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发布时间:2023-01-14 05:10:44

㈠ 为什么俄罗斯一年四季都喜欢戴帽子


㈡ 俄罗斯的帅哥们,为什么都喜欢在头顶上戴一个"锅盖式"大沿帽




㈢ 俄罗斯帽子的简介

卡尔梅克的女子服装比男子服装更多保留了古代蒙古族的特征, 但由于受到周围民族的影响, 其服饰也有很多变化。衣服的主体是长款系扣连衣裙, 它取代了传统的对襟无扣长袍。已婚妇女必须在连衣裙外面套上对襟无扣长坎肩, 其颜色应区别于连衣裙的颜色。辫子套也是服装的一部分, 它由黑色丝绒、丝绸或呢子制成, 套在垂在胸前的两条长长的辫子上。辫子套下端还经常用银色垂饰装点。
已婚女人的古老礼帽外形独特。毡制帽圈用不同宽度的带子制成, 以丝绸和锦缎缠绕, 并装饰着大量的绣花布条和金线银线。佩戴时, 帽圈高低部分的分界应正好位于额头中间。男女均可佩戴这种华丽的帽子。帽子上必须有红色丝缨,这是区分卫拉特人和卡尔梅克人的古老标志。卡尔梅克人在自己的服装中一直保留这一特点, 至今他们称自己为“红缨民族”。

㈣ 谁知道俄国人冬天带的帽子,是圆柱型的,不是我们国内那样的,求大神解答!!!


㈤ 外国小孩生日戴的尖尖的纸帽子

History of Birthday Celebrations Some historians believe that one of the first things people began celebrating once they figured out how to tell when a year had passed by studying the moon, was in fact the birthday. Like many of our modern celebrations, the origins of the birthday celebration lay deep in human history, pre-dating all the world’s major religions. Some historians believe that one of the first things people began celebrating once they figured out how to tell when a year had passed by studying the moon, was in fact the birthday. In many ways, this celebration, and many of the traditions associated with it, like gift giving, birthday cards, birthday cakes, and parties is as old as the human conception of time. Humans were, and still are to a large extent, ruled by superstition. Those who study history believe that ancient humans thought they were haunted and hunted by evil spirits. These spirits, according to the legends, were especially strong when someone was undergoing a change in their life, such as getting married, having a child or, in this case, turning a year older. This is in fact why the tradition of having a party on one’s birthday began. It was believed that by having lots of friends and family around, by laughing and having a good time, that the evil spirits could be kept at bay. Similarly, it is believed that loud noises scared off the evil spirits, which is why we have noise makers and sing songs and such as part of our birthday celebrations. The traditions of birthday card and birthday presents are closely related to this. Ancient people mostly brought good wishes and thoughts for the person whose birthday they were celebrating, in the same way that we bring birthday cards with wishes for the person’s emotional and physical well-being for the next year. Although people didn’t routinely bring presents, it was an especially fortuitous sign if they did, it was supposed to bring the person extra good luck for the next year. Today, when bring well wishes and presents for or friends and family on their birthdays, we are really protecting them from evil spirits, according to ancient humans. Other birthday traditions, like making a wish on candles, also originated from the beliefs about evil and good spirits. There are two lines of thinking about birthday candles; one is that the flames would send a signal to the good spirits or the gods. Another theory about birthday candles is that the smoke and the fire some how warded off the bad spirits. This can been seen in other areas today as many cultures light fires and use smudge sticks, which smoke, to chase away evil spirits. Either way, it is clear that the tradition of blowing out candles was a very early part of the birthday celebration. Lastly, there is the tradition of wearing a hat or a crown. It is believed by most historians that birthday celebrations were the most common among the rich and nobility. This is because these are the only people who could afford to have a party. They could afford things like presents and sweets and candles that went along with having a birthday celebration. It is largely believed that being the king for the day and the tradition of wearing a hat or a crown originated with the celebrations of a birthday among the nobility. As you can see, the birthday celebration is very old and many of the traditions we associate with it are very old too. One that isn’t old is the birthday song. Although people probably have been singing at birthday parties since the very first one, the actual birthday song as we know it didn’t come about until 1935. The melody was written in 1890 by a woman named Mildred Hill. The words were later written by her sister, Patti Hill and published in 1935. The song was made popular in a Broadway play that was staged a couple years later called “As Thousands Cheer.”

㈥ 俄罗斯的军帽为什么那么大有什么历史渊源吗


㈦ 俄罗斯哥萨克人戴的那种黑毛高帽子叫什么帽子在哪能买到


㈧ 在俄罗斯卖帽子和鞋行情怎么样




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