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发布时间:2023-01-06 16:03:24

㈠ 法国首都在哪里

法国首都巴黎(Paris),是欧洲大陆上最大的城市,也是世界上最繁华的都市之一。地处法国北部巴黎盆地中央,塞纳河西岸。市区面积105平方公里,人口215.4万(2005年1月1日,估计数字)。巴黎大区包括市区及周围的七个省,面积达1.2万平方公里,总人口近1,140万(2007年数据)。 塞纳河自东南方缓缓进入巴黎,环抱西岱岛(ILE DE CITE),从西南方出巴黎城。然后,蜿蜒曲折向西北方向流去,在勒·阿弗尔港(LE HAVRE)注入英吉利海峡。

塞纳河流经巴黎市区13公里。 巴黎市共划分为20个区,以卢浮宫及西岱岛的一部分为中心,呈螺旋状、按顺时针方向,向外扩展。

㈡ 法国在哪里

法国(La France),全称为法兰西共和国,现在是法兰西第五共和国,位于欧洲西部,与比利时、卢森堡、德国、瑞士、意大利、摩纳哥、安道尔和西班牙接壤,隔英吉利海峡与英国隔海相望。法国是第一、第二次世界大战的主要战胜国,因而成为联合国安理会常任理事国,对安理会议案拥有否决权。法国亦是欧盟和北约创始会员国之一,八国集团之一和欧洲四大经济体之一,亦是《申根公约》的成员国。首都巴黎。

㈢ 爱思显示AH/A是哪个国家


㈣ 法国巴黎的介绍


俯 瞰 塞 纳 河



卢 浮 宫



埃 菲 尔 铁 塔



Cultural relics - the French capital Paris

Overlooking the Seine

The French capital Paris (Paris) is the European continent's largest city, is the world's one of the most prosperous cities. Located in northern France, the Seine West Bank, from the mouth (the English Channel) 375 km. Seine winding through the city to form two heart River Island (de, and St. Louis). The urban population of 2.17 million. City itself Malaysian central Paris basin is a moderate oceanic climate, without the sweltering heat of summer, not winter cold; January average temperature 3 ℃, July average temperature of 18 ° C, with the average temperature of 10 degrees. Balanced distribution of rainfall throughout the year, summer and autumn slightly more, the average annual rainfall 619 mm.

Paris is France's largest instrial and commercial city. All the northern outskirts of the main manufacturing area. The most developed manufacturing projects automobiles, electrical appliances, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food. Followed by luxury goods proction, and mainly concentrated in the downtown district; Apparatus precious metals procts, leather procts, ceramics, garments, and so on. External City put it in charge of the proction of furniture, shoes, precision instruments, optical instruments, etc.. Print publishing instry concentrated in the Latin American region and Jérémie Street. Big Paris (the city) District French film proction accounts for three-quarters of the total proction of the film. Paris most banks, insurance companies, the headquarters (including the Bank of France and the Stock Exchange) are located in the "market" (1183-1969, the Center for the local market) to the west side.


Paris is the French culture, ecation center, but also the world cultural relics. France famous French Institute, the University of Paris, integrated engineering school, Higher Normal School, the National Kiu Road schools, as well as national research centers are located in Paris. University of Paris is the world's one of the oldest universities, founded in 1253. Paris there are many academic and research institutions, libraries, museums, theaters, and so on.

Paris has 75 libraries, including the National Library largest. The Museum, founded in 1364-1380, the collection 10 million.

Eiffel Tower

Paris has 50 Theater, 200 cinemas, 15 Hall. Paris Opera House is the world's largest opera house, is located in the center of the Ottoman Main Street, an area of 110,000 square meters, the entire building both Gothic and Roman-style. The French National Conservatory of Music and dance schools are also located here.

Paris "street art" very active, urban northwest Taierteer Arts Plaza is the world-renowned open-air galleries, and have a lot of artists in a day here impromptu painting sale. The Chastelet Square in the city center and St Germain Tess Plaza, and other places, young students and the public often bring their own musical instruments at the concert, performing various programs.
Paris is a world-known historical city relics can be found everywhere, Eiffel Tower, Arc De Triomphe, the Elysee Palace, the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre, the Concorde Square, Notre Dame de Paris, Georges Pompidou National Culture and Arts Center, where domestic and foreign tourists destination. The two sides beautiful Seine, parks, green spaces web, 32 Bridge across the river to river scenery more charming scene. River Center City Island is the cradle and birthplace of Paris. Seine river Saint Michel boulevard stretching several kilometers in a market books, and have a lot of daily domestic and international scholars, tourists come here to buy beloved classics, a Seine river ancient culture District - Latin district one of the major features.
Paris is a "World Conference City." With beautiful scenery, abundant relics, colorful cultural activities, as well as modern facilities and ushered in the numerous international conferences, according to statistics, in 1987 in Paris, held a total of 365 international conferences, more than New York, London, Brussels, Geneva, the World Habitat the first sector. UNESCO, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other international organizations headquarters are located in Paris.
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感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 Cultural relics - the French capital Paris

Overlooking the Seine

The French capital Paris (Paris) is the European continent's largest city, is the world's one of the most prosperous cities. Located in northern France, the Seine West Bank, from the mouth (the English Channel) 375 km. Seine winding through the city to form two heart River Island (de, and St. Louis). The urban population of 2.17 million. City itself Malaysian central Paris basin is a moderate oceanic climate, without the sweltering heat of summer, not winter cold; January average temperature 3 ℃, July average temperature of 18 ° C, with the average temperature of 10 degrees. Balanced distribution of rainfall throughout the year, summer and autumn slightly more, the average annual rainfall 619 mm.

Paris is France's largest instrial and commercial city. All the northern outskirts of the main manufacturing area. The most developed manufacturing projects automobiles, electrical appliances, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food. Followed by luxury goods proction, and mainly concentrated in the downtown district; Apparatus precious metals procts, leather procts, ceramics, garments, and so on. External City put it in charge of the proction of furniture, shoes, precision instruments, optical instruments, etc.. Print publishing instry concentrated in the Latin American region and Jérémie Street. Big Paris (the city) District French film proction accounts for three-quarters of the total proction of the film. Paris most banks, insurance companies, the headquarters (including the Bank of France and the Stock Exchange) are located in the "market" (1183-1969, the Center for the local market) to the west side.


Paris is the French culture, ecation center, but also the world cultural relics. France famous French Institute, the University of Paris, integrated engineering school, Higher Normal School, the National Kiu Road schools, as well as national research centers are located in Paris. University of Paris is the world's one of the oldest universities, founded in 1253. Paris there are many academic and research institutions, libraries, museums, theaters, and so on.

Paris has 75 libraries, including the National Library largest. The Museum, founded in 1364-1380, the collection 10 million.

Eiffel Tower

Paris has 50 Theater, 200 cinemas, 15 Hall. Paris Opera House is the world's largest opera house, is located in the center of the Ottoman Main Street, an area of 110,000 square meters, the entire building both Gothic and Roman-style. The French National Conservatory of Music and dance schools are also located here.

Paris "street art" very active, urban northwest Taierteer Arts Plaza is the world-renowned open-air galleries, and have a lot of artists in a day here impromptu painting sale. The Chastelet Square in the city center and St Germain Tess Plaza, and other places, young students and the public often bring their own musical instruments at the concert, performing various programs.
Paris is a world-known historical city relics can be found everywhere, Eiffel Tower, Arc De Triomphe, the Elysee Palace, the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre, the Concorde Square, Notre Dame de Paris, Georges Pompidou National Culture and Arts Center, where domestic and foreign tourists destination. The two sides beautiful Seine, parks, green spaces web, 32 Bridge across the river to river scenery more charming scene. River Center City Island is the cradle and birthplace of Paris. Seine river Saint Michel boulevard stretching several kilometers in a market books, and have a lot of daily domestic and international scholars, tourists come here to buy beloved classics, a Seine river ancient culture District - Latin district one of the major features.
Paris is a "World Conference City." With beautiful scenery, abundant relics, colorful cultural activities, as well as modern facilities and ushered in the numerous international conferences, according to statistics, in 1987 in Paris, held a total of 365 international conferences, more than New York, London, Brussels, Geneva, the World Habitat the first sector. UNESCO, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other international organizations headquarters are located in Paris.

㈤ 法国是哪里


㈥ LV序号AH5114是哪里的产地,是真的假的











㈦ 苹果型号代码AH是哪个国家的


国家地区 手机代码

阿根廷 LE

奥地利 FD/DN(两个代码)

澳大利亚 X

比利时 NF

巴西 BZ

加拿大 C

智利 LZ

哥伦比亚 LA

捷克共和国 CZ

丹麦 KN

厄瓜多爾尔尔 LA

萨尔瓦多 LA

爱沙尼亚 EE

芬兰 KS

法国 NF

德国 DN

希腊 GR

危地马拉 LA

匈牙利 MG

洪都拉斯 LA

中国香港特别行政区 ZP

印度 HZ

爱尔兰 B

意大利 T

日本 J

拉脱维亚 LV

列支敦土登 FD

立陶宛 LT

卢森堡 NF

中国澳门特别行政区 ZP

墨西哥 E

荷兰 DN

新西兰 X

挪威 KN

巴拉圭 LZ

秘鲁 LA

菲律宾 PP

波兰 PL

葡萄牙 PO

罗马尼亚 RO

俄罗斯 RS

Russia RS

新加坡 ZA

南非 SO

西班牙 Y

瑞典 KS

瑞士 FD

英国 B

美国 LL

乌拉圭 LZ




㈧ 法国地理位置在哪里








㈨ 法国巴黎着名景点英文介绍


The Eiffel Tower stands at the southern bank of the Seine river in Paris, France's Mars square, built in 1889, is the highest building in the world at that time.The Eiffel Tower gets its name from the design of its famous architect, structural engineer gustave Eiffel, all built by schneider iron (now schneider electric).


The Eiffel Tower is 300 meters high, antenna 24 metres high, total is 324 meters high, the tower is made up of many scattered steel components - looks like a pile of model components.Steel components. There are 18038, 10000 - ton, construction drilling 7 million, using 12000 metal parts, 2.5 million with rivet.


In addition to the four feet are with reinforced concrete, all use of steel, common to 7300 tons of wrought iron.Points on the third floor, respectively from the ground 57.6 meters, 115.7 meters and 276.1 meters, one of them, has a restaurant on the second floor, third floor has a viewing platform, 1711 steps from tower to tower.




㈩ lv编号AH是指哪个国家产的,谢谢




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