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The Russian character (1)

Series: director of Phoenix Satellite Television News Press Notes: Kunlun Press Author:吕宁思

Located west of Lenin in the Kremlin the National Library is the largest library collections in Europe one of the front door in the library is Dostoevsky's座像. The great nineteenth-century literary Russian thinkers, from the tsar to the Soviet-era times has enjoyed the highest honor, now, the Russian people seem more able to understand the thinkers of this nation was the spirit of this national tragedy of the source of personality and conct how the analysis is profound and enlightening, however.

When we talk about Russian history and culture, national character and experience, and even the process of modernization, we can not
Russia to talk about religion.

Year introced for the formation of the Russian national culture is important. This year, at the Grand Duchy of Kiev, Vladimir and Ross Byzantine emperor's sister Anna to marry the princess, and the announcement of Byzantine Christianity, that is, the Orthodox Church for the state religion of Kiev Ross.

Orthodox introction to ancient Ross Regions advanced civilization, from the original state of ignorance, has accelerated the pace of economic and social development. So far we have all the land in the Russian Orthodox cultural heritage can be seen, from the majestic church buildings, statues drawn to religious music and literary works, it can be said that the formation of the Russian first division national culture. No wonder some American scholars believe that the Russian Orthodox Church has brought to the big four: text, painting, architecture and music.

Politics and religion is the fourteenth century to the seventeenth century the characteristics of political power in Russia, Ivan III, the construction of large-scale construction in the 15 century the Kremlin walls and the walls set up to Assumption Church, Church of Annunciation Church and the angel of the church-based Square, then the rulers of Moscow, the city wants to Rome and Constantinople, following the completion of the third after the second Rome and Jerusalem.

After the October Revolution, Orthodox relations with the Soviet regime, very tight. Early in 1929, the Soviet government announced that the various churches as a "counter-revolutionary forces", the majority of churches were destroyed or shut down, many of the senior priests were exiled to the North and Siberia. According to statistics, in 1917 a Kiev diocese churches have more than 1700 to 1939, the Soviet Union of the church will remain open only about 100.

From 1941 to 1945, as the Orthodox Church in the fight against Germany and France in the Great Patriotic War played a positive role, the Soviet authorities relations with the Orthodox Church is easing, the Soviet Union in 1949 there are 14,470 7 re-opening the church. In 1956, the Government allows the publication of "Bible" Russian. However, as a result of Khrushchev in 1958 that "to overcome the vestiges of capitalism and the struggle against religion," the Orthodox Church will again suffer, to close nearly half of the national church. Brezhnev took office in 1964, stabilizing the life of the Church, but because the official promotion of "atheism", religion is still limited.

In 1985, Gorbachev began the reform of the Orthodox Church once again to recover, and in 1988 Russia imported Byzantine Christian anniversary of 1000, the Soviet Union held a grand celebration, the Russian Orthodox Church Orthodox General Assembly adopted a new statute.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, all religions are the rapid development of the old church back to work, a new church there mushroomed. Moscow at least 350 churches, three monasteries and a nunnery. There are nearly 20,000 Orthodox areas, the five so on more than 30 seminaries and theological schools train students and priests.

Not far from the Kremlin's Cathedral of Christ the Redeemer is to commemorate the 1839 victory over Napoleon in 1812 and built to thank Jesus to save Russia, once the ancient capital of the tallest building in Moscow. However, in winter 5 December, 1931, the three times the artificial explosion flattened a masterpiece, and built on the ruins of the whole of the Soviet Union's largest swimming pool.

January 7, 1995, Christ the Savior Cathedral in the in-situ redevelopment, in September 1997 in the city 850 anniversary of Moscow on the eve of completion. Orthodox festivals nationwide mass ceremony held in the Cathedral.

When we came to Moscow, the real knowledge of the Russian people today for religious piety. After a hundred years of wind and rain, religion seems to have become the Russian people a source of inner quiet.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Orthodox Christmas almost every year there are national leaders to attend the Orthodox mass, Boris Yeltsin, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and sessions almost every year to attend Christmas midnight mass. Today, the Kremlin's relations between the Government and the Orthodox unprecedented friendship, in the maintenance of the Russian cultural and political interests, mutual interests between the Government and the Orthodox Church, Orthodox help the Government to defend the Russian culture and national character, while the Orthodox are in the Government's support to continue with the Roman Catholic Church confrontation.

Orthodox Christmas Eve in 2003, we have witnessed over to the Orthodox Cathedral, a grand occasion for midnight mass. Great All-Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexei II, the main Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov and the government attended a grand solemn midnight mass.

However, this does not mean that religion has been filled with the Russian atmosphere. A survey showed that, in fact, in Russia there are almost 47 percent of Catholics has not the church, 20 percent of Catholics go to church for one year only a few times a week and only 2 percent go to church .

It can be said that the Russian culture and history is the history of religion, and Russian political history inextricably linked with religion. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, religious conflicts, ideological, religious and political aspirations of the grounds of the impact of terrorist acts or even to social stability and economic recovery. It is learned that Moscow authorities have been developed in-house for the conct of some radical religious control and response strategies.

As the saying goes, one person raise one side of water and soil, what kind of nation will have what kind of country. Turning to the Russian people, it is often the word "suffering" the word. Yes, in the world, not a single nation such as the Russian people, in a short span of between three hundred years have suffered so many wars, riots, revolutions and crises. As if in hell and heaven between the rapid ups and ups and downs. And when people ask why, with a total difference to the fate of this nation with the spirit of their distinctive character linked.

When Asians are located in the West of Russia between Europe and Asia can not find the explanation of the mystery, the Russian thinkers have long pointed to reveal the contradictory nature of this nation. Revolution was deported to Russia, Western thinkers, theologians别尔嘉耶夫in his "Russian Thought" there is a famous book: "The Russian people is the most polarized ethnic groups, it is the antithesis of the integration of ... ... people in Russia can be found contradictory characteristics - with the national supreme authoritarian and laissez-faire anarchism and cruel, violent tendencies and good, humane and submissive; religious commitment and the pursuit of truth, indivialism and the strong personal awareness and There is no collective personality; nationalism and boast of their deeds and savior justice, of all mankind; slaves and rebel actions. "

Ⅸ 爱情是什么






Ⅹ 普京具有什么样的俄罗斯性格




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