⑴ 为什么快餐店薯条英文叫“French fries”,和法国有什么关系吗
⑵ 薯条是哪个国家出来的
薯条在美国本来称为"Potatoes, fried in the French Manner"(用法国方式炸的马铃薯),由 一位名为Thomas Jefferson(杰佛逊) 的人士在18世纪末引进美国 , 他带进美国的是薯条的烹调方法,而不是真的薯条, 以免薯条会在远杜重洋度过大西洋的这5-8周的旅程中潮湿并腐臭掉。 他一开始在 Monticello 这个地方开始卖薯条,受到广大的喜爱,渐渐地,薯条变成美国人晚餐的主菜佳肴之一。
牛津辞典中有记载 "薯条French Fries" 就是英国人所说的"Chips" 。牛津辞典在1857年引用 狄更斯 描述一盘用油烹调的马铃薯棒,这是薯条的第一次文献记载。在19世纪末及1950年代,一些美国杂志也都有文献,但是这些都无益于薯条的历史考据。
⑶ 请回答我薯条(French Fries)是哪个国家的发明和它的起源.
Many possible claims as to the origin of "French fries" exist.
[edit] Culinary origin of the term
The straightforward explanation of the term "French fried potatoes" is that it me "potatoes fried in the French manner": the verb fry can mean either sautéing or deep-fat frying, while French 'frire' unambiguously me deep frying. Thomas Jefferson, famous for serving French dishes, referred to fried potatoes in this way.[1]
It is sometimes suggested that the verb "to french" originally meant to julienne-cut.[2] But this term refers specifically to trimming the meat off the shanks of chops[3] and is not attested until after "French fried potatoes" had appeared.
,参考: *** ,随着炸薯条的风靡灶销全球,薯仔这种大地对人类的恩赐,最终透过工业式的农业转变为人类健康和环境的恶梦。
配合工业式农业满足市场需求、追求丰产、统一品质保证、以利益为原则的要求,基因技术近二十多年来泛滥于世界农产品市场,可消费者的知情权却从未得到保障。像由美国Monsanto公司开发的转基因薯仔品种Burbank,据说在每隐闭游个薯仔的细胞中都具有防虫害基因,面对这种未经标签的转基因农产品,每一个热爱薯仔食品的人,都要被迫处于不受防的位置了。,Many possible claims as to the origin of "French fries" exist.
[edit] Culinary origin of the term
The straightforward explanation of the term "French fried potatoes" is that it me "potatoes fried in the French manner": the verb fry can mean either sautéing or deep-fat frying, while French 'frire' unambiguously me deep frying. Thomas Jefferson, famous for serving French dishes, referred to fried potatoes in this way.[1]
It is sometimes suggested that the verb "to french" originally meant to julienne-cut.[2] But this term refers specifically to trimming the meat off the shanks of chops[3] and is not attested until after "French fried potatoes" had appeared.
[edit] Belgium
The Belgi are noted for claiming that French fries are Belgian in origin, but have presented no definitive evidence. Whether they were invented in Belgium or elsewhere, they quickly became Belgium's national dish, making Belgi at least their "symbolic" creators in Europe as well as their heaviest consumers,[citation needed] spending an average of €6.01 annually (2002, consumption in fast food restaurants not counted separately).[4]
Jo Gerard, a Belgian historian, recounts that potatoes were already fried in 1680, in the area of "the Meuse valley beeen Dinant and Liège, Belgium. The poor inhabitants of this region allegedly had the custom of acpanying their meals with *** all fried fish, but when the river was frozen and they were unable to fish, they cut potatoes lengthwise and fried them in oil to acpany their meals."[5]
The name 'frite' lends itself to puns with the name 'Fritz'. In 1857, the newspaper "Courrier de Verviers" devotes an article to Fritz, a Belgian entrepreneur selling French fries at fairs, calling him "le roi des pommes de terre frites". In 1862 a fries shack (Frietkot, see below) called "Max en Fritz" was established near Het Steen in Anerp.[6]
Another Belgian legend claims that the term "French" was introced when English soldiers arrived in Belgium ring World War I, and consequently tasted Belgian fries. The supposedly called them "French" because the official language of the Belgian army at that time was French.[7][8] This story is of course impossible since the term "French fried potatoes" was in mon use long before the War.
[edit] France
Many attribute the dish to France—though in France they are often thought of as Belgian—and offer as evidence a notation by U.S. President Thomas Jefferson. "Potatoes deep-fried while raw, in *** all slices" are noted in a manuscript in Thomas Jefferson's hand (circa 1801) and the recipe almost certainly es from his French chef, Honoré Julien. In addition, from 1813[9] on recipes for what can be described as "French fries" occur in popular American cookbooks. Recipes for fried potatoes in French cookbooks date back at least to Menon's Les soupers de la cour (1755). Eliza Warren's cookbook The economical cookery book for housewives, cooks, and maids-of-all-work, with hints to the mistress and servant used the term "French fried potatoes" in around 1856.[10]
It is true that eating potatoes was promoted in France by Parmentier, but he did not mention fried potatoes in particular. And the name of the dish in languages other than English does not refer to France; indeed, in French, they are simply called "pommes de terres frites" or, more monly, simply "pomme frites" or "frites".
During the controversy over Freedom Fries, French people from around the world repeated the story that the food was actually Belgian, or at least, a Belgian speciality.
..............,参考: en. *** /wiki/French_Fries,
⑷ 炸薯条为什么叫Frenchfries 薯条的种类有哪些
炸薯条的英文名叫“French fries”的原因是:第一次世界大战时,在比利时军队中的通用语言是法语,一位美国士兵在拆握渗比利时吃到了这种薯条,于是便称其为“French fries”。关于“炸薯条为什么叫Frenchfries”的具体回答,如果大家感兴趣的话,可以继续往下阅读和了解。
⑸ 国际薯条日哪天
7月13日是国际炸薯条日(International French Fry Day)。
作为一个非官方的节日,国际炸薯条日(International French Fry Day)的起源到目前为止无从考究,但这并不影响喜爱薯条的人们在这个节日里尽情狂欢,吃下比平时更多的薯条。
7月13日是国际薯条日,金黄香酥的炸薯条,虽然被标签为垃圾食物,仍令人爱不释手。由美式快餐店发扬光大的薯条,是法国人发明? 还是比利时的小吃? 不论如何,这项小吃已在人类美食史叱咤风云500年。
薯条的英文是French fries,这个名字似乎说明了薯条是法国发明的,不过数百年来,邻国比利时坚持自仿漏猜己才是炸薯条先驱。
2013年比利时荷语小区甚至发起运动,争取把比利时薯条列入联合国世界文化遗产名备型录。有说法是,早于16世纪的比利时Liege 及Dinan 附近的村落搜氏,有街边小贩会售卖炸鱼,但冬天时因河流结冰,无法捕鱼,于是小贩把薯类切成一条条小鱼般来炸,成为了炸薯条。然而在同一时期的法国,薯类却被视为低下的食物。
⑹ 比利时是美食王国,比利时最为经典美食是什么
⑺ 炸薯条的英文为什么是法国薯条
有些地方(如北美)chips常指薯片,french fries常指薯条。其中french指法式深油炸,指的是它的烹饪方式。据认为薯条最早出现在文献中是1879年,来自法国巴黎的新桥区。
⑻ 薯条是怎么出现的,谁发明的
⑼ 炸薯条是哪个国家发明的