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发布时间:2022-12-09 12:32:15

‘壹’ 俄罗斯人英语






1. The Russians were in constant pursuit of a warm water port.


2. Just remember that the Russians generally painted black past the half way mark to limit visibility from the surface.


3. SMC has 3, 296 workers, 90% of which are Angolan and 10% are foreigners, including Russians and Brazilians.


‘贰’ 谁能用英语介绍下俄罗斯,谢谢。

Russia is located in northeastern Europe and northern Asia. It is the largest country in the world.Russia shares boundaries with the Arctic Ocean on the N, northern Pacific Ocean on the W, China.
it has long history and has many kinds of culture,it combined the western cultures. Russians like operas,ballet and vodka.when ther meet the others ,they shake hands with them.being invited,they take flowers as their gift.they hate the number 13,while they think 7 is a sigh of happiness and success.

‘叁’ 用英文介绍俄罗斯的国家历史、文化、风土人情等







英语:Russia's unique folk customsThe russians on wine have a special complex. Ladies generally like to drink champagne and wine, and vodka is men's most beloved. Russians like pure white wine, and like mugs big cup to drink down. This is their gracious romantic, informal section of the character of the reflection.Russia useful bread and salt to meet the honored guest habit. A the hotel, and beheld two from a fairy tales out of the Russian girl dressed tender go forward, they affectionately smartly, then handed you a piece of bread rolls, put a little above salt cylinder. You piece of bread with the salt to eat. With bread and salt reception guests, because salt in history is very expensive, has followed so far, say to the honored guest friendly and respect.Set of OuHuo sets conditions is Russia's most typical, one of the most popular folk handicraft. Set of accidentally is using color paint describe, mostly to wear traditional Russian folk dress wrapped head scarf, carrying a-tisket, very bright and lovely. Sets conditions price with wood quality and proction process, fine different degree of cheap has $1 to $3.Russia's names always make Chinese headache, Russia's name all by name, the father says and last name three components, and have great gabito, nickname and say, name is equivalent to the Chinese name, namely formal name. Name and great gabito, nickname is mutual correspond. In the actual exchange, to keep shout name is very necessary. The Soviet period, most commonly called a comrade and citizen, and nowadays, men and women are common, "mother ShenNa" namely man, man pronunciation, "connect content assorted honk" is a lady, girl, miss titles. The teen years to five, sixty years old, can use for older women, don't call somebody else granny "ba bush quack,", that is highly polite, Russia are afraid of being said she old. For boys, can keep shout "youth".Etiquette, send a flower is the greatest of gifts, but must remember, flower must send singular. Chocolate is universal gift, value needn't too high, should be "that counts. Chinese if give relatives and friends to bring a gift, wood set of dolls are preferred. Wood of doll also called "matvey, liao assorted card", is small to large layer sets up. Shawl, wood procts, uniforms, the military kettle, mementoes, crystal procts, as well as telescopes, night-vision goggles, craft watches, pocket watch, etc. Large and Russian tea drink. Of Russian of vodka is the best gift.

‘肆’ 俄罗斯人用英语怎么说

KK: []
DJ: []
1. 俄国的;俄语的
1. 俄国人;俄语

‘伍’ 俄罗斯人用英文翻译

俄罗斯人:[医]Russians; Muscovite
英文也可以读作:n. 俄国人,俄罗斯人,俄语( Russian的名词复数 );
俄国人,俄罗斯人,俄语( Russian的名词复数 )

‘陆’ 俄罗斯人 用英语怎么说


‘柒’ 求一篇关于介绍俄罗斯的100词英语作文

Russia, or the Russian Federation, is the largest country in the world and is so vast that it has eleven time zones and a coastline of more than 23,000 miles. Russia is located in northeastern Europe and northern Asia.Russia shares boundaries with the Arctic Ocean on the N, northern Pacific Ocean on the W, China.

It has long history and has many kinds of culture,it combined the western cultures. Russians like operas,ballet and vodka.when ther meet the others ,they shake hands with them.being invited,they take flowers as their gift.they hate the number 13,while they think 7 is a sigh of happiness and success.

Known mostly for its natural resources, Russia has more than 100,000 rivers, and the world’s largest forest, and largest lake (Lake Baikal). Russian is the predominant language, but more than 100 languages are spoken throughout the country. Russia is famous for the Bolshoi Ballet, dancers such Rudolf Nureyev and Anna Pavlova, classical music composers Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, and literary masers such as Tolstoy, Pushkin, and Dostoevsky. Russia is also known for its fine vodka and caviar. Moscow is the capital and largest city in Russia, followed by St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

‘捌’ 用英文怎么夸老外

awesome 和 cool 基本一个意思,都是老外喜欢用来夸赞的.
you're awesome 就是你太棒了的意思.
其他基本就是great , good, excellent, nice...
good job, well done, 都是赞人家做得好的.
bravo是意大利语,不过说英语的人也很喜欢说,就是好的意思,great! = bravo!

‘玖’ 俄罗斯人英文怎么说

Russians 俄罗斯人

‘拾’ 一个女外教,俄罗斯的,长得好漂亮!我想称赞她,用英语怎么跟她说外国的文化礼仪不太懂啊!

科拉西哇呀 街舞是咯(漂亮的姑娘) 辛巴机器哪呀 街舞是咯(让人喜爱的姑娘) 大方点的说!



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