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发布时间:2022-02-08 05:07:16

㈠ 国际商务英语翻译。在线等!!不要翻译器翻译的!!

1. Based in Geneva,Switzerland,the WTO obtains its authority from member nations,which look to the organization as a vehicle to expand world trade.Like the United Nations,the WTO is essentially a club of nations,created and empowered by its members and relying on them to comply with its rules and rulings.
2. The WTO’s powers are most frequently exercised when it serves as a court to resolve trade disputes among nations.these judicial powers may have dramatic consequences:WTO decisions can declare the laws and regulations of sovereign nations illegal because the violate global trade rules.
3. The trade rules administered by the WTO are established after lengthy and often tense negotiations involving many nations.Among the rules member nations have agreed to follow is that they will not place quotas on imported goods or give domestically proced goods preference over foreign good. The WTO permits a handful of exceptions to these rules.

1 Successful planning of marketing strategies requires information---information about potential target market and their likely responses to marketing mixes as well as about competition and other uncontrollable variable. Information is also needed for implementation and control. Without good marketing information,managers have to use intuition or guess—and in a fast –changing and competitive economy,this invites failure.
2 On the other hand,manager seldom have all the information they need to make the best decision. Both customers and competitors can be unpredictable.Gtting more information may cost too much or take too long.So managers often must decide if they need more information and—if so—how to get it.

㈡ 国际商务英语的介绍

本教材共有16个单元,它们是Interview English、 Meeting English、Telephone English、Attending Fairs、A Business Trip、Negotiation English、Payment、Companies、Packing、Transportation and Bill of Lading、L/C、Contract、Commodity Inspection、Insurance、Banking、Foreign Exchange;每个单元均配有课文(对话)、单词、句型、注释、背景知识和语言操练等内容。本教材可供商务英语、国际贸易等相关专业的学生和教师使用,也可供从事外经贸实务工作者及自学人员参考与使用。

㈢ 国际商务英语翻译!!不要翻译器翻译的!!!

According to the bankruptcy laws in the US, a petition for bankruptcy laws can be filed with an appropriate court by the debtor, or by its creditors.

If the debtor takes the initiative, the process is called voluntary bankruptcy; otherwise, it is referred to as involuntary bankruptcy.

In either case, the debtor becomes bankruptcy.

When a business goes bankruptcy, most of its creditors can collect only a portion of the debt owed to them.

Therefore, many creditors would rather work out an extension agreement with the debtor and give the latter an extension of payment terms.

They hope that ring the extension the debtor can be back on his feet again.

Or the creditors can work out a composition agreement, in which case every creditor will take

a cut on the debt owed to him.

In either case, the creditors can demand some role in the debtor’s management to make sure their interests are best protected.


Corporate culture is an important area in business today because it helps dictate how people in the structure will behave.

However, this behavior is not fixed; it can be changed through a reshaping process should this be necessary.

Change in corporate culture can become necessary in certain instances.

One instance is when the environment in which the firm is operating undergoes fundamental change.

The culture may have to be altered Second, when a instry is highly competitive and the environment changes quickly, the culture may have to change as well.

Third, when a firm is mediocre or worse, a change in culture is needed.

Fourth, when the firm is on the threshold of becoming a large company, a change in culture is also required.

Things cannot go along as before.

There has to be greater attention to building teamwork, as opposed to encouraging everyone to go their ways as they did when the firm was small and growing.


㈣ 什么是国际商务英语

学英语啊,E x say英语,ABC夫下英语,Ekoyu口语还挺.好.的,课程是帮我量身制定的,我觉得介格还是不错的,这样的学习也应该能够提供给你很大的进步,我就进步很多了。商务英语重在商务谈判,与外商的交流:(包括:函电,面谈等)英语国际贸易方向也差不多:重在多了些(贸易术语,合同,惯例,单证,信用证的知识等)英语是基础。。但英语的交流面不一样。 像专业知识,教你两遍就会了 还要自己把握啊。可以看下高校里对着两门专业课程的安排。细心的楼主一定会找到自己的方向的。。

㈤ "国际商务专业"用英语怎么说

HND in Business
国际商务专业Specialization in International

㈥ 我的专业是国际商务英语怎么说啊

I major in International Business English.

呵呵 我也是这个专业的

㈦ 关于几个国际商务英语的翻译

经济特区 economic zone
高技术 high technology
证券投资 portfolio investment
自由市场 free market
贸易壁垒 trade barrier
供应过剩 oversupply
对等价值 peer value
经济衰退 economic recession
贸易制裁 trade sanction

㈧ \国际商务英语的缩略语及其翻译

简称SIBE :Score International Business English

㈨ 国际商务英语翻译!

1.while air freight can be the most economical and certainly the speediest for certain categories of goods. 然而,对于某些类货物空运可能是最经济当然也是最快捷的运输方式。

2.shipping costs are an important factor in a proct's price in export marketing. 运输成本是影响产品出口价的一个重要因素。
3.by far the most 迄今最、、、
4.in contrast 相比之下
5.the nature of specific 细节特征
6.fresh proce 新鲜(果蔬)产品,新鲜(农副)产品
7.handle large shipments 处理大批货物
8.overland transportation 陆路运输
9.it is evident that 显然、、、

㈩ 应用英语商务英语国际商务它们的区别在哪里

、 商务英语满足职场需求目内容涵盖商务活动全过程语言载体把核心商务内容放其职场人员和即迈入职场人员目标商务活动常用英语重点种培训辅导商务英语特点主要于其教学专业化、口语化和较强针对性归根底实用性商务英语大特点 商务英语外企职员、销售经理、金融经纪人等高级白领工作所应用英语商务内涵十分广泛每从事商务朋友都要使用英语来进行交流人职场语言交流工具没有哪项语言某些人群专有用语商务英语也例外
1. 经贸英语专业方向
2. 旅游英语专业方向
3. 涉外文秘会计专业方向



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