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发布时间:2022-05-17 09:10:47

① 作家雨果全名是什么,用英语怎么读,或者是发音是什么

Victor Hugo
【摘要】 维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo,1802年2月26日-1885年5月22日),法国浪漫主义作家的代表 人物,是19世纪前期积极浪漫主义文学

Victor的音标:[ 'vikt ]
Hugo 的音标 [ 'hju:g u ]

② 雨果的名字用英文怎么写

Victor Hugo

雨果(①姓氏, 男子名, Hugh 的异体 ②Victor Mavie, 1802-1885, 法国小说家, 剧作家)

③ 雨果简介的中、英文翻译

姓名:维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo,l802.2.26~1885.5.22)
性别:男 man
终年:83 eighty-three
作品:1827: 《克伦威尔》(Cromwell) (剧本)
1829:《东方诗集》(les Orientales) (诗)
1830:《欧那尼》 (Hernani) (戏本)
1831:《巴黎圣母院》(即《钟楼怪人》)(Notre-Dame de Paris) (小说)
1838:《吕布拉》(Ruy Blas) (剧本)
1853:《惩罚集》 (les Chatiments) (诗)
1856:《沉思集》 (les Contemplations) (诗)
1862:《悲惨世界》(les Miserables) (小说)
1869:《笑面人》 (L’Homme qui Rit) (小说)
1859-1883:《世纪传说》(la Legende des siecles) (诗)
1874:《九三年》 (Quatre-Vingt-Treize) (小说)

④ “上帝造水 人类造酒 ----雨果(法国作家) ” 怎么翻译

"Dieu n'avait fait que l'eau, mais l'homme a fait le vin." - Victor Hugo

"God made only water, but man made wine." - Victor Hugo

⑤ 作家雨果全名是什么,用英语怎么读,或者是

维克多·雨果(Victor Hugo,1802年2月26日—1885年5月22日),法国作家,19世纪前期积极浪漫主义文学的代表作家,人道主义的代表人物,法国文学史上卓越的资产阶级民主作家,被人们称为“法兰西的莎士比亚”。一生写过多部诗歌、小说、剧本、各种散文和文艺评论及政论文章,在法国及世界有着广泛的影响力。

⑥ 巴黎圣母院雨果的英文名是/

巴黎圣母院 Notre Dame de Paris
维克多·雨果 Victor Hugo

⑦ 法国作家英文名

塞缪尔·贝克特 Samuel Beckett
莫里哀 Molière
司汤达 Stendhal
巴尔扎克 Balzac
维克多·雨果 Victor Hugo
大仲马 Alexandre Dumas
小仲马 Alexandre Dumas fils
梅里美 Mérimée
埃米尔·左拉 Emile zola
阿尔封斯·都德 Alphonse Daudet
居伊·德·莫泊桑 Guy de Maupassant
罗曼•罗兰 Romain Rolland


⑧ 维克多·雨果 请帮我用英文翻译,谢谢!

Victor Hugo (Victor Hugo, 1802.2.26 ~ 1885.5.22) 19 century Romantic literary movement leaders, representatives of humanitarian, had been referred to as "the Shakespeare of France."

Hugo was born in eastern France close to Besancon Doubs, Switzerland, his father was a general under Napoleon, Hugo father childhood troops in Spain, 10-year-old Paris back to school, graating from high school to the law College, but his interest in writing. His 15-year-old at the College de France will be the winners of the poetry contest, 17-year-old in the "Hundred Flowers Poetry Tour" was the first, when 20-year-old published a collection of poems, "Song Poems", e to sing the praises of the Bourbon restoration, by Louis 18 reward, and then write a large number of exotic poetry. After his Bourbon dynasty and are disappointed in July, as a republican, he also wrote a number of opera and plays, several with distinct characteristics and follow their favorite novels.

Hugo was elected in 1841 the French Academy, the upper house of office in 1845, Mr revolution in February 1848, he was appointed on behalf of the Parliament of the Republic, in 1851 proclaim oneself emperor Napoleon III, Hugo was forced to rise to opposition in exile, exile wrote a political satire poem "punishment" and each chapter with one of Napoleon III provisions of the policy agenda, and to be ironic, but also with the achievements of Napoleon I and Napoleon III Comparison of shame.

France in 1870 a bloodless revolution after the overthrow of Napoleon III, Hugo returned to Paris. Hugo着作等身life, almost all areas of literature, critics have argued that the creation of his thinking and modern thinking of the most close to the French national mourning after his death, was buried in celebrities gathered to commemorate the French brand's "Pantheon."

Victor talked about the most romantic French story is: when he met 30-year-old 26-year-old actress德鲁埃Juliet and fell in love, regardless of their future together or separately, Hugo every day to she write a love letter, until the death of her 75-year-old, nearly 50 years has never stopped writing letters nearly 20,000. Hugo throughout his life and creative thinking is the leading humanitarian - to oppose violence, to love the system "evil."

Hugo has experienced the 19th century almost all the major events in France. Department of life too much to write poetry, novels, plays, essays and a variety of literary and artistic criticism and political essays, influential figures in France.

Hugo's creative journey more than 60 years, works等身, including 26 volumes of poetry, 20 novels, 12 volumes of plays, 21 volumes Chol theory, and the total number of 79 volumes, to French literature and the treasure house of human culture has added a very brilliant cultural heritage. Its representative is: full-length novel "Notre Dame de Paris" "Les Miserables", "sea workers" "The pleasant face of the person", "2093" collection "Lights and Shadows" and so on. Short story: "" Normandy "remember the victims No."

⑨ 你好 请问“上帝造水 ,人类造酒 。 雨果(法国作家)”怎么翻译

French Novelist,Victor-Marie Hugo 所说的原句是:"God made only water, but man made wine."


⑩ 大仲马,雨果等一些法国作家的名字用英语怎么说

维克多.雨果:Victor Hugo
罗曼·罗兰:Romain Rolland



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