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发布时间:2023-02-15 04:10:17

1. 伸出或舒展(身体某部)用英语怎么说最合适


2. 英语too full to backfill怎么翻译

too full to backfill翻译成中文是:“太满而无法回填”。







3. 如何制作建筑学作品集


4. 从国际机场到素坤逸的轻轨怎么去

曼谷有两个国际机场,不知道你从哪个机场下飞机呢?如果是素万那普国际机场的话,乘坐机场快线到Makkasan下车在地铁(MRT)Phetchahuri站换乘地铁,坐一站就可以到达素坤逸(Sukhumvit)了。如果是从廊曼机场下飞机的话,在机场6号门等机场巴士A2,坐到终点站胜利纪念碑(Victory Monument),再换乘BTS快轨,坐7站到Asok,这里离素坤逸就不是很远了。

5. 美国教材对孩子学习英语有什么具体的好处

p b To create these sounds, we use our lips to stop the air, and then we push the lips apart again with a puff of air. The b sound is voiced, and the p sound isn't, making them a voiced/unvoiced pair.
bath, path
bull, pull
buy, pie
bride, pride
robe, rope
t d When creating these two sounds, your tongue should briefly touch the front of the tooth ridge, then let go with a small puff of air. The difference between the sounds is the use of our vocal cords. The d sound is the voiced sound, and the t sound is the unvoiced sound.
dime, time
dense, tense
code, coat
tide, tight
spend, spent
k (qu) The sound is made at the back of our mouth by pressing our tongue up against the soft palate, then letting go with a little puff of air. It is an unvoiced sound.
k kite kiss key king kangaroo kitchen kettle kick
qu question quarrel quilt quiet queen quarter
f v These sounds happen when we place our bottom lip lightly against our upper teeth, and push air through the small space between the teeth and the lip. The f sound is unvoiced, and the v sound is voiced.
leaf, leave
few, view
refuse, reviews
proof, prove
s z The z sound and s sound are articulated in the same area at the front of our mouth as the t sound and d sound, at the tooth ridge. The tooth ridge is that area right behind our upper front teeth. The z sound is voiced, and the s sound is unvoiced.
s sun sofa silver sink sign soap six seven
z zero zipper zoo zebra
r When speaking with the General American Accent, Americans use a rhotic r, which means we say it in all parts of the word, including when it occurs after a vowel sound. The tip of the tongue may be raised or lowered, some people bunch the tongue up in the center of the mouth, and some bunch the tongue up at the back of the mouth. The important feature of creating an r sound is that the very back of our tongue, actually down in our throat, is constricted.
r rope rock rainbow rose ring rug rabbit
h That sound comes from way down in my throat. I'm restricting the space in my throat just a little bit while pushing the air out.
hear, ear
heat, eat
his, is
hitch, itch
hold, old
j It begins with with the tongue in the same position as d sound, with the tip of the tongue right behind the upper front teeth. Then the sound gets released in the same place inside the mouth. The area right behind the tip of the tongue is so near to the tooth ridge that friction happens.
j jewel jam jacket juice jump jelly jeep jar
m We create that sound by pressing our lips together, the same as we do for the b sound and p sound.
m mother empty coming from column
n We press the tip of our tongue against the tooth ridge. We use our tongue to completely block the air from leaving our mouth, and we push the air out our nose.
n tune ne loon noon
l The l sound happens way at the front of our mouth, with our tongue touching the tooth ridge in the same place we touch it for a t sound.
play, pray
climb, crime
arrive, alive
w In English, the w sound is created by making a small circle with our lips, then sticking them out enough so they don't touch our teeth and cause friction. Then we voice the sound.
Vest, west; vine, wine; verse, worse.
二、有些辅音字母有多个发音。如:字母c后面接a,o,u的时候,c的发音与字母k发音相同,叫做“hard c sound”,当字母c后面接e,i,或y的时候,通常c的发音与字母s发音相同,叫做“soft c sound” 。有时在e或i前面,c会发/ʃ/音。字母g后面接a,o,u的时候,所发的音叫做“hard g sound” ,当字母g后面接e,i,或y的时候,有时g的发音与字母j的发音相同,叫做“软g音”。x在单词中间或结尾时发ks音,在单词中间时有时发gz音,在单词起始位置时发z音。y在单词起始位置时发音为辅音y,单词或音节中间或结尾时被当做元音,在重读开音节里发长元音i-e,在重读闭音节里和词末发短元音i。
To create the ng sound, press the back of the tongue against the soft palate, and, here's the weird part, let the air leave through your nose.
ch It begins with the tongue in the same position as the t sound, with the tip of the tongue right behind the upper front teeth. Then the sound gets released in the same place inside the mouth as the sh sound. The area right behind the tip of the tongue is so near to the tooth ridge that friction happens.
choke chump etch lunch rich search
sh To create the sh sound we make our lips rounded and place the tip of our tongue near the back of the tooth ridge and push air out.
she, shoe, fish, crash
th The tip of your tongue has to be touching the back of your upper front teeth with the tip of the tongue while pushing air out between the tongue and the bony ridge behind the upper front teeth feather leather father mother brother
th bath bathmat three thumb thirsty thief mouth teeth
wh When the wh is followed by either the long o sound or the oo sound, then the word is usually pronounced with an h sound, and only an h sound.
Most wh words (except those followed by the long o or oo sound) in American English are pronounced with an unvoiced w sound.
where, wear
which, witch
whether, weather
whale, wale
pneumatic pneumonia psychology psychological psychologist psychic psychiatric pseudonym
h honor heir herb hour haute
ballet depot faux pas
short a (short a): add, after, bath, plan, crash
short e (short e): end, enter, bend, yes, dress
short i (short i): it, ill, gift, since, drip
short o (short o): odd, on, box, lot, rock
short u (short u): up, us, jump, luck, fun
七、如果一个单词以字母e结尾,前面的元音发长音,叫做重读相对开音节(magic e)。如果一个元音是在一个单词或重读音节的结尾,该元音也发长音,叫做重读开音节,所谓长音就是元音字母的名字。
a-e cape name tape (I would mention that the end of the long a has a very brief short i sound attached.)
e-e these
i-e bite five kite (The long i is a 2-sound vowel that end in a brief short i sound. )
o-e rose nose rope
u-e tube cube June (Notice that the long u sound u-e begins with a very distinct y sound.)
八、当一个单词或音节里有两个元音时,通常第一个元音发长音,第二个元音不发音,叫做vowel digraph。
ai tail 尾巴 rain 下雨 paint 油漆 pain 疼痛 jail 监狱 nail 钉子 rail 铁轨 maid 仆人
ay bay 海湾 ray 射线 way 路 say 说 hay 干草 pay 付钱 May 五月 lay 放置
ee reeds 芦苇 eel 鳗鱼 bee 蜜蜂 peel 剥皮 jeep 吉普车 feel 感觉 see 看见 teeth 牙齿
ea sea 海 meat 肉 peanut 核桃 peach 桃子 eagle 鹰 leaf 树叶 pea 豌豆
ey key 钥匙
oa road 路 toast 土司 toad 蟾蜍 coal 煤 goat 山羊 boat 船 coat 上衣 soap 肥皂
ow rainbow 彩虹 pillow 枕头 yellow 黄的 window 窗口 hollow 中空的 bowl 碗 row 划 low 低的
The short oo sound is considered a back vowel because the sound occurs in the rear of the mouth, using the back of the tongue.
The long oo sound is created with the back of the tongue very high, almost like a hard g sound, but the back of the tongue and the top of the mouth do not actually touch. At the same time as the tongue is high, the lips are made into a small, tight circle.
The aw/au sound is created with the lips open and rounded. The jaw opens, the middle area and tip of the tongue are pushed low, and the back of the tongue is raised and pushed back.
law, l-a-w
draw, d-r-a-w
jaw, j-a-w
yawn, y-a-w-n
crawl, c-r-a-w-l
fault, f-a-u-l-t
haunt, h-a-u-n-t
cause, c-a-u-s-e
taught, t-a-u-g-h-t
caught, c-a-u-g-h-t
The short ea is not just a long e held for less time. The shape of the tongue is actually different. To create the short ea sound, my tongue is much lower in my mouth, and is only slightly rounded upward.
The oi/oy sound and the ou/ow sound. Lucky for you, these are usually pretty easy sounds for ESL students. They are both 2-sound vowels, meaning they are a combination of a vowel sound and a short oo sound or short i sound. Can you hear the short i sound at the end of the oi sound (oi sound)? How about the short oo sound at the end of the ow sound (ow sound)?
oi sound (oi sound): boy, moist, choice, toy, coin
ow sound (ow sound): brown, mouse, count, house, town
When I talk about r-controlled vowels, I am talking about vowel sounds a, e, i, o and u that are said differently because they are followed by the letter r. Or, to say it another way, the r sound changes the way we say the vowel sound before it.
Which sounds change when before an r sound? One of the easiest to hear is the ar sound. This is usually spelled as "a" plus "r" as in the word "car". C-a-r. Say the ar sound alone (ar sound). Now, if you learned a British pronunciation of English, you were probably taught not to say the r sound at the end of the word "car" unless the next word begins with a vowel sound. In the United States, we always say the r sound. Other words with the ar sound are farm, start, and smart. Say those words after me. Farm. Start. Smart.
The next r-controlled vowel is the "or" spelling, which sounds like or.
Most non-native speakers understand and expect the long er sound in words spelled er, ir, and ur, To create the long er sound, the tongue arches upward toward the back of the hard palate. The back sides of the tongue curve upward and touch the back teeth, while the center of the tongue remains lower. The tip of the tongue may turn upward, but it must not touch the tooth ridge.

6. 首字母是a,e,i,o,u的单词有哪些


7. 英语辅音的发音问题

/ʒ/ 发音时,舌面向硬腭抬起,舌面前部靠近上齿龈和前硬腭形成缝隙,气流从这个缝隙中摩擦而出,形成此音,声带振动,和维吾尔语字母ژ的发音近似。

/ʤ/ 发音时,舌面向硬腭抬起,舌面前部抵住上齿龈和前硬腭形成阻碍,气流冲破阻碍后摩擦而出,形成此音。声带振动。和维吾尔语字母ج的发音近似。

Two episodes ago, I talked about the sh sound, then in our last episode I told you how the sh sound relates to the zh sound. Today I'm going to continue down this line of related sounds by moving on to the j sound. The j sound is pronounced (j sound) and is the beginning sound of the word jump.
Just like the sh sound and zh sound, the j sound is the same in an American accent or British accent.
I hope you remember that the sh sound and zh sound were fricatives. That means they are created by causing friction in the vocal tract. Also, they're continuous sounds that can be held for a long time. I also explained that the sh sound is unvoiced, meaning the vocal cords don't vibrate ring the sound, and the zh sound is voiced, meaning that the vocal cords do vibrate ring the sound.
Let's review the zh sound. The zh sound is created with the front of the tongue somewhat flat toward the back of the tooth ridge. The air passes in a flat stream between the front of the tongue and the back of the tooth ridge. It sounds like (zh sound). Say that sound after me: (zh sound). Since the zh sound is a continuous consonant, I can hold it for a long time (held zh sound).
The j sound is similar to the zh sound except that, at the beginning of the sound, my tongue presses against my tooth ridge, completely blocking the air for a short amount of time. Then, when the tongue is released, or is let go from the tooth ridge, the front of the tongue stays really close to the tooth ridge. This causes friction just like the the zh sound. Listen to the j sound (j sound): jump, joy, judge.
When I'm working with students, there are three different problems I hear with people trying to proce a j sound in an American accent.
The error I hear most frequently when procing a j sound is not stopping the air completely at the beginning of the sound. So if we have the word jump, I hear (zh)ump instead. Can you hear the difference: jump, (zh)ump? Again, that was jump, (zh)ump.
For some people, the j sound is easier to pronounce when it's spelled d-g-e, as in the word judge. This is because they see the letter d, which also stops the air, causing a very nice j sound. The part that can be a little confusing is that there is not actually a d sound in the d-g-e spelling; it's only a j sound.
The second problem I hear with the j sound is adding a vowel sound to the end of a word that ends in a j sound. So the word judge gets pronounced judge-y. Sorry native Korean speakers, I'm talking about you. Be especially careful with the j sound at the end of a word.
And finally, the third problem I hear is unvoicing the j sound. Remember how the sh sound and zh sound are an unvoiced/voiced pair? Well, we also have an unvoiced version of the j sound: the ch sound.
Listen to the difference between the j sound, which is voiced, and the ch sound, which is not voiced (j sound, ch sound; j sound ch sound).
Here are a few j sound/ch sound minimal pairs to help you practice the difference. I'll say the pair and leave time for you to practice by repeating after me.
badge, batch
junk, chunk
edge, etch
ridge, rich
lunge, lunch
And, before I end today, here are a few words that are pronounced with the j sound. Again, I'll leave time for you to repeat.



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