A. 法国有什么习俗
商务礼仪:在法国从事商务活动宜穿保守式西装,访问公私单位,绝对要预约。在法国,礼节上要求你把自己的身份列在名片上,客人在拜访并参加晚宴的前夕,总是喜欢送花给主人。 法国商人保守而正式,尤其是在某些较小城市,你得表现得格外正式,处处勿忘握手,多握几次更好,别问对方家事。
B. 法国家常菜
特点: 透过巧妙的组合,材料与手艺搭配,呈现出高雅的菜相,入口即化
原料: 法国鹅肝酱3片,鲜干贝6粒,芦笋6支,洋葱100克,红萝卜30克,洋葱20克(切片加盐炒热,绞成泥酱)
制作: 鲜贝略泡水,即泡冰水急速冷却,加入葱姜盐酒,再煎至两面黄芦笋取花蕊部分,以盐水烫熟,作盘饰;取出鹅肝酱,略煎,置于鲜贝上,加酱汁即可上桌
特点: 典型的法国风味,味道香浓
原料: 牛肉2000克,洋葱500克,色拉油150克,盐20克,胡椒粉少许,面包片少许,沙司少许
制作: 把洋葱切片,并用色拉油炒熟,至褐色。在锅中放入洋葱、牛肉汤搅拌至煮沸,加入盐、胡椒粉即可。出汤时,在汤盆内加入面包片,再撒入沙司即可食用。
特点: 肉质鲜嫩,味道香辣开胃
原料: 猪大排4块、盐、粗胡椒末、浓牛奶250毫升、大蒜、法式芥末酱、洋芫荽叶
制作: 用刀背将猪大排两面拍匀,放入盘内,撒上盐和胡椒末;平锅烧热加油,放入猪大排,炸至呈金黄色;煎锅内加奶油、蒜片和芥末酱烧开,加适量盐调好口味,待汤汁烧成稀糊状时,加入切碎的洋芫荽即可起锅
C. 法国巴黎的介绍
俯 瞰 塞 纳 河
卢 浮 宫
埃 菲 尔 铁 塔
Cultural relics - the French capital Paris
Overlooking the Seine
The French capital Paris (Paris) is the European continent's largest city, is the world's one of the most prosperous cities. Located in northern France, the Seine West Bank, from the mouth (the English Channel) 375 km. Seine winding through the city to form two heart River Island (de, and St. Louis). The urban population of 2.17 million. City itself Malaysian central Paris basin is a moderate oceanic climate, without the sweltering heat of summer, not winter cold; January average temperature 3 ℃, July average temperature of 18 ° C, with the average temperature of 10 degrees. Balanced distribution of rainfall throughout the year, summer and autumn slightly more, the average annual rainfall 619 mm.
Paris is France's largest instrial and commercial city. All the northern outskirts of the main manufacturing area. The most developed manufacturing projects automobiles, electrical appliances, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food. Followed by luxury goods proction, and mainly concentrated in the downtown district; Apparatus precious metals procts, leather procts, ceramics, garments, and so on. External City put it in charge of the proction of furniture, shoes, precision instruments, optical instruments, etc.. Print publishing instry concentrated in the Latin American region and Jérémie Street. Big Paris (the city) District French film proction accounts for three-quarters of the total proction of the film. Paris most banks, insurance companies, the headquarters (including the Bank of France and the Stock Exchange) are located in the "market" (1183-1969, the Center for the local market) to the west side.
Paris is the French culture, ecation center, but also the world cultural relics. France famous French Institute, the University of Paris, integrated engineering school, Higher Normal School, the National Kiu Road schools, as well as national research centers are located in Paris. University of Paris is the world's one of the oldest universities, founded in 1253. Paris there are many academic and research institutions, libraries, museums, theaters, and so on.
Paris has 75 libraries, including the National Library largest. The Museum, founded in 1364-1380, the collection 10 million.
Eiffel Tower
Paris has 50 Theater, 200 cinemas, 15 Hall. Paris Opera House is the world's largest opera house, is located in the center of the Ottoman Main Street, an area of 110,000 square meters, the entire building both Gothic and Roman-style. The French National Conservatory of Music and dance schools are also located here.
Paris "street art" very active, urban northwest Taierteer Arts Plaza is the world-renowned open-air galleries, and have a lot of artists in a day here impromptu painting sale. The Chastelet Square in the city center and St Germain Tess Plaza, and other places, young students and the public often bring their own musical instruments at the concert, performing various programs.
Paris is a world-known historical city relics can be found everywhere, Eiffel Tower, Arc De Triomphe, the Elysee Palace, the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre, the Concorde Square, Notre Dame de Paris, Georges Pompidou National Culture and Arts Center, where domestic and foreign tourists destination. The two sides beautiful Seine, parks, green spaces web, 32 Bridge across the river to river scenery more charming scene. River Center City Island is the cradle and birthplace of Paris. Seine river Saint Michel boulevard stretching several kilometers in a market books, and have a lot of daily domestic and international scholars, tourists come here to buy beloved classics, a Seine river ancient culture District - Latin district one of the major features.
Paris is a "World Conference City." With beautiful scenery, abundant relics, colorful cultural activities, as well as modern facilities and ushered in the numerous international conferences, according to statistics, in 1987 in Paris, held a total of 365 international conferences, more than New York, London, Brussels, Geneva, the World Habitat the first sector. UNESCO, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other international organizations headquarters are located in Paris.
阿拉伯文到英语 测试版朝鲜语到英语 测试版德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语 测试版法语到德语法语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语 测试版西班牙语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文 测试版英语到朝鲜语 测试版英语到德语英语到俄语 测试版英语到法语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语 测试版英语到西班牙语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体) 测试版英语到中文(简体) 测试版中文到英语 测试版中文(繁体到简体) 测试版中文(简体到繁体) 测试版
感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 Cultural relics - the French capital Paris
Overlooking the Seine
The French capital Paris (Paris) is the European continent's largest city, is the world's one of the most prosperous cities. Located in northern France, the Seine West Bank, from the mouth (the English Channel) 375 km. Seine winding through the city to form two heart River Island (de, and St. Louis). The urban population of 2.17 million. City itself Malaysian central Paris basin is a moderate oceanic climate, without the sweltering heat of summer, not winter cold; January average temperature 3 ℃, July average temperature of 18 ° C, with the average temperature of 10 degrees. Balanced distribution of rainfall throughout the year, summer and autumn slightly more, the average annual rainfall 619 mm.
Paris is France's largest instrial and commercial city. All the northern outskirts of the main manufacturing area. The most developed manufacturing projects automobiles, electrical appliances, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food. Followed by luxury goods proction, and mainly concentrated in the downtown district; Apparatus precious metals procts, leather procts, ceramics, garments, and so on. External City put it in charge of the proction of furniture, shoes, precision instruments, optical instruments, etc.. Print publishing instry concentrated in the Latin American region and Jérémie Street. Big Paris (the city) District French film proction accounts for three-quarters of the total proction of the film. Paris most banks, insurance companies, the headquarters (including the Bank of France and the Stock Exchange) are located in the "market" (1183-1969, the Center for the local market) to the west side.
Paris is the French culture, ecation center, but also the world cultural relics. France famous French Institute, the University of Paris, integrated engineering school, Higher Normal School, the National Kiu Road schools, as well as national research centers are located in Paris. University of Paris is the world's one of the oldest universities, founded in 1253. Paris there are many academic and research institutions, libraries, museums, theaters, and so on.
Paris has 75 libraries, including the National Library largest. The Museum, founded in 1364-1380, the collection 10 million.
Eiffel Tower
Paris has 50 Theater, 200 cinemas, 15 Hall. Paris Opera House is the world's largest opera house, is located in the center of the Ottoman Main Street, an area of 110,000 square meters, the entire building both Gothic and Roman-style. The French National Conservatory of Music and dance schools are also located here.
Paris "street art" very active, urban northwest Taierteer Arts Plaza is the world-renowned open-air galleries, and have a lot of artists in a day here impromptu painting sale. The Chastelet Square in the city center and St Germain Tess Plaza, and other places, young students and the public often bring their own musical instruments at the concert, performing various programs.
Paris is a world-known historical city relics can be found everywhere, Eiffel Tower, Arc De Triomphe, the Elysee Palace, the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre, the Concorde Square, Notre Dame de Paris, Georges Pompidou National Culture and Arts Center, where domestic and foreign tourists destination. The two sides beautiful Seine, parks, green spaces web, 32 Bridge across the river to river scenery more charming scene. River Center City Island is the cradle and birthplace of Paris. Seine river Saint Michel boulevard stretching several kilometers in a market books, and have a lot of daily domestic and international scholars, tourists come here to buy beloved classics, a Seine river ancient culture District - Latin district one of the major features.
Paris is a "World Conference City." With beautiful scenery, abundant relics, colorful cultural activities, as well as modern facilities and ushered in the numerous international conferences, according to statistics, in 1987 in Paris, held a total of 365 international conferences, more than New York, London, Brussels, Geneva, the World Habitat the first sector. UNESCO, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other international organizations headquarters are located in Paris.
D. 法国的风俗习惯
E. 在古代,宋朝“小资”下馆子吃啥
F. 法语求助!谁懂餐厅法语
l'apéritif 餐前酒
vin 葡萄酒
vin rouge 红葡萄酒
vin blanc 白葡萄酒
小提示: 红葡萄酒,一般与红色的肉类(如牛肉、猪肉等)搭配饮用;白葡萄酒,一般与海鲜或鸡肉等白色肉类搭配饮用。推荐:醉倒在法国酒乡
l'entrée 头盘
une salade 沙拉
une soupe汤
le plat de résistance 或le plat 主菜
le menu 套餐
commander à la carte 点菜
le plat jour 当天特色菜
un bifteck 或 boeuf 牛排
poulet 鸡肉
poisson 鱼肉
des pommes de terre 薯仔
les pates 面条
les escargots 蜗牛
le foie gras 肥鹅肝
les désserts 甜点
une glace 冰淇淋
les fruits 水果
le fromage 奶酪
相关语法知识:缩合冠词 定冠词和不定冠词
Est-ce qu'on peut commander?我们可以点菜吗?
Je vous écoute. 洗耳恭听,我听您说。
Je voudrais un menu au poulet. 我想要一份鸡肉的套餐。
Bon appétit. 祝您好胃口。
A votre santé.干杯
小提示:在正规的场合说“干杯”,要说A votre santé;如果是相同年纪的、很熟的朋友之间,可以说A ta santé!或Santé!法国的年轻人之间喜欢说Cul sec,意思是“干杯,全干了,喝得一滴不剩”。
Bonsoir,Monsieur. 晚上好,先生。
Bonsoir,est-ce qu'on peut commander?晚上好,我们可以点餐吗?
Je voudrais un menu au boeuf. 我想要一份牛肉的套餐。
Et comme boisson ?Du vin ?喝什么饮料,葡萄酒吗?
Oui,une bouteille de vin rouge. 是的,一瓶红酒。
Bon appétit. 祝您好胃口。
Merci. 谢谢。
G. 古代人下馆子都吃些什么
每个朝代的食物都不一样,但是饮料是不可避免的。 首先,古代人喝酒,所以无论哪个朝代或哪个世代,到处都可以看到酒吧。魏晋时期,人们对饮酒非常讲究。魏晋饮酒不再只是饮酒,而是创造了一种文化。当时,许多富裕的家庭都有专门的艺妓边喝酒边玩边跳舞。
H. 为什么去饭店吃饭叫“下馆子”
I. 法国的餐饮文化
J. 去餐馆吃饭为什么叫下馆子,而不叫上馆子