‘壹’ 巴黎铁塔的历史
‘贰’ 巴黎埃菲尔铁塔被雷电击中了吗
它是世界着名建筑、法国文化象征之一、巴黎城市地标之一、巴黎最高建筑物。被法国人爱称为“铁娘子” 。
‘叁’ 关于巴黎铁塔(埃菲尔铁塔)
一个1000英尺高的建筑将会拉低巴黎的天空,并且压制城市的其他地标,例如圣母院(Notre Dame)、卢浮宫(Louvre)和凯旋门(Arc de Triomphe)……当铁塔开始破土动工的时候,超过300位知名的巴黎市民联署一份请愿书,要求停止这一工程。他们声称埃菲尔的“大烛台”会损害巴黎的名誉和形象。不过埃菲尔和市政府并没有理会这一抗议,建造工作丝毫未受影响的继续进行。
英文:Eiffel Tower
法文:La tour Eiffel英文简介▇
The assembly of the supports began on July 1, 1887 and was completed twenty-two months later.
All the elements were prepared in Eiffel’s factory located at Levallois-Perret on the outskirts of Paris. Each of the 18,000 pieces used to construct the Tower were specifically designed and calculated, traced out to an accuracy of a tenth of a millimetre and then put together forming new pieces around five metres each. A team of constructors, who had worked on the great metal viact projects, were responsible for the 150 to 300 workers on site assembling this gigantic erector set.
All the metal pieces of the tower are held together by rivets, a well-refined method of construction at the time the Tower was constructed.
The rivet workers
First the pieces were assembled in the factory using bolts, later to be replaced one by one with thermally assembled rivets, which contracted ring cooling thus ensuring a very tight fit.
A team of four men was needed for each rivet assembled: one to heat it up, another to hold it in place, a third to shape the head and a fourth to beat it with a sledgehammer. Only a third of the 2,500,000 rivets used in the construction of the Tower were inserted directly on site.
Each corner edge rests on its own supporting block, applying to it a pressure of 3 to 4 kilograms per square centimetre, and each block is joined to the others by walls. On the Seine side of the construction, the builders used watertight metal caissons and injected compressed air, so that they were able to work below the level of the water.
The assembly of the first level was achieved by the use of twelve temporary wooden scaffolds, 30 metres high, and four larger scaffolds of 40 metres each. "Sand boxes" and hydraulic jacks - replaced after use by permanent wedges - allowed the metal girders to be positioned to an accuracy of one millimetre.
On December 7, 1887, the joining of the major girders up to the first level was completed.
The pieces were hauled up by steam cranes, which themselves climbed up the Tower as they went along using the runners to be used for the Tower's lifts.
Installing public elevators on the Tower raised many technical questions, since there had been no previous experience in elevators climbing to such heights and with such loads; the slanting tracks with various angles further complicated the problems.
The original machines in the West and East piers (up to the first floor only) were provided by the French company Roux Combaluzier Lepape, using hydraulically powered double looped chains and rollers in side guides. Their poor performance led to their removal. They were replaced in 1897 and 1899 by the Fives-Lille machinery, relying on hydraulic accumulators, 16-meter long main pistons, cable loops and manual controls. They were a success, steadfastly lifting the tourists up to the second floor until the late eighties. They were then upgraded to conform to the present day regulations: the old machinery still provides the counterweight power for the dead weights, while the variable parts of the loads were driven by modern high pressure oil pumps and motors controlled by computers.
The original American elevators by Otis in the North and South piers took visitors up to the second floor in a double-decker cabin, using hydraulically powered cables. They were no match for the Fives-Lille units and were scrapped respectively in 1900 from the South pillar and shortly after 1912 from the North pillar, after a failed attempt to re-power it with an electric motor. The increasing amount of visitors ring the late fifties led to the installation of large capacity machinery in the North pier in 1965. Manufactured by Schneider Creusot Loire and using the best engineering and electrical machineries available, it was upgraded in 1995 with new cabins and computer controls.
The South pier was rigged anew in 1983 with a small electrically driven elevator by Otis to take customers up to the Jules Verne Restaurant. In 1989, a four-ton service elevator was added (also by Otis) helping to relieve the main elevators of excessive trips up and down
‘肆’ 如何看待预言,2021年9月23日,巴黎铁塔会倒塌
埃菲尔铁塔(法语:La Tour Eiffel;英语:the Eiffel Tower),矗立在法国巴黎市战神广场上,旁靠塞纳河。
‘伍’ 埃菲尔铁塔一周内几次惨遭雷劈
29日上午,法国北部各处已解除橙色预警,但根据法国媒体Fance bleu消息,暴风雨在数个省份造成重大财产损失。在卡尔瓦多斯省,2小时的降雨量已达到2个月的程度。在索姆省及诺曼底地区,暴雨引发了泥石流。在诺尔省,雷击还导致数处屋顶着火。
‘陆’ 巴黎铁塔被烧坏了吗
埃菲尔铁塔(法语:La Tour Eiffel;英语:the Eiffel Tower),矗立在法国巴黎市战神广场上,旁靠塞纳河,为举行1889年举行世界博览会,用以庆祝法国大革命胜利100周年,法国政府进行建筑招标,最终确立埃菲尔铁塔。
‘柒’ 法国埃菲尔铁塔为何无限期关闭