‘壹’ 为什么中国人到外国坐交通工具说我是中国人他们立刻让座
‘贰’ 我在中国,他在俄罗斯,我是中国人,他是韩国人,我们彼此互相喜欢,但是我总觉得距离太远,而且他比我优
‘叁’ 有个朋友,俄罗斯族,老被当外国人,现在濒临崩溃,怎么办需要看心理医生吗
‘肆’ 俄语我是中国人汉语怎么说
俄语:Я буду китайцем
汉语白话翻译: 亚 白屋呆屋 可依太阿短衣茨耶爱慕
‘伍’ 我是中国俄罗斯族,我觉得我们的语言、文化、宗教都和俄罗斯相似,那我是中国人还是俄罗斯人
‘陆’ 俄语我是中国人怎么说
Я китаец.
一般来说,这样说就够了,如果非要说明性别的话,你可以说 Я китаянка.(女)
Я китайск 好像没有这么说的。我想他是想说Я китайский.语法上来讲是没有错的。但是俄罗斯人好像没有这么说的。只有在说我是俄罗斯人时可以这么说。Я русский.
也可以说我来自中国,在特定的场合,也可以表示我是中国人的意思。Я приехал из Китая.
俄语的阳性形容词一般是以-ский,-ный, -мый等结尾的,而阴性是以-ская, -ная, -мая等结尾的。当然这不是全部,还有其他的形容词结尾形式。
‘柒’ 如果我在外国欧美地区,我说我是中国人,外国人会不会对我另眼相看
‘捌’ 在omegle上聊天,为什么我一说到我是中国人他们就断了我的会话
不过多数不是 我遇到过一个新加坡的大学生我还特地问了他他对中国的看法
他的评价是strong just nice
我遇到过一个俄罗斯的大学生 第一次跟外国人聊天很兴奋所以就保存了 内容如下
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: troll?))
Stranger: heeeey!
Stranger: HI
You: hi
Stranger: кисо куку
You: from where?
Stranger: RU
Stranger: you?)
You: china
Stranger: nice)
You: u?
Stranger: cant see your letters
You: where are you come from?
Stranger: strange... unicode must support it
You: Russia?
Stranger: yep)
Stranger: so
Stranger: how's it going in china?)
You: you mean what?
Stranger: how's the weather for example?)
You: let me see
Stranger: okay))
You: it's so hot
Stranger: hooot...mmm... a dream
Stranger: it's +15 in Msk and i've got no hot water in my place((
Stranger: freezing
You: haha I konw
You: you're in Russia
Stranger: thanks)
Stranger: no, i'm not drinking vodka with my home=bear))
You: let me see......are you sure you're good at english?
Stranger: not VERY good, but i hope my english is enough for this))
Stranger: i'm on EEEPC, so sorry for mistakes
You: that's enough
Stranger: =)
You: I'm not good at english too
You: I'm a student
Stranger: mee too)
Stranger: what's your occupation?
You: student
Stranger: eeemmm... in what sphere?
Stranger: maths? law? physics?
Stranger: media?
Stranger: =)
You: all
You: I'm a high school student
Stranger: school student you mean>
Stranger: oh i see))
You: yes
Stranger: i'm a university student)) 4th year
You: oh...cool
Stranger: nope))
Stranger: i want back too school))))))
You: why
Stranger: lazyness)))
You: I always dreamed that someday I could go to university
Stranger: joling)) Really, only on 4th year in university i'm finallly really interested
Stranger: university is DIFFERENT
Stranger: nobody controls you
You: en that what i want
Stranger: BUT!
You: what
Stranger: exams!
Stranger: if you do not do anything, you'll just fail
Stranger: and that's the point in university
You: I konw....in my school we usually have exams
Stranger: but i wrote about russian schools and U-sies. maybe it's kind a different in china...
Stranger: exams at school... are easier. your teachers help you
You: no in chna we alway preparation for the exams
Stranger: we too. bit school exams are like "home"
You: but now I got free from the exams....i feel much better now
Stranger: rrrr
Stranger: i have the last
Stranger: on thursday((
Stranger: economics
Stranger: and four i already have passed))
You: good luck
Stranger: thanks)
You: i hope you can pass the exam
Stranger: economics in chemical-tecnica university///
Stranger: it's not the thing anyone should worry about
Stranger: =)
Stranger: what's your year at school by the way?
You: maybe i will go to university this year
Stranger: oh, thats nice!
You: i've already have the university entrance examination
You: but i don't konw what's the results
Stranger: really cool! By the way, i know chineese students on my faculity =)
Stranger: oh... that sucks((( I remember how i was waiting for results((
Stranger: it was terrible((
You: yes i'm worry about it
You: i hope my father will be happy when he see my results
Stranger: i think in that case you'll be happy too :)
Stranger: antrance exams are most difficult i think((
You: yes it's difficult
Stranger: when you already are a student.... like in school, sometimes teachers treat you like someone they know... sometimes help, sometimes just let you not to pass exam,...
Stranger: but SOMETIMES
You: en...i have to go to sleep now
Stranger: and you should do everything by yourself. After first exams session, 10 students of 36 in my group have left university
Stranger: mee too))
You: my mother is asking me to go to sleep
Stranger: good night))
You: good night
Stranger: and good luck with exams :)
You have disconnected.
所以做好自己其它的不是我们能左右的 中国的确有非常多的问题
但是我们能做的不多 只能在有限的范围内做最大的努力
PS本人英语实在很烂 经常出现病句 英语果然要好好学
‘玖’ 用俄罗斯语把,我是中国人,我不会讲俄语,也听不懂俄语。你还是别讲了,我一句都没听懂。你会讲中文吗...
Я китае, не говорю по-русски и не понимаю русский язык. Вы больше не говорите, я ничего не понял. а вы говорите по-китайски?