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发布时间:2023-08-27 10:52:58

1. 德国啤酒有多少种口感

凯撒啤酒口感醇正。获得凯撒的经营权,可以拥有凯撒旗下两个品牌(凯撒啤酒 Kaiser Braeu 威登斯顿啤酒 Veldensteiner Braeu ,)二十一种口味的不同系列啤酒,能适合国内的各级市场。

凯撒啤酒 Kaiser Braeu 威登斯顿啤酒 Veldensteiner Braeu 国内有卖, 大概 15元/瓶

2. 德国啤酒 酒水牌 中文翻成英文

As everyone knows, the German beer is the best beer in the world. Who can know, the famous German beer taste, it is by Czech the taste of beer to define. Czech is the only country of about ten million people, per capita consumption of beer volume has accounted for first in the world, per capita daily drink half a litre of beer.
The malt quality and the quality of hops, pure natural mineral water, in the traditional craft brewed from Seiko high-grade beer.
Nuremberg's traditional beer, is a long history of lager. Using the bottom fermentation, low temperature and slow accumulation, unfiltered. To maximize the retention of nutrients in beer, rich in protein, yeast, vitamins and minerals. Taste mellow, soft, muddy. Present a kind of amber gorgeous. High content of barley, issued a faint scent of chocolate.
To retain the traditional Bavarian beer and malt aroma, taste is softer, more full-bodied taste burnt bake, bubble persistence is exquisite, showing a unique deep red brown.
Weeden Houstton beer series of comics, Austria comics master Bruno Habzet design outstanding dominant be lively and vivid, rich colors, displaying the classic traditional Bavarian beer brings to life the joy and excitement.
Very soft, very muddy. Top yeast malt fragrance, filled with mature elegant demeanour. Than ordinary wheat beer is more delicious, fine. Entrance smooth, soft material and precious.
Unfiltered continuous fermentation of nuclear technology with traditional Bavarian, also called two times of fermentation. Natural turbid, yellow. Dense foam delicate, mellow taste, delicious and tender, fragrant with level of wheat, pleasant fragrance.The low temperature fermentation, foam layer proced by the quality of barley and hops, fine and persistent. The malt proced elegant Mai Xiang, always joyful excitement. Golden, wine is a clear, mellow Gan Shuang, rich foam. Pearson beer is the mainstream proct, German beer in the pure taste, slightly bitter.



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