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发布时间:2022-02-06 05:43:51

A. frema reform高钙脱脂速溶成人老年奶粉怎么样


B. 德国大学现在还是本硕连读么

ab 2010 Jahre gibt es einen Reform in Deutschland~~~
也就是说到了2010的冬季学期 所有Uni FH 以及TU都将适用英美学制
即将原来的Diplom分成Bachelor 与Master
同时Diplom仍将保留 也就是你说的5年什么的 不过量非常少 也不好申请
所以过了明年 你就去申请Master了可以
如果专业不对口或者课程设置有问题 德国人还是让你从Ba开始念的
我建议你不要读Diplom(Vordiplom+Hauptdiplom)万一不能毕业 你拿不到本科学位的
改革了 放心申请吧 只是德国相对难毕业
我明年就要nach Deutschland了 不知道你什么时候去

C. 德国柏林艺术大学的办学历史

柏林艺术大学拥有一支高层次的教师团队,一大批活跃在当今世界艺术舞台上的着名艺术家在该校执教。柏林艺术大学的教学特色体现在“跨专业思考”和“跨学科工作” 上,即让不同专业的学生和教师之间进行跨专业、跨学科紧密的合作。这种打破传统构架的现代教学模式既能够拓宽学生原本相对局限的艺术文化视野,又能够开启学生全新的艺术创造思维。
在当今世界经济全球化、艺术国际化的潮流中,柏林艺术大学也非常重视发展国际间的交流。该校是全球着名艺术和音乐高校合作交流网络(NICA)的发起者,至今已与世界上100多所艺术院校建立了合作关系。学校目前共有 800 多名外国学生,占学生总人数的20%左右。此外,该校每年都有100多名学生作为国际交流生到国外学习。
在欧洲,没有哪个城市能像德国首都柏林这个处于东西文化焦点的城市那样拥有如此丰富多彩的文化和艺术形式,这为柏林艺术大学的师生们提供了广阔的展示和表演空间。而多层面的社会合作、高质量的创作成果,也使得该校成为柏林文化生活的一个不可分割的组成部分。柏林艺术大学每年都要举行超过500个艺术活动,为柏林乃至欧洲的艺术文化舞台增添了许多耀眼的亮点。 In über 300 Jahren bewegter Geschichte ist die Universität der Künste (UdK) Berlin nicht nur zu einer der führenden, sondern vor allem auch zu einer der vielseitigsten künstlerisch ausgerichteten Hochschulen Europas herangewachsen. Die Reformwelle der siebziger Jahre formte die UdK Berlin zu einer künstlerisch-wissenschaftlichen Hochschule, die über dreißig künstlerische und mit ihnen verbundene wissenschaftliche Studiengänge unter einem Dach vereint. Den gesellschaftlichen Wandel, die Herausforderungen der Neuen Medien und die Veränderungen im Bilngswesen in den neunziger Jahren nutzte die UdK Berlin als Chance für eine grundlegende Neuausrichtung. Mit der Umstrukturierung in vier Fakultäten - Bildende Kunst, Gestaltung, Musik, Darstellende Kunst - ergänzt rch ein erziehungs- und Angebot für Lehramtsstudierende sowie einer leistungsorientierten Verwaltung hat die Universität die Voraussetzungen für ihr erfolgreiches Fortbestehen in diesem Jahrhundert geschaffen.
Als Maß aller Dinge gilt an der UdK Berlin die Qualität der kreativen Leistung. Dies belegen nicht nur hochgradig besetzte Professuren und strenge Aufnahmeprüfungen, sondern auch die klangvollen Namen berühmter UdK-AbsolventInnen - sowohl im Kulturbereich als auch in der Wirtschaft.
Das viel geforderte Denken über Fachgrenzen hinweg, das Arbeiten in interdisziplinären Teams ist an der UdK Berlin tägliche Praxis. In zahlreichen fachübergreifenden Einrichtungen suchen Studierende und Lehrende projektbezogen zusammen nach den besten Lösungen. Der Blick über den Tellerrand ist für die Studierenden nicht nur während des Studiums von Vorteil. Schnittstellenkompetenzen erweitern das Sichtfeld künstlerischer Tätigkeit und stehen ganz oben auf der Wunschliste vieler späterer Arbeitgeber.
Durch ihre vielschichtigen internationalen Beziehungen hat sich die UdK Berlin in zahlreichen Ländern bereits einen guten Namen gemacht - unter anderem als Initiatorin eines internationalen Netzwerkes (NICA), in dem führende Kunst- und Musikhochschulen aus aller Welt partnerschaftlich zusammenarbeiten. Insgesamt pflegt die UdK Berlin über 100 internationale Hochschulpartnerschaften. Über 800 ausländische Studierende - das entspricht etwa 20 Prozent aller UdK-Studierenden - sind aktuell an der Universität eingeschrieben. Zusätzlich verbringen jährlich mehr als 100 Studierende der UdK Berlin einen Teil ihrer Ausbilng im Rahmen von Austauschprogrammen im Ausland.

D. 关于德国的英文介绍

As Europe's largest economy and second most populous nation, Germany is a key member of the continent's economic, political, and defense organizations. European power struggles immersed Germany in two devastating World Wars in the first half of the 20th century and left the country occupied by the victorious Allied powers of the US, UK, France, and the Soviet Union in 1945. With the advent of the Cold War, two German states were formed in 1949: the western Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and the eastern German Democratic Republic (GDR). The democratic FRG embedded itself in key Western economic and security organizations, the EC, which became the EU, and NATO, while the Communist GDR was on the front line of the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact. The decline of the USSR and the end of the Cold War allowed for German unification in 1990. Since then, Germany has expended considerable funds to bring Eastern proctivity and wages up to Western standards. In January 1999, Germany and 10 other EU countries introced a common European exchange currency, the euro.

Land area total: 3,621 km
border countries: Austria 784 km, Belgium 167 km, Czech Republic 646 km, Denmark 68 km, France 451 km, Luxembourg 138 km, Netherlands 577 km, Poland 456 km, Switzerland 334 km

Coastline: 2,389 km

Population: 82,369,552 (July 2008 est.)

Age Structure:
0-14 years: 13.8% (male 5,826,066/female 5,524,568)
15-64 years: 66.2% (male 27,763,917/female 26,739,934)
65 years and over: 20% (male 6,892,743/female 9,622,320) (2008 est.)

Ethnic group: German 91.5%, Turkish 2.4%, other 6.1% (made up largely of Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish)

Country name:
conventional long form: Federal Republic of Germany
conventional short form: Germany
local long form: Bundesrepublik Deutschland
local short form: Deutschland
former: German Empire, German Republic, German Reich

name: Berlin
geographic coordinates: 52 31 N, 13 24 E
time difference: UTC+1 (6 hours ahead of Washington, DC ring Standard Time)
daylight saving time: +1hr, begins last Sunday in March; ends last Sunday in October

Administrative divide:
16 states (Laender, singular - Land); Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bayern (Bavaria), Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony), Nordrhein-Westfalen (North Rhine-Westphalia), Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate), Saarland, Sachsen (Saxony), Sachsen-Anhalt (Saxony-Anhalt), Schleswig-Holstein, Thueringen (Thuringia); note - Bayern, Sachsen, and Thueringen refer to themselves as free states (Freistaaten, singular - Freistaat)


18 January 1871 (German Empire unification); divided into four zones of occupation (UK, US, USSR, and later, France) in 1945 following World War II; Federal Republic of Germany (FRG or West Germany) proclaimed 23 May 1949 and included the former UK, US, and French zones; German Democratic Republic (GDR or East Germany) proclaimed 7 October 1949 and included the former USSR zone; unification of West Germany and East Germany took place 3 October 1990; all four powers formally relinquished rights 15 March 1991

Executive branch:
chief of state: President Horst KOEHLER (since 1 July 2004)
head of government: Chancellor Angela MERKEL (since 22 November 2005)
cabinet: Cabinet or Bundesminister (Federal Ministers) appointed by the president on the recommendation of the chancellor
elections: president elected for a five-year term (eligible for a second term) by a Federal Convention, including all members of the Federal Assembly and an equal number of delegates elected by the state parliaments; election last held 23 May 2004 (next scheled for 23 May 2009); chancellor elected by an absolute majority of the Federal Assembly for a four-year term; Bundestag vote for Chancellor last held 22 November 2005 (next will follow the national elections to be held by autumn 2009)
election results: Horst KOEHLER elected president; received 604 votes of the Federal Convention against 589 for Gesine SCHWAN; Angela MERKEL elected chancellor; vote by Federal Assembly 397 to 202 with 12 abstentions

Economy overview:
Germany's affluent and technologically powerful economy - the fifth largest in the world in PPP terms - showed considerable improvement in 2007 with 2.6% growth. After a long period of stagnation with an average growth rate of 0.7% between 2001-05 and chronically high unemployment, stronger growth led to a considerable fall in unemployment to about 8% near the end of 2007. Among the most important reasons for Germany's high unemployment ring the past decade were macroeconomic stagnation, the declining level of investment in plant and equipment, company restructuring, flat domestic consumption, structural rigidities in the labor market, lack of competition in the service sector, and high interest rates. The modernization and integration of the eastern German economy continues to be a costly long-term process, with annual transfers from west to east amounting to roughly $80 billion. The former government of Chancellor Gerhard SCHROEDER launched a comprehensive set of reforms of labor market and welfare-related institutions. The current government of Chancellor Angela MERKEL has initiated other reform measures, such as a graal increase in the mandatory retirement age from 65 to 67 and measures to increase female participation in the labor market. Germany's aging population, combined with high chronic unemployment, has pushed social security outlays to a level exceeding contributions, but higher government revenues from the cyclical upturn in 2006-07 and a 3% rise in the value-added tax pushed Germany's budget deficit well below the EU's 3% debt limit. Corporate restructuring and growing capital markets are setting the foundations that could help Germany meet the long-term challenges of European economic integration and globalization, although some economists continue to argue the need for change in inflexible labor and services markets. Growth may fall below 2% in 2008 as the strong euro, high oil prices, tighter credit markets, and slowing growth abroad take their toll.

E. 用公共关系学解决三鹿问题




2003年7月,阜阳工商部门就陆续接到因食用劣质奶粉导致婴儿营养不良投诉;北京2004年4月30日,新华网披露:在安徽省阜阳市,由于被喂食几乎完全没有营养的劣质奶粉,13名婴儿夭折,近200名婴儿患上严重营养不良症;2004年05月10日 《 中国高新技术产业导报》报道,淮安涟水惊现大头娃娃, 2名婴儿因实用劣质奶粉营养缺乏而死。劣质奶粉对婴幼儿乃至大人健康的毒害是进行时态,还没有停止。












第一, 阜阳“奶粉事件”始于2003年上半年,奶粉企业针对事件有所行动是2004年以来的事情;

第二, 由消费者个人送检“问题奶粉”,没有奶粉企业主动送检自己奶粉;

第三, 毋庸置疑,劣质奶粉行径不仅损害了孩子的身体健康,危害其生命安全,而且株连“奶”族,造成奶粉行业的危机,整个行业承受的挑战和压力达到空前;

第四, 以上这些企业无论从产品质量、市场份额还是从品牌知名度方面讲,都是乳业中的佼佼者,所以从一定程度上可以代表了整个行业。所以从以上各企业对事件的关注度和反应措施、能力看,一方面,很多奶粉企业缺乏危机洞彻能力,反应迟缓,被动处理危机,危机公关能力低下。另一方面,乳业中不乏具有称雄称霸企图心的企业,而要领导一个行业还应具备积极承担社会道义的勇气、引导行业方向的责任心,而这正是很多奶粉企业所欠缺的。

第五, 奶粉企业必须站在价值研判的高度,从对生命尊重和爱护出发,以市场经济微观运营主体的身份进行危机公关,展示高超的营销管理能力和营销创新理念。生活在新经济时代的企业,也生存在品牌管理能力、信誉树立与维护、企业形象维护的立体化竞争环境中,求新应变、应对危机能力已经被提到生存的高度。






莫非法则的“任何可能出问题的,都会出问题”之论断已经为实践所证明。那么, 参照此逻辑,已经出现小差错,若不加以有效控制,定会铸成大错。“奶粉事件”以现在进行时态验证了这个推理:从奶粉企业角度看,没有在问题出现的最初采取有效措施规避与化解危机,酿成今日整个奶粉行业受挫的苦痛。痛中思痛,痛何如哉!







建立新闻发言人制度。传播学认为,如果没有你的声音,那就只有别人的声音。新闻发言人SPEAK LOUDLY IN ONE VOICE(以同一声音大声讲话)不但实现了发出自己的声音,而且用同一口径大声说话,传播自己对付危机的策略;仔细观察,不难发现一些企业在处理危机是由最高层出面,到处“发言”、“澄清”、“救火”。这种方式体现出企业对公众的尊重,但是从传播角度看是幼稚的表现,建立新闻发言人制度,一方面保证了企业对公众的口径一致,也能让高层有更多的时间进行例外管理,多做战略层面的思考。









F. 德国莱法州沃尔姆斯市英文简介

One, fundamental conditionRhine orchid - Rheinland-Pfalz ( referred to as Rheinland-Pfalz, Lai state ) was founded in August 30, 1946, is located in the southwest of Germany, West and method, ratio, Lu in the state border, flows through the main rivers are the the Rhine ( Rhein ), Moser River ( Mosel ), Saar (Saar) and Blue River ( Lahn ). Area of 19853 square kilometers, total 5.6% federal states in Germany, ninth. Population 4050000, total 4.9%, seventh in the states. Within a population of more than 100000 of the city had four, respectively, of (190000), Ludwigshafen ( 160000), Koblenz ( 100000) and ( 100000).The state has 3 administrative area, under the jurisdiction of the 12 city, 24 counties, the state is Mainz ( Mainz ). At present, the Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) in the state legislature to govern alone, accounted for an absolute majority. The incumbent governor, Kurt Beck ( Kurt Beck ) ( 1994 took ) serves as the State Party chairman.Lai state China-EU cultural history is one of the oldest areas of. Founded in 1034, Germany's oldest Synagogue in the city of worms ( Worms ). A famous German religious reformer Martin Luther was held in worms City imperial parliament refused to withdraw his" Outline", make the city a lift by Luther 's religious reform and the center of experimental field. In 1440, Mainz, Johannes Gutenberg ( 1400-1468 ) the invention of movable-type printing in europe. The state of Trier, was a famous philosopher and the founder of scientific socialism of Carle Marx's birth place. City Mainz is Germany's most important news center, Europe's largest television - German television two ( ZDF ), the southwestern German television ( SWR ) and the radio and television satellite a ( SAT1 ) are located in the.Two, the economic situationLai state has been a rich wine and champagne famous, while manufacturing instry is very developed, higher proportions of German average level, mainly in machinery manufacturing, motor vehicles and spare parts proction, chemical and food processing. The state is rich in tourism resources, many small and medium-sized enterprises. Lai state in the early days of poorer, economy was dominated by agriculture, the main proction of grapes and beet. In 1957, the European Community of the establishment of the state economy rises abruptly quickly have a decisive role. At present the state economy in whole Germany have been upgraded to the upper level. On 2008, state GDP is 107500000000 euros, the total der GDP 4.1%, in the 16 federal state ranked sixth place, rise extent is 1.2%, row tenth. Lai state economy is characterized by agriculture, forestry and fisheries, including the first instry is very developed, 2008, the output value accounted for 32.94% of GDP. Lai state has been a rich wine and champagne famous, is Germany's first big grape growing areas, the state has 12000 vineyard, famous brand Riesling ( Riesling ) proced here. The Palatinate region and Rhine, Moselle and Al riverside grape cultivation area of about 64500 hectares, accounting for more than half of the total 98600 hectares, accounting for the German grape harvest 65% of total output to 70%. German annual exports of wine, 90% are from Lai state. Second major instries trade, hotel and catering and transport, in 2008 to create the output value accounted for 24.8% of GDP. Instrial manufacturing instry accounted for 17.1% of GDP, the main advantage of instrial chemical, automobile manufacturing, metal processing and machinery manufacturing. Finance, leasing and services sector accounted for 23.8%.In recent years, law, foreign trade development is rapid, sustained and stable growth of 2008 since 2004, amounted to 71800000000 euros in Germany, 16 federal states in seventh, the growth rate of 7.7%. The proportion of exports amounted to 49.7%, in second, the main export procts are heavy-ty vehicles and special vehicles, pharmaceutical raw materials and chemical raw materials.Within the first 5 enterprises are: BASF ( BASF, the world's largest chemical instry ), will hope club instry (Boehringer Ingelheim, the world's largest botanical drug manufacturers ), Schott glass ( Schott, the world famous special glass manufacturers ), KSB ( large valve pump manufacturer ) and is located in Voight ( W and rth Benz truck company ). In addition, there are ( Fissler Fissler kitchenware manufacturers, well-known ), Stabilus ( gas spring manufacturer), shotter ( Schottel, a ship propeller manufacturer) and other well-known small and medium-sized enterprises.The service instry is the state's relative weakness, lower than the average level of Germany, sector for many small and medium enterprises, but also no lack of famous enterprises, such as from Koblenz City insurance companies and Internet service providers, United Internet Debeka. The tertiary instry trade and transportation the most advantages, proction value occupies GDP 17.2%. Lai state is the famous resort, Rhine Valley Bingen to Koblenz was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage. The state forest is rich in resources, 42% of the total land area is covered with forest, in the federal states in the first. Lai law there are 7 scenic spots, 21 spa, more than 500 castle. Newland Berg formula one motor racing and LES method, where the famed wine. Each year 100000000 day trip visitors to travel here, 21000000 tourists slept here on vacation, which accounted for 20% of foreign tourists. The state tourism year income amounts to about 360000000 euros, is one of important pillar instries.Lai state highway network is densely covered, transportation developed, but the airport only Flughafen Frankfurt Hahn airport, major stop cheap airlines.

G. 德国马克现在还在使用中吗是不是欧元已经替代了德国马克除了德国马克还有谁知道哪种货币最为稳定


H. frema+reform奶粉怎么看保质期

摘要 您好,您的问题我已经看到了,正在整理答案,请稍等一会儿哦~

I. 德国和联邦德国有什么区别








德意志联邦共和国在两德统一前简称联邦德国(德语:Bundesrepublik Deutschland,德语缩写”BRD“)或西德。






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