to address the complexity of a true city. Some Brazilians have suggested that the money borrowed to build the new capital planted the seed for the debt crisis of the early 1980s. But its status as the federal capital is secure; if nothing else, Brasilia certainly succeeded in moving the country's focus from the coast to the vast interior.

For visitors, the attractions here are purely architectural. The city was meant to be a showcase for the country. Brazil's best designers, architects, and artists were commissioned to create the buildings and make them beautiful. A visit to Brasilia is a chance to see and judge on their success



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